jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 8TH DAY #45 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Do y'all think "St. Jodi of Arias" (stole that from one of you ... not sure who, but I love it) might have a severe case of diarrhea this morning?? I'm thinkin' she may wanna grab a couple of Depends from the commissary on her way this morning.

Just thinking about him this morning breaks my heart again. He tried in vain to get away, to save his life. He struggled down that hall, already mortally wounded when JA delivered the nearly decapitating knife slash that ended his flight for his life. For this reason I believe she deserves the DP. Praying for much strength to Travis siblings, my heart really aches for them.

I agree and hope all 12 jurors agree. :please:
IIRC during the police interogation she had a real interest in seeing the crime scene photos. She also had no problem peeking at every photo as she sat next to her lawyer during the start of the trial.

Amnesia, PTSD my arse.

I am sure Nurmi has shown her the photos a long time ago and discussed them with her. There were no surprises.
It has been discussed, I don't see fear at all. I see him posing. To me that's more eerie ... I don't think he has ANY idea whats coming. JMO

I am relying on my gift. Thanks for your insight. I just cry every time I see that pic. The others don't affect me this way. Not even the ones of him post mortem. :(
Is it possible she was holding him hostage the entire time she was there? Pointing the gun at him, making him take pictures of her, her taking pictures of him with the KY Jelly so conveniently in the picture? I've wondered this for awhile now. There is no proof they actually had sex that day. In her sick mind, she could have had this plan all conjured up, making it look like all of this happened, that he wanted her there, yada yada yada.

I think the photos with the KY were legit, they were having sex. I think she then left and came back, Travis was in the shower and she surpised him there. JMHO :moo:
She basically said the standard: I wish I could take it back...I wanted to kill myself (but she didn't because she tried to cut her wrist but "it hurt too bad"), she felt bad for the family...blah, blah blah. It was a bunch of self-serving crap, no real remorse. The only time she cried is when she was having a pity-party for herself.

Not really. She basically kept talking about how it affected HER, how it ruined HER life, that she was scared for herself.

Selfish b-word.

I guess I didn't really miss much then as I saw the self-serving crap. Someone should have coached her better on that one. All the better for the prosecution though.
Do you suppose she has had some extensive practice on the upcoming cross?

Wilmott has been writing incessantly thru the whole direct. I thought maybe she was feeding questions to Nurmi or developing a lengthy Closing. UGH
Yes, but you said "you can't polish a turd". Apparently it is possible to polish a turd.

I've been looking at the condiments---you need hieinz ketchup...better than hunts! jmo
Hi all!

Listening on IS I must have missed the part yesterday where JA says she didn't know that TA had been shot until Flores told her???

Did I hear that correctly?
Just jumping off your post as I have a question for anyone about this part of her testimony. I missed quite a bit yesterday, but saw this part of her testimony, where she talks about realizing that her life is now over and she goes into damage control mode.

Did she ever in her testimony yesterday express remorse for killing another human being or for killing the love of her life, or relief that she had gotten out of an "abusive" relationship alive, or even anger that he had "abused" her?

Let me make it clear, I don't think she was any of these things - remorseful, relieved, or abused, but I just expected her acting to have been better, more in line with what a "real" person would be feeling. Just wondering if I missed some feigned remorse or that was all there was to it.

NO never ever, her only sadness was about her, it was sickening, she is incapable of these emotions, so much so that she couldn't even pretend them:furious:
I agree. I really don't think that's how it happened, but I have wondered. I think she lured him in with sex again that day and he caved.

I can picture her sneaking in the house, around 4 am or whatever, climbing into bed with Travis, and begging, once more, for old times sake. I'm moving on, I have a new guy and you'll never see me again.
It has been discussed, I don't see fear at all. I see him posing. To me that's more eerie ... I don't think he has ANY idea whats coming. JMO

I go back and forth... I wouldn't put Anything past Jodi, on the other hand I may find it so haunting because I know he's going to be mortally wounded in less than a minute.

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I think we are going to see some shaking and a lot of animosity from the murderer today-she hasn't been able to look at Mr Martinez without a look of evil in her dead eyes yet. I hope she totally melts down and shows her true colors.

She started to get a little snarky with her own attorney. I could only imagine what she's going to do with the verbal assault she's about to face. I'm praying for a Wayne Williams anger meltdown.
I am relying on my gift. Thanks for your insight. I just cry every time I see that pic. The others don't affect me this way. Not even the ones of him post mortem. :(

that one is errie...I agree--I also also don't think he knew she was totally there---that could be why she dropped the camera and he might have even said "f you" and we know how that affects her----
She also remembers the sound of the knife hitting the tile - and according to her gun went off by accident and from there on it is mostly a blackout - seems she went off script!

She said she vaguely remembers putting a knife in the dishwasher but since she had done that so many times before, it could be a memory not related to that day or some such BS!

JA has many problems in supporting her 3rd version of the murder.

First her story does NOT comport with the forensic evidence. She really should have stuck with the ninja story.

Second JA is sunk based on photo timeline. What she said happened could NOT have happened if the Sony photos and timestamps are accurate.

Third, the accidental discharge of gun is problematic because of gunshot trajectory in TA head, there is NO flash burns or powder stippling on TA forehead (shot at close quarters) and finally the casing position of crime scene controverts the JA story ( unless casing moved around afterwards without picking up blood).

Finally the knife being put back into the dishwasher would mean she acted purposively during a fugue state.
JA remembers all facts that would mitigate premeditation and conveniently forgot everything else.
Yes, but you said "you can't polish a turd". Apparently it is possible to polish a turd.

I'm afraid to ask, but how do you know that?

There is nothing wrong with making money or being a defense attorney. Defense attorneys play an equally important role in our system. Its a job. He tried to get out of defending her. She tied his hands. The worst thing I can say about nurmi in honesty is his style is boring beyond measure.

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As disgusting as the defense is, it's necessary. If he doesn't go as far as he can she can appeal on ineffective counsel. This tactic keeps that to a minimum. JMO

I will also add to this that the jury is not sequestered..

I think that had a lot to do with the debacle in Orlando.:twocents:

I totally agree with that. I think they wanted out of there ASAP.
Did the closet have 2 doors? One from the BR and one from the bathroom? Did JA pole vault to the top shelf of the closet?
Any thoughts on whether her habit of playing smartest-gal-in-the-room will work for or against her?


"You see, Advil is an anti-coagulant."
"I think I was heading west, the sun was in my eyes, you see in the evening the sun is lower in the sky... blah, blah, blah"

Nurmi: Let me ask you this. How did that make you feel, Jodi, when the sun was near the horizon?

I always felt the reason why Jodi stayed with Travis even when she knew she was just a booty call is that te relationship is not about sex at all. It was about competition. I see great glee in Jodi when she uses her big words. This would be extremely empowering to a high school dropout to match her self-assumed clever wits against a man whom everyone hailed as being so successful and bright. Outsmarting Travis seemed to be Jodi's only goal in life. From the snooping, the hacking, the stalking and the coverup. She welcomed each new drama or conflict because it set the stage for the perfect battle ground to showcase to herself her awesomeness. She needed the drama, she needed the conflict - so she could excercise her wits and continuously feed her never satiated starving ego. It wasn't sex. She wanted to win.
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