jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 8TH DAY #45 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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It's my understanding that it's pretty easy to by a gun with no background check or easily traceable documentation at a gun show in AZ. And there are gun shows here all the time. fwiw.

No man is going to buy a 25. No freaking way.

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Her stories and actions make no sense. It's a buffet for Mr. Prosecutor to snack from.

- A naked, wet, lunging forward Travis somehow gets shot (by accident natch) in the front of his face? Nohhh. In the front of his body? Nohhh. To the side of his head, where his killer was standing, perpendicular. So he's lunging forward but Jodi is standing off to his side. :waitasec:

- A shaking scared conveniently alzheimer killer doesn't want to say 'bad things' about Travis attacking her because "that would give her motive." Ummmm....hmrooo? Whaaa? IF he attacked you that doesn't give you motive; that gives you justification for defending yourself. But motive is what she said more than twice. She murdered him. She said as much.

- She never once said she was scared for her life. She said she didn't know what Travis would do because he was so pizzed, more so than she'd ever seen him before. Well...not so much self defense then, is it?

- She admitted she ran from the bathroom, through the closet, and admitted she could have kept going, but doesn't know why she didn't. Right there she obliterated self defense and introduced, all on her own I might add, premeditation. She made the choice to go "find the gun" and kill him. D'oh.

- She has no recollection of firing the gun she claims was TA's ("it went off accidentally") yet for some reason instead of dropping the gun and leaving it, she takes the gun with her (but has no memory of that) and got rid of it in the desert. Ummmm sure. That makes sense. :waitasec:

- She keeps saying she wanted to commit suicide and planned to do so and that's what that comment on Inside Edition meant except she is conveniently forgetting the part where she says, "because I'm innocent and *that's* why a jury will never convict me." Parse words much? :rolleyes:

- After Jodi is arrested and gives her ninja story she has allll kinds of information and details, down to what the killers were wearing, their masks, etc, etc. Yet she now claims she has no memory of the murder itself. She also said she came up with details that would match the evidence she thought LE had. :waitasec: How would she know all the physical evidence? She claims she didn't remember what happened after the gun magically went off by itself, so why would she need to 'match' a story to anything?
"We met...had anal sex(add extreme detail here)....had oral sex (add extreme detail here)...wore spidey underwear(add extreme detail here)....role played little red riding hood....(add extreme detail here) Got hit with a wooden spoon....(add extreme detail here) and then.... Yada Yada Yada he was dead....then went to the funeral." No further questions.

She YADA YADA YADA over the best part!

No disrespect intended. The crime was a devastating tragedy and this so called defense is another crime against Travis. RIP

In my personal opinion- there is NEVER an inappropriate time for a Seinfeld reference. Never! And in this case, applied perfectly! :aktion: (Don't worry, those are not man hands)
If the first blood was drawn from a gunshot wound, why was the clean shell casing found where it had fallen in a puddle of blood?

:what:EUREKA!!! Good Lord Truth Detector, Excellent Point! Forensics 101. Surely the Prosecution knows this...yes???
This might have already been said before, but I'm watching NG and something stood out to me. JA says she shot him "by accident" and then blacked out and has no clear memory until she's driving in the desert. Hmm... then she also said though that she remembers dropping the knife and it clingling to the tile, it made a loud noise, and she was screaming. She said TA was on the floor next to her. Hmm... so she blacks out for all the stabbing & slashing his throat... wakes up to remember dropping the knife and screaming... and then blacks out until she's driving in the desert and sees that there's blood on her hands?

:what: :what: :what:

she remembers taking the rope. And there were other things she did, how did the camera get into the washer? And did she not delete the death photos? Of course there never was any rope, but she remembers taking it. Like Wendy says..."a lying, arrogant sociopath"
If the first blood was drawn from a gunshot wound, why was the clean shell casing found where it had fallen in a puddle of blood?

I just thought of another way the shell could have ended up like that. I think this seriously could be the answer to how it ended up like that and will get to that at the end in the *********** box.

First, want to say I am in the camp that firmly believes she shot him first, and the gun jammed (which is fairly common in small caliber autos), and so then she ran out of the room. I think she was watching him from afar hoping he would just die. But because he started crawling around she then irealized she needed to finish him off. She then got the knife and began stabbing him. I thnk she would run up to him and stab him and then jump back out of reach. She did that over and over till he finally was almost dead and then she slit his throat because he just would not die for her.

As far as the shell, others have said the shell could have first been on a clean part of the floor and then it easily could have been kicked while she was cleaning up and it happened to roll right into the blood just right. It rolled or was kicked in a way where it still had a clean spot on top.

BUT, here is something I just witnessed that could explain it easily....
Another thing that could have happened is based on seeing my dog pee on the floor the other night. Seriously, my dog peed and the puddle slowly crept across the floor over the course of an hour before I spotted it to clean it up. In this same way, the bullet casing could have been in a clean spot on the floor, and as the blood puddle slowly made its way toward the clean casing, it eventually surrounded the casing and it made it look like the casing flew in the middle of it. When actually the blood puddle moved and migrated to the casing and eventually surrounded it.

If there was any kind of subtle slope or uneveness on the floor, the blood puddle would move just like I saw the other night with my dogs "accident".
If you say diarrhea, they really don't want you to come in :seeya:

I'm a stay at home mom that homeschools. My kid has been working so far ahead it's a little scary! He's also following the trial ( not everyday he watched detective Flores testimony) for a crime scene investigation class paper. He's also watching cross tomorrow. He watched about 15 minutes today and had to walk away!

