JonBenet's Murder Solved, KILLER FOUND

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I am not sure about bumps but on the photo she does not have nails.

It is an autopsy photo.

This one, presumably. Note the tiny blistery-looking bumps directly above the "heart," and the intact fingernails -- which were noted in the autopsy report as being "long enough for clipping."


I hope you will understand what have you bought that way before going to your paradise.

For truth, it is my alone goal regarding half of population.
"So they know what they have bought."

[edit] btw. Why Patsy wrote "CIA" on her hand? She felt bigger then the "country it serves"?

You hope that I will understand what I bought before I die?

Bought that way?

Your sole desire for 1/2 the population is that they know what they have bought?

Sorry, I do not understand what you are trying to convey.

No one, not even Patsy, wrote CIA on JBR's hand. What do you mean 'she felt bigger' than the country it serves?

I am not understanding any of this.
This one, presumably. Note the tiny blistery-looking bumps directly above the "heart," and the intact fingernails -- which were noted in the autopsy report as being "long enough for clipping."


No bumps or blisters noted on the autopsy report.
No bumps or blisters noted on the autopsy report.

That's true, and a little surprising to me because they're so clearly visible. Here's a detail, with handy arrow, that shows it a little better. You might need to zoom in a bit.

JBR Hand Detail.jpg
No bumps or blisters noted on the autopsy report.

That's true, and a little surprising to me because they're so clearly visible. Here's a detail from a higher-resolution photo, with handy arrow, that shows it a little better. You might need to zoom in a bit.

If you fiddle with this photo in Photoshop, there are parts of the "heart" that appear to be more like pokes or cuts than merely ink. I wonder what the instrument was that created the marks. Could have been a red fine-point Sharpie, as seen below, or a similar less-indelible Pilot Precise V5 extra fine. Both are commonly used in graphic design and for copy editing (hmmm) and are really sharp. They could easily scratch a child's soft skin if used with too much force. The marks look diffuse and faded enough to me to have been on JBR's hand for quite a while. If the ink were the more indelible in Sharpies, they could even have survived hand-washing. But those teeny blistery-looking things? Just weird.

Sorry to be so pedantic. Long, dull night here.

View attachment 129982m002302511_sc7.jpeg
I see them.

I do not know the reason of them.

She felt on her hand in the basement (probably). Could be sand or anything else.
The heart on her hand is a myth.

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That's true, and a little surprising to me because they're so clearly visible. Here's a detail from a higher-resolution photo, with handy arrow, that shows it a little better. You might need to zoom in a bit.

If you fiddle with this photo in Photoshop, there are parts of the "heart" that appear to be more like pokes or cuts than merely ink. I wonder what the instrument was that created the marks. Could have been a red fine-point Sharpie, as seen below, or a similar less-indelible Pilot Precise V5 extra fine. Both are commonly used in graphic design and for copy editing (hmmm) and are really sharp. They could easily scratch a child's soft skin if used with too much force. The marks look diffuse and faded enough to me to have been on JBR's hand for quite a while. If the ink were the more indelible in Sharpies, they could even have survived hand-washing. But those teeny blistery-looking things? Just weird.

Sorry to be so pedantic. Long, dull night here.

View attachment 129982View attachment 129983

Almost looks like a small cluster of warts or embedded sand.
That's true, and a little surprising to me because they're so clearly visible. Here's a detail from a higher-resolution photo, with handy arrow, that shows it a little better. You might need to zoom in a bit.

If you fiddle with this photo in Photoshop, there are parts of the "heart" that appear to be more like pokes or cuts than merely ink. I wonder what the instrument was that created the marks. Could have been a red fine-point Sharpie, as seen below, or a similar less-indelible Pilot Precise V5 extra fine. Both are commonly used in graphic design and for copy editing (hmmm) and are really sharp. They could easily scratch a child's soft skin if used with too much force. The marks look diffuse and faded enough to me to have been on JBR's hand for quite a while. If the ink were the more indelible in Sharpies, they could even have survived hand-washing. But those teeny blistery-looking things? Just weird.

Sorry to be so pedantic. Long, dull night here.


