John Travolta's son, autism and Scientology

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He resembles his father quite a bit to me. He is also quite a large boy, in height as well as weight. I don't necessarily think he looks disabled, though--at least not in these pictures anyway. Many kids his age go through an incredibly awkward phase. Given the fact that his parents are celebrities and live in a culture where looks and "star presence" are glorified beyond belief, maybe he and his parents feel embarrassed by the fact that he's not what you'd expect the child of "beautiful people" to look like. He may also be incredibly shy or very sensitive.

I do see him smiling and interacting with his mother, so I imagine there is love and nurturing in the family, despite their weird Scientology beliefs. I feel empathy for them, as they are probably dealing with something difficult. Whether it's autism, another developmental or physical disorder or just social problems among their peers, they obviously have some sort of challenge confronting them. I wish them well.
Oh gee how nice of the neighbors ...You know a friend of mine has a boy who is 14 years old. He is built the same way as Jett..I see it as "that akward boy turning into a man goofy stage" if anything... If Jett is going through something then I wish him and his family the best. The pictures could of just caught him at an akward moment as well. ALOT of pictures taken of me look like I got something wrong with me too lol I'm just not photogenic at ALL out of about 50 pics. I might find two I like. I usually am caught with my mouth open or making some dumb face or walking goofy etc etc...

My son is the same way. I believe it was their neighbors who said that Jett was autistic. That is where that came from.
I can see from the pictures (the second link in onelostgirls post) that there is definately something.
To me he has a more normal expression and affect in those photos - sweet the way he has his arm around his mom at the beach. He seems happy and smiling in both; in the earlier photos he had a more guarded or even unhappy expression.

He does look like he's built large - he is overweight perhaps, but don't know if he qualifies for "obese". Maybe if he is not well coordinated, he doesn't participate in alot of outdoor activities or active sports.

It's the parents right to be private about it, but I just hope they are not keeping him from some type of therapy or help for whatever his disabilities may be. Does anyone notice his teeth are straight now? Looks like these may be caring parents after all.
I would agree with you about any healthy child.
But part of autism is often wierd eating patterns in many cases if its not in the house your correct they won't eat and by that I mean AT ALL.
Or they will resort to eating non-food items.

I have known several autistic children who would go through phases of only eating certain colored foods.
Richie went through a "white" food stage..
Last year there was a young boy in his class who would only eat white foods ........ Every morning he would eat oatmeal ..... You could offer him candy, cookies (just name a child's favorite food) and he would refuse it.
Oatmeal and that was IT.
That particular child would not throw a fit he simply would not eat.
ON the same token I have known autistic children who would have earth shattering tantrums if denied a food they wanted.
I don't know if I can explain to you the caliber of the temper tantrum I am talking about. Its simply not like a simply two-four YO well maybe it is but when your talking about a 14 YO its an entirely knew ball game.

Imagine the damage a 4 YO having a raging fit could do of they were almost the size of an adult.
Actually I don't know many 4 yo's who would smash their head against the TV or a window or a Solid wood door until it broke.
I do know autistic children who would do this with no regard for their own safety and seemingly without regard to the pain.

Food Bribery is sometimes the only option. (I say that as it refers to an autistic child not one without) And I am not well informed with other disorders.
There is often no medications to alter these behavoirs or it takes years to find one or a combo that work and then in 2-3 years they outgrow it.
There is no cure for autisim and not all children respond to the therapy's that are few and far between offered.
What else could you do besides give in and give them whatever food they wanted??

Do you know of any who just want white carbs?
Joe Travolta, John's brother, recently produced a movie about Autism called "Normal people scare me". I believe Jett has it because my son does as well and I can tell in Jett's childhood photos that many are expressionless, which is one indicator and this rumor has been for so long I truly believe if it were untrue the boy is obviously of age to speak and want to clear things up about himself... but that will probably never happen because IMO I believe he has it and they missed the very key years in age 2 - 5, to help him tremendously with therapy the way my son has progressed so incredibly.
dolceaura wrote;

"I believe Jett has it because my son does as well and I can tell in Jett's childhood photos that many are expressionless, which is one indicator.."

Yes dolceaura, this is one of the biggest clues when it comes to autism. My experience with an autistic child was he would do something very damaging then get the "blank look." Or when he was very young he would just sit there with the "blank look." This look is very obvious when you encounter it in a child with autism.

The ONLY reason I think this is an important discussion is the fact that Travolta is a huge star and is not afraid to state his beliefs in his "cult." I believe it is a cult.

