Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 8TH DAY #43 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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It was Thursday she had to get home to work Friday (awkward pause..) I don't know if just needed to get home..

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This is unreal. My heart hurts so bad for Travis' family right now. I thought for sure she'd at least try to say that he pulled the gun or something. Who on Earth would believe this was self defense?

That story is supposed to make the jury believe a reasonable person would be in fear for their life? UNREAL!

JM is going to destroy her! I don't think the jury would even need the cross to find her guilty at this point.

:furious: :furious:
Why did you cuddle and kiss MR. Burns?

Well, we were hanging out on the couch, watching a movie ...

oh my god in heaven

Wonder if it was a Slasher horror movie?

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Her lies are getting very I am stepping away for a few.
That was the quickest murder explanation (if you can even call it that) I've ever heard in my life!

Now she's gleefully rambling about hooking up w/ Ryan Burns?! We are totally missing something. I'm so lost & I've been following this case since years back when she murder him.
Nurmi back up questioning JA . . . .

yesterday when you left us describing taking a photoshoot of TA in his bathroom . . . why was shower selected for these pics?
It was for the water - we were going for a certain look with the water

where was your luggage and your personal items for this photo shoot
I think my camera had been put away - I didn't really even bring it out for this part.

when you were in the bathroom did you have a gun with you - holding onto a knife?

pictures in the shower - what happened once he gets in shower
I am taking pics of him - we were trying out different poses . . we were . . . . background wasn't that great . . . taking photos going thru them and deleting them

at one point he was sitting . . few feet away so water didn't get on camera - at one point when I went to delete photos - the camera slipped out of my hand . . . I caught it like a football - it bounced and landed on the mat - I was crouching by the shower I was on the mat or the edge of the mat

what happens when you dropped the camera
at that point - TA flipped out . . . he stood up . . .screamed I was a stupid idiot - he body slammed me on the tile - he told me a 5 y/o could hold the camera better than I can . . .when he screamed @ me there was spit coming out or could have been water . . I ran dowdn the hallway . . . . I went into the closet - last time I ran dodwn the hall he caught me last summer

there was an incident when he was really upset . . . whole incident (big drink water)

previous summer in 2007 - I got hired @ PF Changs . . . they needed my social security card . . . I assumed it was in boxes in TA's garage - I been looking for it . . . I called TA to ask to look for it - he said sure - it was a free phone call @ 11 at night. . . the door was locked to the garage . . .went around to sliding glass door . . he had installed doggie door - I

blue light 2 people making out - she stood up = rehooked her bra - he stood up and wiped his mouth - it was TA

I left and didn't look for SS card . . . called Dad next day

Then talked to TA and told him it was ok if he told me he was dating someone else. . . .

were you in the area of laundry room when this happened. . . he got upset hit the wall door frame with his palm . . . I jumped off the washing machine to see what noise banging over and over - he is banging his head repeatedly on the linen closet . . .

he was mumbling under his breath - he was saying. . .
I finally said his name to get his attention - he screamed What . . . looked @ me like a mad man
I ran down the hall - he caught my wrists and pulled me around - he explained it was just a girl he met in Phoenix and they would not be seeing each other again

Exhibit #160
was that a picture you intentionally took?
no it wasn't intentional (I dropped it?)
#161 - was this picture you intentionally took
I didn't take that

showing exhibit #159 - is that the last picture you intentionally took of TA (when he looked @ camera)
I took it intentionally - I don't know what order they went in
when he slmmed you donw onto the ground after ddrop the camera how do you feel
I was scared - I was thinking crap - I was doing everything to avoid what happened downstairs . . . he is pissed again . . he is feraking out and I am freaking out . . . I ran down hallway and I could hear his footsteps he was chasing . . . .

what were you thinking he was going to do
who knows I could have died - he already tried to kill me - if he would have held on my neck a little longer I could have died . . . .

In the closet I remembered where he kept the gun on the top shelf - I climbed up and got it . . . he got in and I turned around and pointed it at him so he would stop chasing me

#170 - (meticulous closet)
grabbed gun from his closet - point to where the gun was
it is not shown in this picture but it would have been up here . . . .
she points to top left hand corner of the closet builtins

told us you knew the gun was there - I had known he had it . . I found it when I was cleaning - he used to give me projects to clean . . . . there is also a seat and I moved seat around to stand on it to get up there to clean

you grabbed gun and gone out thru closet
#162 . . . look @ that picture how did we get to that point in time
I don't know how that picture was taken
what happened in between time you grabbed gun and what we see here - what happened
when I grabbed the gun - ran out of the closet he was chasing me I turned around in the middle of the bathroom - I pointed it at him with both hands . . . he came at me like a linebacker 0 the gun went off - I didn't mean to shoot him - I didn't know I shot him . . . it went off near the tile toward the wall near the scales . . . we were struggling and wrestling and he is a wrestler in high school - when he had done that before . . . I can't get out of those holds

he screamed @ me and said "I will f@cking kill you *****" . . . he call me names because I dropopedd his camera - called me a F'in idiot and saying a 5 y/o could hold camera better than me

