Jodi Arias Trial Watchers Thread #1

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I think she is a total nutcase. If she couldn't have him, nobody could and she just went off her rocker.

I also think it's entirely possible that she has truly convinced herself that it was self defense and believes her own lies entirely.
I think she is a total nutcase. If she couldn't have him, nobody could and she just went off her rocker.

I also think it's entirely possible that she has truly convinced herself that it was self defense and believes her own lies entirely.

Like KC I think she's a narcissistic psychopath. As someone mentioned before, she could probably pass a lie detector on all of her stories.
The story Jennifer Willmott laid out in opening statements was that that the camera dropped, accidentally taking a picture of the ceiling, and this is what set Travis off into a murderous rage from which Jodi had to defend herself.

I say baloney. I'm not a "professional photographer" like Jodi claims to be, but I am a guy with a camera. This is what I know for sure just from reading the features list of the Sony Cybershot DSC-H9:
  1. It has autofocus. You have to hold the button in half way for the camera to lock focus, and push the button in order to capture the image
  2. It not only stamps the time, but lots of EXIF information including the focal length.
  3. The field of view in the image depends on the focal length of the camera and the distance from the subject you are trying to photograph.
So, you have to press the button pretty hard, more than flat to actually take a picture. You won't take a picture by simply dropping the camera. Moreover, I don't believe the story about dropping the camera one bit, and I am certain that if you got another DSC-H9 and manually set the focal length to match the EXIF data you wouldn't find any spot on the floor that could exactly reproduce that shot of the ceiling. I think she had the camera in her murderous little hand while she was attacking Travis, and I further believe the shot could be reproduced using the image's EXIF data to prove it. I'd love to see a DSC-H9 sitting high on a tripod with an expert witness saying "The camera was this high off the ground when that picture was taken." The timeline between the ceiling shot and the dead body shot alone casts serious doubt on her story, but I'd love to see hard, mathematical and scientific evidence proving it.
I can't watch the trial but have been following this case on HLN. I understand the jury is made up of mostly men. Hope they're smart enough to see right through this psychopath. Oh and HLN keeps referring to her as "beautiful". To each his/her own but she's far from beautiful, imo.
Good morning, y'all! Have to work today (boo hiss) but will catch up when I get home this afternoon. Hopefully I can catch the tail end of today's proceedings. Looking forward to reading everyone's posts and thoughts. Have a good day! :)
The story Jennifer Willmott laid out in opening statements was that that the camera dropped, accidentally taking a picture of the ceiling, and this is what set Travis off into a murderous rage from which Jodi had to defend herself.

I say baloney. I'm not a "professional photographer" like Jodi claims to be, but I am a guy with a camera. This is what I know for sure just from reading the features list of the Sony Cybershot DSC-H9:
  1. It has autofocus. You have to hold the button in half way for the camera to lock focus, and push the button in order to capture the image
  2. It not only stamps the time, but lots of EXIF information including the focal length.
  3. The field of view in the image depends on the focal length of the camera and the distance from the subject you are trying to photograph.
So, you have to press the button pretty hard, more than flat to actually take a picture. You won't take a picture by simply dropping the camera. Moreover, I don't believe the story about dropping the camera one bit, and I am certain that if you got another DSC-H9 and manually set the focal length to match the EXIF data you wouldn't find any spot on the floor that could exactly reproduce that shot of the ceiling. I think she had the camera in her murderous little hand while she was attacking Travis, and I further believe the shot could be reproduced using the image's EXIF data to prove it. I'd love to see a DSC-H9 sitting high on a tripod with an expert witness saying "The camera was this high off the ground when that picture was taken." The timeline between the ceiling shot and the dead body shot alone casts serious doubt on her story, but I'd love to see hard, mathematical and scientific evidence proving it.

I believe the camera falling stuff. I haven't seen the photos, but I'm sure they reflect an explanation as to why the police feel this way.

Good morning, y'all! Have to work today (boo hiss) but will catch up when I get home this afternoon. Hopefully I can catch the tail end of today's proceedings. Looking forward to reading everyone's posts and thoughts. Have a good day! :)

Have a good day at work today. :seeya:
Hey, unless I'm crazy, that's how it always works! At least in California and in every trial I have ever watched in any state!

I think I am the crazy one! My husband always tells me that anyways.

