jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 8TH DAY #45 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I can't get past when he gets out of the shower "picks her up and bodyslams her", she "starts running". She didn't get up. Also, it doesn't sound like she banged her head on the tile which would absolutely happen if someone picked you up and bodyslamed you onto a ceramic tile floor. Ouch. In addition to an nasty and potentially serious head bang, it's likely you would have had the wind knocked out of you. This is all so freaking implausible.

My hunch is that nothing JA described at the crime scene happened. Her story is a total fabrication. At least the ninja story had some elements of truth upon which JA could build.

All the struggles, body-slams, linebacker tackles, jump for concealed gun, all the harsh words all the drama played out in the bedroom and bathroom controvert the forensic evidence and Sony photo timeline.

The JA story was completely manufactured from ground up in order to relieve her of premeditation and 1st degree murder. JA has, all along, wanted a 2nd degree murder conviction.
Hi, I am very new to this case (not at all like the Caylee case where I knew every detail), but I got pulled in and BOY am I pulled in now (disturbing).

The picture you are talking about was one of the first pictures I saw when I was doing some research and here's my impression ----> 1) He isn't mad, angry, or scared, he is sad. 2) I've seen that look before during breakups. It's the "I'm sorry it didn't work out, but we have to move on, we've hurt eachother too much, please let it go already" look (imo). 3) I imagine he wanted out, had enough of her craziness, wanted to get back on track mormon-wize, and she wasn't having any of that. I imagine she told him that she wanted pictures of their last moments together and when she realized it was their last (the look on his face), she carried out her plan to kill him. I bet if he was smiling, sticking out his tongue (or something silly) he would have lived another day. He was done and she wasn't going to let anybody else have him.

That's what the picture says to me, but who knows :waitasec:

Good points, I like them
After all of this awful, excruciating testimony, I keep thinking "what the heck does this have to do with self defense?" All of the sex, even the supposed and ridiculous pedophile testimony. So totally unnecessary and false. One time she describes him trying to choke her and feared she could die. I bet it was a sex game that she told him about the choking thing and they acted it out. Never, in anything she said, did it seem that Travis could or would try to kill her. It's absolutely ridiculous and unbelievable!! There was no escalating violence, no pattern of abuse. She just wanted to make him sound bad. Makes me so angry!!!
IS replaying parts of JA's testimony.
She doesn't remember taking the shower shots, then DOES remember her attacked her, then doesn't remember the stabbing. lol
Good Morning Everyone!:seeya:

It's almost SHOWTIME! . . . . .Juan’s cross will be succinct, poignant and deliberate. He will debunk many, if not most of her lies and will be forceful as warranted.

JA will have zero credibility left when Juan is through with her and I believe jurors will subsequently disregard her entire testimony, hence all the lies, she will be convicted of 1st degree murder. :great: Hopefully with a DP, society needs to rid of this evil.

I don't know if this was posted on here before but I was reading an article on Psychopaths that describes JA to the letter. If you guys get a chance it is worth the read, here is an excerpt and the link:

"Lying, deceiving, and manipulation are natural talents for psychopaths," agreed Dr. Robert Hare, in his book, Without Conscience. "When caught in a lie or challenged with the truth, they are seldom perplexed or embarrassed--they simply change their stories or attempt to rework the facts so that they appear to be consistent with the lie."

Psychopaths are always able to justify their actions, no matter how brutal. They have, "an ability to rationalize their behavior so that it appears warranted, reasonable, and justified," says Dr. Cleckley. Dr. Hare added, "Psychopaths show a stunning lack of concern for the devastating effects their actions have on others. Often they are completely forthright about the matter, calmly stating that they have no sense of guilt, [and] are not sorry for the pain and destruction they have caused," which, says Dr. Hare, "is associated with a remarkable ability to rationalize their behavior."

Psychopathy is usually untreatable. Most therapists won't work with them because they often end up damaged in the process. Dr. Hare explained, "Such counseling would be wasted on psychopaths." Some of them will even reflect the wishes of the therapist and pretend to be getting better.

They are well aware that their mental makeup is drastically different from the majority. They have a sixth sense for detecting and exploiting any weakness you may have. At a very early age they learn that they can inflict mental and emotional harm on others with ease. They also learn how to detect others like themselves out of a crowd of normal people. Beginning in their childhood, most of them learn to mimic normal emotional reactions in order to blend in with society.
I am relying on my gift. Thanks for your insight. I just cry every time I see that pic. The others don't affect me this way. Not even the ones of him post mortem. :(

I am relying on my gift and gut instinct too Tulessa! It has served me very well all of my life.

I have now seen that close up photo of Travis right before his death many times now and it still brings me to tears. It is the most haunting photo Ive ever seen knowing he had minutes to live. To know he has just looked into the very eyes of the monster who was going to murder him is absolutely mind numbing to even try to comprehend. He knew his psychopath was BACK!:furious:

I believe he finally spotted her in the photo before the close up where he looks shocked and surprise then this one where he is facing the demon from hell.

He knew once again Jodi Arias had invaded his private space and this time was going to end even worse than all the other times she had done the same.

God rest his soul.

After all of this awful, excruciating testimony, I keep thinking "what the heck does this have to do with self defense?" All of the sex, even the supposed and ridiculous pedophile testimony. So totally unnecessary and false. One time she describes him trying to choke her and feared she could die. I bet it was a sex game that she told him about the choking thing and they acted it out. Never, in anything she said, did it seem that Travis could or would try to kill her. It's absolutely ridiculous and unbelievable!! There was no escalating violence, no pattern of abuse. She just wanted to make him sound bad. Makes me so angry!!!