I was crying and running and I pointed it at him . . . to get him to get idea to stop - he wouldn't stop . . .after the gun went off - I thought crap now he is really going to be pissed . . . I though I shot a hole in the wall - didn't know I shot him . he tried to kill me before

there is a lot of that day I don't remember - lot of gaps . . . don't remember pictures. . . now I see them I remember them . . . remember taking pictures but not the poses

he said kill you ***** - you were underneath him trying to get away
he said that right after I brok away from him . . remember almost nothing . . there are things that have come back over the years . . . there is a huge gap I don't know if I blacked out or what - huge gap . . . remember ddriving in the desert - little ictures come back in my mind

do you remember stabbing TA
I have no memory of stabbing him

do you remember exhibit #162 - dragging him across the floor?

I just remember trying to get away from him

exhibit #73 - do you remember placing him in the shower
shakes head no - no sorry that's no

(her voice is breaking a little)

you told us that after running away from him you don't have any clear memorites of what happened after that until hours later
a few memories - but . . .. not all clear

big memory of putting knife in the dishwasher - I put knife in dw before but Idon't know if it was that day

knife was where?
it was upstairs . . . . I don't think it had been touched by either of us since he used it to cut the rope

what else remember
I remember I was in bathroom I remember dropping the knife and it clanged to the tile - made a noise I remember screaming - don't remember anything after that - not immediately

where he was when you were screaming
I think he was next to me on the floor - don't know - I was in the bathroom

what else remember?
not much

not much mean nothing?
I remember more the feeling of that time - not pictures and things I can bring back

tell us about the feeling
it was like mortal terror - I pissed him off the worst I ever seen him pissed off . . . more than ever before - I thought ***** I really really pissed him off - he was angry and he wasn't going to stop - he wasnt' stopping

did you fear he was going to kill you
for sure - he was going to kill me yes - he almost did that before

why did you believe him when he said kill you *****
he never said that before - he had taken me almost to that point without that threat and now he was clearly making that threat

last memory sitting on bathroom floor screaming
I don't know if sitting just remember dropping it the knife . . . going thru my head . . .I couldn't believe what happened and I couldn't take any thing back that had happened I couldn't rewind the clock . . . .

did you realize all that had happened
just remember dropping the knife and screaming

in the bathroom dropped knife . . .what is next point in time you had memory
I remember driving I thought I was driving west - sun in my eyes for awhile - I didn't know where I was going - didn't have my gps . . .hit a lot of stoplights - eventually I was in the desert - don't know where I was at it got dark

that was first more or less clear memory after

did you have thoughts about what happened

ja's mom is wiping tears

At that point in time pulling away and driving away - did you have the gun with you
I don't remember bringing the gun with me but I remember throwing it in the desert

what about the rope he tied you up . . did you take that with you
what you did with that?
eventually it went into a dumpster
it was behind gas station I think somewhere after St George - it was getting light out where ever I was parked at that moment

do you remember . . . .. when you were driving was there blood on you?
yes - when I finally came to - I saw there was blood on my hands - didn't have my shoes - I was in middle of nowhere and I pulled over . . . I was really thirsty - had case of water from Costco in the trunk - washed my hands with water as well - got a pair of shoes

have water - clean blood off yourself . . did you stop and clean self before or after disposing of the weapons

I don't remember what happened to theknife - it wasn't in the car with me . . . .the gun was when I threw it out . .. the rope was another stop

full realization . . . I don't know how full it was but I knew it was really bad and my life was probably done now . . .
at this point in time did you believe TA was dead . . .
I believed that - bugt cuz I didn't have any clear memory

restate question

explain to us if you believe if TA was alive or dead - did you believe he was alive
I didn't know but I didn't think he was at that point
was there a point you hoped he was
yes of course

I wish that it was just a nightmare I could wake up from - find out everything was still the same way

did you still love him
yeah I did

Still love him now
yeah it is a different love but still do

after clean self up - dispose of gun in the room
JA crying tears

I started looking around for the charger that I thought I left cuz Matt hadn't answered his phone . . I started cleaning out the car . . . I found it under the seat . . . no reception after I started driving one bar then two then none. . .

voice mails started coming thru . . . don't know if texts or not - a lot of time had elapsed - people wondering where I was . . . irresponsible of me to hang out with TA but that always happened other responsibities went to back burner

leslie expected me, ryan expected me, saw a sign Las Vegas 100 miles away - saw hoover dam - check point - let me stop . . . at hoover dam - realized in really deep trouble - what I could do to delay the inevitable . . .

