Jodi Arias Trial Discussion #9 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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omg look at that look on her face!

She looks like she may cry. Then she looks stunned anyone would testify against her. Then she looks like she is plotting what she would do to her if she ever walked :what: To me.
I agree.
Even though this attention is the most negative and sick attention she doesn't care she loves all this. Every bit of it :furious:

Exactly. If it's about her, doesn't matter what the content is. Just has to be about her. Sick, sick, sick, sick.
What IS the relevance of that question to JA's friend? JA already admitted the crime! *sigh*
State calls Leslie Udy from Utah - met @ prepaid Legal convention in Las Vegas - in Sept. 2006. They had a few things in common . . .they talked. All expense paid trip by their company to Huntington Beach attended w/JA (and others) . . . JA mentioned she thought TA was seeing other girls because she had seen texts on his phone . . .she looked @ his phone while he was showering or sleeping.

She saw JA @ PPL business briefing - got over about 8:30 or 9:00. Leslie rode with JA over to Chili's to have something to eat. Leslie sat in front passenger seat. I didn't notice whether car had carmats, she didn't look for stains - it was dark. We actually sat in the parking lot and talked for close to an hour. She was acting like Jodi - same Jodi I always talked to.

During conversation - we talked about photography she had pictures from Huntington Beach to send to her . . . we talked about Travis - JA said they were not together anymore - which Leslie already knew. They (JA and TA) would be friends and see each other @ PPL events and one day their children would play with each other . . . JA's children would play w/TA's children one day.

JA said they would always be best friends . . . JA and Leslie went into Chili's - JA sat on Leslie's right side and next to her husband Mark. JA had injuries on her hand - said she broke a glass @ work and cut her fingers.

After that . . . received a call after finding out TA had been killed - she was very upset, disrought, crying - TA had been killed - couldn't imagine why someone would do that to TA, why would they do that. . ..

Another phone call - 2am the next morning - cellphone next to Leslie's bed - husband asked who would call @ this time in the morning - JA calling saying it was the time of night she would normally talk to TA and he was her best friend - she lost her BFF and she didn't know what to do.
(JA appears to start to tear up - grabs tissue)
Jodi never told Leslie she killed TA

Defense says one of the things Leslie told Defense is that what Jodi told her didn't make sense to her - can you explain?
Objection -
January 17, 2013 Morning Testimony

State witness Detective Flores

State playing a phone message from Jodi to Flores on June 21, 2008. Jodi is asking Flores to call her regarding Travis.
Exhibit 366, phone record.


DT asking Flores about the photos recovered on the camera. DT asking if there was any other
Flores spoke to numerous people at the scene and none of them told Flores that Jodi was visiting Travis. DT says that's because it was a secret right? Prosecution objects, Flores does not answer

Next witness for the state: Jeff Strohn, works for Sprint/Nextel communications, a cell phone company

Exhibit #366, record from when the telephone call was made. Jodi's cell phone is 831-402-1901 and the records for that phone number are admitted.
--When this witness speaks, he looks at the jury. Strohn explains how the phone records work.
--Explains how calls register onto the network and what each column means on the records.
--When phone calls are routed to voicemail it is not going to show any cell site information.
--The telephone company itself has a server for voicemail.
--June 4, 2008, 2348 hours, called ended at 2351 hours. 169 seconds. 831-402-1901 is the calling number. Jodi's phone called a number twice.
--Another call on June 4, 2008 after the above noted call, lasted 961 seconds.

DT does not do a cross examination.

Next witness for the state: Leslie Udy--Leslie lives in Utah and knows Jodi, identifies her in court.
--Met Jodi the first time at a PPL convention in Vegas in September 2006.
--Became friends, had a few things in common like photography.
--Went to Huntington Beach in June 2007 with Travis and Jodi, it was an all expense paid trip put on by PPL.
--Leslie states that Jodi was concerned that Travis was seeing another girl as she had seen some texts from another girl. Jodi had looked at them while Travis was in the shower or asleep and

June 5, 2008, Thursday, in the evening around 1930 hours at a PPL business briefing. The event was over at 2030 hours. Leslie rode with Jodi to Chilis to have something to eat. Leslie sat in the front passenger seat. Leslie did not notice if there were any car mats. It was dark, she did not notice. Leslie did not notice stains on the car seat.
--Prior to the meeting Leslie and Jodi sat in the parking lot with Jodi for an hour and talked to her. Jodi's demeanor was "just Jodi".
--They spoke about photography. Jodi was supposed to
--Talked about Travis. Jodi said that they weren't together anymore. Leslie already knew that. Jodi said they would always be friends (Travis and Jodi) and someday they would see each other at PPL events and their children would play together (meaning Travis' children and Jodi's children). Jodi said that Travis had tried to get her to come to Mesa but Jodi said she had moved to California to get away from him. Jodi indicated that her and Travis would always be best friends.
--After the conversation Leslie and Jodi went into Chilis. Leslie is asked if her husband Mark said anything about any injuries.
--Jodi said she had broken a glass at work and cut her fingers.
--Leslie got a call from Jodi right after Jodi had found out that Travis had been killed. Call was from between 9-11. Jodi was distraught, sobbing. Jodi said that Travis was dead, he had been killed, couldn't imagine why somebody would do something to him. Travis was such a wonderful guy.
--Leslie got another call around 0200 in the morning. Leslie had told Jodi that she would keep her phone by her bed if Jodi needed to talk. Jodi was upset and crying, and that it was the time of day she usually talked to Travis. She had lost her best friend and didn't know what to do.
--Jodi never told Leslie that she had killed Travis.
this whole matching your DA thing is for sure not an accident..

both wearing green today..

:eek: omg ... so "childish" ...

And this made me think of "Runaway Jury" ...

:waitasec: I sure hope this jury does not start wearing matching clothes ... like in "Runaway Jury" ... oh and the Drew Peterson trial -- but for DP, the Jury got it right !

omg look at that look on her face!

'She (Jodi) didn't know what she was going to do.'

Jodi snatches a tissue from the box, holds it to her face and BAWAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH. No wait a minute she holds it to her face and NOTTTTTTTTTHING
But that's my maybe the standard pronunciation or spanish pronunciation or the "correct pronunciation" in his mind, but it's not how Jodi pronounces it---so to me it is not being pronounced correctly.

Similarly (but obviously different), I hate how fellow East Coaster pronounce Nevada as Nevahda.

I have to watch Juan but as I recall he says it like r i us but correct Spanish pronunciation would be air i us.
Ok, ok, just give her the darn Academy Award for the dumbest look. Where on this good earth would a woman like this elicit any sympathy??!!! <----rhetorical.
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