jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 15TH DAY #71*may contain graphic and adult content*i

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Guys. I have a gut feeling (that comes rarely) that JA will be convicted of first-degree murder. It has hit me before but I was afraid it was just my 'wishing and hoping' but no, it is a real intuitive thing. Of course no one needs a gut feeling when it's a slam dunk case but after the KC know.
Or is your gut feeling actually indigestion from having to listen to her and Nurmi? :waitasec:
Arias will never bad-mouth Travis except to call him a pedophile, abuser, someone who is not a family man, a gutter mouth...Ok.
Arias never wrote anything negative in her journal except to say something is 'off' with Travis....OK.
Arias loves everyone completely especially Travis unconditionally. Everything was done to gratify him, his happiness alone was of utmost importance and she demonstrated her love by butchering him...Ok.
Are the questions the jury submits anonymous? If they are, I know I would submit ridiculous questions to scare JA. Even if never published or openly asked, so long as they are read to the attorneys...that's all I'd need....

Are you afraid of needles?
How does murdering someone impact the Law of Attraction?
How did you manifest the DP for yourself?

THANK YOU for making me laugh and shake off some of the sickness I caught from listening to Nurmi and looking at Jodi this morning!!:floorlaugh:
Hey, Jodi--You can call Mr. Martinez by his first name. Juan is going to get your a$$ convicted of 1st Degree murder and you're going to the death house. He doesn't need the respect of a psychopathic anal-crazed freak like yourself.

Whatever you call him, he is the one person in your life who is going to completely control your entire future. You'll always have to ask someone to use the bathroom, take a shower, to have an extra packet of sugar and when to go to bed. Your life is over.

And Mr. Martinez will be busy with his next case while you rot away, forgotten. He will only remember Travis and his family.

I had to leave this morning and missed the whole morning there anything of importance that I should go back and look at? And what is this....her calling JM 'Juan"....when? why? TIA.
Does anyone else think Jodi is sending messages to this "Matt" person through her testimony? She just dropped him in the mud about having unregistered guns. Jodi's not in any position to be pissing off people who have devastating information about her. Matt's connected to those letters and will roll on her when it comes down to the bottom line. I wouldn't blame him and hope he understands finally what kind of person she is.

Yes, I believe she did that through Brian Carrs TV appearance last week also. I believe she is still tampering with a witness.
Jodi is quite chatty today and her memory seems to have returned. I hope the jury sees what a filthy liar she is. I hate her.

I need to go check out our court reporter thread! I may read there instead of watching this afternoons redirect. I can't handle JA and Nurmi.
I think Matt flipped state

and I think Arias opened the door to Juan calling him in rebuttal on a lot of issues :twocents:
I agree with you - I'm not crazy about this judge either, she needs to run a much tighter ship. The fact that she can never manage to start on time bugs me to no end. One of the most unprofessional qualities is tardiness. It's dragging this trial out and not respecting the jurors time and lives. The schedule is up to her, why not work Fridays and Saturdays occasionally? Why not start earlier and end later? Seems lazy to me.

HOWEVER, that being said - I don't believe she can mess around with a death penalty case and allow any room for them to come back and say she didn't get a fair trial because her side wasn't allowed to present something. I think she's just being extra careful in that regard.

I completely agree with you BUT what if I told you the crawling pace is part of the price you pay to avoid an adverse decision at the appellate level? I am trusting that what we may perceive to be lax and inefficient trial management is not what it seems. There is a lot going on in the background, their is parry and thrust, pleadings we never see, daily requests for a mistrial, regular accusations of prosecutorial misconduct and ineffective representation--and that's just the press!

I have confidence (in spite of the CA result) that twelve average people can hear an edited captioned sex tape and view it as the manipulation it is. I consider myself an average person and quite honestly none of this sex stuff is illegal or even unusual in the world of young sexually active people these days.

It was unusual and rare in the Mormon world, certainly to Travis. I thought it was particularly interesting that he was amazed at his own surprise at his blossoming sexuality. This is the type of conversation you might expect from a teenager having his first sexual experiences. Even the braggadocio where he says, "how many men can..." He thinks he might be a stud but isn't sure. He knows who would know--Jodi would. He knew she had much more experience than he had and he was asking her for confirmation that he was unusually competent in bed.

So sad. Tragic that she took advantage of his sexual naivete to milk him in every possible way. Travis did not die "in his sexual sin" as one poster put it. In the Christian religion, Jesus reads hearts and I am certain that his heart of compassion earned him the proper place in the life to come. I hope his family believes this.
I always get locked in the old like when I was a kid and my folks would leave and realize later they forgot me (big family -lol...not abuse :)

OT but as you can see from my screen name I have 7 children and I did this once. :blushing:

I thought he was with his dad and his dad thought he was with me. I waved goodbye to the crew as they were backing out of the drive. I was headed to the grocery store for a relaxing, no kids shopping trip lol. It dawned on me about 2 miles down the road I hadn't actually seen him in the van. Go home to find him in the den watching Blues Clues without a care in the world. He was 4. Scared me so bad I did headcount for months after!

