John and Burke on 911 Call. Lin Wood, John Ramsey, LIED!!!!!

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Children are murdered every year over toileting issues.
It's like the number one cause of child abuse

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Thomas got that (and the bed-wetting theory) from some of the so-called experts that were consulted. The one who suggested the "toilet rage" (Dr. Richard Krugman) just happened to be an expert on......... (are you ready for it?) "toilet rage." Here's an article about it published November 09, 1993:

Here's horrific corroboration

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We are watching the CBS docuseries on JonBenet Ramsey.

The first thing the team of investigators did was enhance the 911 call with today's equipment.




To John Ramsey and Ramsey attorney Lin Wood. Damn you both to hell. DAMN YOU for dragging innocent people through the mud!! Ruining their lives.

I am shaking I am so angry.

That goes for me, too. John Ramsey, Lin Wood: I hope you both rot in hell.

As far as Burke, I do not blame him or even hold him responsible. He is a creation of his awful parents. I feel sorry for him actually.


Finally, I can promise you Lin Wood and John Ramsey will still deny this. They will say you can't really hear it or that CBS messed with the tape.

They're already saying that!

Don't expect Wood and Ramsey do ever do the right thing by JonBenet. EVER.

I don't. I hope you BURN, you rotten, greedy scumbags. I HOPE YOU BURN!!
Who is Lin Wood?

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He's the scum of the planet. He's the reason people hate lawyers. He's made a godd**n fortune of this little girl's blood. I hope he burns.
I feel a sense of anger, vindication, and joy at once. After years of hearing bogus explanations and outright lies by crackpot crime fans, IDI's, John Ramsey, the Boulder Colorado DA's office I feel like this evidence is about as "in your face" as it gets.

Oh sure, Lin Wood and some other self serving folks are going to spin this as only attorneys can do, but this team of investigators are obviously on target. Lin Wood, Alex Hunter, and his successor are a pretty disgusting bunch. At least Lin Wood has the excuse that he's a defense attorney; they do what they do. Hunter and company have a lot of explaining to do. He ruined the lives and livelihoods of a lot of people. He decided to disregard the grand jury that voted to charge the Ramsey's. The whole thing smells like a payoff to me.

This program and investigation was a long time coming. A lot of people should be ashamed of themselves.

This will be a day long remembered. It has seen the end of Lou Smit. It will soon see the end of IDI.
Me too Linda. I read so many books and interviews where people claimed Burke's voice was on the tape but tonight, for the first time, I heard Burke. I really did honestly hear Burke.

You are in great company with Lin Wood blocking you on twitter. He has blocked anyone who questions the Ramsey's innocence. No matter how polite.

It was a great night wasn't it? FINALLY!!!

I would have waited an ETERNITY for this!

Polite to Wood? Not me! He can kiss my scaly green tail.
I know Lou Smit came to the conclusion that the marks were fingernal marks but did anyone else? What about on the autopsy report?

No one that I know of. The autopsy report says very clearly that they are petechial hemorrhages; bleeding under the skin. NOT scratches.
He's going nuts on Twitter:

You can tell he KNOWS. I hope he burns too.
He talks about justice for this young man. What about justice for his sister.

Mr. Wood and Mr. Ramsey: You are NOT doing Burke any favors. Allow this young man to a speak the truth. Otherwise, he will always be a prisoner.

And Mr Ramsey, should your son decide to tell the truth of what happened that night, then please support him. You can continue to live in your web of lies if you must, but Burke shouldn't have to. And if his confession would cause you problems, wouldn't it be worth it to know the truth is out and you'll no longer need to constantly be covering up. Do you want your son to be like you?

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The voice analysis was ambiguous and subjective at best. After all, we can hear anything we want just like we can see anything we want in a random cloud formation. There was nothing conclusive nor uncovered during that test that proves anything.

Now do I think they're innocent? Absolutely not. They are/were very robotic and devoid any affection and emotion. I believe they are/were a part of a satanic cult and heavy duty brainwashing (grooming) is/was involved.
Patsy definitely showed signs of being an empty vessel. Burke shows it too now that we're hearing him for the first time. Did anyone watch the police interview 20 years ago? That kid was all over the place (physically). He was squirmy and very fidgety. More so than a 7-8 SHOULD be. It's as if he wasn't uncontrol for the first time and didn't know how to act/behave.

There is something extremely suspicious and hinky about the Ramsey's. Never liked them nor did I ever feel an ounce of sympathy for them despite being a very very compassionate person myself. I always felt THIS was the result they wanted and got. A dead daughter, sacrificed on Christmas day (and probably with others involved hence the unknown DNA)
hang your heads in shame...............come clean.....tell the truth
You can run on for a long time
Sooner or later, God will cut you down.
The "investigator" was working for Ramsey attorneys - is bet my last dollar. Gag order are issued by judges - in court

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Sure would have have asked that investigator for his card!
What struck me, the woman that photographed JonBenet and the 911 operator CRIED recalling the painful memories of loosing JonBenet.

Meanwhile John & Burke Ramsey sit there grinning like Cheshire cats!


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That pissed me off as well...
Wood is delusional if he thinks suing CBS, Kolar, Clemente etc is going to help his clients. I would love to see them have to hand over actual physical evidence to dispute BDI.
"I finally heard it with my own ears! Had to rub Lin Woods nose in it a bit - he blocked me!"

He blocked me too Linda7NJ! I tweeted "Jonbenet deserves justice"! So very childish!

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He talks about justice for this young man. What about justice for his sister.

Mr. Wood and Mr. Ramsey: You are NOT doing Burke any favors. Allow this young man to a speak the truth. Otherwise, he will always be a prisoner.

And Mr Ramsey, should your son decide to tell the truth of what happened that night, then please support him. You can continue to live in your web of lies if you must, but Burke shouldn't have to. And if his confession would cause you problems, wouldn't it be worth it to know the truth is out and you'll no longer need to constantly be covering up. Do you want your son to be like you?

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I tweeted "Jonbenet deserves justice too" and he immediately blocked me! I can't believe this man is a lawyer.

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The 911 call...just had last night's CBS show on in the background while I do stuff (trying to get to the end, watching it on demand, because I fell asleep for the last 10 minutes last night). They played the 911 call and something caught my attention as I wasn't really focused on the show (but it made me do a double take). At the beginning PR calls in and says their address and says 'we need an am...police'. Does anyone else hear that? I just rewound and replayed and it does sound like that's what she said.
Wow. I DVR'd it and just rewound it and you're right!!

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