JonBenet Ramsey: What Really Happened?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Grand Season = Xmas

Anyone with an ounce of logic knows that if Burke did kill JonBenet that night unbeknownst to his parents, the last place he's going to want to be is anywhere near them.

IMO Patsy killed JonBenet, e.g. ligature asphyxiation.

The parents would just need one look at whatever Burke had served up as staging to realize it was a child's work, e.g. Bloomingdale's size-12s, Pair of Burke's longjohns, etc.

Burke's staging scenario might have either JonBenet's bedroom or the basement, with the parents revising the details?

IMO Patsy killed JonBenet, e.g. ligature asphyxiation.

The parents would just need one look at whatever Burke had served up as staging to realize it was a child's work, e.g. Bloomingdale's size-12s, Pair of Burke's longjohns, etc.

Burke's staging scenario might have either JonBenet's bedroom or the basement, with the parents revising the details?


I'm not clear on your comment about "whatever Burke served up." Can you please expand on that.

I'm not clear on your comment about "whatever Burke served up." Can you please expand on that.


I'm assuming there was prior staging, either in JonBenet's bedroom or the basement, which the parents tweaked.

So you can speculate that when assaulted JonBenet was wearing the same pajamas as the night before?

Why does this matter, well the pink pajama bottoms are missing, so assuming BDI, Burke has panicked and redressed JonBenet in the Bloomingdale's size-12's and a pair of his own long johns?

You can see JonBenet's pink pajama top in the above photo

Patsy says she dressed JonBenet in Burke's long johns thereby ignoring all her pajamas and nightgowns fully available, in nearby bathroom drawers .

Open to debate is whether the staging took place in JonBenet's bedroom or the basement?

So did Burke cleanup and redress JonBenet then move her down to the basement, or was the latter something the parents did?

If the pajama bottoms containing Fecal Matter, left on JonBenet's bedroom floor, belong to Burke Ramsey does this mean Burke returned to his bedroom to fetch another pair of pajama bottoms or even long johns?

2000 Steve Thomas, "JonBenet, Inside the Ramsey Murder Investigation", Excerpt

"The father lifted the dust ruffle to peer beneath his daughter's bed and was told not to touch anything else. They left the room as a telephone rang, and Ramsey answered, 'JonBenet's been kidnapped,' he said and began crying. The lights were off in the nearby bedroom of the second child, and Reichenbach looked in on Burke Ramsey, who appeared sleep, then closed that door."

What was Burke Ramsey wearing the morning Reichenbach looked into his bedroom?

Guess who else might know ? Fleet White.

Fleet White in a statement to Boulder Police dated 12/29/1996
"At some point, probably 45 minutes into this, I don't really know, half hour, 45 minutes into this, by this time Barbara Fernie was there. It might have been Barbara Fernie and I, maybe Priscilla and I, maybe Pricilla, Barbara and I, I don't know, somebody, but it was one of that group, we just thought, "What do we do with Burke?

You know? He's upstairs asleep. We can't let him wake up and walk down on this." And so, this is probably around 7 o'clock. I, you know, we decided he'd come to our house. Our kids, by that time our kids would have been up. And we had four adults here, house guests, at the time, so, you know, that's why... out kids are there, that's why we could go down to the Ramseys. So we thought that would be a perfect deal, you know, it's close.

We'll just get Burke in the car. And then shortly after that we decide that we needed to go down and get the Fernies' kids because they were home alone. That was Eliza and Luke. So, I said I'll, we'll go up and get Burke and get going.

I asked John to go wake up Burke since I thought it would be better than John, you know, his dad wake him up than me go up, you know, waking him up. So we both went up the stairs. John went in. I think he turned on the light. Opened the door, flicked on the light, woke Burke up, and then Burke started, you know, to get up.

I went back downstairs and for some... I don't know why I went back downstairs. Maybe there was nothing I could do up there until Burke got dressed or something, so I just went back downstairs. I probably went down and held Patsy or something, I don't know.

So then, a few minutes later, I went back up and in the meantime, John had come back down. John came back down almost immediately, as I recall. He came back down. Whether it was a... you know, in any event, he came back down. So I went back upstairs and helped Burke get dressed, got him ready to go. I don't remember what that meant, I think I, you know, helped him put his shoes on, I don't know, and kind of got him going.

