Jodi Arias Trial: the weekend discussion

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I'd like to dedicate this post to a certain member... you know who you are ;)

:behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind:
I'm gonna stick my fingers in my ears and sing Oh Holy Night ..,loudly .,, if that is played in court. I don't wanna hear any more about it.

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Isn't oh holy night what Jodi sang in jail?
Omg you just keep em coming!!! Lol!
I'd like to dedicate this post to a certain member... you know who you are ;)

:behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind:

I'm rolling!!!! Too funny!

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Sorry, I have to respectfully disagree with you also. For God's sake, he was a man! He could have stopped all of this if he had WANTED to. When someone slashes your tires (twice) and crawles through your friggin' doggie door, and drives all over the country to be with you, you are either on an ego trip, stupid or wanting the sex!

Just to make sure everyone understands, I believe what JA did was beyond horrible. She deserves the death penalty!!

I'm a little confused. With one clarification, I don't see how anything in my post contradicts what you have said here.

He was an adult. He did have a choice. I think he wanted sex. Perhaps his ego was stroked by having a girl chase him for sex and stalk him. I think he had horribly poor judgment in engaging a crazy stalker in any way. It was a dangerous and ignorant thing to do. I have said that.

People make horrible choices every day. But his horrible choices do not make him less of a victim. And I think a person can engage an abuser and still be abused.

Travis had a choice as to the sex and engaging Arias. But he was still manipulated and abused by her whether he understood that or not. Being manipulated doesn't mean the person lacks choice. It means their weaknesses are exploited to get them to do something for another's benefit.

Here's the clarification though. He could not have stopped the stalking. He could have tried to better protect himself but ignoring a stalker, getting a restraining order and calling the police are often the last things the victims will ever do.

Responses in blue...

Yes, she did. And the circumstances, I assume, are what could possibly mitigate the death sentence. Again, I haven't heard her version of the circumstances yet, but what has been seen so far is not a good sign for her defense.

I am not saying she "done no wrong". She murdered him, no question. I am saying let's not raise TA up on a pedestal of "man of the year" to be worshiped and portrayed as a sexual victim of a woman who controlled him.

~that's all...

Who is saying he should be worshipped? He's a victim and we celebrate his life. If you don't like that, that's okay, but this is a victim friendly forum. Pretty much everyone has said he was imperfect. But it does seem he was a basically good guy.

And I do indeed feel he was a sexual victim. Even if he enjoyed the sex. Because to him it was just physical pleasure. But IMO, for Arias, it was part of the path to domination and control and eventual destruction. Do you not realize that she promised or inferred sex to him as a way of being invited into the house so she could murder him?

Finally, I keep seeing posters insist that bashing this dead guys character is somehow relevant to a defense of murder. It's not. Unless it is evidence that he battered her or threatened her, it is simply not relevant to any defense.

I think, despite protests to the contrary, that the purpose repeatedly of accusing those who view the victim as a victim and as a basically good person as putting him on a pedestal and worshipping him, is to blame him for his own death and to insinuate that he asked for it. The best analogy I have seen was on here by a person who stated its analogous to pointing out the short skirt worn by the rape victim.

I totally agree with that analogy and I think it's horrible, frankly.
I'd like to dedicate this post to a certain member... you know who you are ;)

:behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind: :behind:[/

Tonight's hysterical!
Glad I stayed up for this!!!
I'm a little confused. With one clarification, I don't see how anything in my post contradicts what you have said here.

He was an adult. He did have a choice. I think he wanted sex. Perhaps his ego was stroked by having a girl chase him for sex and stalk him. I think he had horribly poor judgment in engaging a crazy stalker in any way. It was a dangerous and ignorant thing to do. I have said that.

People make horrible choices every day. But his horrible choices do not make him less of a victim. And I think a person can engage an abuser and still be abused.

Travis had a choice as to the sex and engaging Arias. But he was still manipulated and abused by her whether he understood that or not. Being manipulated doesn't mean the person lacks choice. It means their weaknesses are exploited to get them to do something for another's benefit.

Here's the clarification though. He could not have stopped the stalking. He could have tried to better protect himself but ignoring a stalker, getting a restraining order and calling the police are often the last things the victims will ever do.

