John and Burke on 911 Call. Lin Wood, John Ramsey, LIED!!!!!

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If he sues there's a huge risk of BR getting in trouble if deposed. If he doesn't sue people will say they have something to hide from. Imagine the PAIN. Maybe it is indeed karma.
CBS had a billion disclaimers up, and I think by BR going to DP, he himself opened himself up for criticism. I don't think too many courts are going to find this defamation.

I agree, BR put himself out there with Dr. Phil and therefore put himself out there for public scrutiny, so what did he expect really? He put himself and allowed himself in the limelight. Didn't he expect any critisism?
Lamima, I hope you didn't think I was trying to minimize your having heard the beginning conversation. I was frustrated for years that no one seemed to hear the same thing I heard at the beginning, and not many could see the implications. Indeed I was very happy that you did hear it -- and even more so that you heard it independently. It is there, and if people will pay attention to the change in tone of Patsy's voice when she realizes the phone has been answered by the 911 operator, it will tell them even more about what was going on during the call.

Dunno how many will agree with me but this is just my feeling.... I think Smit was the only person on the IDI team who really believed IDI. I really believe this, he was so obsessed with this and you clearly can see he did it with passion. Sometimes I pity him. I truly believe he was manipulated even if he definitely was not a stupid man. They knew he is the only true IDI out there and used him and how he felt about the case without having any remorse. MOO

Madeleine I totally agree with you. If Lou Smith would be alive and see the CBS show like we did he would have to change his mind. He was just another victim of the R's. IMHO
Madeleine I totally agree with you. If Lou Smith would be alive and see the CBS show like we did he would have to change his mind. He was just another victim of the R's. IMHO

His daughter said that all his archive on the case is there and he was sure that the killer's name is in it if the Ramsey's want the killer found why didn't they request his files after he passed away??????

If IDI then I think his name is in those files too cause Smit was the only one seriously investigating IDI.

Answer is simple, they know the killer's name is not in Smit's archive.
The next episode is up. The team addressed the docuseries and how it is not yet available in the UK.

Episode 37: The Case of JonBenét Ramsey: Examining the 911 Call and Ransom Note

Jim Clemente and Laura Richards take co-host Lisa Zambetti and our listeners on a deep dive into their re-investigation of the JonBenét case. They discuss the 911 call, the ransom letter and behind the scenes of "The Case of JonBenét Ramsey." #HerNameWasJonBenét

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I agree, BR put himself out there with Dr. Phil and therefore put himself out there for public scrutiny, so what did he expect really? He put himself and allowed himself in the limelight. Didn't he expect any critisism?

I don't think it will last long, and I'm sure he'll block me after I tweet this.. But here's what I'm about to tweet:

@LLinWood made a deal with @DrPhil to put Burke out ahead of negative stories. Money for Burke, publicity for Woody. #StupidestLawyerAlive

@LLinWood Result of Woody’s action? Burke is now a “public figure” making slander lawsuit harder to prove. #StupidestLawyerAlive

(Maybe I'll get sued too.)

And I encourage anyone else to use the same hashtag!
Did he reply or block you? He's already blocked me, so I can't like your comment or I totally would!!
Nope. Just checked. Looks like my little tweet didn't bother him much. (#StupidestLawyerAlive)
I agree, BR put himself out there with Dr. Phil and therefore put himself out there for public scrutiny, so what did he expect really? He put himself and allowed himself in the limelight. Didn't he expect any critisism?

I think he really expects us to: "Look at the evidence, or the lack thereof," and conclude that there is no evidence that he killed his sister.
Madeleine I totally agree with you. If Lou Smith would be alive and see the CBS show like we did he would have to change his mind. He was just another victim of the R's. IMHO

But surely there were people telling him that the stun gun didn't make sense and the marks didn't match - right? He wouldn't listen. He got lost in his own fantasy of what happened.
The next episode is up. The team addressed the docuseries and how it is not yet available in the UK.

Episode 37: The Case of JonBenét Ramsey: Examining the 911 Call and Ransom Note

Jim Clemente and Laura Richards take co-host Lisa Zambetti and our listeners on a deep dive into their re-investigation of the JonBenét case. They discuss the 911 call, the ransom letter and behind the scenes of "The Case of JonBenét Ramsey." #HerNameWasJonBenét

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I don't suppose anyone asked them why the series was cut from 6 hours to 4? Or why they breezed so quickly past the autopsy results that JonBenet had very likely been sexually abused on at least one occasion *before* the night of the murder? Why did they let Henry Lee state that cellulose from the paint brush could have been transferred accidentally *into* JonBenet's vagina, when that is anatomically impossible?
But surely there were people telling him that the stun gun didn't make sense and the marks didn't match - right? He wouldn't listen. He got lost in his own fantasy of what happened.

