Jose Baez Both Homes in Foreclosure

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I do understand your point, Kimberly. fwiw, when this thread was first opened, I know that at least 2 of the mods were aware of this thread and the relevancy. They opted to leave it open. I guess because of the reasons I stated earlier in re. Baez's fiscal responsibility since he is now entrusted to spend taxpayer's money in a responsible fashion. *shrug*

. . . and wasn't his fiscal irresponsibility one of the reasons the bar denied him entrance early on? Since it is relevant to his qualifications as an attorney I believe it would be relevant to the case.
That's my point, how does it relate to the case?

Ok, so he's in foreclosure. Do we really need to post all the documents?
He's had financial trouble in the past, does that mean we should dig up all of that and post it? Because he is representing a monster, we should pry into all his personal business?

I'm not trying to say anyone here is doing anything wrong, I just don't see how it relates.

Discussion about fiscal responsibility (relating to the KC case) might include questions about where the original $275K +/- went, questioning what expenses related to the case were paid out of that amount, wondering why did he not conduct "priority depositions" earlier in the case and seems to have only started his "real work" (investigating and taking depositions) AFTER his client was declared indigent?

Many would like to know how a privately retained attorney expected to be paid. After finding out about the brokered media deals, and KC's new status as indigent, it is fair to wonder how much of that $275k went to costs. I think that JB received approx $111K according to public records. Did he apply that money to costs or pocket it? We may never know.

Given that the St. of Florida is now paying for everything I think it is acceptable to discuss JB's "fiscal judgement". After all, it is likely to be cited in an appeal motion down the road.
Ok, but if he pocketed it, he would have been able to pay his mortgage, one would think.
To me, that is opposite reasoning.

Ok, I've wasted enough of y'alls time. lol

Thanks for trying to explain it to me, I guess we will have to just disagree.
JB spent all of the money KC received for Caylee's pictures. Money some attorneys here on WS say should have covered the whole trial. JB is JUST starting to work on the case now, depos, investigations, etc. after ALL the money he was entrusted with is gone. It is relevant. Taxpayers have a right to know as they are now paying the bills that should have been paid months ago. jmo
Missing my point. They DO have a right to know where that money went. It obviously DID NOT go to pay his mortgage. So why is his foreclosure relevant.
If it were opposite, if you could show he used the money on his mortgage, then I would agree it would be relevant.
What does lack of payments for a house have to do with how he spent the money?
Lots of attorneys have financial problems. They do not get disciplined or disbarred for failing to pay taxes, mortgages, credit card debt, etc, unless it is willful, like the guy someone cited who did so on purpose. They do face discipline if they fail to pay something connected with their business, like expert fees, or unused retainers, etc.

Lots of people have lost their jobs, or suffered massive slow downs in business or business losses and that has affected their ability to pay debts. That does not make them bad or irresponsible. Other people allowed themselves to be snowed by a banking industry that knew full well that the subprime mortgages and stated income loans were unsustainable and that the debtors would not be able to fulfill their obligations. Those people may not have been smart, but they are not bad or immoral people. The banking industry bears more of the blame, IMO, because those in the industry had the knowledge, stats and experience that most of the people entering into these contracts did not. It was a huge scam that took advantage of people's ignorance (and in some cases, their greed).
As a result, many financial experts are advising that people in default stay rent free in their homes without paying the mortgage until it forecloses, which is usually a long process and enables these people to save a bit and get back on their feet.