Poor kid. Being the youngest always has benefits but there are definitely disadvantages to having a worn out mom with so many brothers and sisters too.

I just cannot bear to watch Nurmi and his driveling nonsense, are they just making this crap up as they go along? UNREAL. Even MORE disturbing is how this Judge is allowing this to continue?? I understand it's a DP Case, but at some point the Judge HAS to have some discretion and control of HER Courtroom, she is letting the Defense run the show. I don't know how much more of Squirmi Nurmi I can stomach...all three of them make me physically ill. ALSO, I thought this was pretty huge! I guess, Arias's little bother Joey is posting ALL over his facebook page about the trial and his sister! The other web group about the case I belong too brought this up last night.

Do you remember her brother's name or have a link for his Facebook? Would love to see what he's writing there. TIA! :)
if jodi isn't interested in TA anymore as a potential husband and is no longer 'in love' with him, why in the hell is her entire journal about him? why isn't she talking about some hot guy she met and wants to get to know?

i just don't see how the jury can NOT see how obsessed she is with this guy. together, broken up, living in mesa, living in CA, it's travistravistravistravis all the time.

plus i'm beginning to see why she flitted from one crappy job to another. it cut into her 'journaling' time! has anyone in the history of mankind ever done as much navel gazing as jodi arias?

ITA. I almost spewed today when she testified that TA had proposed to her...once...over the phone. At least, she believed he meant it.

that's exactly what I see when I see his fb page.
I also don't think it's fair for him to be blamed for any comments made on his fb page. *shrug* guess that's just me. I felt sorry for him when he was in court, I feel sorry for him now. He does have one status update that said "I don't have to impress anyone but myself", I hope he keeps that attitude :)

Totally agree with this. He is a young man already in a difficult time in life and then THIS. I am shocked he still has facebook and has not legally changed his name. I have 3 sons and I cannot imagine how they would have handled something like this. Heck, there are times I have to text my 25 year old son who is an Officer in the Coast Guard and inform him his facebook status is totally inappropriate....:what:
that's exactly what I see when I see his fb page.
I also don't think it's fair for him to be blamed for any comments made on his fb page. *shrug* guess that's just me. I felt sorry for him when he was in court, I feel sorry for him now. He does have one status update that said "I don't have to impress anyone but myself", I hope he keeps that attitude :)

I would not even hold off color comments against him. I think this is even worse for him, than living through the death of a family member. To have a family member accused of this, and to know she admitted it and now he is trying to sort out what the truth is. Can he let himself think his sister is a monster and did this out of sheer stalker anger? Is it easier for him to cope right now thinking she tried to defend herself? On top of what must be tormenting him, his father is very ill.

Just the little glimpses we have seen of him give a little glimmer of light that this is a good kid, even more grown up than his age. He has a lot of great friends. It would be nice to know that as many as possible will survive this already tragic event in life...
I was thinking while changing the kitty litter (I had to I had three babies insisting), even though she says her family had all these cars; even though she says her male sibling/father has illegal guns with silencer no less, it is still premeditation!

Why? It doesn't matter who car she uses or gun, she had a plan to have a car to drive with gas cans to avoid gas stations, turn off her cell phone, stand up Ryan to go to Mesa.
She had a plan (knowledge of a crime); she had 1000 miles to reflect to change her mind to go through this murder plan (reflection) which we know she didn't. She had time for reflection during sex and when Travis was fiddling on the computer and she running around setting up the murder. She had time to reflect while taking the photos. Not once did she stop the plan and walk away. This is the jury instruction (as I understand it) of premeditation. Plan, Knowledge of the plan reflection to reconsider of that plan. So her testimony today means nothing about throwing her family under the bus, her plan was still there.

The cats are happy now :)


Do you do your best thinking while changing litter? :giggle:
Matt M has stated he will LIE for JA; therefore, it would be useless to call him. Many people are saying get him on the stand....there is a reason he is not there.

he said that before.....i have a feeling things have changed. the defense won't touch him but the prosecution might.
also she states she was in Pasadena to see DBs sisters new baby....whole reason for going there in the 1st place......gets to Pasadena at 8:30p and never gets in touch with DBs sister and leaves headed for TA. Who goes to see a new baby at/after 8:30p....drives all that way for that very reason but cannot get in touch with someone to actually visit them/baby and leaves.... so strange! PREMED!
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