Jodi Arias Trial: the weekend discussion

DNA Solves
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I haven't heard anything about recovered rope. But there is a photograph in evidence of a piece of used duct tape on the laundry room floor. It's a rather large tangled piece.

Wonder whose DNA dominates the sticky side?
If you can find a transcript of opening statements, it's detailed in the defenses.

that is in the timeline thread (highlights and also link to the audio is in Tigerbalm's synopsis; also located in the timeline thread)
If that were true, how could she then go see Ryan, calm as can be and acting normal? If she were forced to kill someone in self-defense, she would at least be freaked out a little, don't ya think?!?

Phone/computer records will show who was calling who. That will be interesting to see. I also wonder what will be accurate if she had his passwords. Computer forensics will show if e-mails were sent from the same IP address/location. (I am not saying he couldn't have done called/sent the messages - just curious about it)

Was rope recovered at the scene? Did she buy any on any of her trips?

This will be how she explains her hair and DNA being in one of the other showers, perhaps with her blood if they have "rough" sex.

All JMO.

:floorlaugh: I already want to find that list just posted!!!
This makes me so sad, that in addition to the being murdered, obviously, and having those pictures everywhere, there are now pictures to be shown to the world of his sexual encounters - including a prosecutor describing that Travis was visibly turned on. I'm not just saying this about Travis - but about anyone. Unless both parties agree that they don't mind having pictures of their sexual encounters shown to others, it should remain private (no pictures/videos are best in that case...). I just think if he were around today and seeing all of the pictures that will be made public, along with the gory details (truth or not) of their sex life, he would be horrified.

When I was out running errands today I was thinking about this very thing. I know the many reasons for not releasing crime scene photos and yet I see a benefit to sometimes release them and so I wondered how I would feel if it was me or my loved one.

I see no reason to publicly release the sexual photos nor would I want them released if it was me. The other ones, I think I would want them released because I would want people to see exactly what this person did and to not make excuses for them. I would want there to be no misunderstandings on just how horrific this crime was and that yes this person did indeed deserve the DP or LWP whichever they were being charged with. And also to stop the insanity of things such as the CA and OJ verdicts. all just imo
You know, I was thinking about this, too, and it's just awful. I can't believe the death photos are all over the internet. What about his dignity? It's sickening.

And it made me think, JA "won." Think about it. The whole world now knows that she was his "lover" (I'm using a word I think she would use). He did not acknowledge her. But now everybody knows about their relationship, don't they?

And what would horrify TA the most? I bet it would have been having his image destroyed, having his transgressions and his secret life exposed. So not only has she murdered him and taken his very life; she has also exposed in death the very things he tried so hard to hide from the public.

I bet she is pleased about this because in her twisted mind, she is finally getting the attention or recognition she felt she deserved.

It's all just so sick.

I feel awful for his family and his friends. In my heart my faith tells me Travis is beyond any of this hurting him personally. He is in Heaven. In life he may have been shamed but he is above and beyond that now. It's his family who are suffering.
Dang! I'm in Canada and that video is only available to residents of the US and it's territories :(
I often have the same problem. You can watch it here though: (If this isn't all of it lemme know and I'll keep digging)
You know, I was thinking about this, too, and it's just awful. I can't believe the death photos are all over the internet. What about his dignity? It's sickening.

And it made me think, JA "won." Think about it. The whole world now knows that she was his "lover" (I'm using a word I think she would use). He did not acknowledge her. But now everybody knows about their relationship, don't they?

And what would horrify TA the most? I bet it would have been having his image destroyed, having his transgressions and his secret life exposed. So not only has she murdered him and taken his very life; she has also exposed in death the very things he tried so hard to hide from the public.

I bet she is pleased about this because in her twisted mind, she is finally getting the attention or recognition she felt she deserved.

It's all just so sick.

You bring out a very good point. IS she secretly pleased that everything he worked so hard for is being ripped to shreds, and she is the one responsible for stripping him of his dignity, even in death?

I hope she gets the DP (and again I am NOT a strong supporter of the DP), but it will sure wipe that smug look off of her face when the guilty verdict comes in. I can't wait to see her reaction when she finally realizes that nobody is buying her lies.
You know, I was thinking about this, too, and it's just awful. I can't believe the death photos are all over the internet. What about his dignity? It's sickening.

And it made me think, JA "won." Think about it. The whole world now knows that she was his "lover" (I'm using a word I think she would use). He did not acknowledge her. But now everybody knows about their relationship, don't they?

