John Edward's Love Child - Tell me this ISN'T his kid

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I wouldn't hire him either.
First, he covered up for Edwards, then he spilled the beans.

To much darn trash in Politics. Way too much.
I think a politician has become no less then the filth of the earth with expensive stuff....Suits, Real Estate, etc....
But trash is trash.....:sick:

It is sad :(
To much darn trash in Politics. Way too much.
I think a politician has become no less then the filth of the earth with expensive stuff....Suits, Real Estate, etc....
But trash is trash.....:sick:

It is sad :(

After Suits, Real Estate, etc I just want to add life altering secrets...dirty no no's.:angel:

I sure hope Scott Brown keeps his truck!!
Did Edwards put a gun to his head and demanded he claimed to be the baby's father? I presume not.

Oh please!! Of course not, but the man that wanted to be president asks you to cover for him anyone with political aspirations would go along. John Edwards is a dirt bag and no one else in this sad story is a bigger dirt bag than him.
To much darn trash in Politics. Way too much.
I think a politician has become no less then the filth of the earth with expensive stuff....Suits, Real Estate, etc....
But trash is trash.....:sick:

It is sad :(

Right on! I am disgusted by how these guys can get on tv, smile, and lie and lie and lie.
Oh please!! Of course not, but the man that wanted to be president asks you to cover for him anyone with political aspirations would go along. John Edwards is a dirt bag and no one else in this sad story is a bigger dirt bag than him.

What else do you think anyone would do for political aspirations?
What else do you think anyone would do for political aspirations?

A lot! Lie lie lie lie lie. How about marry the "right" person only so it looks good and you have good connections? What about that Blago loser that tried to sell Obama's seat? Do you think there was a cover up of Ted Kennedy's car accident? Why did Jimmy Hoffa disappear? Etc.
A lot! Lie lie lie lie lie. How about marry the "right" person only so it looks good and you have good connections? What about that Blago loser that tried to sell Obama's seat? Do you think there was a cover up of Ted Kennedy's car accident? Why did Jimmy Hoffa disappear? Etc.

How many people pretended to be the father of a child they weren't?
And yes I'd hire someone like Andrew Young in a minute and I do own a business.

Andrew Young has been working for Edwards for a long time. He was already an employee of Edwards. I also do not make promises to my employees that possibly might not happen but I do take care of them. If I had to close my business I would help them find another job-especially if I had the contacts Edwards does.

I realize others do not understand why or agree with me but I do believe we can agree to disagree here at Websleuths.

TB, I heart you.
Songline, I was just wondering, do you know the Edwards personally and have you spent time with them? You seem to have personal inside knowledge of their lives.

I know that sometimes things are not as they seem. I think if a man or woman is not happy with their mate the answer is NOT to cheat.
Egads, Elizabeth is going after Andrew Young on a legal level, wanting him to carry out her demands or face being sued for contributing to the downfall of her marriage to John:


Elizabeth Edwards approached Young's legal team last week, threatening to sue unless Young agreed to several terms, sources told ABC News' Bob Woodruff.
Among her purported demands was that Young donate $250,000 to the Wade Edwards Foundation, a non-profit group named for the Edwards' late son, who died in a car accident in 1996.
She also purportedly demanded that Young stop speaking publicly about the Edwards' marriage and that he return voicemails that she apparently left him in the course of the 2008 presidential campaign.

What in the world is on those messages she left him, that she doesn't want heard?!?!?!?
I watched the episode of 20/20 with Andrew Young. I found him and his wife, Cheri quite credible. I also mentioned up thread that I am reading his book. So far, I thing he's been quite fair and objective in what he's said about Elizabeth (in terms of where I am in the book right now).

I heard some of the voicemails he received from Elizabeth. I don't know if they are the same ones referenced in your link or if they are others he did not share with the public but I will say they were snippy to say the least. Perhaps she feels they will be "damaging" to the public's perception of her.

And, IF (and that is a big IF) she wants herself portrayed as the poor cancer victim then those voicemails don't carry out that image. As I remember them, they sound like they are coming from a very strong, very angry woman.
I heard some of the voicemails he received from Elizabeth. I don't know if they are the same ones referenced in your link or if they are others he did not share with the public but I will say they were snippy to say the least. Perhaps she feels they will be "damaging" to the public's perception of her.