But JB is an attorney. He knew whether he could sustain such payments at the time he entered into the mortgage. I think this is only a bit relevant to casey's case and that is in the sense that it displays the arrogant thinking that has somewhat affected the case. I think he was arrogant and believing that he would soon be a hotshot attorney making millions, so why not act on his future windfall now? That's his mistake.
but, I don't think JB has made any crucial mistakes so far in the defense of casey. He's been okay as an attorney. Nevertheless, the news about all the judgments against him for failure to pay experts, etc., is troubling. An attorney entering into a mortgage he knows he cannot sustain, based on the arrogant assumption that the attorney is sure to rise to prominence within a short amount of time, is the same kind of person whose arrogance leads a three year attorney to think he can take on a world famous death penalty case and then smugly chastises media for relevant questions about the case.
I dislike JB as an attorney and a human. I think he is smarmy
and snaky. I don't feel this way about all defense attorneys, regardless of who they defend. It's how they defend them that matters to me. But JB's personality rubs me the wrong way. And I think his financial problems result in large part from his personality. I don't think he's made any major mistakes so far. He's done okay, I think, even though I can't stand him. But it is likely only a matter of time. If anything, his personality alone will kill his client. The jury will hate him and he has no idea as to how to hide the ugliness of his client , who they will equally hate. :twocents:
That's my point, how does it relate to the case?

Ok, so he's in foreclosure. Do we really need to post all the documents?
He's had financial trouble in the past, does that mean we should dig up all of that and post it? Because he is representing a monster, we should pry into all his personal business?

I'm not trying to say anyone here is doing anything wrong, I just don't see how it relates.

It relates to the case because it reaffirms that JB should have never taken this case and once the money started rolling in and the cameras were turned on, he was unable/unwilling to walk away from the case. Now, legally he can not leave the case. JB was not a lawyer in good standing with the Florida Bar when he took this case, he was denied admission into the bar because of financial irresponsibility and now he is in charge of a defense spending the money of the Florida taxpayers after spending over $300,000.00 in media licensing money with nothing to show for it.

It is my understanding that links and/or backup documentation are required to substantiate information before posting factual information on WS. With that said, much of the information posted is not available via direct link because of the nature of the websites. It is sometimes easier to post the info directly, as it was in this case.
Missing my point. They DO have a right to know where that money went. It obviously DID NOT go to pay his mortgage. So why is his foreclosure relevant.
If it were opposite, if you could show he used the money on his mortgage, then I would agree it would be relevant.
What does lack of payments for a house have to do with how he spent the money?

What does my credit history have to do with applying for a job? Nothing really except that it shows how much responsibility I have in my private life and they assume I will have that same responsibility in my work. Lots of companies now do a credit check before employment so I guess that is how my mind relates the two in regards to JB
As NeJame said, more than once, JB is incompetent and made a HUGE mistake by not encouraging his client to ask for a plea deal early on, before Caylee's remains were found, as any competent attorney would have done.. IMO JB made this decision with financial gain for himself in mind, rather than the best interests of his client. The longer he can stretch out this case, the more potential profit and notoriety for himself.

JB's personal finances are extremely relevant in light of decisions that JB makes for his client, and the fact that he has virtually isolated her away from family and friends who might advise her to fire JB and get another attorney, or rely on one of the other attorneys who she already has on her case. If Inmate Anthony's attorney cannot manage his own personal finances, she should not trust him to manage the finances involved in her case.

I greatly appreciate nums24's research on this topic and sharing it with us! The Orlando media outlets apparently appreciate her research also, as they picked it up immediately after nums posted it.
Ok, but if he pocketed it, he would have been able to pay his mortgage, one would think.
To me, that is opposite reasoning.

Ok, I've wasted enough of y'alls time. lol

Thanks for trying to explain it to me, I guess we will have to just disagree.

