Jose Baez to read Casey Anthony's Statement regarding her daughter's memorial

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JB reading a statement from KC - maybe she wrote it maybe they wrote it together maybe LKB wrote it - I don't know but IMO it was public relations event. KC via JB got to make a statement about how much she misses Caylee. KC via JB got to appear motherly and family-like with the private service comment. As horrible as it sounds, with Caylee's Memorial tomorrow, it's still all about the upcoming trial and reasonable doubt IMO

Regardless of who wrote the statement, Casey didn't seem like she misses Caylee, motherly, or family-like. She only seemed to have held up to her own statements of being a spiteful *advertiser censored*..JMHO
Unbelievable!!!:shocked2::abnormal::shakehead::alien::sheesh::nuts::rolleyes::mad::eek::crazy::hand::waitasec: I'm speechless.
Regardless of who wrote the statement, Casey didn't seem like she misses Caylee, motherly, or family-like. She only seemed to have held up to her own statements of being a spiteful *advertiser censored*..JMHO
Good Point I had forgotten about that infamous remark.
I fear this is going to be a huge turning point in this case.

I think Casey is going to throw CA under the bus and Cindy may be wishing she had been more truthful with LE because some of the things she did and said may now come back to haunt her with Casey's help. She is after all a "spiteful B@#*h"

I could not agree more. I believe that when BC entered the picture the family starting realizing that they were on the wrong team. Whether they came to their senses because they thought they would be accused of something or because they are finally 'seeing the light' I don't know. But it looks like they've woken up and I hope to God I'm right. Casey is getting what she deserves in this so-called attorney.
(Bolded by me)

I agree this is asinine for Baez to do this. He must have had some reasoning for doing this besides KC wanting him to. Surely he is not that dumb....???

Anyone have any idea of how Baez can use this in KC's defense.
I agree that Baez doesn't do anything without a reason. The only thing that Casey accomplished by doing this was taking attention away from Cindy, if that was her intent. The fact that she actually said in her statement that she didn't want lots of people there for Caylee reminded me of the chili party she was not invited to, yet some unknown guy off the street was.
Maybe he's thinking of a postpartum depression defense.
Or post traumatic stress syndrome. One of her friends wrote on her comments about them watching the show Snapped, maybe Baez is looking in this direction.
After the pictures from Fusion, I hope he doesn't try for bi-poler.
She'll never even get box of crayons for kindergarten.

Agree. I hope at least once, she got to wear ballet slippers and a little pink tutu.

Question: did they say whether or not they thought Casey must have given permission for cremation and if so, does that mean she's saying she didn't, just to make the Anthony's look bad?
Does anyone think the funeral home donated their services? No expense there, I think.

From personal experience, I can say that funeral homes most generally donate all their services to families who bury young ( usually under 5) children from unnatural causes. This includes wake or memorial, hearse, burial, and all the prepatory services. The family is still required to pay for the cemetary plot and casket choices, because those are from private vendors. I cannot say if this is ALL funeral homes, but it is the majority that offer this policy. I think truly a testament to those people who work very hard to create a beautiful and meaniful service for families that are devestated by the loss of a child. Its an incredibly kind gift on their part.
I hear ya!! I am still pondering this. (I'm not slow, I'm thorough...LOL)
Still every reason I can think of for her to make this statement, I still see it as one of the most asinine moves ever.
1. Needed to make a statement to counteract the press reporting Casey had not requested to watch the memorial.
2. "My client is clearly off her noodle."
3. "My client is so frushtrated, she can't even swallow."
4. "My client needs to be seen as THE victim here and made me read this verbatim, so it would not be misconshrued."
5. "My client, the event planner extraordinaire, had a nice private ceremony planned in Mexico, but her family decided against it."