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No man is going to buy a 25. No freaking way.

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I agree with that! lol I was just saying that there's no easy way to prove someone bought a gun or didn't in AZ
IMO . . . even JA did not say when she shot TA before or after she stabbed and nearly decapitated him because she didn't remember doing those heinous parts.

She "came to" from the sound of the gun startling her . . . . .
No man is going to buy a 25. No freaking way.

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Aside from there being no record of the gun purchase, no spare ammo....does she expect the Jury to believe he told her he had a gun on the top shelf of his closet? I would also like to know how high this shelf is and how easily she could reach this loaded gun.

So ironic Travis would choose to purchase one of the same caliber as her grandparent's gun which was reported stolen a week earlier.

I keep trying to picture myself in her position, & you know, I just can't (most normal people can't)-how can you kill someone you loved, how can you lie over & over, & after you're caught, how do you sign up for a frickin' tv show, & proclaim your innocence? Her level of denial & hubris is almost unmatched...

It's bizarre! I haven't been able to tear myself away ever since I Googled her name while watching the pre-trial update of her 48 Hours interview. I have no doubt she would have killed someone else with that 9mm gun. I highly doubt that her regular Starbucks order is a strawberry Frappucino. I'm certain that almost nothing she says is true.

The worst thing about her non-stop lying, to me, is that she's going to withhold the truth to the day she's executed. Travis' family will probably never know what really happened.
I operate on ABC's

Antecedent-Travis rejected Jodi
Behavior-Brutal murder
Consequence-Death Penalty
Absolutely! In this economy any job is a good thing. I just think from the minute she met Travis at the convention where it was obvious he was a big producer in his company she became obsessed with him and a larger lifestyle than she was accustomed to. He drove a BMW. He had a huge house. He took vacations. He had things she wanted a part of. And with her being a sociopath, when he rejected her, in her mind he had to pay.

BBM TA took a lot of vacations with JA. She might have become obsessed with him but I do not get the impression it was because he was involved in Pre Paid Legal. From her testimony about her former boyfriends, I did not get the impression she was money hungry. I think she loved him and murdered him but I don't think it was because of his "larger lifestyle"'
Aside from there being no record of the gun purchase, no spare ammo....does she expect the Jury to believe he told her he had a gun on the top shelf of his closet? I would also like to know how high this shelf is and how easily she could reach this loaded gun.

So ironic Travis would choose to purchase one of the same caliber as her grandparent's gun which was reported stolen a week earlier.


That was one lucky Michael Jordan jump to that imaginary gun! Lol

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Even though Jodi lied through her teeth, to me, this was the most honest she has been (meaning she showed us her true self). She didn't really show any remorse, especially in the beginning when she was talking about the aftermath. She just had to leave his house, drove around, went to Ryan's, talked like she was in the beginning stages of her relationship with him, needed to get to work because it's a small restaurant, blah blah blah. She did tear up talking about TA offering to go to HER funeral. That's when the tears started. I was listening on and off all afternoon, so perhaps I missed it, but did she EVER feel bad for TA or his family? I never heard it.

For her: TA is in a better place.
Among the many inconsistencies she will have to come up with a explanation for I think the biggest will be how this slamming of her body and chase down the hall into his closet, her amazing high jump to the top of his closet and somehow winding up back in the bathroom is how all this took place in just over a minute.

they were "feats of mental gymnastics"...
She apparently has the nerve to think SHE can do what SHE wants and just ignore her vital reporting duties!!!

That, or she had a call in the kitchen.

Well, I'm gonna put a note in her filefor sure.:floorlaugh:
Has anyone seen whether there were good photos of his closet...any crime scene photos to show whether there was a chair, stool, bench or anything in there? There might have been, since he did have stuff up high on shelves. His closet was quite impressive, so organized.

I have a 3rd clothing rod up high in my closet (12' high ceilings), where I put my off season clothes - I use a 3 step ladder when having to put something up or down, or ask Mr DD to do it :rocker:...............if Mr DD was in a rage and coming after me, there's no way I could run into my closet, get the ladder out and opened, climb up and find a gun, then take the safety off (assuming it was on), and turn around and point/shoot accurately in just mere seconds before he caught me!

And I suppose if one (chair, ladder, bench) wasn't found in the closet at the crime scene, she could say she put it back somewhere else during her mental gap cleaning stage, but I wish there was some way to dispute her testimony as to where that gun was stashed (in her story). Like, there wasn't even a shelf up in that corner, or something.

There wasn't any blood splatter in his closet or that part of his bedroom, or near that closet door (opposite of the bathroom hallway door) that he supposedly confronted her at, correct? Nothing on walls, carpet, furniture, clothing, etc. ? Usually when one shoots someone in the head, there would be some forensic evidence left behind, LOL

I'm just hoping Juan has a great Perry Mason moment (or 37, LOL) with photos not matching her claims. I love those moments, yes indeed!

BBM: Here's a pic of his closet with the bench, looks like a bench for sitting while putting on socks and shoes:

BBM TA took a lot of vacations with JA. She might have become obsessed with him but I do not get the impression it was because he was involved in Pre Paid Legal. From her testimony about her former boyfriends, I did not get the impression she was money hungry. I think she loved him and murdered him but I don't think it was because of his "larger lifestyle"'

Psychopaths are incapable of love.
Did you see or hear any remorse in any interview or phone call right after the murder? No!

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