Jodi Arias Trial Discussion #9 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Who is paying for JA's defense team? tia

Well if the defendent cannot afford lawyers they are provided by the state. Thats where we in AZ come in.....we the taxpayers are paying for it. I want my money's worth so that she has little grounds for the long appeals process much later.

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jury questions:

Q: Were there any sets of knives that appeared to be missing a knife?

A: No. We didn't find anything like that

Q: Was the gun used to kill Mr. Alexander found in Ms Arias' possession?

A: No, it was not.

Q: Why were the fibers found at the scene, sandles, and pillows not sent to compare them?

A: We didn't feel it was necessary at that time.

Q: When you personally interviewed Mr. Alexander's roommates was there ever a mention of their concern for his extended absence June 4 thru June 9?

A: No. They believed he was in Mexico already. They didn't know his schedule.

Q: What were the alibis given by those roommates?

A: One was working and the other was actually staying at his girlfriend's home and they were house sitting for her parents.

Q: Did Mr. Alexander have a boarder or another person living in the house?

A: No. Just the two roommates.

Q: Were the fingerprints of the boarder taken to see if they matched any at the scene?

A: Yes. They were.

Q: With regard to the knife or gun: was Mr. Alexander's old BMW searched?

A: No. It was not.


(for those who missed the questions)
Well if the defendent cannot afford lawyers they are provided by the state. Thats where we in AZ come in.....we the taxpayers are paying for it. I want my money's worth so that she has little grounds for the long appeals process much later.

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I realize if one can not afford an attorney a public defender will be provided, I just didn't know if this is what she had.
hey all!
thanks for all the info and updates. i have been following since day one and this chat has helped me see the trial in different lights. Love all the opinions and theories. they are awesome. i really want to see the picture perfect 48 hours show.
does anyone have a link?
i keep trying to google it but there isnt any media i think.
thank you for everything :)
:seeya: If you have a link for the Opening Statements, could you please post it ?

THANKS ! I missed the Openings because I forgot the trial had started ...

I just don't get WHY they are asking about alibis ... this case should be a "slam dunk" for the State ...

We all KNOW who killed Travis ... :furious:

:seeya: :moo:

it is linked in the timeline and media thread
I'll need to read/rematch Mr. Martinez opening statements.

I don't think the juror that asked that alibi question was paying attention.

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I agree. I think the PA needs to keep reminding the jury that Jodi is admitting she did it. That is getting totally lost and such a major point. The PA needs to hammer home that Jodi is admitting to killing him now.
Especially now after the videos where she told the ninja lies and she kept saying she did not do it.

I think some of the jury is missing that she is admitting to the killing by herself with nobody else present.
I had a random thought last night.
JA drove over the Hoover Dam in the middle of the night.
We know this based on when and where she was the night she killed TA verified by the Verizon guy.
He stated she was 45 miles from Kingman which puts her very close to Hoover Dam around 11:30.
For those who have been over Hoover Dam prior to the bypass bridge, I wonder if she threw the murder weapons over ???
I feel there is a very good possibility of this.
If there are any attorneys brave enough be be alone with her.
Mr Nurmi aka Okay accepted

jury questions:

Q: Were the fingerprints of the boarder taken to see if they matched any at the scene?

A: No. It was not.

I think that is a typo, it should read IMO border as in border around something, if the answer was no in the previous question to no boarder, how does one take fingerprints of someone who does not exist, answer yes they were
Now I am going back to watch video and hope I was not off on a tangent.

Edited to add, jury questions were not in the linked youtube video
I realize if one can not afford an attorney a public defender will be provided, I just didn't know if this is what she had.
I was making more of a jab at defense.....I am not exactly happy with their performance and since I and many others are footing the bill I want them to shape up. I realize how I worded it is weird, sorry for that.

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Trials can be draining to follow that's for sure. I know the CA verdict was beyond shocking and I think has us Trial watchers on high alert with Jury's. There is a ways to go yet. The evidence is there. It's not complicated or subjective for this Jury. In my mind there will be a conviction. I think my biggest question is will she get the needle? As long as she is put away for life I can live with that. IMO

Thank you for your input. I agree.
Okay. These interviewers drive me crazy. This guy knew her, has valuable input and they won't let him talk! Does this drive anyone else crazy too? I wonder if the pros will call him and some of TA's friends to the stand. I think he could have said way more if Dr. drew and his guest would have shut up to let him talk.:banghead:

Yes, drives me nuts, too. Especially that woman guest co-host...who the heck is she and what value does she add? She just interrupts at the wrong times. And dr d seems like he doesn't care much for her, either.

