JonBenet's Dream Team

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Whether RDI or not, I think FW's opinion on the matter is pretty clear and that is why the Ramseys went on the offensive: attack is always the best defence.
To me, it seems the R's and their dream team went after the ones that really could hurt them..FW was down in the basement even if I find it odd knowing we have a RN that JB might be hinding this leaves why would he think that.
The actual time of their flight was supposed to be 7 am.
That's why PR looked as if she hadn't gone to bed. She HADN'T gone to bed. According to the contents of her digestive tract at autopsy, the death likely occurred between 12-1 am. The 911 call came right around 6 am. That was really only about 6 hours to deal with the horror of what happened, make a few well-placed phone calls (phone records not available- how convenient) and stage the crime scene.
Here's something interesting about their private plane flight scheduled for 7 am. We all know JR was heard by LE on the phone after he found JB's body speaking to his pilot Mike. This was after 1pm. JR was trying to schedule a get-away flight to Atlanta- with his dead daughter still lying under the Christmas Tree. She wasn't even in the morgue yet. LE put a stop to those plans and oddly, JR seemed surprised when told he couldn't leave Boulder.
YET- where is any reference to when JR cancelled his original 7 am flight?
Of course once again- the "unavailable" phone records. How did the pilot know the family wasn't going to be flying to Charlevoix? You'd think if someone was 6 hours late for their scheduled flight you'd try to find out why. They were supposedly friends, too.

I'm new to reading about JBR. I did a search and allot of info came from the search. Gave up! Why were the phone records not available? TIA!
I'm new to reading about JBR. I did a search and allot of info came from the search. Gave up! Why were the phone records not available? TIA!

I narrowed my search and found what I was looking for. :banghead:

The search gave me more questions then answers.
Rigor mortis takes 36 hours for full cycle and JB was was almost at 36 now what does this mean 1, 2, or 6 hours left to be full cycle...
Rigor mortis takes 36 hours for full cycle and JB was was almost at 36 now what does this mean 1, 2, or 6 hours left to be full cycle...

Using the time of death at midnight to 1 am- JB was in full rigor when she was brought up from the basement at 1 pm on the 26th. 12 hours to build to full rigor. The autopsy took place around 8 am on the 27th. By now she is at 36 hours and the rigor is beginning to recede.
The actual time of their flight was supposed to be 7 am.
That's why PR looked as if she hadn't gone to bed. She HADN'T gone to bed. According to the contents of her digestive tract at autopsy, the death likely occurred between 12-1 am. The 911 call came right around 6 am. That was really only about 6 hours to deal with the horror of what happened, make a few well-placed phone calls (phone records not available- how convenient) and stage the crime scene.
Here's something interesting about their private plane flight scheduled for 7 am. We all know JR was heard by LE on the phone after he found JB's body speaking to his pilot Mike. This was after 1pm. JR was trying to schedule a get-away flight to Atlanta- with his dead daughter still lying under the Christmas Tree. She wasn't even in the morgue yet. LE put a stop to those plans and oddly, JR seemed surprised when told he couldn't leave Boulder.
YET- where is any reference to when JR cancelled his original 7 am flight?
Of course once again- the "unavailable" phone records. How did the pilot know the family wasn't going to be flying to Charlevoix? You'd think if someone was 6 hours late for their scheduled flight you'd try to find out why. They were supposedly friends, too.

I will never understand why talking to the pilot was a priority,it's more like he was keeping MA up to date.Strange anyway.

PMPT/pg.135 (Harper ed)

"About ten minutes after Patsy Ramsey called 911 and three minutes after officer Rick French arrived at the Ramseys house,John tried to call Archuleta at the airport."

"Ramsey told Bjelkovig that Jonbenet had been kidnapped".

Why the heck did he need to inform EVERYBODY?

"By 6.05 the police,the Fernies,the WHites ,and the Ramseys pilots all knew about the kidnapping,though the ransom note had threatened that Jonbenet would die if Ramsey informed anyone."

Yeah,makes you wonder.

