Josh Duggar Admits Molesting Girls As A Teenager in 2006 *report released 2015* #4 *Dismissed*

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I get that someone who has had addiction issues and goes on to straighten out and obtain a Degree is likely a great asset in helping others. Walked the walk. With this issue NOT! Again hiding behind religion. These people make me crazy!
Wow...this family sure has had a run of bad luck with the "therapists" they have chosen to help their family through Josh's issues.
What are the odds...
There are so many terrific choices, it's hard to find a favorite. Myself, I put Josh below both Jim Bob and Michelle. As much of a little monster as he is, they made him what he is, with inhuman smiles frozen on their sanctimonious faces.

And the infant abuse, uh, I mean "blanket training."

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Here, this will make you feel better:

Jessa (Duggar) Seewald and Jill (Duggar) Dillard appeared on TLC's documentary Breaking the Silence Sunday, seeking education to address the aftermath of the abuse they faced at the hands of brother Josh Duggar more than a decade ago.
"I was so glad that my girls and I were able to do this together and that we could just be a support and encouragement to each other to be able to gain more information about this important topic," said Michelle, 48.
The seminar was especially meaningful for Jessa, who is expecting her first child on Nov. 1, and she said she learned "things I can do to be more aware, things I can do to set up boundaries and safeguards for my child and children, hopefully, in the future."

I skipped the documentary.

Me too, but I hope it really was helpful to Jessa and Jill. I am struck by Jessa saying it should be talked about regularly, because I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that their family talked about it once and swept it back under the rug.

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Ben Seewald's Dad Slams Josh Duggar's "Extensive Lifestyle of Evil" in Blog Post: He "Was a Pretender"

Mike Vulpo, eonline
Seconds ago

Josh Duggar 's past actions continue to be scrutinized in the present by both the public and his extended family.

Less than a week after the former 19 Kids and Counting star checked himself into a " long-term treatment center " following his cheating admission , certain relatives are decidedly not coming to his defense.

Jessa Duggar 's husband, Ben Seewald, has remained quiet on the scandal. His father, however, is more than ready to speak out. In a new blog post titled "Grief, Shame, and Taking the Lord's Name in Vain," Michael Seewald shares his issues with the entire scandal.

"It distresses me to say that Josh Duggar's greatest sin is a byproduct of the sum total of his secretly sinful lifestyle. That is, that by his hypocrisy, he blasphemed the name of God," Michael wrote. "He claimed to be a Christian, but by his deeds he has suggested otherwise. With the name of God on his lips he lived a covert and extensive lifestyle of evil." ...
Jessa Seewald's Father-in-Law Says 'Wicked' Josh Duggar Is a Hypocritical Christian

"In commenting on this I do not wish to add any more distress to a family still recovering from the indignity of the publication of a police report detailing Josh’s sins as a teenager," Seewald began in a blog ...,,20949291,00.html?xid=socialflow_twitter_peoplemag

Very interesting. Little by little the fortress of support crumbles.

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Duggar Rehab Pastor Sentenced To 12 Years In Prison For Sex With Underage Girl

---------------------------------- can reveal that a former Reformers Unanimous counselor, Pastor Jack Allen Schaap, was charged with transporting an underage female across state lines for sex.

According to United States District Court documents, the 56-year-old clergyman— who brought the Reformers Unanimous program to his parish, the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana— had an “inappropriate relationship” with an “underage parishioner” referred to as Jane Doe in the summer of 2012.

The pattern is real, isn't it? Sigh.

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I have a problem when people think it's ok for someone to want to slap the faces of the smirky Duggar girls. That is hateful in my opinion. Also, some have alluded to Josh not being the only Duggar son having done something wrong.

The <modsnip> doesn't fall far from the tree. These people are sick and self-absorbed and uber judgemental of other people's lives and choices, while hunkering down and defending some of the most sickening behavior ever. And yet while they attack others, they expect and plead for forgiveness and privacy.

Well, eff them, and their sanctimony.

Maybe this is the TRUE face of evil. Those who preach Godliness and denounce others while reveling in lives that are the exact thing (and worse) that they Bible-thump against.

Shame on them.

The whole lot is despicable.
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I may be wrong, but my understanding was that the women who have profiles on AM are primarily prosititutes? So that, the men (who are greater in number) THINK they are hooking up with their perfect "cheating" match (aww, how sweet), in actuality it is a hooker hook up.

Or am I wrong? That was my understanding.
I may be wrong, but my understanding was that the women who have profiles on AM are primarily prosititutes? So that, the men (who are greater in number) THINK they are hooking up with their perfect "cheating" match (aww, how sweet), in actuality it is a hooker hook up.

Or am I wrong? That was my understanding.

