jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 8TH DAY #45 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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If you want to watch it later, watch replay on youtube. No commercial breaks, no commentary. It's a nice way to watch!

I know, but I love the commetaries! Espeically with Beth and Vinnie.
Good morning everyone!!!
Hope everyone got their chores done, and snacks ready!!
sending smackdown vibes to Juan and diapers to Jodi.....:)

Prayers to TA family as well!!!!
So many have made similar comments. Travis' family is going through their own special hell. Heaven forbid one should act too emotional, stand up and shout as I'm sure they would love to do, it would cause a mistrial. I felt so bad for Samantha yesterday. I have a feeling that her quiet crying and obvious efforts not to got her that little conference with Juan yesterday. I'm so sorry her BIL didn't notice it, I'm sure he would have comforted her.

I am so proud of all the family members and members of the public as well. They have behaved so well with little comment from Judge Stephens. Even one outburst from someone in the gallery not related to Travis could also cause a mistrial. Even our Katiecoolady is suffering the strain of sitting there and not expressing what she feels.

It seems the only people who can get away with the smirks and smiles are Jodi's mom and aunt.

BIL did notice it but I thnk his main concern was his wife--she was shakey as well...I felt for her---wanted to scream at ja and say this is what crying looks like---this is what loss looks like---you horrid ..................:furious:
Good morning! I woke up at 2:00am and read WS and reviewed YouTube videos until 5:30 or so. I should have gotten up and done some work, but I fell back to sleep and dreamed of making a spreadsheet with JAs cast of characters, what JA claims they said/did and what they actually said/did. Then I dreamed of a sort of git repository where we could track and dismantle down to the finest strawberry Frappucino detail all of JAs tall tales, and their versions, branches and forks.

I will never have time to actually do those things, and honestly think it's pointless. I'm having a heck of a time keeping track of the testibaloney. If you are, how are you doing it? I wonder what Juan and Detective Flores' notes look like.

JA didn't tell much truth up there. I'm very eager for the cross to begin today! :please:
Are there any references by Travis in evidence -- not by Jodi -- to Spiderman or his underwear?

I mean, besides the recorded call where TA says he doesn't like Spiderman.

Did I miss it?
I just googled that song and watched 1/2 the video (was all I could stomach), what a horrible song, it didn't receive any accolades in its genre did it? The singer wasn't very good either (could be I just don't like her style). MOO

it did, I believe her 'Jagged Little Pill' album has been her best selling album to date.

It was hugely popular and still is.
She started to get a little snarky with her own attorney. I could only imagine what she's going to do with the verbal assault she's about to face. I'm praying for a Wayne Williams anger meltdown.

I think they might have a stare-down at some point. I hope so. Gus could tell her who will win that one. :floorlaugh:
I remember when Scott Peterson was sentenced to death. The talking heads on tv (except Nancy Grace) all said he'd never get it but he did. It was such an overwhelming moment. The jurors were fantastic. The post-verdict interviews were interesting and enlightening. I hope Travis and family get that sort of justice too.

Arias did say she'd beg for the death penalty if she, in fact, committed this crime. Hope the jury gives her just that.
I just googled that song and watched 1/2 the video (was all I could stomach), what a horrible song, it didn't receive any accolades in its genre did it? The singer wasn't very good either (could be I just don't like her style). MOO

No, it was extremely popular back in the 90's. It won Grammys and it was the song that caused Alanis to blow up. It was referred to as the "angry dumped girl's anthem". It's still one of my favorite albums.
It is scary to think that at least one juror could possibly buy into this BS story. I hope I'm wrong, but there is a possibility it could happen.

Never in a million years did I think CA would walk, and look what happened there.. :waitasec:

I totally agree with you, I was stunned she walked, I was angry for weeks. I have just about lost faith in the justice system. Most def atty are really good liars, and nurmi is one of them. I hope JM makes her squirm right out of that chair. Please jurors use your common sense.
Do y'all think "St. Jodi of Arias" (stole that from one of you ... not sure who, but I love it) might have a severe case of diarrhea this morning?? I'm thinkin' she may wanna grab a couple of Depends from the commissary on her way this morning.


And some Advil.

