John Tavolta's son Jett dies at age 16

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Larry King Live is covering Jett's funeral tonight, 9:00 PM est.
Thanks . I am not sure if everyone saw this so I just wanted to thank you again for posting this.

I just had to laugh because I'm one of those Lutheran's. LOL How is your son doing Bean?
Larry King Live is covering Jett's funeral tonight, 9:00 PM est.

Thanks for the heads up last night. I did tune in and watch. What a remarkable man. It was comforting to see and hear a lot of his views from 2001 as it just confirms my beliefs that he and Kelly, while terribly grieving, will be ok....they still have many surrounding them and there for them....I know they are crushed and need a lot of understanding friends...I did not realize John had suffered so many losses of loved ones in his life. My prayers to them. Thanks for posting the info.
I just had to laugh because I'm one of those Lutheran's. LOL How is your son doing Bean?
He is doing well, thank you Scandi. We have a few unanswered questions that we are working on. But in general he is doing better than his car lol.
Lamictal is the best drug around and those that can use it with results are extremely lucky.

Don't get riled up OLG. there is nothing to indicate that this boy did not get the best of care. Treating a chronic illness that is not necessarily life threatening is certainly open to different methodology and it is definitely not a one size fits all situation.
Sure with hindsight being 20-20 and all it is easy for all of us to say what WE would have done. but there is not a person on this board that has the intimate details about his problems or how they were managed.
I would challenge anyone here to tell me from a distance with no inside knowledge of my son's condition how I should have treated him. Sorry, I did my own research, interviewed different doctors and followed my own mind and instinct as to what his care would be as a youngster. Many doctors were opposed to my care plan and guess what? they were all wrong :)

Warning: This will be a long post, hopefully to make people aware of how to save themselves or family members and to alleviate some fears !!
Hi JB, You wrote and asked me why I didn't come into the Jett T thread. I was afraid of what I might say and I certainly am not here to bash or question what the T's did or did not do for their son. I don't like the Scientology religion, especially since Tom C went off the wall on Oprah and Matt L. And I heard that a woman is not supposed to scream or carry on during childbirth? Ugh, that is all I wil say about that.
Let me start by saying my heart sunk when the report came in on Fox that Jett had died. I have admired JT for a long time as he loves very deeply. I remember when his girlfriend Diana Hyland passed away from cancer, he was much younger than her, but loved her so, it took him yrs. to get over it.
That is one of the reasons he didn't marry for so many yrs.
There couldn't be any two parents who would love their children any more than John and Kelly. I would defend that with all my heart. Also to those who write about JT, please include Kelly in your statements. Yes we all love John, but a Mother's love is as deep as can be and she is hurting as much if not more.

With the above said, I'm writing this to say, yes you hit the nail on the head when you said, "Doctors were opposed to your plan and guess what? They were all wrong."
Those are the ones I may bash, sorry but I've been through far more than most people in my own illness and there wasn't a doctor around who knew how to treat my illness, let alone anyone who had ever really treated an actual patient.

I have Vasculitis, it's still a toss up to which kind. Polyarteritis or temporal arteritis or both. Kawasaki is the childhood version and another variation of Vasculitis. It is in most cases self limiting and it sounds like the T's docs had a handle on this early on. Kudos to those docs.
Treatment for ANY vasculitis is usually prednisones, anti inflammatory meds and in severe cases, chemo such as Cytoxan. Not given in kawasaki, but the other vasculides. Aspirin in a child with a fever I question, due to Reyes syndrome. Note: Also scarlet fever can present with almost the same symptoms.

I am not going to go into my illness here as I want to list some helpful tips for those parents that are sitting here today afraid after hearing of this horrible tragedy.
Many children outgrow seizures, that's the good news, but they can come back later in life.
There is treatment with many drugs such as Dilantin, tegretol (which alleviates hyperplasia of the gums alittle better than dilantin) Lamictal, Depocort and a few others. Sometimes Phenobarb or valium is even given to bring a violent seizure under control. Also general anesthesia is sometimes used.
From what I understand, Jett was taken off his seizure medications due to it affecting his liver. My guess is his liver enzymes were up. With MANY meds, that risk is always there. Sometimes you have to weigh the risks against the consequences.
I had three people on seizure medication at once yrs. ago. I spent many nights without sleep watching over them as with two of my children their seizures were quiet ones. My hubby's were typical violent Grand Mal and he would go into status epilepticus. (That is where medical intervention is needed ASAP. Where the seizures do not end on their own.) But that also was his fault as I had separate pill cases for each of the three. Hubby was responsible for his own dosing, until I had to take over that responsibility too.
It was the Summer from Hell IIRC. They all had head injuries within a matter of months apart. Having four boys, they didn't play with dolls, it was always climbing, baseball and running through the house chasing each other etc.
Hubby had fallen against a steel drum and hit his nose very hard, almost pushing it up into his brain, the way he fell.