That's what it looks like to me, too.
I feel very sorry for Jessa not for those predictable comments but for her entire, programmed, uneducated childhood and teen years. What do you expect she knew about the Holocaust before that P.R. trip? I can tell you that her idiotic, self-centered and lazy mother probably didn't even cover WWII or the Civil Rights movement in her bogus "homeschooling" photo ops, and that's the only teacher those poor kids had! Ever since she decided to knowingly join in Jim Bob's cult-religion-lifestyle she created her own world where she was almost a saint. She had someone to pay the bills without having to get a job and became addicted to the attention of pregnancy, I guess. She probably escaped a crap home life so she took the first escape that she could find. She had to agree to join the cult, is all, and since I don't feel a "high I.Q. vibe" coming off of her, she probably had little trouble turning off her brain for good. ALL she had to do was manipulate Jim Bob into making $$$ off all those kids and she sure accomplished that. Meanwhile giving babies - at SIX WEEKS- to elder siblings to raise, lucky to have a lot of girls at first to train as slaves- somewhat 'evil genius,' in a way! Thank God for TLC exposing them to travel and trips around the world! I think some of those kids would have enjoyed having non-cult friends or going to high school. But they would have to learn biology, algebra, and critical thinking to even think about SATs and these kids didn't even own a set of 'real' textbooks, I'm sure of it. Maybe Jana's or the other girls' husbands can help them - one is even a college graduate! I hope those boys- now adolescents- turn out okay but it's hard to imagine no one rebelling/escaping as they age. The older sisters kept them fed and corralled but they are jumping ship. Like Michelle, they will prob. marry the first boy who shows attention and at least pretends to follow the fund BS their own parents raised them with. One sister married a doofus who is working for Jim Bob- bad move! Josh is so sick and has them in such useless damage control, all to hold onto that TLC $$. They had a great run of freebies and adulation but they have to accept it's ending/over, and it's time to downsize and deal with family secrets and mistakes- in private. PS- Just had to add- one year the family traveled to Wash. D.C. and saw some statue or other related to Martin Luther King, acc. to their guide. Well of course those kids were all "WHO is Martin Luther King??" Most of them teens.
Duggar hating is alive and well and not just the subject of this thread.

I am indifferent about the Duggar family.
I could care less.

The hating portion is what is most concerning to me.

Sexual abuse, cults, misogyny etc... disturb me deeply.
They are very important issues for most of us.

It is unfathomable to me that this family has generated so much attention.

Just by posting on this thread indicates that I am a hypocrite, because I am doing just them attention.
Go figure.
I need a check up from the neck up. :gaah:
Me too, but I hope it really was helpful to Jessa and Jill. I am struck by Jessa saying it should be talked about regularly, because I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that their family talked about it once and swept it back under the rug.

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Not according to Jessa:

Jessa told Kelly that the molestation was not a secret. “All the people in our lives, the close friends, the officials that helped us, they knew about this,” she explained.

In addition:

“Whenever we started the TV show, the reality show it was five years after all of this,” Jess told The Kelly File host. “We had dealt with it as a family. We had moved on.”

However, the police report revealed that Jim Bob and Michelle said that in 2002 and 2003, when he was 14 and 15, Josh had groped the girls while they slept, and that he did this more than once — even after his first confession to his parents.

Five years later would have been 2007 or 2008, but the Duggars actually began filming their reality show in 2003, as Josh and Anna Duggar’s official website states.

Then there's this.

Jessa said:

"Being a mother now, I look back and I realize my parents did such an amazing job for me," Jill reflected. "Even when we went through the DHS investigation, they complimented my parents on what an amazing job they did during that process." She went on to praise them for "not only taking legal actions" but also "going the extra mile" to make sure everyone in the family fully recovered. "As a mom, I hope I can set up the same safeguards with my family that they did," she added.
Jessa later looped back to this topic, praising her parents for encouraging them to get “licensed counseling,” which, she noted, was very helpful.

1) The “licensed” counseling details. Jim Bob and Michelle and two of their daughters have stated the girls went through “licensed” counseling, but have not addressed why Jim Bob and Michelle apparently waited FOUR years before getting them into counseling after they had been victims of Josh. They have also refused to discuss that the counseling seems to have occurred only after the Department of Human Services launched an investigation into the family, following the police probe, which ended due to the statute of limitations having expired. Jim Bob and Michelle apparently did NOT get their daughters counseling from at least March 2002 when, according to the police reports, Josh confessed he had committed “4 to 5” separate acts of molestation, through December 2006 when Springdale police turned the case over to DHS. During that time period Josh committed at least SEVEN acts of molestation, according to police reports.

So yes, sexual abuse victims may minimize their abuse, and that does not make them worthy of scorn.

Going on TV and stretching the truth to make their pervy brother and irresponsible parents look better...well.
“I was so glad that my girls and I were able to do this together and that we could just be a support and encouragement to each other to be able to gain more information about this important topic,” Michelle Duggar says.

Michelle is glad! So very glad for this opportunity to ... well, we're not sure.

If we had to guess, though, the real opportunity here is for the Duggars to spin themselves as concerned citizens shining a light on a terrible problem—the same terrible problem they concealed and denied, even to themselves, for the better part of a decade. It's particularly disturbing to see two of Josh Duggar's victims being deployed for clean-up duty on their family's reputation, while Josh and father Jim Bob—who appeared to be calling the shots in the cover-up of Josh's behavior—stay out of sight.
The <modsnip> doesn't fall far from the tree. These people are sick and self-absorbed and uber judgemental of other people's lives and choices, while hunkering down and defending some of the most sickening behavior ever. And yet while they attack others, they expect and plead for forgiveness and privacy.

Well, eff them, and their sanctimony.

Maybe this is the TRUE face of evil. Those who preach Godliness and denounce others while reveling in lives that are the exact thing (and worse) that they Bible-thump against.

Shame on them.

The whole lot is despicable.

The girls are still victims even if you don't like their message. It's one thing to argue against their message and just awful to want to perpetrate physical violence against them.

They were born into and grew up in that environment. Even though they are young adults I'm willing to give them time and a break.
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I hate this term. There is only one O in "child molester", not two. Whether you intend to or not, you are blending "*advertiser censored*", as in "homosexual" with "child molester" and wrapping them up as if they are the same thing. It is crude and insulting to equate adult relationships between two willing parties with pedophilia.

I wondered what that word was.

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You sew? I recognize the girl from a kwiksew pattern in your av. Lol

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