It all boils down to it's everyone's fault but St. Jodi's. Self-defense all her life.
Hi, I am very new to this case (not at all like the Caylee case where I knew every detail), but I got pulled in and BOY am I pulled in now (disturbing).

The picture you are talking about was one of the first pictures I saw when I was doing some research and here's my impression ----> 1) He isn't mad, angry, or scared, he is sad. 2) I've seen that look before during breakups. It's the "I'm sorry it didn't work out, but we have to move on, we've hurt eachother too much, please let it go already" look (imo). 3) I imagine he wanted out, had enough of her craziness, wanted to get back on track mormon-wize, and she wasn't having any of that. I imagine she told him that she wanted pictures of their last moments together and when she realized it was their last (the look on his face), she carried out her plan to kill him. I bet if he was smiling, sticking out his tongue (or something silly) he would have lived another day. He was done and she wasn't going to let anybody else have him.

That's what the picture says to me, but who knows :waitasec:

I believe this is the picture being discussed;

And some Advil.

That's one of my favorite songs. It's about Dave Coulier.

:hug: I'm sorry that happened to you, but in the end justice was served.

it is about him and I believe he did say in an interview that she really would interrupt him at dinner a lot.
it did, I believe her 'Jagged Little Pill' album has been her best selling album to date.

It was hugely popular and still is.

Geez...I guess my taste in music isn't 'hip'. LOL I REALLY disliked it. I'm just not cool enough I guess. LOL
I always felt the reason why Jodi stayed with Travis even when she knew she was just a booty call is that te relationship is not about sex at all. It was about competition. I see great glee in Jodi when she uses her big words. This would be extremely empowering to a high school dropout to match her self-assumed clever wits against a man whom everyone hailed as being so successful and bright. Outsmarting Travis seemed to be Jodi's only goal in life. From the snooping, the hacking, the stalking and the coverup. She welcomed each new drama or conflict because it set the stage for the perfect battle ground to showcase to herself her awesomeness. She needed the drama, she needed the conflict - so she could excercise her wits and continuously feed her never satiated starving ego. It wasn't sex. She wanted to win.

Wow, Stolat, great post!

I think you have really captured Jodi's psychological makeup very well.

I have had similar thoughts, but I see envy as a major motivator. It really goes hand-in-hand with competition.

I think Jodi was envious of everything about Travis's life and she wanted his life all for herself, first figuratively, then literally.

Most importantly (IMO), to have others view her as 'normal' and 'good'.

That was the only true thing in her testimony, that she wanted to be perceived as normal. Note, she did not state she wanted to be normal, just wanted people to think she was normal.

QED: She knows she is not normal.
Just watched JA talk about the ninjas in the 48hours show again.

Quite interesting watching this after she called it BS on the stand yesterday.

[ame=""]48 Hours "Picture Perfect" - YouTube[/ame]

27 minutes in.
i'm greatly influenced----and i've admitted it here---because i had a defense attorney who told a jury i was a willing participant in my own rape. when i described his genitals as 'infantile', she said that's not how a 'real' rape victim talks----ignoring the fact that i'm a nurse, and so it wasn't unusual for me. she even maligned my boyfriend at the time because he had just gotten divorced and she implied i stole him from his wife so i was a jezebel. she chased down jurors on their way to the elevator after they sentenced him to 99 years demanding an explanation.

so sorry, can't help it. i've had it happen to me, and i've seen it happen to others. i just have a problem with a defense that annihilates the real victim.

I am so so sorry for what happened to you. I understand and morally feel the same way you do about the process. I don't know how defense attorneys sleep at night. They certainly earn every penny they make. But I also understand their legal purpose and they are given wide latitude to defend ..within the bounds of the law. IMO the problem is the system...not the attorney.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
One (of many) things that JA said yesterday just sticks in my head:

She remembers how many bars were showing on her phone while she was in the desert, but she cannot "remember" the stabbing. Really......?

Just mind blowing - amongst many other mind blowing things.

She's banking on extreme memory loss due to PTSD to bail her out of this one. I was one of those that didn't believe that she would employ this blackout nonsense, but OMG she not only did it but she took it to its extreme level. She "came to" while driving in the desert, only remembering convenient bits and pieces but not the actual bloodletting! OMFG! Never thought she would go that far with it, pun not intended. :banghead:
Doesn't In Session provide the live trial feed to everyone else in the media? What will happen when they no longer cover trials live?
i'm greatly influenced----and i've admitted it here---because i had a defense attorney who told a jury i was a willing participant in my own rape. when i described his genitals as 'infantile', she said that's not how a 'real' rape victim talks----ignoring the fact that i'm a nurse, and so it wasn't unusual for me. she even maligned my boyfriend at the time because he had just gotten divorced and she implied i stole him from his wife so i was a jezebel. she chased down jurors on their way to the elevator after they sentenced him to 99 years demanding an explanation.

so sorry, can't help it. i've had it happen to me, and i've seen it happen to others. i just have a problem with a defense that annihilates the real victim.

I understand completely where you are coming from, and I sympathize with your experience, kscornfed. My profession forced me into up close and personal contact with defence lawyers, and I confess it has made me overly cynical.
So JA says she lied because she didn't want anyone to know what she had done, I thought she said she didn't rememebr what she had done.
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