And, IF (and that is a big IF) she wants herself portrayed as the poor cancer victim then those voicemails don't carry out that image. As I remember them, they sound like they are coming from a very strong, very angry woman.

I don't think Elizabeth has ever said she's a weak cancer patient.

FWIW - and I bet she could prove this in court; that no matter how weak a cancer patient is; they get bursts of anger/energy.

I've tried to do research on her diagnosis; there isn't a lot of info out there. IIRC she had breast cancer which had spread or wasn't responding to treatment & that she was considered terminal. It very well could be she is still terminal BUT and this is a big but.. we do not know if she is doing maintenance chemo which could make her sick/weak for a few weeks - and she could be going the natural route like my hubby is doing. Speaking to the Dr we saw; he said one terminal patient bought themselves 6 year by going natural.

With all due respect, Roselvr, I never said that was how she wanted herself portrayed. I was just trying to say that IF she wanted people to see her that way, then the voicemails don't really help further that image. And any person, ill or not, would have every right to be hurt and angry over a situation like this.

I was just trying to speculate on why she might not want those voicemails released.
How many people pretended to be the father of a child they weren't?

[COUGH] Howard Stern (Anna Nicole's attorney) comes to mind. How many people have been asked by their boss to lie for them? AYoung isn't the dirtbad here... John Edwards is.
With all due respect, Roselvr, I never said that was how she wanted herself portrayed. I was just trying to say that IF she wanted people to see her that way, then the voicemails don't really help further that image. And any person, ill or not, would have every right to be hurt and angry over a situation like this.

I was just trying to speculate on why she might not want those voicemails released.

Sorry S.mama.. I must have forgotten you said if.. I'd read comments then went to the story link and came back and replied. I apologize.

A lot! Lie lie lie lie lie. How about marry the "right" person only so it looks good and you have good connections? What about that Blago loser that tried to sell Obama's seat? Do you think there was a cover up of Ted Kennedy's car accident? Why did Jimmy Hoffa disappear? Etc.
LOL ---- because he had nothing to do with it. :)
It was a hit by the secret societies because he wanted to give the country back to the people.
YAP he wanted to do away with the bullies called Federal Reserve Fund (Nothing to do with Federal)
(all to do with banks, S.S. and keeping the top 10% rich)

OK I am not going to hijack this thread.
Songline, I was just wondering, do you know the Edwards personally and have you spent time with them? You seem to have personal inside knowledge of their lives.

I know that sometimes things are not as they seem. I think if a man or woman is not happy with their mate the answer is NOT to cheat.

All of this has been in print I read it all. Not in one article or in one day.
there was a recent huge article in the magazine New York as well. If you can get it he is on the cover.
but not everything is going to be in one Mag...I do read. :) and not only the internt.

I don't just go "Oh poor Lizzy has cancer".. and I do hope she does recover...
But when someone is the abuser, Sick does not cut it.

I agree cheating is not the answer.....I have said that in my first post here.
I also can see after you have been beaten down it may actually feel good.
Still not the answer. it just is what it is.
They are all scuzzzzz. I did not make this chit up, I am not that creative...LOL
Egads, Elizabeth is going after Andrew Young on a legal level, wanting him to carry out her demands or face being sued for contributing to the downfall of her marriage to John:


Elizabeth Edwards approached Young's legal team last week, threatening to sue unless Young agreed to several terms, sources told ABC News' Bob Woodruff.
Among her purported demands was that Young donate $250,000 to the Wade Edwards Foundation, a non-profit group named for the Edwards' late son, who died in a car accident in 1996.
She also purportedly demanded that Young stop speaking publicly about the Edwards' marriage and that he return voicemails that she apparently left him in the course of the 2008 presidential campaign.

What in the world is on those messages she left him, that she doesn't want heard?!?!?!?
:waitasec: her demands hmmmmm
He does know stuff.......
[COUGH] Howard Stern (Anna Nicole's attorney) comes to mind. How many people have been asked by their boss to lie for them? AYoung isn't the dirtbad here... John Edwards is.

BBM - Now that is pretty low...

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

Yap..Young was just willing to lie, lie,lie....
Reason :waitasec: political advancement ? hmmm

They were all cut of the same cloth.
I personally think it is just plain selfish, hateful and cold for edwards to now marry the mother of his "love child" WHILE his soon to be ex-wife is still alive fighting cancer! ESPECIALLY after all the embarrassment he has caused his family let alone his wife! What an absolute donkey!

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