Every appearance by JB just gives me a lower opinion of his level of intellegence and competence. He surely had to at least proof this statement. Couldn't he see or surely have anticipated that this statement IS and would surely go over publicly as a self serving announcement?
How in the world could he have stood up there with a straight face and expect this statement to serve his client well at all.
I am baffled, to say the least.
Agree. I hope at least once, she got to wear ballet slippers and a little pink tutu.

Question: did they say whether or not they thought Casey must have given permission for cremation and if so, does that mean she's saying she didn't, just to make the Anthony's look bad?

KC must have given them permission to make the decisions, as well know as this case is there is no way the funeral home would have taken ordered from the A's without them having legal right to do so.

And really...what choice did KC have, she doesn't have the money to make any arrangements. She probably just thought CA would do what she wanted IF KC ever make it known before today.

KC is probably just trying to give her parents a guilt trip but I still can not fathom by Baez bought into it.
Every appearance by JB just gives me a lower opinion of his level of intellegence and competence. He surely had to at least proof this statement. Couldn't he see or surely have anticipated that this statement IS and would surely go over publicly as a self serving announcement?
How in the world could he have stood up there with a straight face and expect this statement to serve his client well at all.
I am baffled, to say the least.

He is a rotten actor, that's for sure. I wondered if he was made to read that because Casey pitched such a hiss fit. Then I wondered if she threatened him. Read it or I will drop you like a hot potato...
My thought is Casey wrote it, but it was "santized" by the defense team.

.... wouldn't the defense want to insert comments such as, Caylee's killer is out there and justice will come for Caylee once that killer is caught? Some propaganda and some thoughts about Caylee, not just what KC wants/wanted?

Like others, it is surprising that KC did not try to beat CA to the Caylee tribute (eulogy) or still offer her own as a complement -- something nice to publicly recognize her childs life?

Everything KC does plays into conflict, competition and, control <> conscience of guilt.
I miss Caylee every day and every minute of every day. I can't be there for Caylee's funeral, but some day I want to go and visit her grave and tell her how much I miss her.

I allowed my parents to be in charge for the funeral for Caylee. I told them I wanted her buried in a casket and I wanted there to be a gravestone so I could go and visit her. I asked them if there could only be a private funeral for just the family.

I know they cremated her. I still don't want a public event with cameras and everybody around for Caylee's service, but I can't stop my parents from doing what they want. I truly hope that it will help them.

I'm dismayed at this statement :(

"i cant stop my parents from doing what they want"

That is so cold :( Casey should be appreciative for everything that Cindy and George have done, how they have had to be thrust into the spotlight whilst their daughter sits away in a cell away from it all, that they are having to go through any of this

I am completely amazed that a lawyer would allow such a statement to be told to the public, indeed doing it himself.

This is not showing the public that there is nothing wrong with the relationship between Casey and Parents as is speculated due to lack of visits to the prison and appearance at hearings because of the *media* but rather that there is in fact something very wrong .

This is not showing any compassionate side of Casey to the public in light of George's recent breakdown, that in fact this statement is like tipping petrol on the fire.

I'm stunned
One word I missed in Casey's statement....which I would have expected.......LOVE
Quoting your EDIT Nursebeemee

Reason: eta, she did say she LOVED her parents doing the funeral BUT.....

I don't see the word loved ? I read the transcript and it say Allowed

I quoted it above in my post above yours

Where did you get loved ? she said she Allowed her parents to do the funeral
her statements make me wonder if she knows CA never plans on burying Caylee's remains. They could just keep her ashes (if she were in fact cremated) in an urn at the home. It's not that uncommon, and I can see CA not wanting to let go of Caylee.
He is a rotten actor, that's for sure. I wondered if he was made to read that because Casey pitched such a hiss fit. Then I wondered if she threatened him. Read it or I will drop you like a hot potato...

(bolded by me)

I think you won the prize with that one!!!:aktion033:

It would make sense, better than anything I could think of.
the defense team will have another press conference tomorrow to explain the
idiocy they did today.......ehheheheheehehhe:D

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