And Burke.... and then Burke went over and picked up a new Nintendo game that he just got for Christmas and another toy, kind of a car on a track or something. I'm not sure exactly what it was, with very small little cars, which I'm pretty sure he'd also just gotten for Christmas. he kind of gathered, gathered those up and he walked, starting walking out and then I pulled his blanket up and his bedspread and threw the pillow on the bed. Kind of made his bed.

And then we walked downstairs and what'd I do? We walked down the front stairs into the entry and I, and we just walked out the front door to my truck, which was parked in front of the house. And I thought what I would do is get Burke up here first, drop him off. get him squared away, and then go up to, rather than drive him all the way up to the Fernies' and back, I'd just drop him off and then go get the Fernie children. So I did that.

I brought him up and he got out of the car, walked up the stairs where, up to where I think my son was still asleep... or, I don't think that. He was probably just kind of getting up, or he was awake. he saw Burke was there, which was great. So they went in and laid on our bed and plugged in a Nintendo game into our TV at the foot of our bed and started playing Nintendo."

Detective Linda Arndt asked, "What was Burke told about why he was coming over to your house?"

Back to quote from Fleet White: "He didn't, he wasn't told anything. Not a thing. I don't remember telling him anything. The only person who would have told him anything was me, and I, as far as I know, and I, I did leave the bedroom. It's possible that John told him something, but if he did, I have no knowledge of what it was. Other than John Ramsey, the only person who could have told him anything about the situation would have been me."

Another explanation for JonBenet's redressing might be one of the parents is guilty and they deliberately selected the size-12's and long johns?

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I don’t see how you correlate Xmas = Grand season in PR Christmas letter. Here is her quote:

But, his real love is the new 'old looking' boat, Grand Season, which he spent months designing.

She is referring to sailing here; not Christmas.
The way this is stated it almost sounds like the name of the boat was Grand Season. I have no idea if it really is but could sound like that to me! JMO
The way this is stated it almost sounds like the name of the boat was Grand Season. I have no idea if it really is but could sound like that to me! JMO


For clarification here is the entire paragraph:
“John is always on the go travelling hither and yon. Access recently celebrated its one billion $$ mark in sales, so he's pretty happy! He and his crew were underway in the Port Huron to Mackinac Island yacht race in July, but had to pull out mid way due to lack of wind. (Can you believe that?) But, his real love is the new 'old looking' boat, Grand Season, which he spent months designing.”

PR was giving a yearly report of the family in this letter.
Wrt adult Dr Seuss book

Reading over at red dit,
Thread says JAR has identified Dr Seuss book found in suitcase as 'Places You Will Go'? "Highschool graduation gift from a girl / friend. Pretty standard"

(Feb 4, 2021 twitter for iPhone)

ETA Can't find tweet on twitter
ETA 2 book listed as 3rd grade level
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I'm assuming there was prior staging, either in JonBenet's bedroom or the basement, which the parents tweaked.

So you can speculate that when assaulted JonBenet was wearing the same pajamas as the night before?

Why does this matter, well the pink pajama bottoms are missing, so assuming BDI, Burke has panicked and redressed JonBenet in the Bloomingdale's size-12's and a pair of his own long johns?

You can see JonBenet's pink pajama top in the above photo

Patsy says she dressed JonBenet in Burke's long johns thereby ignoring all her pajamas and nightgowns fully available, in nearby bathroom drawers .

Open to debate is whether the staging took place in JonBenet's bedroom or the basement?

So did Burke cleanup and redress JonBenet then move her down to the basement, or was the latter something the parents did?

If the pajama bottoms containing Fecal Matter, left on JonBenet's bedroom floor, belong to Burke Ramsey does this mean Burke returned to his bedroom to fetch another pair of pajama bottoms or even long johns?

2000 Steve Thomas, "JonBenet, Inside the Ramsey Murder Investigation", Excerpt

What was Burke Ramsey wearing the morning Reichenbach looked into his bedroom?

Guess who else might know ? Fleet White.

