jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 8TH DAY #45 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Good evening! :seeya:

Watching NG.........

My observations from what I have seen so far. Martinez will have a field-day tomorrow with JA. What a preposterous story she told today on the witness stand. Gun on a high shelf in the closet, knife in the bathroom, he lunged at her like a linebacker, he wrestled her down (oh, yes he was a wrestler in high school), etc, etc, etc......

There is a big difference in Jodi's face, eyes, etc. from today's testimony compared to the day they played the tape and she clearly had been crying. Big difference. jmo
I just wanted to give you all a really good excuse for calling in sick tomorrow . . . .

Tell them you just cannot come in because you are having an EYE PROBLEM . . .

Folks . . . no breast milk or tea bags needed here . . . . . just tell them you absolutely cannot come in due to the eye problem you are suffering with. . .. .

you see - you can hold your head up high and not even have to lie about this . . . it is true . . . you are having an EYE PROBLEM when . . . . . . .

You just cannot see coming in to work/office/school/appointments/lunch/etc while Juan is taking Jodi on Cross!

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
i need an excuse to give my kids (4 and 2) for going to bed early :waitasec: i suppose i could bribe them? :please:

Bribery works for everyone! It is the beginning of learning to barter and negotiate and play/work nice with others . . . . after all - I don't go to work without a paycheck . . . most people don't.

However, you may want to come up with plan B since 2 and 4 year old's do not have the attention span to last during the entire court day . . . . just saying . . . it might be worth bribing someone else to deal with the 2 and 4 year old if you really want to achieve the goal.

Nancy Grace right now touching on what I think is the most important testimony today. She claims to have ran into the closet, got the gun, meanwhile Travis is chasing her. She claims to have ran through the door, held the pistol on Travis and ordered him to stop. She states that they are now in the bathroom. ????????????????????? How in hell did she run from the bathroom into the closet, get the gun and then run out the door but then when she shoots him, they are still in the bathroom????? What! was Travis running in place? Did she stop in her tracks in the closet and reverse her path and turn around and go back into the bathroom to confront Travis? Why wasn't Travis already in the closet since he was chasing her? Why was he still in the bathroom?

Clearly, she screwed up in her testimony today. The logistics just do not work in her story.
Wondering, hearing her testimony again on NG.. She didn't know she shot him, didn't notice anything different yet he was ON TOP of her, doing wrestling moves?? I mean the ME said there was a lack of hemorrhage due to likely post mortem GSW to the head, if he was shot first in the head there ought to be noticeable amounts of bleeding... She's acting like he wasn't bleeding all over, or at all! That and many things don't make sense.

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I just wanted to give you all a really good excuse for calling in sick tomorrow . . . .

Tell them you just cannot come in because you are having an EYE PROBLEM . . .

Folks . . . no breast milk or tea bags needed here . . . . . just tell them you absolutely cannot come in due to the eye problem you are suffering with. . .. .

you see - you can hold your head up high and not even have to lie about this . . . it is true . . . you are having an EYE PROBLEM when . . . . . . .

You just cannot see coming in to work/office/school/appointments/lunch/etc while Juan is taking Jodi on Cross!

Well for sure my eyes will never be the same after viewing what they have viewed
during this trial :eek::shocked2:
Good night Ya'll

Be good to yourselves and each other
Talk about the best of times, the worst of times...

Best? I have the day off work tomorrow.
Worst? I will have no electricity at home (fuse box being replaced), so no TV, no internet and I have to stay at home. AAARRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG.

They said maybe the electric would only be off 2 hours - so if they start at 8am might be ok.

Eeeek! I know! I have never felt so happy that I am caring for a sick kiddo at home, and now I am getting sick too! YAY!!! :great:
I'm not going to disparage her for these things. College is not for everyone (TA didn't go to college). I know countless people who can't be single. Doesn't really have anything to do with her being a vicious killer.

Absolutely! In this economy any job is a good thing. I just think from the minute she met Travis at the convention where it was obvious he was a big producer in his company she became obsessed with him and a larger lifestyle than she was accustomed to. He drove a BMW. He had a huge house. He took vacations. He had things she wanted a part of. And with her being a sociopath, when he rejected her, in her mind he had to pay.
It makes me very sad and frustrated that so many telltale signs (on Travis' part) are being ignored in the defense of a proven and prolific liar.

This is what scares me about defenses like battered person's syndrome - that the pendulum can swing too far in the opposite direction as intended and people will assume many factors inconsistent with intimate partner violence on their face without any critical thinking or self-education. It is wonderful that abuse can be mitigated for real victims but I feel that there needs to be some measure of responsibility - some bar of what constitutes using such a defense tactic as reasonable. As is, it is so easily misused and manipulated.

The end result is everybody loses. The true victim that has to fight to find an advocate who will actually believe him much less listen, to the dad who 'thinks' he knows what an abuser looks like...until he's viewing his daughter's body in the morgue after her marrying such a 'great' guy.

