jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 8TH DAY #45 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Can anyone tell me what time court starts to tomorrow?
From Justice 4 Travis FB



You are awesome, popsicle!

Thanks for those pics!

Ummm, yeah I don't think that bench would still be in the middle of the closet and it didn't look like anyone running in panic through there!

LMAO (at the stupidity of all things Jodie, not the situation)
That was one lucky Michael Jordan jump to that imaginary gun! Lol

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Can only imagine. Especially if it's anything like the standard height above the clothes rods in the closets in my house.

There needs to be a sticky thread for katie's observations (anyone who attends trial) from the trial. Its hard finding her posts in the threads..Just a thought i had from yesterday.

You can use the search function and just do a search for all of her posts.
I just had the epiphany today that about Jodi dropping the camera and why that should make Travis mad.

Well I think she was taking those pics of him while he was quite unaware of her, he thought he had gotten rid of her. So she sneaks back in and is taking pics of him and drops the camera which he hears and exposes her presence there and THAT is when he saw that she was there and was quite justifiable pizzed that the stalker was back, invading his privacy once again.

So yeah, i know why he would be pizzed she dropped his camera. Because she wasn't even supposed to be there in the first place. How would you feel if you found someone stalking you in your bathroom taking pics of you as you showered. Oh I'd be furious and rightfully so. But that gives her NO right to claim self defense because she wasn't supposed to be there.

Then it just went downhill from there. She was sitting there (in his closet?), probably with the gun and the camera and the knife.

Your story is SO much better than hers!!!
Her stories and actions make no sense. It's a buffet for Mr. Prosecutor to snack from.

- A naked, wet, lunging forward Travis somehow gets shot (by accident natch) in the front of his face? Nohhh. In the front of his body? Nohhh. To the side of his head, where his killer was standing, perpendicular. So he's lunging forward but Jodi is standing off to his side. :waitasec:

- A shaking scared conveniently alzheimer killer doesn't want to say 'bad things' about Travis attacking her because "that would give her motive." Ummmm....hmrooo? Whaaa? IF he attacked you that doesn't give you motive; that gives you justification for defending yourself. But motive is what she said more than twice. She murdered him. She said as much.

- She never once said she was scared for her life. She said she didn't know what Travis would do because he was so pizzed, more so than she'd ever seen him before. Well...not so much self defense then, is it?

- She admitted she ran from the bathroom, through the closet, and admitted she could have kept going, but doesn't know why she didn't. Right there she obliterated self defense and introduced, all on her own I might add, premeditation. She made the choice to go "find the gun" and kill him. D'oh.

- She has no recollection of firing the gun she claims was TA's ("it went off accidentally") yet for some reason instead of dropping the gun and leaving it, she takes the gun with her (but has no memory of that) and got rid of it in the desert. Ummmm sure. That makes sense. :waitasec:

- She keeps saying she wanted to commit suicide and planned to do so and that's what that comment on Inside Edition meant except she is conveniently forgetting the part where she says, "because I'm innocent and *that's* why a jury will never convict me." Parse words much? :rolleyes:

- After Jodi is arrested and gives her ninja story she has allll kinds of information and details, down to what the killers were wearing, their masks, etc, etc. Yet she now claims she has no memory of the murder itself. She also said she came up with details that would match the evidence she thought LE had. :waitasec: How would she know all the physical evidence? She claims she didn't remember what happened after the gun magically went off by itself, so why would she need to 'match' a story to anything?
I wish you were on the jury.
That is so cool homeschool is the way to go !!!

Now I have a question ..Why are you guys assuming cross examine is tomorrow? The defense did not rest it's case does that mean Juan will cross examine before defense ends case? I am so not schooled on how this court works! Thanks in advance for answer :)

Cross comes after direct testimony of each witness. Cross is tomorrow

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Didn't Arias testify that she told the detective a story THAT MATCHED WHAT THE FORENSIC EVIDENCE WOULD SHOW?

Doesn't that mean she REMEMBERED the crime then and knew what the forensics would show?

And her ninja story of him crawling around on all fours screaming while his assailant stabbed him in the back is what she was doing to him.

Doesn't that completely nullify her memory loss claim?

And, if you honestly didn't remember stabbing him, wouldn't you just say that? If that were true and you had total memory lapse, two ninjas could have come in and done that, couldn't they? If you didn't remember, why would you admit to it??? Obviously, she remembers more than she's telling.
I think Juan already has the verict in his pocket, now he will focus on refuting her mitigation tactics.
I posted a question on here earlier but was unable to hang around for the answer . . .

Anyone have any idea about JA being with Gus Searcy a few days before TA's body being found? Gus was on Dr. D last night and made that statement . . . . sorry for reposting the same question.

I posted earlier that I think JA went to Gus to clean up right after the crime. It fits his jumbled facts, the five plus hour delay in the driving time from her leaving Mesa and arriving in West Jordan, her being at Hoover Dam, etc.

I think he's an accessory rather than the See-My-Big-Ring spotlight lover everyone has dismissed. After all, where did she clean up if she had blood on her hands in her car and was using bottled water? This murderer was a MESS.
That is the point where I think Samantha, Travis' sister, started to bawl hard. God bless her.

That was so very sad. I cried too. They are a wonderful Family.
BBM: Here's a pic of his closet with the bench, looks like a bench for sitting while putting on socks and shoes:

View attachment 30026

So we are to believe she either perched on her tippy toes and reached into the top shelf or she pulled the bench over to get the gun and then after the killing she put the bench back in place...with her hands that were covered in blood? Huh?
I love how Juan snaps at the Judge and tells her how an objection works. Yikes. "The way it works is I object and you make a ruling" or something like that.
Aside from there being no record of the gun purchase, no spare ammo....does she expect the Jury to believe he told her he had a gun on the top shelf of his closet? I would also like to know how high this shelf is and how easily she could reach this loaded gun.

So ironic Travis would choose to purchase one of the same caliber as her grandparent's gun which was reported stolen a week earlier.


No, get this. She had a ready answer to that question. She is one step ahead of us...:giggle:

She said that she knew about the gun being up in the furthest corner of his closet because when she used to clean house for him, he had her 'take everything down and dust it.' Seriously? She was that intensive for 200 bucks a month?
Rewatching the brief portion where the testimony is actually related to the murder, and not to be Captain Obvious, but IMO she is definitely lying about not remembering the stabbing. While claiming she can't remember the stabbing, she is looking down (deceptive body language), and her answer to:

"Do you remember stabbing Travis Alexander?"
"I have no memory of stabbing him."

IIRC in statement analysis, if someone leads their answer with a positive, such as "absolutely not" or in this case "I have," you can typically clip out the negative word which follows (no/not) to get at the truth, esp. in the case of pathological liars.

JMOO and interest in words and body language. Also noted she referred to herself as "dinghy" today...I believe she meant "ditzy" given the context...but FYI dingy is an adjective meaning "gloomy or drab." She called herself that. Sorry, word nerd humor! :blushin

Correction: she pronounced it as "dinghy" actually. She's a boatload of something, all right.
Is Jodi allowed to have a sedative before court tomorrow? I know different states have different laws on that.... Just popped into my mind that to keep her from overreacting...they might give her a little 'help'
Psychopaths are incapable of love.
Did you see or hear any remorse in any interview or phone call right after the murder? No!

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I was going to say I don't think she was in love with him, I think she was obsessed. She wanted to have him. She wanted him to be hers. She wanted to possess him. That's why she stalked him. No love, he was just a goal she obsessed over and couldn't obtain.
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