Jose Baez Both Homes in Foreclosure

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Not defending JB on this but alot of people especially in Florida and other areas hit hard by the housing crunch are foreclosing on there homes. Mainly because the market value of the home is currently well below the loan value. So some have decided it's not worth it to pay on a 600k home when its current market value is only 400k to 300k. Some areas have seen dramatic hits to home values because the values were so artificially inflated before the market took a nose dive.

Also if you want to negotiate new terms with the bank alot of times they will not even begin to negotiate until you default. Some advice I've heard is to let your home default and begin the foreclosure proceedings and then negotiate. The bank doesn't want the home especially with the market the way it currently is. So the bank at that point may be willing to give you a sweeter deal.

I do however still find it humorous that JB isn't paying his bills.
That may be true, but if you can afford to make your payments, MAKE THEM.
It is only going to cost you more in the future for another mortgage, and it is not necessarily the bank's fault that your home is devalued. If they were underhanded, that is one thing. Why take advantage of the market to walk away from a contract that you signed promising to pay?
I am not saying that is what he is doing, but it burns me that people are taking this opportunity to walk away from a legal obligation.
I understand that the economy is bad. But the fact is, if you make bad financial decisions, whether the economy is good or bad, they stick with you. Obviously, the players in this case made bad financial decisions. Times are tough for me too, have been tough for awhile, but you don't see my house in foreclosure. I don't think it's enough to say that it's okay that they have houses in foreclosure because the housing market has crashed. That's just another excuse for bad financial decisions years ago on their part. Not paying your mortgage is going to lead to foreclosure. Running up credit cards and keeping up with the Joneses is going to lead to foreclosure if you're not paying for your house.

I mean, how much money went to Baez for Caylee's pictures, I mean Casey's defense, and he didn't do the responsible thing and pay for his house? No, he spent too much time wanting to the be all time greatest Hispanic attorney in Florida instead. I am responsible person, and yes, I have debts, but I am working my butt off to get them paid, and I will guarantee you I will never have a house in foreclosure.

I am not saying there aren't innocent victims of the housing crash, but honestly, most people were living way beyond their means in houses they shouldn't have been able to afford in the first place. People need to take responsibility for their financial decisions and stop blaming the bank and the government for it.

ITA with you.
Bumping & BBM. TIA.

Hello! I am unable to edit the thread title, but the update portion should be removed. The sold document is very old, probably from when JB actually purchased the home. If you could please change the title it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for everything that you do here!
Hello! I am unable to edit the thread title, but the update portion should be removed. The sold document is very old, probably from when JB actually purchased the home. If you could please change the title it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for everything that you do here!

You are saying it hasn't been sold and we actually did have a reason for our mini party the other night?:waitasec:
You are saying it hasn't been sold and we actually did have a reason for our mini party the other night?:waitasec:

Yes, that's correct!

It has NOT been sold, thanks to CountZero figuring out that was a very old listing. It was probably the original listing from when JB purchased the house. Which makes perfect sense, it was listed for $739,000 and he paid $670,000, most homes do not sell for the list price.
Thanks nums
I see a few homes with a larger square footage than his than sold for much less that his listing price..

His listing price does not match the comparables in that area...

Thanks Nums and IM!
Decades ago, I used to work @ a title insurance co. and doing comparables was one of my primary duties. I was thinking the same thing IM, when comparing comps of the immediate area, we used to have to compare lot size, sq. footage, # of bath & bed, outbuildings, updates or remodels, and then consider the prices of those properties sold within the year. (in order to be considered a "comp). Now with this economy - they may consider comps of prices sold in the past 2 or 3 yrs.
Yes, that's correct!

It has NOT been sold, thanks to CountZero figuring out that was a very old listing. It was probably the original listing from when JB purchased the house. Which makes perfect sense, it was listed for $739,000 and he paid $670,000, most homes do not sell for the list price.

I'll follow you any day down the Yellow Brick Road!! :woohoo:
Hello! I am unable to edit the thread title, but the update portion should be removed. The sold document is very old, probably from when JB actually purchased the home. If you could please change the title it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for everything that you do here!

I'm struggling with the relevence of this thread, guys. :waitasec: I get that there's some interest in how the attorney's personal finances might be *speculated* to affect his professional decision-making/advice, but, I'm not getting it beyond just tossing that out there. Seems like he may be just another statistic in what has been happening across the country in recent years.

I'm trying to be/stay open-minded...trying.
I'm struggling with the relevence of this thread, guys. :waitasec: I get that there's some interest in how the attorney's personal finances might be *speculated* to affect his professional decision-making/advice, but, I'm not getting it beyond just tossing that out there. Seems like he may be just another statistic in what has been happening across the country in recent years.

I'm trying to be/stay open-minded...trying.
Well for me alone it is just another part of his arrogance.

My opinion only, but I do hold professional occupations to a higher standard than good ol' regular folks who due to no fault of their own, got caught in the mortgage crisis. Unlike those types, who purchased homes they KNEW they could not afford.