Interesting. There also appears to be another similar blemish on the bottom red line to the right side of the curve. It looks to me like there's redness surrounding the ink itself, as you'd see with a scratch but that could be ink bleeding. Surely it'd be listed on the AR if it was a scratch and not ink
I see that faint second cluster. Do you know if the forensic tests following the autopsy identified what that red line was? I don’t recall the ME describing that “heart” shape being some kind of scratch.
I'm not sure any testing of that was done, someone with more knowledge should be able to chime in on that. No, the autopsy report stated it as ink, or consistent with ink; I can't recall the direct phrasing. But to my eyes, it looks like the outer redness from a scratch, if that makes sense. I also don't see how he, or anyone, concluded that it's a heart. However, photographs have come a long way since 1996 so it could just be poor quality that makes it appear as such to me.
I'm not sure any testing of that was done, someone with more knowledge should be able to chime in on that. No, the autopsy report stated it as ink, or consistent with ink; I can't recall the direct phrasing. But to my eyes, it looks like the outer redness from a scratch, if that makes sense. I also don't see how he, or anyone, concluded that it's a heart. However, photographs have come a long way since 1996 so it could just be poor quality that makes it appear as such to me.

We agree 100%. I do hope someone can enlighten us on the scratch/ink. When I have some time in a day or two, I’ll dig around for that. Maybe has something.
We agree 100%. I do hope someone can enlighten us on the scratch/ink. When I have some time in a day or two, I’ll dig around for that. Maybe has something.

Upon viewing the AR the first few times, I thought it was well done. The deeper I dig the more it seems it was yet another massive short falling of opportunities. That said, we don't know what was put in Meyers additional report to BPD with inclusions from that paediatric specialist (can't recall his name) who was brought in to go over the vaginal trauma. Aside from a similar type of pen you included, I can't think of anything that would scratch like that. Maybe that was simply it and wasn't anything really note worthy.
The bottom photo was taken with ultraviolet light(or something similar)
The same type of light to illuminate the presence of bodily fluids during autopsy. Does anyone else see the “stick-man”?


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The bottom photo was taken with ultraviolet light(or something similar)
The same type of light to illuminate the presence of bodily fluids during autopsy. Does anyone else see the “stick-man”?


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Yes, I do. Seeing as the area we were talking about is more visible, is that to say it is bodily fluids; blood? Given you've also referenced JBRs drawings, are you alluding to her drawing the stick figure. In bodily fluids? What's your thoughts on that? Saliva, blood, something else? Was this actually done during the autopsy?
It is possible she was holding something in her hand before death.

These pictures can be a composite of two things:

abrasion + "drawing"

drawing - post death

abrasion - she could be holding a doll in her palm at that time.
Yes, I do. Seeing as the area we were talking about is more visible, is that to say it is bodily fluids; blood? Given you've also referenced JBRs drawings, are you alluding to her drawing the stick figure. In bodily fluids? What's your thoughts on that? Saliva, blood, something else? Was this actually done during the autopsy?

I don’t believe the stick-man was drawn with bodily fluids. Rather, I believe the light just illuminates the bruising/scratches/pen indenting that was already embedded into her skin. Almost as if someone tried to perhaps erase what was drawn on her hand with nail polish remover. To the naked eye it would no longer show, but with the ultraviolet light it shows the indenting of what was there. I don’t believe it was JonBenet who drew on herself.

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I don’t believe the stick-man was drawn with bodily fluids. Rather, I believe the light just illuminates the bruising/scratches/pen indenting that was already embedded into her skin. Almost as if someone tried to perhaps erase what was drawn on her hand with nail polish remover. To the naked eye it would no longer show, but with the ultraviolet light it shows the indenting of what was there. I don’t believe it was JonBenet who drew on herself.

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Mhmm, I am following and see where you're going. Why would mother dear want to erase them, I don't see her as drawing so firmly on JBR that it'd cut the skin given her whole appareances complex. Of course, it's possible, or did BR draw them and PR needed to remove. I don't see BR drawing a stick man and a heart. Whilst I don't see a heart, I believe PR described it in another slip.

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