JonBenet's Dream Team

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Lacy said the reason her office took over the case in 2002 was that the Ramsey family had no confidence in the police. ``It wasn't that they were incompetent,'' she said of the officers.

But this is the same lady that said the LE was being to rough on PR and didn't support the LE just like Hunter....

CORRECTAMUNDO! I talk about this at length, in fact. If someone could tell me just how often a case is taken from police because the prime suspects don't like the way the evidence points, I'd be really grateful. But I can't imagine it happens too often.

Allow me to present an excerpt:

How did an utter moron like Mary Lacy ever get into the kind of position she's in? Well, in 2002, Lin Wood, the Ramseys' attorney, threatened to sue the police department if they didn't turn over the case to the DA's office, when he knew full well that Mary Lacy was sympathetic to his clients. What kind of sleazy backroom deal is THAT?! I've never even heard of such a thing: a suspect's lawyer deciding who can and cannot investigate a homicide case? I'm not a legal expert, so I don't know if that could be constituted obstruction of justice, or collusion, or not, but it damn well ought to be a disbarring offense. As far as I know, it may be legal, but it can't be ethical.
Lacy told The Associated Press that returning the investigation to police was ``a great idea.

This woman is more confusing than this case at times....Now wonder if she saying her hands were tied or making it look like that where she thought it should had stayed...
JR: Uh, I don’t remember exactly, but I would suspect the bed was not made Christmas morning, I don’t remember exactly.

Now JR made it sound like JonBenet slept in her bed and the R's said a couple times she slept in BR's room Christmas eve...
Now the lack of JR fingerprints on the RN and never questioned about that and really what lead other than the RN to PR... Fiber evidence can link both of them with JonBenet's body....
Now I'm putting here why I lean more to John Ramsey well it started as soon as I seen him on TV...And finding out statements how he acted different with losing two daughters ...Now being a Mom my children have different personalities and traits that makes them their own person...But with JonBenet there was really no emotion from neither JR or PR....But with JR had to bring up and explain this, why did he try to fool himself...If I ever found one of mine chidren like that personally you better get a crow bar to pry me away...But he was so careful not to get his fibers on her...
Now I'm putting here why I lean more to John Ramsey well it started as soon as I seen him on TV...And finding out statements how he acted different with losing two daughters ...Now being a Mom my children have different personalities and traits that makes them their own person...But with JonBenet there was really no emotion from neither JR or PR....But with JR had to bring up and explain this, why did he try to fool himself...If I ever found one of mine chidren like that personally you better get a crow bar to pry me away...But he was so careful not to get his fibers on her...

You know,people are saying well,JR was like this and PR like that,but they keep forgetting that these two went through hell and didn't have an easy life,one was struggling with a lethal disease ,the other one lost a daughter and these things can CHANGE you,your life and your personality.(in good or BAD)
I guess what really gets me is how they never stepped foot in that house again cause no matter the type of person you are seem to me you want to fill close to the one that died...But thats just me...Just shows more they knew what they done...
I guess what really gets me is how they never stepped foot in that house again cause no matter the type of person you are seem to me you want to fill close to the one that died...But thats just me...Just shows more they knew what they done...

But they indirectly stepped foot in it when they sent her sister to gather incriminating stuff they left behind.:banghead::banghead::banghead:

Don't tell me it was that urgent,guess it wouldn't have been the right timing for golf right?

Geeeeeeeeez these people:banghead::banghead::waitasec:
But they indirectly stepped foot in it when they sent her sister to gather incriminating stuff they left behind.:banghead::banghead::banghead:

Don't tell me it was that urgent,guess it wouldn't have been the right timing for golf right?

Geeeeeeeeez these people:banghead::banghead::waitasec:

On this I agree about :banghead: and to think the R's says the LE was trying to railroad them so early in the case:waitasec:HOW?
JR: The alarm is a clock radio which is on my side of the bed, which is the north side, left as you face the bed.

So was his side the one that wasn't look like it was slept in or the other side...
JR: The alarm is a clock radio which is on my side of the bed, which is the north side, left as you face the bed.

So was his side the one that wasn't look like it was slept in or the other side...

Her side.
Now just taking JR if I can off the suspect list of the one that killed JonBenet...JR is to clean in this crime,he said that he touched and held the RN but no fingerprints proving this...He took a shower where PR didn't, and some might say he is protecting his wife but yet let her go to her doctor's appointments alone....Then some would say PR had something over his head but yet he gave the notepad that the RN came out of to the LE..And above the investigators was there to protect him if charges was brought against him....
JR: I took a Melatonin tablet because I wanted to get to sleep fast because we had to get up early, and I slept through the night.

Now we have first statement he read to JonBenet then he didn't then he said he read alittle bit then he is not for sure geez can't we just get a straight answer for once from the R's
I can understand that people can be confused about things and that after all the time you might forget some things,but come on,these 2 are "confused" about everything.Is there one issue they didn't change their statements about?
I can understand that people can be confused about things and that after all the time you might forget some things,but come on,these 2 are "confused" about everything.Is there one issue they didn't change their statements about?

Exactly..i was watching their interview with Larry King where he asks Patsy if she handed the rn over for John to read and they reply that they cant remember.
Yeah right. How could one possibly not remember such a thing.. you either read it before the police arrived, or you didnt. Even in the middle of chaos and stress after "discovering" the rn, one would be able to remember something like that.
Now just taking JR if I can off the suspect list of the one that killed JonBenet...JR is to clean in this crime,he said that he touched and held the RN but no fingerprints proving this...He took a shower where PR didn't, and some might say he is protecting his wife but yet let her go to her doctor's appointments alone....Then some would say PR had something over his head but yet he gave the notepad that the RN came out of to the LE..And above the investigators was there to protect him if charges was brought against him....
I don't think she saw him give it to them,and I glean from the note itself that she had something on him...'don't try to grow a brain John,you are not the only fat cat so don't think that killing (you,implied..does not say 'your daughter'..glaring omission there) will be difficult.(iow-you John,taking YOU out! not literally killing him.)
JR: I took a Melatonin tablet because I wanted to get to sleep fast because we had to get up early, and I slept through the night.

Now we have first statement he read to JonBenet then he didn't then he said he read alittle bit then he is not for sure geez can't we just get a straight answer for once from the R's

Ravyn, do you know whether John planned to share the pilot duties for the flight to Michigan with Archeluta (sorry: that is almost certainly spelt wrong)?

If so, a side effect of oral melatonin is lingering drowsiness and general dopeyness and, on some packages, you are specifically warned against operating machinery and driving while using it, especially if you use it regularly. Patsy comments somewhere that John didn't drink much at the Whites' party as he always watched his alcohol consumption if he was flying the next day. This suggests that he was going to do at least some of the piloting himself. Yet, he says he took a melatonin...sufficient to allow him to sleep through a child's murder and molestation. If he wasn't planning to share the flying, then Patsy's comments about why he wouldn't have drunk much seem maybe a bit disingenuous...

In fairness, loads of people drive or use machinery despite contra-indications on their medication and opinion varies dramatically on melatonin's effects (it's banned in one or two countries while available in health stores elsewhere) so I'm not really saying anything. Just flagging up another little feature of this case...
Actually I don't know if he planned to fly but that is something about the side effects...Thank you for posting that...

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