"At 1.30 PM,just twenty-five minutes after Jonbenet's body was found,John Ramsey called Archuleta again,at his home."
I was just thinking about it,if this is not a strange irony.....they tried to make it look like a kidnapping gone wrong,the rn,blah blah,it was someone who knew JR bonus amount,someone hating the family....and guess what,L.Smit,Lacy and the like kinda blew it by introducing our misterious intruder dna in the game,turning it into a sexual crime.They needed this dna sooo badly that it makes you wonder what is really going on behind the scenes.JMHO
So JR told officer French that he read to JB that night and then he changed the story during the LE interviews.Is this correct,don't recall now where I read the part about French.
And if THIS is not telling I don't know what is.:)


"Now,on the top of the delay,the Ramseys wanted to see their prior statements to the police"

Sorry but LOL.Why,didn't they remember all the lies they've told.The truth is always the same.Always.You don't need reminders.
And if THIS is not telling I don't know what is.:)


"Now,on the top of the delay,the Ramseys wanted to see their prior statements to the police"

Sorry but LOL.Why,didn't they remember all the lies they've told.The truth is always the same.Always.You don't need reminders.

What's that old saying? A good liar needs a good memory?
Seems they found a better solution in the end......"I don't remember"&"I don't recall".
In a way, you almost have to admire the nerve they displayed: can you imagine anyone else having the cheek to demand copies of police documents before they'd even been charged with anything? You could argue that, prior to anyone being charged, the Ramseys had about as much right to the documents as The Enquirer.....
So JR told officer French that he read to JB that night and then he changed the story during the LE interviews.Is this correct,don't recall now where I read the part about French.

Hi, I`m reading the Bonita papers and it says: "After his cursory inspection of the house, French took a statement from John regarding the events of the prior evening. John related that the family had arrived home at around 9:00 p.m., that Burke and Patsy had gone immidiately to bed, and that he had read to JonBenet for a few minutes before he went to bed."

According to the Bonita papers, he told the same story to Arndt. The story differs from the official statements. There are other conflicting details too about the story of going to bed that night.
In a way, you almost have to admire the nerve they displayed: can you imagine anyone else having the cheek to demand copies of police documents before they'd even been charged with anything? You could argue that, prior to anyone being charged, the Ramseys had about as much right to the documents as The Enquirer.....

It's called arrogance IMO.
And this has NOTHING to do with me thinking they did it.
Using the time of death at midnight to 1 am- JB was in full rigor when she was brought up from the basement at 1 pm on the 26th. 12 hours to build to full rigor. The autopsy took place around 8 am on the 27th. By now she is at 36 hours and the rigor is beginning to recede.

The reason I was asking for adding the hours up..

12:00am to 8:00am the 27th is 32 hours
and 31 hours at 1:00 am..
Now we can link the RN to PR and fibers to the tape,garrote,and paint tote..And JR to the fibers found in her panties..PR wore the same clothes and JR changed and bathe..Bringing JB from basement JR held her away from him..Then Det.Ardnt moved her again..At this time JR placed the blanket over her..So by doing this PR fibers couldn't be innocently transfer..
I just read this and I found it........brilliant.

Interesting stuff!

Love some of the arguments.:)

Lou Smit: "You know, we have been here for three days now. We have gone over a lot of things and I think I have gotten to know you pretty good at this time, and you have probably gotten to know us, and, you know there is a lot of people out there that really do believe that you did this to your daughter, or that your wife did this. And you know that you have said that you didn't do that, and I am going to take you at your word. We know you are a Christian, John, and would you swear to God that you didn't do this?"

John Ramsey: "I swear to God that I didn't do it."

Unbelievable! This is an "experienced detective conducting an interrogation? The fact that he was not pulled from the case immediately does not speak well for those in authority who allowed the farce to continue.


Very interesting:

If JonBenet was being "controlled" by the "garrote" in some sexual happening as Smit declares, she was very much alive when she was strangled. If you interject the conclusion that she was dead from the head trauma before the cord was put around her neck, Smit's pedophile intruder story falls apart.

In the foregoing quote, John says you can't know. He speculates that maybe she was dead when the cord was put around her neck. Why would John introduce this thought and speculation which undermines the story of an intruder, hence, jeopardizes the basis for his claim of innocence?

Although it is the basis for the pedophile intruder story and his claim of innocence, for some reason John is uncomfortable with the conclusion that JonBenet was strangled to death. The fact that he utters the forgoing quote casting doubt on the pedophile intruder story, tells there is a very strong emotional motivation for the speculation that maybe JonBenet was dead when she was strangled. Indeed, we can take it a step further.

If he were comfortable with the idea of strangulation first, he would not question it and cast doubt on his defense. This tells me, even if not you, John DESIRES the conclusion that JonBenet was dead from the head trauma before she was strangled. Why?

To expedite matters, I will forego lengthy explanation of how the mind works and how John's situation conforms to the principles of mind operation. To get to the nitty gritty, I will offer a hypothesis which will perhaps explain John's interest in knowing if JonBenet was killed by the head trauma, then strangled afterwards.

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