I guess it's been so long since I've watched a trial and with the judge asking the jury if they had questions I was thinking this was a new format. Yikes. :blushing:
Good morning all.

I too cannot watch the trial as I do not get court TV or whatever channel it may be on.

Is there an internet feed?

I often rely on you wonderful people for your updates and insight. Thank you so much :)
Where can I watch ? I thought it was gonna be on in Session but its not there. TIA
But she already admitted to killing him so what does it matter? I know it does since everybody is jumping on this - I am just dense I guess.

I'm not sure I understand the concern either. Two locked/shut doors, the master bedroom and the bathroom, plus the shower doors shut may well have kept any decomposing odors temporarily at bay. Plus maybe the roommate is a slob. Sorry but I believe some young people come with broken noses until sometime in their late 20's or 30's and sometimes never.
In Session
18 hours ago
Earlier in court today, Jodi Arias cried when prosecutor Martinez recounted how Alexander died.

We've got cameras and a team in court and will bring you the opening statements on truTV when In Session is back on air January 7.


I guess at least we can see it on tv even though it's delayed......
I'm new to this case and it is fascinating for sure!! I too am surprised at the lack of interest here at WS.

And she is not pretty. Intriguing in the psycho aspect, yes, but physically attractive, no. Do they tell these defendants not to wear makeup? I noticed it with CA too. I find it odd that they wouldn't wear a little makeup. After all, pretty people tend to be more sympathetic, and most women look better with some makeup, so I would think her attorneys would consider this.

Is there a case archive anywhere? Some place with photos, video of her interviews (48 Hours or whatever they were), case documents, etc.? I did read the timeline Steely posted but I'd like to catch up more, if possible.

I'm not sure I understand the concern either. Two locked/shut doors, the master bedroom and the bathroom, plus the shower doors shut may well have kept any decomposing odors temporarily at bay. Plus maybe the roommate is a slob. Sorry but I believe some young people come with broken noses until sometime in their late 20's or 30's and sometimes never.

Just jumping off your post...

I too find it strange that no one smelled anything. I myself have never smelled decomposition but from what I've heard, it's overwhelming. In several cases I have followed, neighbors in the same apartment building could smell decomposing bodies in their own apartment or at least the hallway. Weren't there air vents and the like that would have carried the smell?

Seems strange but just a fluke I guess, doesn't really have much bearing on the case that I can see.
Thanks to everyone for providing commentary and links to the live blog and live feed in this case. I too have been waiting for years for this trial! Although I agree Travis Alexander had his flaws, he certainly didn't deserve to be killed. May he finally receive justice! JMO, MOO

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Just jumping off your post...

I too find it strange that no one smelled anything. I myself have never smelled decomposition but from what I've heard, it's overwhelming. In several cases I have followed, neighbors in the same apartment building could smell decomposing bodies in their own apartment or at least the hallway. Weren't there air vents and the like that would have carried the smell?

Seems strange but just a fluke I guess, doesn't really have much bearing on the case that I can see.

Sorry Hopeful One but I am suggesting that it is plausible that the roommate didn't smell anything overpowering until friends broke down the locked master bedroom door. Jodi washed the body down and if that small stall shower door was shut it was water tight. Right? So how much do you think a watertight door would impede odors from decomp?
Sorry Hopeful One but I am suggesting that it is plausible that the roommate didn't smell anything overpowering until friends broke down the locked master bedroom door. Jodi washed the body down and if that small stall shower door was shut it was water tight. Right? So how much do you think a watertight door would impede odors from decomp?

The friends smelled it at the front door (actually garage entrance)

I get it doesn't have any real bearing on this case...but it's interesting that when the friends came over they smelled the odor immediately upon going into the house. But, someone in the next room over didn't smell a thing.
I believe the camera falling stuff. I haven't seen the photos, but I'm sure they reflect an explanation as to why the police feel this way.

Have a good day at work today. :seeya:

I don't recall the police saying that they believe the camera fell? I remember the prosecutor saying that the camera shot of the ceiling is when the attack is believed to have started. The camera falling is the defense's position as explanation for TA losing his temper and JA in fear for her life stabbing him 29 times. Ten of which was in his back.... okie dokie

Just like blood splatter analysts I think the angle of the camera can be duplicated to show how high off and in what position the camera had to be in order to get that exact shot.
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