I just googled that song and watched 1/2 the video (was all I could stomach), what a horrible song, it didn't receive any accolades in its genre did it? The singer wasn't very good either (could be I just don't like her style). MOO

That's one of my favorite songs. It's about Dave Coulier.

i'm greatly influenced----and i've admitted it here---because i had a defense attorney who told a jury i was a willing participant in my own rape. when i described his genitals as 'infantile', she said that's not how a 'real' rape victim talks----ignoring the fact that i'm a nurse, and so it wasn't unusual for me. she even maligned my boyfriend at the time because he had just gotten divorced and she implied i stole him from his wife so i was a jezebel. she chased down jurors on their way to the elevator after they sentenced him to 99 years demanding an explanation.

so sorry, can't help it. i've had it happen to me, and i've seen it happen to others. i just have a problem with a defense that annihilates the real victim.

:hug: I'm sorry that happened to you, but in the end justice was served.
Good morning family!! They just showed that picture of TA again on IS. The one of him in the shower, looking into the camera. It haunts me!! He's crying in that picture or I am not a Cherokee! The redness in his eyes is NOT from the shower!! I am surprised that this picture has not been discussed more. Look into his eyes!! He's terrified in that pic! :(

Hi, I am very new to this case (not at all like the Caylee case where I knew every detail), but I got pulled in and BOY am I pulled in now (disturbing).

The picture you are talking about was one of the first pictures I saw when I was doing some research and here's my impression ----> 1) He isn't mad, angry, or scared, he is sad. 2) I've seen that look before during breakups. It's the "I'm sorry it didn't work out, but we have to move on, we've hurt eachother too much, please let it go already" look (imo). 3) I imagine he wanted out, had enough of her craziness, wanted to get back on track mormon-wize, and she wasn't having any of that. I imagine she told him that she wanted pictures of their last moments together and when she realized it was their last (the look on his face), she carried out her plan to kill him. I bet if he was smiling, sticking out his tongue (or something silly) he would have lived another day. He was done and she wasn't going to let anybody else have him.

That's what the picture says to me, but who knows :waitasec:
I remember when Scott Peterson was sentenced to death. The talking heads on tv (except Nancy Grace) all said he'd never get it but he did. It was such an overwhelming moment. The jurors were fantastic. The post-verdict interviews were interesting and enlightening. I hope Travis and family get that sort of justice too.

Arias did say she'd beg for the death penalty if she, in fact, committed this crime. Hope the jury gives her just that.

Too bad the book the Peterson jurors wrote was so stinky. A lot of the basic facts were wrong. Not the parts by the jurors, the parts written by their co-authors.
I just googled that song and watched 1/2 the video (was all I could stomach), what a horrible song, it didn't receive any accolades in its genre did it? The singer wasn't very good either (could be I just don't like her style). MOO

It was a HUGE hit. I had the cd, Jagged Little Pill. I listened to it a lot, but, thankfully, I didn't stalk anyone :what:
I think it was in back pack or purse..

Oh I agree!!! Most definitely.. I do not think it was in the closet. The time would take too long especially (if he was crawling down the hall to the bedroom).
JA has many problems in supporting her 3rd version of the murder.

First her story does NOT comport with the forensic evidence. She really should have stuck with the ninja story.

Second JA is sunk based on photo timeline. What she said happened could NOT have happened if the Sony photos and timestamps are accurate.

Third, the accidental discharge of gun is problematic because of gunshot trajectory in TA head, there is NO flash burns or powder stippling on TA forehead (shot at close quarters) and finally the casing position of crime scene controverts the JA story ( unless casing moved around afterwards without picking up blood).

Finally the knife being put back into the dishwasher would mean she acted purposively during a fugue state.
JA remembers all facts that would mitigate premeditation and conveniently forgot everything else.

Further, she took the necessary steps to delete the incriminating photos she accidentally took during the attack. She also dragged his lifeless body across the hallway and into the bathroom where she lifted his corpse into the shower stall. It is incredibly far-fetched that she blacked out such key events that would have required a great deal of clarity in her mind. It's just another elaborate story by her that doesn't make any sense, as Flores would say.
As awful as it would be for Travis' family, I almost wish the prosecution could reenact what they believe happened in the murdering of Travis (like they have done on TV shows or in some actual trials - I believe there was one trial where they brought a bed into the courtroom to show how the person was stabbed in bed, or something like that) - I wish the jury could see step by step what the prosecution believes happened to Travis, not this untruthful, inaccurate recollection by the defendant, which miraculously doesn't include any memory of the 29 stabbings and throat slashing.
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