Josh Powell's House in WA blows up - Thread #2

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Actually, I've been wondering the same thing. There just HAS to be a way that they can locate Susan, but I'll be damed if I can think of anyway, everyone who could have spoken up are now just GONE. This is awful.

I bet Josh's Father knows aka pedophile/voyeur. To bad they can't trick him into telling by saying they'll give him a reduced sentence if he gives the info. Reduce is sentence by 1 second. :banghead:
An on-line friend quoted an article she just read which I will look for. It cuts at the heart even more. This may be it:

The boys DID NOT want to go to see their father on Sunday (and, apparently it was not the first time) and the grandparents had to talk them into it saying their father loves them and wants to see them. And now they have to live with that guilt of saying that to them just moments before they were killed by that sperm-donor.

That is something I know I would never be able to get over!
Question here - Did Josh have custody of the boys when he rented the car? Could the boys have gone with him with a "dug-up/moved" Susan in that trunk? You all know the rental car I'm talking about, the one I don't believe LE went over with a fine-toothed comb.

I seem to remember the kids were left at Kirk's house when he rented the car. I believe that was where he was going when that reporter caught him standing by the car and got him to stuttering.

I look forward to seeing if it was really true LE dropped the ball and did not have a tracking device on that rental. I was told they really did and we will see now.
Im a grandmother whose son and grandson live with me. The pictures of Chuck in the boys room breaks my heart over and over again, God bless the Coxes, I cant even begin to comprehend their grief.
I agree. Again, I will state that in such cases, the presumption should be against child custody. And visitation orders should be issued accordingly.
I thought visitation in this case was at a facility. Since the kids lived in Utah, that would make sense. Instead, they had to be driven to WA every week for two hour visits?


The boys lived with their grandparents in Puyallup. Josh lived in Puyallup until he moved a couple miles south into Graham. He and the grandparents were practically neighbors. The boys have not lived in Utah since Josh turned tail and ran right after he killed Susan and realized a little too late that without her income he couldn't pay the bills!

(BTW, he stills has that house he is renting out in WVC. I guess it will probably go into foreclosure because I suspect he was still upside down on it.)
I don't think I have fully understood the meanaing of the word "COWARD" until now! My heart bleeds for those little boys and the Cox family. Through tears they will be in my thoughts and prayers for a long, long time!!
I'm so heartbroken. How many children have to die before the legal system uses some common sense and keeps them out of harm's way?
I don't think it was made public if JP did undergo a psych evaluation previously, (HIPPA laws?) but I would certainly hope he did at some point...surely.? Let's be honest...after the beanie cap interview, we all were concerned about all the red flags .. questioned his mental health status. Then after his move to WA and no apparent negative reports (other than him keeping the children from the Coxes) the discussion subsided...until his father's arrest.

Somehow, all this relates and goes back to his relationship with his father.., his manipulation and puppeteering of JP all his life (JP was the oldest of the boys); his father's strange view on sexuality, women and lack of proper boundaries. And for those who have experienced the Chantrey site, his father's own chaotic family's dysfunction.

I agree, this would have doubt, imo. Even if the Coxes were awarded full custody, with or without JP having visitation, imo, JP would have taken them...and maybe the Coxes or whoever was with the children at the time he would have decided to put into his plan.

IMO, there isn't one thing that caused this actually, but a string of unfortunate events over the years, involving many people, mis opportunites to get help, etc. Do I blame JP, ultimately, yes; but I don't think JP had the know how to even help himself and hid his deficiencies very well....and/or was so blind sighted by his father's delusional parenting, that any help that would have been offered or was....would was negated and ignored. Even if he wasn't the one to actually "disappear" Susan, but knew his father was involved, he wouldn't betray his puppet master or all the dark secrets he harbored about all his family. JP couldn't recognize true love...control to him equalled love. "If you love something, set it free." He had no concept of it. He was one, very, very sick puppy.. and unraveled. It was just inevitable,, unless he was locked away; with evidence of Susan's harm or his mental instability. JMO, IMO, etc.

The order for the murderer's psycho-sexual eval was made public on 2-3-12, I believe. HIPPA laws do not cover being court-ordered to undergo a test. They cover the results, though.

And, IIRC, the murderer was ordered to and did undergo a previous psych eval, just not as intensive, in connection with the custody case.
My anger stems in part from the belief that the "system" should be at least as knowledgeable as websleuthers about their case. If we had enough info to determine that this man posed a serious risk to the lives of Susan's children, CPS, minor's counsel and the judge should have as well.

(Respectfully snipped by me.)

That's where my anger is, too. I'll admit I'm not a "professional" in psychological issues, but the environment Josh found himself in was extreme; we all knew it, even those of us who didn't specialize in such things. And there were those of us who definitely knew what was likely happening with him. If we could piece it together why couldn't the experts?

Maybe he was h@ll-bent in doing this. But wasn't there an awful lot of foreshadowing going on that the State could have picked-up on?

Apparently, the Coxes were living in Puyallup. I did not know that. For some reason I thought they were in Utah. This link has several photos the Coxes just released and that were taken in their home before and after the murders. Charlie and Braden's empty room are so sad to look at:

ETA: There are tons of photos of the boys with their grandparents, taken in the last few months. They looked very happy. I am glad at least that they had that before they were murdered. Those will be memories to take to heaven.
(Respectfully snipped by me.)