But I had to watch since he's a shrink, and I wanted to hear his impression of WHAT'S WRONG WITH JA - WHAT'S HER MENTAL DIAGNOSIS? I have never seen anyone this whacked...
So last night I was watching the 48 Hours special "Picture Perfect" about JA.
I couldn't help but notice that Ryan Burns has put on a LOT of weight since they met in 2008. He is almost unrecognizable.



Yeah, well the stress of thinking this girl might go free and go after him has him eating for comfort! And think, Lisa doesn't want to testify either!! No one wants to be around this nut case ever.
I realize if one can not afford an attorney a public defender will be provided, I just didn't know if this is what she had.
well i dunno how much she was making per year but here in ontario canada...lets say you make around 20k to 34k per year YOU dont have acess to a public defender
which piss me off..long story here lol
If there are any attorneys brave enough be be alone with her.

Hi !
Good to see you here!! :seeya:

I watched the 48 hours piece. I hate how the media sensationalizes but that is what they are all about. Bottom line is Jodi thinks she can use her sweet talk to get herself out of any situation but there is forensic evidence that the jury cannot dismiss (bloody hand print.) She never mentioned that the ninjas cut her so why would her blood be there mixed with TA's? MOO
I think that is a typo, it should read IMO border as in border around something, if the answer was no in the previous question to no boarder, how does take fingerprints of someone who does not exist, answer yes they were
Now I am going back to watch video and hope I was not off on a tangent.

Edited to add, jury questions were not in the linked youtube video

it was **my** typo... I transcribed from the video..

yes the second question did say border as well

eta: no wait.... I spelled that right :doh:

the question was boarder... as in person
Greetings to all. This is my first post, so please bear with me. I've been following the Arias trial since day one and think she's guilty as sin as well as being a pathological liar. None of her three alibi stories (1. She wasn't there, 2. Ninjas killed Travis, 3. Self-defense) add up to any semblance of truth. (Well, except that the woman ninja was probably Jodi herself projecting her actions onto a fictional character.)

What stands out for me (and hopefully the jurors in this case) is the photographic evidence and her bloody hand print on the wall. Irrefutably, that's her DNA mixed with his. According to her ninja story, neither of the two intruders cut her, so there is no other reason for her blood to be there unless she was cut with her own knife while slashing Travis.

I think, and this is JIMHO, that his murder was the result of him telling her this was the LAST time they would 'get together.' I have no proof, obviously, but it makes as much sense as him telling her she wasn't going to Cancun with him. Maybe he said both things. At any rate, she went into a rage and slaughtered him brutally. She knew exactly what she was doing, especially with the cover-up afterwards.

I'm glad the jurors are asking questions. Sounds to me like they are trying to eliminate every possible excuse or suspect, which means they are actually thinking. Unlike the jurors who should have seen justice done in the CMA case. Again, just my humble opinion.

Welcome TA Razza! These posters are reall good. Just hope you have nerves of steel.
Good morning....i just have to say that Juror questions upset me terribly yesterday. I am no longer sure I can get invested in this trial and then find out some the Pinellas 12 moved to Arizona and they manage somehow to acquit this murderer. No one is worse that Casey for staring in Caylee's beautiful little face and duct taping her mouth and dumping her and partying for 31 days, no one. But JA is a real close second! She slaughtered TA. I felt sick yesterday and today I feel the same. We need some encouragement here. I do not care how well the DA are supposed to do their job. They cannot allow her to walk free and do this again. Please!

I couldn't agree more. I was also wondering if when they show the Jurors the naked photos of JA if they black out the private parts? If they do show her completely spread eagle I think that's wrong. With all the men on the Jury all you need is one to stop thinking with the head on his shoulders. I think it's asking for trouble! Especially the way she has a way with Men. The rental car guy and the officer who stopped her for the license plate being upside down both said how nice she was. :banghead: It just takes one!! Just sayin.....
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