Kimberlyd, never apologize for a good-spirited debate! We all LOVE one! Lol! I know for myself, the relevance is in how JB has handled the finances of this case and the fact that he has been in trouble with the FL bar for the same. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that he was initially denied entrance to the bar because of his mishandling of funds. Factor in that early on in the case, he brought in another attorney to assist in KC's defense who had had his own financial problems with the CA bar and who was later suspended from practicing because of his own misappropriation of client funds. Then top that with all of the secrecy about how the defense is being paid while pictures of Caylee flash across the tv screen, rumors abound of back door deals with news agencies, high dollar contract sales of a murder victims image, and the grandparents of that victim sitting in court in defense of the suspected murderer while in the company of the head of a major network. JB claims payment of a rather large sum of money, yet he doesn't seem to have accomplished anything on the case except doing tv interviews and accusing anyone who is unlucky enough to cross his path. So, absolute relevancy to Caylee's case may be questionable, but not the interest itself. The interest in his finances may yet prove to be extremely relevant to this case. We will just have to watch and see. :innocent:
Missing my point. They DO have a right to know where that money went. It obviously DID NOT go to pay his mortgage. So why is his foreclosure relevant.
If it were opposite, if you could show he used the money on his mortgage, then I would agree it would be relevant.
What does lack of payments for a house have to do with how he spent the money?

That money didn't go to pay his back child support either. :innocent: And, yes, that is a major pet peeve of mine about him. I have said several times, that I really do understand your point, and I mean it. :) In fact, at first I had some of the same concerns. So, please don't feel alone or attacked by people voicing their opposing views. We are talking about a man who was denied admittance to the bar because he was wayyyyy behind in child support payments. Just asking the bar to admit him when he knew that shows him to be extremely arrogant and speaks volumes about his fiscal priorities. He has purchased 2 expensive homes that he could not afford. And now he is entrusted to responsibly spend the taxpayer's money while he has already squandered over $300K. So, even though he didn't use that money to pay his mortgage, the FL taxpayers have a right to know who about the character of the man who is entrusted to spend THEIR dollars. Bottom line, this is public record and he is the lead counsel with his hands dipping into taxpayers' pockets. I don't feel bad a bit anymore about discussing this man's irresponsibility. I think it is very relevant to his character. This is not a one time mistake. In fact, I have YET to see him make a fiscally prudent decision - professional OR personal.
As NeJame said, more than once, JB is incompetent and made a HUGE mistake by not encouraging his client to ask for a plea deal early on, before Caylee's remains were found, as any competent attorney would have done.. IMO JB made this decision with financial gain for himself in mind, rather than the best interests of his client. The longer he can stretch out this case, the more potential profit and notoriety for himself.

JB's personal finances are extremely relevant in light of decisions that JB makes for his client, and the fact that he has virtually isolated her away from family and friends who might advise her to fire JB and get another attorney, or rely on one of the other attorneys who she already has on her case. If Inmate Anthony's attorney cannot manage his own personal finances, she should not trust him to manage the finances involved in her case.

I greatly appreciate nums24's research on this topic and sharing it with us! The Orlando media outlets apparently appreciate her research also, as they picked it up immediately after nums posted it.

The thank you button was not enough! You have the ability to express my own thoughts better than I can :)
The Florida Bar is intensely interested in an attorney's "personal" finances and how they handle them.
The Florida Bar handbook uses JB as an example of a BAD management of personal finances.
June 29, 2000
The Florida Bar summary of JB:
"His overall behavior, they wrote, showed "a total lack of respect for the rights of others and a total lack of respect for the legal system, which is absolutely inconsistent with the character and fitness qualities required of those seeking to be afforded the highest position of trust and confidence recognized by our system of law."

"Introduction to the Bar Admissions Process"
page 8 of 27
In this Student Guide to the Bar Admissions Process, attorney Jose Angel Baez aka "J.A.B." is used as an example of "Financial Irresponsibility"
excerpt: "J.A.B. failure to make court-ordered child support payments,
failure to maintain court-ordered health insurance for the
, and several instances of financial irresponsibility."
".... Then there was J.A.B. who failed to make Court-ordered
child support payments, choosing instead to study abroad
and to lease a sports car
Some of the "personal" finance issues that the Florida Bar was concerned with when they DENIED JB admission on June 29, 2000:

- failure to pay court-ordered child support
- failure to pay court-ordered health or life insurance for his child
- chose unnecessary expense of foreign study program - while not working
- extravagant epense - lease of Mazda Miata $ 340/month - rather than pay his bills
- Sept 1990 Bankruptcy
- Default Judgement unsatisfied by April 1998
- May 1994 - wrote a worthless check
- January 1995 - default on student loan
- October 1995 - delinquent health club membership - by Dec 1997 owed $ 850 - obligated himself
to pay for a membership he could not afford
- 1995 - 1997 JAB had no checking account due to past problems writing worthless checks -
failed to maintain proper records for a checking account opened Aug 1997
- on law school application - failed to disclose 1989 charge of simple assault and 1994 charge of
writing worthless check
- continued to write worthless checks even after law school graduation and employment
- shown to be untruthful during Bar Hearing
Some of the "personal" finance issues that the Florida Bar was concerned with when they DENIED JB admission on June 29, 2000:

- failure to pay court-ordered child support
- failure to pay court-ordered health or life insurance for his child
- chose unnecessary expense of foreign study program - while not working
- extravagant epense - lease of Mazda Miata $ 340/month - rather than pay his bills
- Sept 1990 Bankruptcy
- Default Judgement unsatisfied by April 1998
- May 1994 - wrote a worthless check
- January 1995 - default on student loan
- October 1995 - delinquent health club membership - by Dec 1997 owed $ 850 - obligated himself
to pay for a membership he could not afford
- 1995 - 1997 JAB had no checking account due to past problems writing worthless checks -
failed to maintain proper records for a checking account opened Aug 1997
- on law school application - failed to disclose 1989 charge of simple assault and 1994 charge of
writing worthless check
- continued to write worthless checks even after law school graduation and employment
- shown to be untruthful during Bar Hearing

Wow! Sounds like someone else we all know what with the bad checks and lying and not working! :dance:
Some of the "personal" finance issues that the Florida Bar was concerned with when they DENIED JB admission on June 29, 2000:

- failure to pay court-ordered child support
- failure to pay court-ordered health or life insurance for his child
- chose unnecessary expense of foreign study program - while not working
- extravagant epense - lease of Mazda Miata $ 340/month - rather than pay his bills
- Sept 1990 Bankruptcy
- Default Judgement unsatisfied by April 1998
- May 1994 - wrote a worthless check
- January 1995 - default on student loan
- October 1995 - delinquent health club membership - by Dec 1997 owed $ 850 - obligated himself
to pay for a membership he could not afford
- 1995 - 1997 JAB had no checking account due to past problems writing worthless checks -
failed to maintain proper records for a checking account opened Aug 1997
- on law school application - failed to disclose 1989 charge of simple assault and 1994 charge of
writing worthless check
- continued to write worthless checks even after law school graduation and employment
- shown to be untruthful during Bar Hearing

Some of the "personal" finance issues that the Florida Bar was concerned with when they DENIED JB admission on June 29, 2000:

- failure to pay court-ordered child support
- failure to pay court-ordered health or life insurance for his child
- chose unnecessary expense of foreign study program - while not working
- extravagant epense - lease of Mazda Miata $ 340/month - rather than pay his bills
- Sept 1990 Bankruptcy
- Default Judgement unsatisfied by April 1998
- May 1994 - wrote a worthless check
- January 1995 - default on student loan
- October 1995 - delinquent health club membership - by Dec 1997 owed $ 850 - obligated himself
to pay for a membership he could not afford
- 1995 - 1997 JAB had no checking account due to past problems writing worthless checks -
failed to maintain proper records for a checking account opened Aug 1997
- on law school application - failed to disclose 1989 charge of simple assault and 1994 charge of
writing worthless check
- continued to write worthless checks even after law school graduation and employment
- shown to be untruthful during Bar Hearing

uhhh...uhhh...okay, I KNEW it was bad, but...:eek:

I don't even know how to spell what I am thinking. :rotfl:
uhhh...uhhh...okay, I KNEW it was bad, but...:eek:

I don't even know how to spell what I am thinking. :rotfl:

I just can't comprehend how he bamboozled the bar into accepting him! It makes me do this :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:!

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