And what would horrify TA the most? I bet it would have been having his image destroyed, having his transgressions and his secret life exposed. So not only has she murdered him and taken his very life; she has also exposed in death the very things he tried so hard to hide from the public.

I bet she is pleased about this because in her twisted mind, she is finally getting the attention or recognition she felt she deserved.

It's all just so sick.

I don't think his image has been destroyed especially in the eyes of his friends or family and in that sense I do not believe she has won. To the contrary. Travis lives on in all their hearts and now has touched the lives of many more in spite of her.
I don't think his image has been destroyed especially in the eyes of his friends or family and in that sense I do not believe she has won. To the contrary. Travis lives on in all their hearts and now has touched the lives of many more in spite of her.

Completely agree but I do believe JA feels diff being the normal human being she is
Ever wonder why Jodi never "accidentally" got pregnant to force Travis to marry her?

Answer: He REALLY never had " vaginal intercorse" with her?

She still could have "collected it" and "deposited it" in such a place way that she STILL could have become impregnated by his "donation".

If she was running with around bedding every T,D & H
she must have '\(o_O)/'

A: on some type of RELIABLE birth control
B: she was unlikely to concieve for whatever reasons, PCOS, PID,
gynecologic surgery~ scarring... ??? Maybe she was born without some "parts" (Jamie Lee Curtis was) WHO knows!

Just like the last photo shot of Travis in the shower people are seeing different things in his expression. While I don't want to see the naked shots (well 99% of me doesn't want to) for the sake of this debate I would have to see his facial expression, how tense his body is etc before I comment on how at ease he looked during the shots. I would also keep in mind, regardless, that he believed the shots would be erased later on, that I believe. Same thing on texts, let's be able to read the content before judging.

I would like to see them with say photo shopped bathing suit,
or ye old black privacy circle as well...

***There are a LOT of facial expressions I see on TA.
Both with and without her.
IMO that "furrowed brow" a few other people have commented on is in at least --5-8 other shots I have seen.

comes to mind.

She may have threatened to expose something (that moat of us might think psssh!) do it woman!
But to him it was different!

SERIOUSLY he tolerated her slashing his tires?

THEN AGAIN HE SOLD HER HIS OLD CAR *** and she was making payments:waitasec: I would NOT do that if it was someone I cared to never see again...

But Jodi didn't graduate, she got her GED while in jail.

It doesn't like a senior pic to me maybe 10th grade
at any rate it is "allegedly" a school pic.

as always jmo
The B & W photo of a young Jodi was her 8th grade yearbook picture. I believe this is what someone who went to her school posted on MDS.
Answer: He REALLY never had " vaginal intercorse" with her?

She still could have "collected it" and "deposited it" in such a place way that she STILL could have become impregnated by his "donation".

If she was running with around bedding every T,D & H
she must have '\(o_O)/'

A: on some type of RELIABLE birth control
B: she was unlikely to concieve for whatever reasons, PCOS, PID,
gynecologic surgery~ scarring... ??? Maybe she was born without some "parts" (Jamie Lee Curtis was) WHO knows!

I would like to see them with say photo shopped bathing suit,
or ye old black privacy circle as well...

***There are a LOT of facial expressions I see on TA.
Both with and without her.
IMO that "furrowed brow" a few other people have commented on is in at least --5-8 other shots I have seen.

comes to mind.

She may have threatened to expose something (that moat of us might think psssh!) do it woman!
But to him it was different!

SERIOUSLY he tolerated her slashing his tires?

THEN AGAIN HE SOLD HER HIS OLD CAR *** and she was making payments:waitasec: I would NOT do that if it was someone I cared to never see again...

It doesn't like a senior pic to me maybe 10th grade
at any rate it is "allegedly" a school pic.

as always jmo

It's her 8th grade yearbook photo according to someone who posted it on MDS.
Jodi supposedly aspiring photographer: That's just like Casey, taking lots and lots of pictures. So what is it about their psychopathic tendencies that make these two shutter crazy?

My theory is that neither one of them can understand real human emotion, they can't feel it, they can't relate to it, they can't reciprocate it so they have to try to find some kind of way to figure out what motivates people to act emotionally the way they do. They do this by taking lots of pictures and studying, studying, and studying stills to figure out who is feeling what and why, and how they're portraying what they're feeling, and how emotional beings interact with one another.

Photos become like cheat sheets for how to act like other humans. They learn, essentially how to play act, they essentially lie about being human, and this is how they learn to lie so good. They learn how to lie and get away with it, how to act like you care and how to get through life without being spotted as a blank individual. That's what I think.
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