Who is saying he should be worshipped? He's a victim and we celebrate his life. If you don't like that, that's okay, but this is a victim friendly forum. Pretty much everyone has said he was imperfect. But it does seem he was a basically good guy.

And I do indeed feel he was a sexual victim. Even if he enjoyed the sex. Because to him it was just physical pleasure. But IMO, for Arias, it was part of the path to domination and control and eventual destruction. Do you not realize that she promised or inferred sex to him as a way of being invited into the house so she could murder him?

Finally, I keep seeing posters insist that bashing this dead guys character is somehow relevant to a defense of murder. It's not. Unless it is evidence that he battered her or threatened her, it is simply not relevant to any defense.

I think, despite protests to the contrary, that the purpose repeatedly accusing those who view the victim as a victim and as a basically good person as putting him on a pedestal and worshipping him, is to blame him for his own death and to insinuate that he asked for it. The best analogy I have seen was on here by a person who stated its analogous to pointing out the short skirt worn by the rape victim.

I totally agree with that analogy and I think it's horrible, frankly.

Excellent post!

And honestly... What were the odds he would even meet someone like her? Its rare a person ever crosses paths with a psychopath of her caliber, let alone have sex with one. How could he possibly have foreseen this coming? I get the feeling he had never had the kind of sex or friends with benefit kind of sex he had with Jodi before in his life.

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Is it just me or am I not alone in seeing the irony of the "3 hole wonder" singing the song "oh holy night".:what:

Reminds me of the time my exhusband had to go out of town for a few months on a job and wrote me a love letter telling me that he missed me "a hole lot". It was an honest misspelling on his part but it sure did make me laugh.

My take on anal sex? I'm pretty sure there is a sign on my butt that says "exit only. Do NOT enter!!!"

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!
Is it just me or am I not alone in seeing the irony of the "3 hole wonder" singing the song "oh holy night".:what:

Reminds me of the time my exhusband had to go out of town for a few months on a job and wrote me a love letter telling me that he missed me "a hole lot". It was an honest misspelling on his part but it sure did make me laugh.

My take on anal sex? I'm pretty sure there is a sign on my butt that says "exit only. Do NOT enter!!!"

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!

Good points! You know, to me it sounds painful and not too sexy! But that's just me I guess!
I'm a little confused. With one clarification, I don't see how anything in my post contradicts what you have said here.

He was an adult. He did have a choice. I think he wanted sex. Perhaps his ego was stroked by having a girl chase him for sex and stalk him. I think he had horribly poor judgment in engaging a crazy stalker in any way. It was a dangerous and ignorant thing to do. I have said that.

People make horrible choices every day. But his horrible choices do not make him less of a victim. And I think a person can engage an abuser and still be abused.

Travis had a choice as to the sex and engaging Arias. But he was still manipulated and abused by her whether he understood that or not. Being manipulated doesn't mean the person lacks choice. It means their weaknesses are exploited to get them to do something for another's benefit.

Here's the clarification though. He could not have stopped the stalking. He could have tried to better protect himself but ignoring a stalker, getting a restraining order and calling the police are often the last things the victims will ever do.

Who is saying he should be worshipped? He's a victim and we celebrate his life. If you don't like that, that's okay, but this is a victim friendly forum. Pretty much everyone has said he was imperfect. But it does seem he was a basically good guy.

And I do indeed feel he was a sexual victim. Even if he enjoyed the sex. Because to him it was just physical pleasure. But IMO, for Arias, it was part of the path to domination and control and eventual destruction. Do you not realize that she promised or inferred sex to him as a way of being invited into the house so she could murder him?

Finally, I keep seeing posters insist that bashing this dead guys character is somehow relevant to a defense of murder. It's not. Unless it is evidence that he battered her or threatened her, it is simply not relevant to any defense.

I think, despite protests to the contrary, that the purpose repeatedly of accusing those who view the victim as a victim and as a basically good person as putting him on a pedestal and worshipping him, is to blame him for his own death and to insinuate that he asked for it. The best analogy I have seen was on here by a person who stated its analogous to pointing out the short skirt worn by the rape victim.

I totally agree with that analogy and I think it's horrible, frankly.

