Jodi Arias Trial Discussion #8 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I am so sorry! What a terrible thing to go through.

It was for my friend and her husband and the rest of her family. It was a brain aneurysm. I know I would be chatting her ear off about this trial :)
Thanks for pulling that info for me and correcting my memory. :)

No problem! I wasn't sure either until I went back to Mimi's testimony. I am really curious as to the issue re: Lisa testifying. But, I hope she does! The fact that JA knocked on her door after slashing tires outside is just beyond scary.

And wasn't Lisa the recipient of JA's threatening email to "sin no more"? Would be interesting to hear if she received any other messages.
Many will say this is cliche, but IMHO beauty comes from within. In mind, body and spirit. If your mind and spirit are dark, there's nothing that's going to please me about your shell.

I can't think of a single defendent that raises my eyebrows.

However, I'll flirt with Yuri Melich anyday! He's a good guy, with great intentions, and always doing his best to convict the criminals.


All I can really say, Mel, is good luck with that! there a doctor in the house? :angel:

(Oh my. Just stopped myself (almost) before talking about playing nurse. Better behave myself before the real Nurse notices. ;))
I know this has been discussed ad nauseum. Butt (lol), she is a planner. She dyes her hair. She steals a gun. She gets a car that is one of a billion.

She stabs him first?

TA looks like quite a beefy guy. She is small. And we have seen she does not have a six pack.

I would shoot someone. Trying to stab a huge guy makes no sense to me.

It does make sense that she shot him first and the gun jammed . Then she took the time to get a knife from somewhere.

The knife makes no sense in light of all of her other planning

Well, in the video, Flores does say Travis was shot first, so I dunno.

That would make the most sense to me, too. But the ME gave a different opinion. Very confusing.
Tiffany Wann: i totally agree that obsession apparently played a big part in all of this....which makes me think "mental illness" ... (which, is NOT an excuse, or a reason to try her hand at a rule 11 hearing and trial) there is just so much that doesn't add up at times, and on the other hand, everything adds up to an overwhelming point...she is already at peace, so to speak, with spending the rest of her life behind bars, however, she doesn't want the death penalty....but then again, who would?

I was wondering, and I'm just thinking out loud here...
Have they thought to look up any of her ex-boyfriends to see if they are actually missing persons?
If she killed him so easily, was this her first time?
She was known to change her hair color from brown to blonde to brown. She had a PO box on her driver's license. Was she, perhaps, trying to stay off the grid?

Just thinking out loud here.
John Hepworth

One of the things that really bothers me about this trial is the way the defense is trying to demonize Travis. Travis was one of the nicest people I have ever met. He opened his home to me when I needed it. I was in the kitchen when he and Jodi broke up. There was no yelling. They sat down in the front room and Travis explained to her that the relationship was not going anywhere. I was in the house when Travis caught Jodi reading his gmail. There was no threats of violence. There was a time when Travis was pretty upset with me because of something that I had disclosed to a mutual friend. He had a right to be upset with me. Travis told me that he wished that I respected him enough to talk to him instead of behind his back. Travis was a kind, cheritable soul who would literaly give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. He remains an example to me.

IMO..Probably not the best place to break up with a a house with a friend listening in on your conversation.

You don't think he was afraid of how she would take it???? He knew she was obsessed. He probably planned to have someone there in case something got out of hand.

ETA: After reading the posts below the one I quoted it appears many were thinking the same thing!
A previous poster suggested Jodi could have burned the evidence in the desert during her long drive.

Are there any picnic spots/rest stops along the way with BBQ pits?

She could hav easily stopped at a place like that and burned everything in a pit with some lighter fluid.
Lisa also wrote this:

It wasn't until I learned of the brutal murder of Travis, and after months of dealing with all the pain and emotions that come with it, that I have come to realize why we couldn't be together. Whether it was to protect me physically or emotionally, or both, I know not. But I do know that Heavenly Father was watching out for me, and continues to do so.

Oh I very, very much believe that was written in terms of losing him. Physically could easily mean keeping herself safe from a maniac stalker too. She actually goes a step further and states she wouldn't have been with him at all if she knew the outcome. I presume to spare herself.