phone was working then - why not just dial 911 and tell them what happened
I was scared - couldn't imagine calling 911 and telling them what I had just done - scared what would happen - scared a lot of things - my family, myself, what would happen . . . thinking of having to explain that. . . how the day ended up unfolding . . .really scared . . .scared going thru checkpoint they are going to pull me over and this is it

you were to be in Utah - Ryan and Leslie - you mentioned delaying the inevitable . . .
knew I messed up really badly . . . inevitable was not something I could run from

it was different this time it was heightened . . . .

sense of remorse
I wanted to rewind the clock and just . . . . so that had never had happened I was thinkin if I would not have dropped the camera there could have been other steps that could have happened if I ran left instead of right . .

regretted not taking alternative steps
objection -leading
sustained rephrase

were you angry @ self?
I was feeling a whole lot of emotions - mostly very scared - very upset . . . it's hard to explain because I just wanted to die


did you contemplate killing yourself at that point in time
not in that very moment but I did thereafter

lets stay in that moment for now . . .delay inevitable - can't run from this - people waiting for you what did you decide to do?
umm . . .I knew my life was pretty much over but . . I didn't want anyone to know that had happened or that I did it so I started taking steps to cover up that I was there - did whole bunch of things to make it seem it was never there . . pulled over @ hoover dam - called ryan and leslie at that point . . leslie said we called ta because we know he still talks to you - so I thought ok they left a vm so I left a vm . . .told ryan and leslie I got lost . . .his vm I was trying to say that too . . I was trying to sound cheery . . . I hit # to delete it and try it again . . talking too fast in this one and crying and realized it took too long . . . hit 3 and erased message . . . . left a message - listened to that one . . .

done to make it seem you were not in TA's home
I thought it would throw the scent off for a little while so to speak
after you made calls to ryan, leslie and TA's voice mail - what do next
kept driving past vegas
where intending to go
I realized to keep up that pretense I needed to stick to schedule as much as possible - show up in Utah and make an appearance and go home.

whatever going on that day - it would have been a briefing . . .
overall intent going to Utah spend time with Ryan Burns?
whole reason for the trip and see places and photography

driving from vegas to Utah - did you contemplate what sort of behavior Burns was expecting out of you when you got there . . . I was contemplating whatever behavior anyone expected of me. . . tried to be normal self. . . happy go lucky self that I always tried to bes

how did you try to act in front of Leslie
just positive not emotional
what about Ryan . . .exchanged texts and budding relationship what would be normal with Mr. Burns?
didn't know - just hanging out and act like I just got lost - oh that is just Jodi so it's good

objection - overruled
just trying to act like myself . . . what expectations ryan might have based upon previous dialogue
he didn't expect sex or anything like that

contemplating what he would expect sexual intercourse?
not anything we discussed
physical contact of a sexual nature anything he was expecting
no - don't know what you mean by sexual nature
your understanding of him wanting to kiss

did you feel he had expectation that this time together would be romantic
I don't know how romantic - I was going with idea we would hang out have fun and see if there was any spark or not

did you kiss Ryan in Utah?
eventually we kissed
yes I went to sleep
why kiss & cuddle with Mr. Burns
showed up @ his house - given me directions there - hanging out watching a movie - on couch, bed, love sack in his room, scary movie - he was laying next to me not really touching . . I felt safe right there - I figured if I don't kiss him at all . .. I wanted things to seem like normal like I didn't justdo what I just did

that was a pretense you kept up for a day or so with Mr. Burns
not even that - gone to resteraunt and business briefing - it was Thursday night I had to work Friday - needed to get home - slept and set alarm for 2 or 3 hours and then went back home

drive arouind with mr. burns - remember testimony of officer gilletti . . . pulled you over for license plate upside down . . did you put it upside down?
any idea how that happened
Um I told Ryan that...
objecation - hearsay

Now that we are done with the part of slicing and dicing TA
JA is now completely back to normal
Lying comfortably and in her element
I am so sick at my stomach.
People believe her (women on HLN last night believe she was battered) only takes one to sympathize with her. After the CA trial I started looking at the justice system so differently.
JM scares me because I am afraid he is going to "bully" her so to speak and turn the jury/ a juror. She needs to be in prison....she knows it...she says her life was over. When a normal person realizes their life is over they do not continue with their "vacation" plans. I feel so sick for Travis' family. I know I am rambling but I fear some way, some how she will walk because jurors do not know as much as we do.

I think he is going to come at her hard and furious just like he should and the jury is going to be glad.

I have seen Prosecutors much more over the top than JM is and the jury admired their passion and advocacy for the victim and the defendants were convicted.

Im not worried in the least. I hope he yells at her.:furious: She is not some waif..........she is a damn cold remoreless murderer.

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