If a doctor or lawyer can not manage his personal finances, that speaks more than words. And maybe it is because I come from a professional family that has standards.
I'm struggling with the relevence of this thread, guys. :waitasec: I get that there's some interest in how the attorney's personal finances might be *speculated* to affect his professional decision-making/advice, but, I'm not getting it beyond just tossing that out there. Seems like he may be just another statistic in what has been happening across the country in recent years.

I'm trying to be/stay open-minded...trying.

I believe the relevance is that with JB's delayed admission to the bar due to omissions and fiscal irresponsibility.

JB has a history of financial issues as documented in his appeal to the FL Supreme Court for admission to the bar. My train of thought is this info combined with LDB's response filed yesterday, could potentially lead to future actions against him.

Florida Supreme Court denying J.A.B. admission:

He was also cited in the Florida Bar Exam student guide as an example of financial irresponsibility:

page 8:$file/StudentInfo.PDF
I'm struggling with the relevence of this thread, guys. :waitasec: I get that there's some interest in how the attorney's personal finances might be *speculated* to affect his professional decision-making/advice, but, I'm not getting it beyond just tossing that out there. Seems like he may be just another statistic in what has been happening across the country in recent years.

I'm trying to be/stay open-minded...trying.

In a nutshell, personal financial conduct is not simply an issue of an attorneys professional decision making and advice. It is a term of compliance required as part of their admission to the bar. It has nothing to do with advice and everything to do with the handling and management of client monies. One of the key responsibilities of any attorney is the management of various client escrow accounts. They have open access to alot of peoples money. You cannot be admitted to the bar with bankruptcies or foreclosures on your record anymore than you can with felony convictions. In this case JB was originally delayed in being admitted to the bar because of questionable personal finances. A personal home foreclosure or bankruptcy has a greater risk to getting him disbarred than any of the antics we have witnessed in court or in the case.
I am interested in watching this topic for signs of unethical activities by this attorney.
There are Rules of Conduct and Behavior for attorneys which this attorney may be guilty of violating in regards to his financial matters. I would like to know if this attorney is attempting to defraud any financial institutions in this foreclosure matter.

Florida Rules of Professional Conduct:
Rule 4-8.4 Misconduct
A lawyer shall not:
(b) commit a criminal act that reflects adversely on the lawyer's honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a lawyer in other respects;
(c) engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation;
In a nutshell, personal financial conduct is not simply an issue of an attorneys professional decision making and advice. It is a term of compliance required as part of their admission to the bar. It has nothing to do with advice and everything to do with the handling and management of client monies. One of the key responsibilities of any attorney is the management of various client escrow accounts. They have open access to alot of peoples money. You cannot be admitted to the bar with bankruptcies or foreclosures on your record anymore than you can with felony convictions. In this case JB was originally delayed in being admitted to the bar because of questionable personal finances. A personal home foreclosure or bankruptcy has a greater risk to getting him disbarred than any of the antics we have witnessed in court or in the case.

Thank you for this informative explanation! I am not an attorney or affiliated with the legal profession (but I love the tv shows LOL).
In a nutshell, personal financial conduct is not simply an issue of an attorneys professional decision making and advice. It is a term of compliance required as part of their admission to the bar. It has nothing to do with advice and everything to do with the handling and management of client monies. One of the key responsibilities of any attorney is the management of various client escrow accounts. They have open access to alot of peoples money. You cannot be admitted to the bar with bankruptcies or foreclosures on your record anymore than you can with felony convictions. In this case JB was originally delayed in being admitted to the bar because of questionable personal finances. A personal home foreclosure or bankruptcy has a greater risk to getting him disbarred than any of the antics we have witnessed in court or in the case.

Thank you for your most excellent reasons as to why this thread deserves a life.
Also, in a less lofty sense, I am still wondering just what he did with the monies he earned from his share of the pictures of Caylee deal. His experts were working pro bono were they not? Plus, Richard Hornsby said in one of his posts that Baez had upped his fees and was charging perhaps four times what he used to charge for his services.

So how fiscally responsible is this lawyer if he is earning an income and is not paying his mortgage? And does it reach Bar standards? Isn't this the first thing people pay above all else? :waitasec:
Thank you for your most excellent reasons as to why this thread deserves a life.

That's interesting ~

And, with that info, it would tie up nicely the dates of service on the foreclosure; mid May {?}, coinciding with the introduction of a new DP attorney in June, also before Andrea Lyon took her leave.

The dates are all within a few weeks of each.

Maybe Baez is getting his things in order in anticipation of having to step down??

He couldn't account for his hourly billing during the JAC hearing, and now this. I can't think that overall, with all of the blunders and the media blitzing that he has done with this case, that the Bar would keep looking the other way much longer, IMO.
I guess we'll see.
I'm struggling with the relevence of this thread, guys. :waitasec: I get that there's some interest in how the attorney's personal finances might be *speculated* to affect his professional decision-making/advice, but, I'm not getting it beyond just tossing that out there. Seems like he may be just another statistic in what has been happening across the country in recent years.

I'm trying to be/stay open-minded...trying.

I keep going :waitasec: because the thread title keeps changing. LOL

But I agree with Mr. Bond.

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