But really only she knows so I guess it will come out if and when she testifies. She did seem to really love him and I really feel for her. She had a very hard time it would appear. :(
A previous poster suggested Jodi could have burned the evidence in the desert during her long drive.

Are there any picnic spots/rest stops along the way with BBQ pits?

She could hav easily stopped at a place like that and burned everything in a pit with some lighter fluid.

There are quite a few scenic spots with picnic areas on the way to Utah. I don't how many rest stops use cameras. I know some if them do. I wonder if LE thought to check.
I am really glad you have faith the jurors. I so hope you are right.

I am not! I am furious. IMO Any juror with two brain cells to rub together wouldn't be asking such stupid questions during the states case. Weren't they paying attention to her defense attorneys opening statement? There is no doubt she killed him, but it was in self defense.
Did some moron actually think a roommate was involved? IMO they are looking at her, even after everything they heard and saw ...and are looking for another explanation....couldn't be jodi .....Jodi alone? She musta had help.

I am beyond disgusted!

IMO..I don't think any questions are stupid. Some days the only way I can make heads or tails about the trial is reading Websleuths. The jury does not get to discuss the day's trial, look on YouTube, things that we get to do. I would not want to be on that jury. I think questions are great...means the jurors are thinking.
A previous poster suggested Jodi could have burned the evidence in the desert during her long drive.

Are there any picnic spots/rest stops along the way with BBQ pits?

She could hav easily stopped at a place like that and burned everything in a pit with some lighter fluid.

In a perfect world, Jodi would have used her cell phone close to the time she disposed of the evidence, and then we'd have a record from nearby cell tower pings of where she was in the desert.

I don't think JA would stop in an area where she could be spotted by potential witnesses. Maybe that's what took her so long to get to UT. I could also see her disposing of the evidence in a lake or pond of some kid. I feel like that might be easier than burying it in the open desert, maybe.

Another thought, perhaps she was so concerned about the rental car during the interrogation because she was afraid of trace evidence from the disposal site. I think even JA would know that if LE found the evidence, and linked it to trace on the rental car, she'd be done for. Toast.
Well, in the video, Flores does say Travis was shot first, so I dunno.

That would make the most sense to me, too. But the ME gave a different opinion. Very confusing.

The prosecutor questioned Mr. Flores and stated that Mr. Flores was under the impression that Travis was shot first from the statement JA gave to him. It wasn't until they received the ME's report that he learned TA was shot last. jmo
In a perfect world, Jodi would have used her cell phone close to the time she disposed of the evidence, and then we'd have a record from nearby cell tower pings of where she was in the desert.

I don't think JA would stop in an area where she could be spotted by potential witnesses. Maybe that's what took her so long to get to UT. I could also see her disposing of the evidence in a lake or pond of some kid. I feel like that might be easier than burying it in the open desert, maybe.

Another thought, perhaps she was so concerned about the rental car during the interrogation because she was afraid of trace evidence from the disposal site. I think even JA would know that if LE found the evidence, and linked it to trace on the rental car, she'd be done for. Toast.

She did get a little concerned when she thought they were going to bring in the rental car.
Ms. Willmott said in opening statements that Jodi Arias killed Travis Alexander and that there was no doubt about that.

All the defense has to work with is to prove Travis was the bad guy and Jodi was protecting herself.

So far, the defense has not elicited one shred of evidence that Travis was abusive. They did bring up the message where Travis said bad words to her (Jodi said it didn't bother her in her interrogation.) and one out of context which Mr. Martinez immediately provided for the jury.

The prosecution is totally avoiding the stalking issue, but Nurmi made a big deal in his cross of Mimi. You can be sure the same will happen with Lisa when called to testify.

Why this is, I do not understand. If the prosecution used the alleged stalking by Jodi, it could cause a verdict to be overturned. If the defense is using it, how in the world does it help Jodi? Travis was discrete and never mentioned a name to either of them. How does that help prove Travis was an abuser?
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