Perhaps it's just me. I have a certain sense about people. I almost immediately understand the type of person/people I am dealing with. I believe it is a blessing and it has served me well. I'm sorry that you think that I thought TA was asking for it. I never thought that, and I'm very sorry he died in such a terrible way. However, let's look at the big picture: this does not look good for the Mormon religion, and a lot of things are coming to light that is not favorable to them.
My big picture doesn't have a thing to do with the Mormon religion and there are criminals in every religion so why focus on anything other than expecting justice for a young man's murder. Whether I approve of their intimate moments or not has nothing to do with JA's guilt...or the punishment she deserves.
My big picture doesn't have a thing to do with the Mormon religion and there are criminals in every religion so why focus on anything other than expecting justice for a young man's murder. Whether I approve of their intimate moments or not has nothing to do with JA's guilt...or the punishment she deserves.

I want swift justice for Travis. This murder was horrible and I believe and want JA to receive the death penalty. That being said, I believe the Mormon religion is very, very embarrassed by this. Usually religion is not such an important part of a murder trial, however, it is in this one.
I know I wasn't alone in my wondering....Napoleon is still a very spoiled and loved little Pug. Travis left him to his friend Deanna in his will and she's been doing a great job looking after him.

Lots of pics, updates, tributes and memories from Travis' family and friends here:
It would be really nice if people could separate out their own issues around sex and what is acceptable and not acceptable in their own minds from a murder case. This case is about these 2 people, not what kind of sex you, I, or anyone else thinks is "okay" or "not okay."

Two consenting adults. Travis was not a "victim" of sex, he was not sexually abused, and from what we know so far, neither was Jodi. So what they did in that regard was their business. No one is alleging a rape in this case (again, so far as we've heard).
I know I wasn't alone in my wondering....Napoleon is still a very spoiled and loved little Pug. Travis left him to his friend Deanna in his will and she's been doing a great job looking after him.

Lots of pics, updates, tributes and memories from Travis' family and friends here:

That is a really nice page.

I like the comment by Aaron Mortensen with the Time magazine cover. That cover is way cool that he did. :)
After hearing the testimony around the amount of blood evidence found in the linen closet today, I tend to think she dragged TA's body there and cleaned herself up before she put him in the shower. I don't see any other logical explanation for the amount of blood found there.

After that she dragged TA's body into the shower and cleaned evidence off of him too. She may have rinsed out the shower in between those two things.

If she did use that cup to try and clean up the grisly mess, she is not terribly bright. It's very difficult to get rid of blood. Traces can be found even when it's washed away. How did she think she could get rid of all of that using a cup and a few towels?

It's one thing to stab him in rage, but then the cold calculation of moving him around!

I wonder if she is on drugs in jail to keep her on an even keel?

It just boggles me how she is so calm
It would be really nice if people could separate out their own issues around sex and what is acceptable and not acceptable in their own minds from a murder case. This case is about these 2 people, not what kind of sex you, I, or anyone else thinks is "okay" or "not okay."

Two consenting adults. Travis was not a "victim" of sex, he was not sexually abused, and from what we know so far, neither was Jodi. So what they did in that regard was their business. No one is alleging a rape in this case (again, so far as we've heard).

I think Travis was not meeting his own standards.

That is certainly how he treated Jodi. He felt her unworthy even though he engaged in the same activities with her. The double standard.

She is beyond despicable, but to paint him in glowing terms is not fair
Posted on Travis's sister

Tanisha Sorenson
please come and sit right behind us, ill make sure they dont move you, since thats what they keep doing, and it pisses me off cause unless we know who you are, theyre making everyone move from travis side to jodis side of court and then itt looks like more people are there for jodi and not for travis, but if i reconize you, i can tell them your traviss friend but if i dont know whos who then i cant tell them that there with us, but i knoew what you look like amber so ii will be able to have you and whoever comes with you sit righht behind us.:))
Wednesday at 9:00pm via mobile · 1

I understand that Travis alleged that JA had stolen his journals right about the same time she slashed his tires. I see in some of the official docs that JA was trying to have 'journals' admitted, and it appeared to be also around the same time as the alleged letters written by TA (found to be JA's handwriting). Looks like the journals will not be part of the trial, but wonder where there are? And I wonder what they say?
Here's video of the mistrial request:


There's also a part 2 under the same link.

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