Jodi Arias Trial discussion, #3

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I just saw this on fb, couldn't help but think about Travis. :(

I'm an athiest, too. But I do have many long term close friends who are lds. It's not a big deal in the sense that you're damned to hell for eternity. But it is a big deal within the community and it is not just passed off as a normal human frailty. It is extremely stigmatic -- like in the sense of an extra-marital teen pg in the 1940's or 50's stigmatic, or worse. The philosophy of the church is to hate the sin, but not the sinner so no, there's no shunning from the church, per se. But your workin' your butt pretty danged hard to get back in good graces. I'm pretty sure my lds friends are close enough with me to candidly share their pov on the subject, so I'm going to ask them and share it here if it's okay with them. I'm pretty sure they won't mind since some of them are particularly feisty girlies :) Keep in mind, that we're talking about a group of people who aren't supposed to drink soda or coffee and DON'T for the most part, because it's not accepted in their faith.

Haha, another misconception, Id be lost without my good ole Dt. Mtn. Dew! It's sad but can be true about the community, but your right, we are taught to hate the sin and love the sinner.
In no way did he deserve to die and certainly not in the manner he did. That said he should have stopped dealing with her way back, it's clear from his post on her myspace that he didnt let it go either..jmo
The Gift of Fear is a great book about listening to that inner voice that warns you. Yet, sometimes people just decide to ignore the little voice and the red flags and go for the reckless thrill. You live and you learn, but Travis didn't get that chance.
Haha, another misconception, Id be lost without my good ole Dt. Mtn. Dew! It's sad but can be true about the community, but your right, we are taught to hate the sin and love the sinner.

Might be jumping in before reading (sorry) but if discussing LD and Mormon religions/believers, I am not either but I hold a deep respect for the one's I know as they are good, faithful people regardless if their believes are mine.
All I can say is I hope this hoe gets the DP. Poor, poor Travis!
Two thoughts:

1. I can't wait until we hear the conversation where LE tells her, "we have photos of you on the camera."

2. Somewhere Casey Anthony is sitting back thinking, "I am a MUCH better liar."

Haha, another misconception, Id be lost without my good ole Dt. Mtn. Dew! It's sad but can be true about the community, but your right, we are taught to hate the sin and love the sinner.

Ah, but that's why I said "for the most part" lol One of my friend's screen name is brand of soda. She can't put it down and curses it constantly b/c not only is she not "supposed" to drink it, but it makes her way heavier than she wants to be. She admits its a "sin' but she does it anyway. Another of my lds friends cusses sometimes, and yet another designs risque outfits intended to be worn by children :what: (for a specific purpose, and not as bad as it sounds lol).

Nonetheless, they all believe that they are doing something inconsistent with their faith and the rest of my lds friends don't do those things. But my point really was only that if drinking soda and coffee is something to be avoided, imagine how pre-marital sex is viewed! All in good nature, though. I'm not intending to offend and hope you are not offended :)
I don't know why there is a religious aspect to this trial. Its still cold blooded murder whether the victim is Buddhist, Mormon or Catholic...

No one was exceding societal norms sexually or otherwise...

I agree
The Gift of Fear is a great book about listening to that inner voice that warns you. Yet, sometimes people just decide to ignore the little voice and the red flags and go for the reckless thrill. You live and you learn, but Travis didn't get that chance.

And Protecting the Gift by the same author, for parents... Wonderful wonderful books!
Ah, but that's why I said "for the most part" lol One of my friend's screen name is brand of soda. She can't put it down and curses it constantly b/c not only is she not "supposed" to drink it, but it makes her way heavier than she wants to be. She admits its a "sin' but she does it anyway. Another of my lds friends cusses sometimes, and yet another designs risque outfits intended to be worn by children :what: (for a specific purpose, and not as bad as it sounds lol).

Nonetheless, they all believe that they are doing something inconsistent with their faith and the rest of my lds friends don't do those things. But my point really was only that if drinking soda and coffee is something to be avoided, imagine how pre-marital sex is viewed! All in good nature, though. I'm not intending to offend and hope you are not offended :)

I don't think your offensive at all, I took it as good natured and meant to be back. It struck me as funny because the soda thing (with caffine) actually made the news here in Utah and caused a big stink when the church said they have no stance on it, I was dumbfounded by it because I never saw it as a big deal.

Most of how I feel about this case has already been said by much better and articulate posters then I, there is just so many lies told by Jodi it surprises me when something she says is actually believed!
In no way did he deserve to die and certainly not in the manner he did. That said he should have stopped dealing with her way back, it's clear from his post on her myspace that he didnt let it go either..jmo

Well, he only made one comment after she moved out of his town, and I didn't see any comment to beg her to come back. Just saying.

Wow, I am getting tired. Good-Night Everyone. :eek:fftobed:
Ok, I keep hearing what posters think the jury will decide as to the DP, but I thought that the judge makes that decision after a second "trial" (held if defendent found guilty of 1st degree murder only) is held. Am I wrong? It is very possible that I am, just trying to clarify it for myself. I thought that the jury only made judgment in the guilt phase of the trial process.

From what I have read, in Arizona, 1st degree murder in this case would need premeditation. The premeditation would be ANY amount of time, long or short, that would allow for ANY amount of reflection before the commission of the crime.

Then there are 10 factors that would qualify a case for the DP, and only ONE is needed. IMO, the factor that they are using is that the crime was committed in "an especially heinous, cruel, or depraved manner."

So, if premeditation is determined, then 1st degree murder verdict from jury. If 1st degree murder verdict, then the aggravation and mitigation hearing with the judge only, and where victims impact testimony is allowed. If judge finds crime committed in an especially heinous, cruel, or depraved manner, then the DP is quite possible from the judge.

Please correct my errors, as my limited research might have been completely outdated or something. TIA.

Judges used to decide on the death penalty, but it was changed a few years back.
Here's a link with more info on the change:

Ah, but that's why I said "for the most part" lol One of my friend's screen name is brand of soda. She can't put it down and curses it constantly b/c not only is she not "supposed" to drink it, but it makes her way heavier than she wants to be. She admits its a "sin' but she does it anyway. Another of my lds friends cusses sometimes, and yet another designs risque outfits intended to be worn by children :what: (for a specific purpose, and not as bad as it sounds lol).

Nonetheless, they all believe that they are doing something inconsistent with their faith and the rest of my lds friends don't do those things. But my point really was only that if drinking soda and coffee is something to be avoided, imagine how pre-marital sex is viewed! All in good nature, though. I'm not intending to offend and hope you are not offended :)

Here is the official word on soda/caffeinated drinks...Your friend will be happy!:great:
Did you (anyone) see the voir dire? I'm assuming they know by now who's on the jury and who might be offended or not, but I didn't see it myself.

I didn't see it but I read a brief synopsis somewhere. I'd like to find a copy of the jurors' profiles if it exists as well as a transcription of the voir dire if anyone was taking notes then. Will have to check.
I don't think it was after TA but during it. How that helps the defense is beyond me.

I haven't been able to read over everything, but are you saying that Jodi was having an affair with both guys during the same time?
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