If Jett is autistic and John is denying it then it becomes a big deal.

People look up to him. People may take their cues from him.

If he thinks his son doesn't have it (when he really does) then others in the public may think their kids are ok too. When in reality they need help.

dolceaura and Amraan have gotten their children the proper care and they have thrived in spite of their condition.

Someone's child may have the same symptons as Jett and they may be in denial because of Travolta's Scientology.

Below is a link that may explain Jett's size.
Trovlta blames medications for school shootings...
Im sorry if this has already been posted....Im a bit behind with this thread.

I wouldn't say that school shootings can be attributed to any ONE thing. There's a myriad of issues that are variable.

However, I am extremely concerned at the sheer numbers of children who are spending their childhood in a drug-induced haze with all the ADHD diagnoses and Ritalin and other drugs being dispensed at a record pace. I just recently learned that Ritalin isn't even FDA approved for childhood ADHD, yet it is the number one drug prescribed for children. ???

The expressionless face being talked about is called the "flat affect" and there are actually many problems/issues that can cause that.
The Virginia Tech shooter had no drugs in his system.

I would venture to guess he could have used some good psychiatric drugs.
My son and daughter use Focalin and Concerta to help them and they aren't in a drug-induced haze. If anything they are able to focus on tasks more easily, and are more in control of themselves with the help of these medications.
In fact, I'm trying to think of the last time I saw any child I know using this type of medication walking around in a drug induced haze. ~~shrugs~~

I'm sure there are, but I think the vast majority are being helped. And I've seen where some parents or guardians hold off on medication because of over-used phrases like "drug-induced haze". I know. I was one of them until we tried it for our children.
Im not a scientologist but live very close to a Main headquarters, Ive met some of the kids and believe me, they have their heads on straight, they can hold and engage a civilized conversation so whatever they do, they have something they do right.

Ever heard of "Operation Clambake?"

If anyone really thinks that Scientology is "good" or that anyone has their "head on straight" when they are in this "religion" they need to read the link I provided.

Scientology is scary. It denies the medical help members need. I could go on and on but it's best you all read it for yourselves.

Lisa McPherson's parents have a lot to say about Scientology.
This is what I mean by scary. The story of Jeremy Perkins.

Keep in mind these horror stories didn't happen because someone misrepresented the meaning of the Church of Scientology. They happened because the people BELIEVED in the Church of Scientology.

This is the point I am trying to make about Travolta's son.

If he is Autistic and Scientology doesn't even recognize it exists, then it is a big deal.
In fact, I'm trying to think of the last time I saw any child I know using this type of medication walking around in a drug induced haze. ~~shrugs~~

I'm sure there are, but I think the vast majority are being helped. And I've seen where some parents or guardians hold off on medication because of over-used phrases like "drug-induced haze". I know. I was one of them until we tried it for our children.

That's just it Taximom. Many times drugs do help. Sometimes they make things worse. It seems that more often than not, they help.

What bothers me is this "throwing the baby out with the bathwater" mentality.

I wish people wouldn't make sweeping assumptions about drugs, just as people shouldn't make sweeping assumptions about a holistic approach.

Do be honest....when I hear "holistic" I pause. I am slowly learning that sometimes a natural approach to medical problems can be the right way to go.

I guess I am just looking for that "pill" to take after I eat my own weight in chocolate. I don't want to hear things about "eating healthy." LOL
I would agree with you about any healthy child.
But part of autism is often wierd eating patterns in many cases if its not in the house your correct they won't eat and by that I mean AT ALL.
Or they will resort to eating non-food items.

I have known several autistic children who would go through phases of only eating certain colored foods.
Richie went through a "white" food stage..
Last year there was a young boy in his class who would only eat white foods ........ Every morning he would eat oatmeal ..... You could offer him candy, cookies (just name a child's favorite food) and he would refuse it.
Oatmeal and that was IT.
That particular child would not throw a fit he simply would not eat.
ON the same token I have known autistic children who would have earth shattering tantrums if denied a food they wanted.
I don't know if I can explain to you the caliber of the temper tantrum I am talking about. Its simply not like a simply two-four YO well maybe it is but when your talking about a 14 YO its an entirely knew ball game.

Imagine the damage a 4 YO having a raging fit could do of they were almost the size of an adult.
Actually I don't know many 4 yo's who would smash their head against the TV or a window or a Solid wood door until it broke.
I do know autistic children who would do this with no regard for their own safety and seemingly without regard to the pain.

