Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 8TH DAY #44 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Anyone know how to program a 'mute Jean Caesarez (sp?) button' for a remote? Because I really need one.

I get it, she's been assigned to take a side. That's annoying but far more palatable than if she really thinks this way.

How does someone deem a constant liar of several years to be suddenly honest on the one day she has to convince a jury that she isn't guilty of murder.

Come ON...
:laughcry: Vinnie is hilarious! He said he imagines her shooting her spidey webs into the closet to get the gun!

So - she drops Travis' camera and she finds herself being choked (?) losing consciousness and unable to breathe... did I hear that right?

If choked to that degree, wouldn't there be bruises?

Her not calling 911 if this was a true incidence of self-defense is just not working for me. I can see being scared, certainly, but even in that state of just having killed to defend your life and having the presence of mind to be so scared as to devise a 'cover-up', then one ought to have the presence of mind to realize that as scary as calling 911 would be, it's still better than creating a massive lie - especially if you really defended yourself!

The lack of 911 call and her actions/lies (and lies upon lies) and various versions of lies - sink her SD along with the pre-planning.

she wasn't chocked this time---that was a prior "incident" way back when --- this time he body slammed her---
Vinnie: can picture her spinning her "Spidey Webs"
I love vinnie used her spidey powers to get the gun off the shelf
A couple things I wanted to note before we go back to trial:

1. I believe Travis said "gonna kill you...." after she shot him in the face with the gun. From what everyone has said, the impact of that small of a weapon would be enough to put him in intense pain, not enough to kill him. I would probably say the same thing and would mean it, if someone shot me in the face. It would be justified, imo. He was probably screaming (but not like a girl) as well.

2. I saw a tweet last night that referenced how it was the words that Travis said to Jodi that set her off; that's why she sliced his voice box, to silence him forever. It was more articulate than what I just wrote, but you get the jist. That was really powerful to me.

3. Jeankasaurus? "In one word describe Jodi's testimony? HONEST" REALLY?! I understand why YOU got laid off. Just sayin.
Michigan doesn't have the DP, so LWOP is the stiffest sentence imposed for a variety of crimes. I suppose if I lived in a state that had the DP, I would consider it more strongly than I do. In Jodi's case, I'm neither for nor against her getting the ultimate sentence.

What frightens me at times is having the jury believe that Jodi killed Travis in self defense. I'd much prefer LWOP than the DP if there's a chance, however remote, that Jodi would be set free. I hope the jurors recognize that this woman is a sociopath and would likely pursue more men and probably end up killing again when the relationship turns sour. :moo:

If found guilty (and I believe she will be), it goes into the penalty phase where she could get DP or LWOP.
Sorry all, I haven't followed the trial very closely. I have a question. How did the camera keep taking pictures while JA was dragging TA, etc. Was the camera on an automatic shutter or something?

Thank you in advance.

The camera was dropped to the floor. I believe she kicked it/stepped on it at various times while dragging/knifing Travis.
Gag me with a wooden spoon JC - her testimony was honest?
she sure is slippery. she can' remember the murder, but she's thirsty and she has a case of water in the trunk she bought from costco.
Anyone else feel like they need to punch a pillow, go for a run, drink a lot of beer, or bang your head into the wall 847 times???

I need a Xanax. LOL

I am so glad it's Five O'Clock SOMEWHERE!!!
So - she drops Travis' camera and she finds herself being choked (?) losing consciousness and unable to breathe... did I hear that right?

If choked to that degree, wouldn't there be bruises?

Good point, and people testified to her wearing long sleeves, not a turtleneck.
Yesterday jodi said they made a sex video with her camera, cause she was unable to get his to work....she also claims she couldn't figure out the timer.

Today......she said her camera remained packed.

I got way lost yet again but JK actually brought this up on tv.

Then she turns around and just says the testimony was "honest".

I'm afraid now about this jury. Selective memory. She cannot possibly make up a self defense that would fit the minute and half it took to slaughter this poor young man.

Now JK explaining. When JA was talking about hiding everything. She thinks she confessed right there!
Jean C said by meaning honest, she thinks JA confessed during her testimony today.
Remember in her statement about the ninjas Jodi mentions something about her backpack was in the closet, that she had some of her "things" were in his closet?? I think she did get the gun from the closet but from her backpack. jmo


good one!!!! :rocker:
She said that TA came rushing at her and tackled her, grabbing her around the waist and body slammed her down on to the bathroom floor.
I don't know about any of you but if a 200 lb beefed up man did that to
me, I would be very physically hurt and unable to move for a good long while.
I think it is all fabrication...
Just sayin...

When do the experts in DV testify?

Seems like her head would have been injured from being slammed onto that tile floor with such force and so unexpectedly. You'd think she would have ended up with a gashed, bleeding head wound and/or a concussion :waitasec:.
So toady I finally understood it, though she never said it this way.

The reason Travis would be so mad over a dropped camera is because when she dropped the camera is when he realized that she was stalking him AFTER he thought she had left.

So that makes perfect sense to me. She snuck back in, invaded his privacy, was taking pics and dropped the camera which he heard and discovered her and all hell broke loose.
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