Fleet White in a statement to Boulder Police dated 12/29/1996

Another explanation for JonBenet's redressing might be one of the parents is guilty and they deliberately selected the size-12's and long johns?

Thank you. That's pretty deep. I speculated that BR struck his sister in the head with the flashlight but never considered he'd have any reason to change her clothes.

I believed Jonbenet was changed by somebody else that intentionally did not want to use her clothes (i.e., staging, if you will).

I recall the size 12 panties were from a brand new, unopened package, and the longjohns maybe even from the laundry room.

Sure, so if they are on the buddy list for employment, why were they not called over?

Perhaps the Stines deliberately didn't go over that morning, in agreement with the Rs, to avoid the possibility of their son slipping up and saying something in front of the police?

I don’t see how you correlate Xmas = Grand season in PR Christmas letter. Here is her quote:

But, his real love is the new 'old looking' boat, Grand Season, which he spent months designing.

She is referring to sailing here; not Christmas.

That's if you only see it in a concrete/left brain manner.
Perhaps the Stines deliberately didn't go over that morning, in agreement with the Rs, to avoid the possibility of their son slipping up and saying something in front of the police?

Yes, all very mysterious stuff.

avoid the possibility of their son slipping up and saying something in front of the police?
Definitely, neither Susan or Jeff Stine played or hung about with Burke Ramsey.

If you check out Burke's behavior from when he fakes awaking to his arrival at the White's house, he has next to nothing to say, i.e. What's going on, Where is JonBenet, etc.

Fleet White comments Burke basically asked no questions other than those his father might have offered as an explanation.

So he leaves his own house effectively in silence, appears to me his father told him to Say nothing, Do not answer questions?

Both parents when interviewed claimed they never relayed any details regarding JonBenet's death to Burke, they wanted to protect him.

Fast forward to Susan Stine overhearing Burke Ramsey relating a running commentary on JonBenet's death, he now knows many details regarding JonBenet's death.

The Stines have so much skin in the game, Susan Stine sends fake BPD emails and Jeff Stine is employed by John Ramsey.

Unlike the White's the Stines do not pass the smell test, something is rotten here?

Also if Burke's details were all in the public domain why would Susan Stine bother phoning BPD with the conversation she overheard?

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Wrt adult Dr Seuss book

Reading over at red dit,
Thread says JAR has identified Dr Seuss book found in suitcase as 'Places You Will Go'? "Highschool graduation gift from a girl / friend. Pretty standard"

(Feb 4, 2021 twitter for iPhone)

ETA Can't find tweet on twitter
ETA 2 book listed as 3rd grade level

Was this the Dr Seuss book that contained Toilet Humor, with drawings of naked buttocks?

Please correct me; but, I thought that the Stines left for an out of town trip very early on the 26th, and the Rs knew that they were not available.
Please correct me; but, I thought that the Stines left for an out of town trip very early on the 26th, and the Rs knew that they were not available.

We Have Your Daughter The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey Twenty Years Later by Paula Woodward, Excerpt
Susan Stine, whose family the Ramseys lived with for four months after the murder, found out what had happened on December 26 when she and her family arrived home from a movie that day. The phone rang and another friend said, “Did you hear what happened to the Ramseys? JonBenét was murdered!”

“Everything was so crazy,” Susan reflected. “At the time, it’s something you would never have thought possible. Not someone going into a house and murdering a child. We were all dazed for weeks, just operating on automatic pilot.”

Terror, fear and depravity had slipped quietly into the home of a seemingly content family of four in the town of Boulder, Colorado. And it was all magnified by the bizarre evidence of the case with its many interpretations.

We Have Your Daughter The Unsolved Murder of JonBenet Ramsey Twenty Years Later by Paula Woodward, Excerpt
The Stine family, friends of the Ramseys, went to visit the couple where they were staying on Friday, December 27. “Patsy looked like she had aged a thousand years. She was so distraught,” Susan Stine said. “We said what little we could say and hugged her and John and then just did what little we could to help. We’d brought our son with us to be with Burke. We thought it was important that Burke have a friend with him to distract him from the grieving adults.”

According to Paula Woodward the Stines were in Boulder, Colorado on December 27.

From memory, it's also the same day Fleet White was interviewed in person by Haddon's attorney.


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