I find ignorance unacceptable and wholly unnerving in light of all the research, awareness campaigns, and survivors coming forward with their stories. It just makes no sense.


You said what I wanted to say but opted not to, but now I will. There IS ignorance and there is also the flat out refusals to open minds to these realities. Without getting too far into it (and just IMO), it's almost like we'd rather accept our current idea of what an abuser is and not challenge that, not expose ourselves to new and uncomfortable "profiles" if you will.

This is an epidemic and it concerns all of us. If someone thinks it doesn't concern them, it probably is affecting them right now or it will sooner than later. To not educate ourselves and deal with these stigmas and challenges now is an injustice. It bothers me how reliant we are on reacting instead of being proactive. LE can't act or doesn't want to act for one reason or the other, a victim ends up killed. Society makes it impossible for males to be victims of females.... men are discouraged to seek help and refuge from abusive females (cause 'abusive females' don't exist). Then we wait for this kind of godawful travesty to unfold and someone like JA is afforded a defense like self-defense, which is so backwards.

I hope someday long after Travis' friends and family have their legal justice and their hearts are stronger, they can find a way to honor his life that will provide awareness and help to those who need both. He was on his way to doing so much good on his own, I know they will continue his work... that will be his legacy. This trial will NOT.

Tomorrow is the day I have waited for.. :great:
i expect him to keep it tight and to the point. he knows that jury's already listened to her attorney----the most plodding, boring person on planet earth----for what seems like forever. they've listened to her and her minute details of every word and every action she and travis supposedly shared. i don't think he needs very long to completely destroy her BS story.


I agree, however, I would like it to start fresh on Monday, so that he will have enough days to bring it home. You see, I want the DP!!
At least she is standing up for Travis. That yahoo sitting next to her is grating on my last nerve. He is convinced that Jodi was credible and did a great job.

They lie. It's a ratings game. Stir up controversy. I don't even watch anymore.
Bribery works for everyone! It is the beginning of learning to barter and negotiate and play/work nice with others . . . . after all - I don't go to work without a paycheck . . . most people don't.

However, you may want to come up with plan B since 2 and 4 year old's do not have the attention span to last during the entire court day . . . . just saying . . . it might be worth bribing someone else to deal with the 2 and 4 year old if you really want to achieve the goal.


i wish i could have my mommy dearest have the but trial starts around 6ish here i think and i haven't quite convinced her to take both over night yet. even tried the woe is me card much like JA :innocent:
I'm not sure what we will see. I think she will be very very angry at the likes of anyone questioning her "story". The world has been her stage. Now they can eat cake. Can she hide it is what I am most interested in. If anyone can get under her skin I believe Juan can. I cant wait. MOO

BBM: Totally agree. Neither can I.

I still don't see her losing control... I see her hiding behind not remembering as an avoidance tactic. There is no way she can answer certain questions without causing damage.

Plus I'd venture a guess she would get satisfaction from not giving JM anything at all if she can manage it. Almost as a petty little high school-ish 'rivalry' type thing... Especially since I'm sure she's gotten wind of all the media, etc. and everyone repeatedly anticipating this show-down and how the consensus is that he'll tear her apart.

She is a vengeful person. Inappropriately so. And I think she'll be overly polite (for sympathy), possibly teary (look, his questions are hurting sweet little me!) and significantly forgetful, "I'm sorry, I don't know, I don't remember, I'm sorry, I don't know what I'm supposed to say - I don't remember." While thinking, "Take that hot-shot prosecutor."

Or I could be entirely wrong! :)

Is it morning yet?
Juan will tell Travis's story. Keep the faith.

Can't stand this. There has been no one to tell TA's side. :( All we have is the defendants. After re-watching some of her testimony today, I find myself wondering, for a moment if TA was abusive at times. Then I think he may have been worn out from her. Even so, I wonder how jury members may be feeling. I'll be glad when Juan gets his turn.

I think he was definitely worn out, & confused,(but not abusive at all),& didn't know what he was up against- but I think (in some strange way) we are getting Travis' side of this nightmare-her actions are so obvious, even if all we're remembering is her 7 days of testimony, his presence is still so strong, & the memories that everyone else has of him are so overwhelmingly positive, that there is no way she can be believed....she will lie until the end, but it's transparent...
We all KNEW that when it came time to describe the murder, the narcissist with the best memory in the history of the world would fake selective amnesia.

Don'tchya just hate it when you're right?
Wondering, hearing her testimony again on NG.. She didn't know she shot him, didn't notice anything different yet he was ON TOP of her, doing wrestling moves?? I mean the ME said there was a lack of hemorrhage due to likely post mortem GSW to the head, if he was shot first in the head there ought to be noticeable amounts of bleeding... She's acting like he wasn't bleeding all over, or at all! That and many things don't make sense.

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Another very odd moment was when nurmi showed her the dragging picture. She didn't really respond to that question but talked about something else. Did anyone else catch that? She never, never mentioned blood. Only her own, on her hands.
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