JonBenet's Murder Solved, KILLER FOUND

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves


black lines are near the red lines on the hand.

'C' near connecting with '1' with a '-' at the bottom to distinguish it from her skin and 'e' which looks like a loop.

I used this: "" as a source.

Some other are too blurry.
SD, do you think the heart has anything to do with her murder? or that it could simply be something that she drew on herself prior?
Is it possible for a human being's head to pop off like a rocket, spin around spitting, then re-attach itself to the brainstem and spine?

Because that is what my head did in the supermarket when I read this headline.

People thought I was weird.

This is in reference to the new (old) Ramsey suspect Glenn Meyer? He took and passed a polygraph early on, unlike the Ramseys. He watched TV with the Barnhills that night so he wasn't roaming around the Ramsey house. His handwriting doesn't match the ransom note.

Tricia, have you ever asked Steve Thomas why he concluded that John Ramsey slept through the night? I came to this conclusion by considering that there must be a reason that Patsy looked like she'd been up all night, when any moderately intelligent criminal would have been in pajamas when the police came. John getting up must have forced her hand.

The police would have looked for corroboration of nighttime and morning stories, and found it in John's case (but not in Patsy's). Would you ask Steve Thomas what that corroboration was?
SD, do you think the heart has anything to do with her murder? or that it could simply be something that she drew on herself prior?

Good question. I could go either way. BUT, Caylee Anthony had a heart on her, too.
I never said that. You're the one implying people are going to hell for speaking the truth.

As far as I remember I was talking about paradise somewhat earlier...

I wonder who translated it as a "hell" in your reading.

I know that some "people" are eager to speak for myself as they know "everything" I could want to say before me...

I would call them thiefs but seems it is an inside joke between friends about them.

ENQUIRER Exclusive!
‘My Husband Killed JonBenet Ramsey’

Feb 7, 2018

"His handwriting matched the ransom note found in the Ramsey home, and cops considered him a suspect. In emails to The ENQUIRER, JonBenét’s father, John Ramsey, told how Meyer turned up at his house uninvited when the family hosted a party on Dec. 23, 1996 — two days before her murder.

“Yes, Glenn Meyer was of interest at some point,” John told The ENQUIRER via email on Jan. 15. “I do recall him coming to our door the night of our family Christmas party, which was just before Christmas. I don’t remember why. Up to that point we did not know he was living across the street in the basement.”
Nice of Patsy to write the note for him. I call that right neighborly.

Exactly. If that loser had enough vocabulary to use hard words like "attache" then I will eat the letter myself. LOL :)
Here's a good bit of information on the heart drawn in JonBenet's palm. If nothing else, read the first post in the link below:

That red mark on JBR's palm never looked like a heart to me. More like the smiley face hinted at in DeMuth's questioning. Interesting about the tiny blister marks, also red. Was there any forensic study on whatever was used to make those marks, and an attempt to match it to anything in the R's home, or maybe in Daphne White's playthings? I gather the two kids played at making bead necklaces when the Rs were at the White's house Christmas night; were markers part of the play?
As far as I remember I was talking about paradise somewhat earlier...

I wonder who translated it as a "hell" in your reading.

I know that some "people" are eager to speak for myself as they know "everything" I could want to say before me...

I would call them thiefs but seems it is an inside joke between friends about them.

I give up. I can't make sense of what you're saying.

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