Anyway, swimming is out of the question unless seizures are under control and then only with extreme supervision. So are rides at amusement parks, never skipping a dose of meds and if some one is a care taker, they DON'T SLEEP. The night time care taker stays awake, that's why they're there. I didn't have that luxury as I am not wealthy. People with seizures often need more rest and can't take a lot of excitemnet, noises, lights and activity. I feel a mother or parent knows their child better than anyone and can spot often when something is not right.

One seizure a week warrants someone taking the patient to and from the bathrm. and if a shower is needed, there are safety stools to sit on and other bathrm. safety precautions. You can even place a harness type device on a person's waist, and if they suddenly fall, you pull back and let them slide down your leg safely to the floor.
If seizure medicine has to be taken away, it can only be done at the rate of 1 pill per week. Same with adding a new seizure med when one isn't working or causing damage. In the second case, the process can be much quicker as long as another med is given to substitute.

Also blood levels need to be drawn to see if a person is getting enough medication or not enough. If your doctor doesn't seem to have a handle on things, change and do your own research. Don't always trust that they know best.

An example here is even if you don't have a seizure disorder and you were taking seizure meds for another reason, you would still have to reduce slowly as you COULD have a seizure then. The same applies for pain meds, CNS (Central Nervous System meds) and many drugs prescribed.

I hope I have helped some, maybe I'll be in time out again. Hope not since I really wanted to make those aware of what to do and what not to do. To not be afraid, but cautious.
In time my children and hubby went off their meds and live normal lives now.
That goes without saying that I could at some time be faced with this same thing. I have learned we have little if any control, so I leave it in God's hands as we Mothers do get tired. :blowkiss:

For someone like myself who's only knowledge of seizures is limited to my dog, whom I love very much, but obviously can't compare.:) I really appreciate hearing your personal experience. I learned a great deal,thank you for sharing
My heart continues to go out to the Travolta family for their devastating loss.
People can be so heartless. It's not that surprising that a politician might be guilty of something like this but you would think an EMT might have a little more compassion.
People can be so heartless. It's not that surprising that a politician might be guilty of something like this but you would think an EMT might have a little more compassion.

I believe they should be sued for extortion. Disgusting.
2 people have been detained in regards of trying to extort monies from the Travoltas:,2933,482324,00.html

Actually, three people have been detained. An island laywer and law maker, ambulance driver and Obie Wilchombe, former Minister of Tourism and a FRIEND of the Travolta's.

Seriously, these people are crap. Black souls. I hope they lock them up and thow away the keys. No 3 meals a day.:furious:

Obie Wilchcombe, the island's former Minister of Tourism and a friend of the Travoltas, was also arrested, according to

Police did not disclose the exact nature of the alleged plot. But Lightbourne was quoted in tabloid reports about trying to revive Travolta's son, 16-year-old Jett, who died at the family's vacation home in Grand Bahama.

Wilchcombe spoke on Larry King Live about how the Travoltas were coping with the death.,,20254682,00.html
I'm sure this just adds to the Travolta's pain. To think they considered this man a friend.
Obie Wilchcombe - Anna Nicole's friend or associated with her son's case?
I find it odd that anyone thought they could take money from the Travolta's in regards to this. I'm pretty sure it's illegal no matter where you are from. And to think a friend may be involved. That's just plain sad.
I wonder if they have pictures they are threatening to release....I cant think of anything else that they could possibly be threatened with unless they have proof he was autistic??? either way this is really low for a person to do this to anyone!
I wonder if they have pictures they are threatening to release....I cant think of anything else that they could possibly be threatened with unless they have proof he was autistic??? either way this is really low for a person to do this to anyone!

I'm pretty sure they are black mailing the Travolta's with (what they say) are pictures of Jett being worked on, leaving the home, in the ambulance, etc. I just can't remember where I read that.
I don't think they could be held responsible for not treating the Autism but maybe for not treating the seizures. There are reports today that say that Jett never had any formal education, even home schooling. If all these things get looked into by LE because of his death....I wonder if they may be facing some neglect charges.

Sorry, coming to this thread late. No education???!!!:confused: That is very strange. I've never heard that. I wonder if that is true? And if so, I wonder why? I admittedly know next to nothing about autism and I know you can't tell by looking, so this may sound like a dumb comment, but he didn't "look" very disabled KWIM? (Please don't flame me because of my ignorance). But I thought even the severely autistic could benefit from some sort of education? Correct me if I'm wrong. To me, this is very strange.

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