Food Bribery is sometimes the only option. (I say that as it refers to an autistic child not one without) And I am not well informed with other disorders.
There is often no medications to alter these behavoirs or it takes years to find one or a combo that work and then in 2-3 years they outgrow it.
There is no cure for autisim and not all children respond to the therapy's that are few and far between offered.
What else could you do besides give in and give them whatever food they wanted??

AMRAANN, youre so correct. The temper tantrums are beyond belief.
I have friends who had a full length mirror in their hall which covered the wall, they had to put a large piece of wood across it, they were afraid their autistic son would crazily run into it and break it and hurt himself.
The food thing I have also seen happen.
I have seen my friend while in grocery stores (just a example) that while her 4 yr old threw a violent temper, people would give her dirty looks like: "what a spoiled brat you have"/ I felt so sorry for some of the things she endured.
Unless you have a severely Autistic child or have a friend with one, you cant imagine what its like.
Here's an interesting, though somewhat dated, interview Kelly Preston gave re: Kawasaki Syndrome/toxins.

Here's the link:

One of my best friends has a daughter, age 17, who is autistic. She and I campaign vigorously for the rights of special education students in our school district. Thankfully, our son is doing just fine, but I've met so many parents who have autistic children and it just breaks my heart when I hear their stories. One mom told me that when she hits the floor running in the morning, it's that way the entire day, until she plunks her head on her pillow at night. She is always utterly exhausted.

I know one family who have two boys, both of whom are autistic, one severely so. The financial and emotional burdens that are placed on families with autistic children is just unfathomable to me.

I have read and heard personally from families, that certain biomedical treatments actually 'cured' their children of autism; others, who have tried the same treatments, found little to no changes in their children. Apparently, not every treatment works for every child...each child's condition can be unique and oft times, difficult to treat.

I don't know what the Travoltas have or haven't done, for their son, Jett. Certainly, when one views some of Jett's older pictures in the press, he appeared to be a really cute and amiable child. I can't tell just by looking at his most recent pictures with Kelly as to whether or not he is autistic. I can certainly tell that 'something' isn't right with him...what that is, I wouldn't know.

Scientology is a cult. I lived in Los Angeles for years and became acquainted with a few people who, at one point, were members. Thankfully, they got out, but there are many, many other like-minded religious cults out there as well. One of my best friends belonged to one of those...can't recall the name of it...and I tried desperately to get her to see that what she had invested so much of her time in, was nothing but a pseudo-religious type cult organization. Gawd...there were so many of them in L.A.; EST was one of them.

Jett certainly seems attached to both his parents. Kelly and John certainly seem to be devoted and loving parents, and it is highly likely that Jett's welfare and well being will be adequately taken care of for the remainder of his life, once his parents are no longer around to care for him.
In fact, I'm trying to think of the last time I saw any child I know using this type of medication walking around in a drug induced haze. ~~shrugs~~

I'm sure there are, but I think the vast majority are being helped. And I've seen where some parents or guardians hold off on medication because of over-used phrases like "drug-induced haze". I know. I was one of them until we tried it for our children.

I agree with you 100%, Taximom. My sister was one who fought medication for her son who has Asperger's Syndrome. She tried everything else first--intense therapy and counseling, nutrition, etc. When life became absolutely unbearable, she finally consented to medicate him. He went from a wild, unhappy, aggressive, destructive and completely unmanageable child to a loving, happy, sweet little guy who just seems to have a few minor quirks. He is definitely not in a "drug induced" haze. He simply has the physical and mental ability to function normally and live his life, now that his brain chemistry has been balanced by the prescription drugs he needed. Can you imagine telling someone with a thyroid disorder or severe hypertension to stay away from drugs and turn to counseling and vitamins to cure his or her disease? I just don't get it.
While I don't have an autistic child I do have a child with a severe case of ADHD. I wasn't thrilled about the idea of medicating him but it finally dawned on me that my reluctance to admit that he had problems that no amount of loving or altered diets could fix was causing him to be miserable. Couldn't keep a baby sitter, his brother didn't want to be in the same room with him, his dad told me that he was glad we'd gotten divorced because he couldn't deal with him.

Once I got him properly medicated he really was a different child. To this day he has quirk and issues but leads a fairly normal life. I feel like I made the choice to bring him into this world, it is my god given responsibility to do everything in my power to help him be the best person he can be. I can't imagine doing anything differently.

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