Also, I believe when Lou Smit met the Ramsey's for the first time they prayed together. When he found out they were christians he knew they were not capable of such a crime. Some people erroneously believe someone of deep faith would never commit a crime much less kill a child.
Also, I believe when Lou Smit met the Ramsey's for the first time they prayed together. When he found out they were christians he knew they were not capable of such a crime. Some people erroneously believe someone of deep faith would never commit a crime much less kill a child.

Yes, because of his own personal beliefs and convictions, he could not imagine that John and Patsy, let alone Burke, could have possibly caused or been involved in JonBenet's death. He was naive and blind to the reality that evil exists even in families who attend church and read their Bible. He was truly their best friend in law enforcement.
Also, I believe when Lou Smit met the Ramsey's for the first time they prayed together. When he found out they were christians he knew they were not capable of such a crime. Some people erroneously believe someone of deep faith would never commit a crime much less kill a child.

I can understand why he found it hard to believe either parent killed JBR. I never met them, but from what I've seen over the years I can't believe they would harm her body when she was alive or dead. But why didn't Lou Smit consider Burke? Perhaps he did and he too decided a cover-up was the best alternative.
I heard "we need an ...Police" as if the word after 'an' was to start with a vowel.

I heard "we're not speaking to you" - clear as day.
Then "How could you do this? Help me Jesus."
and, "what did you. . ."

Three distinct voices.
I heard "we need an ...Police" as if the word after 'an' was to start with a vowel.

I heard "we're not speaking to you" - clear as day.
Then "How could you do this? Help me Jesus."
and, "what did you. . ."

Three distinct voices.

Yes, that is what I heard too. Could not hear "am-" but definitely heard, "We need an...police."
I can understand why he found it hard to believe either parent killed JBR. I never met them, but from what I've seen over the years I can't believe they would harm her body when she was alive or dead. But why didn't Lou Smit consider Burke? Perhaps he did and he too decided a cover-up was the best alternative.

Well, Smit was Alex Hunter's choice as an investigator. Whatever Hunter's reasons, he was firmly pointing the investigation *away* from the Ramsey's since the early days. Heavy campaign contributions? Threats from the Ramsey's lawyers? Eventually I believe he knew what he was facing - a child who had killed his sibling in a pretty horrible way, but who could not be charged. The parents could be charged with neglect and assistance in the crime, but the scandal and possible lawsuits would reflect badly upon his department and on Boulder in general. In some areas, lying is seen as a better way out than facing a horrible truth. And God only knows what threats the Ramsey's lawyers had made by that point. Also, what good would prosecuting the parents do - one child was already dead and the other stood to be removed from the home and placed in state custody, possibly for life. High costs any way you look at it.
Well, Smit was Alex Hunter's choice as an investigator. Whatever Hunter's reasons, he was firmly pointing the investigation *away* from the Ramsey's since the early days. Heavy campaign contributions? Threats from the Ramsey's lawyers? Eventually I believe he knew what he was facing - a child who had killed his sibling in a pretty horrible way, but who could not be charged. The parents could be charged with neglect and assistance in the crime, but the scandal and possible lawsuits would reflect badly upon his department and on Boulder in general. In some areas, lying is seen as a better way out than facing a horrible truth. And God only knows what threats the Ramsey's lawyers had made by that point. Also, what good would prosecuting the parents do - one child was already dead and the other stood to be removed from the home and placed in state custody, possibly for life. High costs any way you look at it.
So once again, lies and money rule. Justice was not served for this little girl, but hey, it saved
the reputations of the wealthy (while other reputations were destroyed), loads of $ was saved
from lawsuits and a troubled boy was "saved". Sorry, that's not a trade off I'd ever be happy with.

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Well, Smit was Alex Hunter's choice as an investigator. Whatever Hunter's reasons, he was firmly pointing the investigation *away* from the Ramsey's since the early days. Heavy campaign contributions? Threats from the Ramsey's lawyers? Eventually I believe he knew what he was facing - a child who had killed his sibling in a pretty horrible way, but who could not be charged. The parents could be charged with neglect and assistance in the crime, but the scandal and possible lawsuits would reflect badly upon his department and on Boulder in general. In some areas, lying is seen as a better way out than facing a horrible truth. And God only knows what threats the Ramsey's lawyers had made by that point. Also, what good would prosecuting the parents do - one child was already dead and the other stood to be removed from the home and placed in state custody, possibly for life. High costs any way you look at it.

I could imagine it was something like: Burke didn't know what he was doing, he's getting mental health care now, he's a child - he should be protected and not have to have his whole life ruined for what he didn't understand. The law says he's not criminally responsible. This is the only way to protect him.

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