That's where my anger is, too. I'll admit I'm not a "professional" in psychological issues, but the environment Josh found himself in was extreme; we all knew it, even those of us who didn't specialize in such things. And there were those of us who definitely knew what was likely happening with him. If we could piece it together why couldn't the experts?

Maybe he was h@ll-bent in doing this. But wasn't there an awful lot of foreshadowing going on that the State could have picked-up on?


Read the post below.

Well, let me tell you, if the other side to a custody case agrees to less restrictive visitation, there is not much the court can do. It appears the Coxes agreed to allow the murderer to have visits at his home after he complained about the setting where they were having visits before (group setting in a neutral place with other supervised parents and children).

ETA: Knowing this, I can no longer totally blame the "system". However, I think the Coxes were so desperate to keep the kids that they were willing to do whatever they could to make the court realize they were not trying to disrupt the kids' relationship with their father.

I still believe that children's rights should be paramount, over their parents and that suspects should presumptively lose custody. I think that the Coxes attorney likely caused them to understand how lucky they were to have custody to begin with, given our current laws. They had been bending over backwards (No Home Depot trips to do learning projects, no church with the kids, etc.), out of fear the murderer would regain custody.

I think the murderer had this planned for some time. I really feel for the Coxes. Their family was annihilated. I hope their faith sustains them and helps them believe that after two years, Susan has Charlie and Braden in her arms and is showering them with kisses and tight, tight hugs.
Pardon me if this has already been posted. LIVE STREAMING: Press conference to be held at 3PM MT regarding the Josh Powell investigation. Watch Live Here -->
Vinnie's covering the case now on HLN too.
Read the post below.

Well, let me tell you, if the other side to a custody case agrees to less restrictive visitation, there is not much the court can do. It appears the Coxes agreed to allow the murderer to have visits at his home after he complained about the setting where they were having visits before (group setting in a neutral place with other supervised parents and children).

ETA: Knowing this, I can no longer totally blame the "system". However, I think the Coxes were so desperate to keep the kids that they were willing to do whatever they could to make the court realize they were not trying to disrupt the kids' relationship with their father.

I still believe that children's rights should be paramount, over their parents and that suspects should presumptively lose custody. I think that the Coxes attorney likely caused them to understand how lucky they were to have custody to begin with, given our current laws. They had been bending over backwards (No Home Depot trips to do learning projects, no church with the kids, etc.), out of fear the murderer would regain custody.

I think the murderer had this planned for some time. I really feel for the Coxes. Their family was annihilated. I hope their faith sustains them and helps them believe that after two years, Susan has Charlie and Braden in her arms and is showering them with kisses and tight, tight hugs.

The Coxes agreed to it? Oh, what pain for them....I'm sure they just wanted the best for the boys. So sad.
Apparently, the Coxes were living in Puyallup. I did not know that. For some reason I thought they were in Utah. This link has several photos the Coxes just released and that were taken in their home before and after the murders. Charlie and Braden's empty room are so sad to look at:http://

ETA: There are tons of photos of the boys with their grandparents, taken in the last few months. They looked very happy. I am glad at least that they had that before they were murdered. Those will be memories to take to heaven.

That link won't open up for me. Could there be an error in it? I'd like to see the photos. There must be few things sadder than a child's empty room -- when the children are never coming back to that room.
located in court buildings with all entrants subject to search and metal detectors. I don't think the concept of a violent end was too far fetched to grasp here. Someone should have been on top of this. He exhibited plenty of scary signs with his beliefs and actions.

Reading his last court filing you could sense his desparation. How could those invovled NOT see that his failure to secure the custody that he KNEW he deserved and thought he was going to get back would not create a dangerous situation? Everyone knew he was determined to get his children back, to get them under his control. Not only that but keep them away from the Coxes, who he hated. His father was taken away to jail. He was going to have to undergo an evaluaiton that clearly freaked him out. He was a ticking time bomb. If visitation was even appropriate it should have been in a state controlled environment with law enforcement officers, not in his home and not with a social worker. All LE invovled have stated they believed he killed his wife. He displayed enough instability reinforced by his court filings and appearances that the court could have easily viewed him as the danger he actually was and could have gone the extra step from social worker supervised vivists to safe and armed supervised visits.

Sure, he might have been determined and he might have succeeded anyway but I feel we, as society, are guilty of making it just too damn easy for him. IMO, this was not a tough thing to predict and it certainly could have been prevented if everyone was focused on the right things. I don't see how any parent suspected of killing their spouse is NOT a danger to their children. Especially here where there was plenty of evidence aduced during the investigation of how controlling he was. His control already resulted in one death. How could it fail to be seen how likely it was, at this point, that this need for control could evidence itself as it did. It's the same as when a battered woman leaves is the most dangerous time. His children remained in the Coxes custody and he was threatened with exposure through the mandeted psychological testing which would further secure their placement with the Coxes.

I agree it wasn't his goal but if he had to meet them in a public place like a restaurant, I really doubt that would have stopped him, since nobody would check him for weapons. The other people there potentially could have ended up as collateral damage. The only way to have safe visitations would have been in courthouse where he would be searched for weapons before allowed in (and even that probably isn't a guarantee he couldn't have tried something, but at least it would have been safer).
That link won't open up for me. Could there be an error in it? I'd like to see the photos. There must be few things sadder than a child's empty room -- when the children are never coming back to that room.

My grandson is away with his mom right now and just walking into his room and trying to fathom what this is like for the Coxes is more than I could ever imagine.
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