Josh Powell's House in WA blows up

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Maybe the law will change to visitations to be in neutral places now since this murder
of 2 innocent little boys !
KevinKIRO Kevin McCarty
Burned out van in garage at #JoshPowell home. Investigators: Powell set explosions, fire #Findsusan #susancoxpowell

KevinKIRO Kevin McCarty
New video shows devastation of fire at #joshpowell home. More @ 11 #susancoxpowell #FindSusan
2 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Wow. Just wow. I am in tears right now. Those poor kids. Hopefully they died before they had a chance to figure out what was happening. Why couldn't the coward just kill himself? Why take the innocent children along with him? Disgusting. Rest in Peace little ones. You are safe now.

I think he was still petrified of what his boys might remember and reveal about their mom's "disappearance". He's just evil whatever his sick reason was! That poor family! They loved those boys so much, my heart aches for them.
I just want to vomit.

God bless those sweet little boys and the Cox family.

To live in hearts we leave behind
Is not to die.
~Thomas Campbell
In the Seattle Times, the DFS seems totally clueless! They say there were no signs of any problems and offered as evidence that he'd had custody until SP was arrested. These people really cannot reason.

The FACT that he had them living in a home with a guy obsessed with child *advertiser censored* - wasn't THAT a warning sign? Shouldn't THAT have raised DFS eyebrows that this "supervised visitation Lite" wasn't a good idea?

The fact that he wouldn't cooperate with Utah investigators?
That he didn't seem to be able to hold a job?
That he had refused to complete the counseling the court had requested?
That three years later, he had still to take a lie detector test?
That his endless list of allegations against the Coxes was consistently found to be lies?
That he appeared visibly disheveled in court?

Did they need him to call up and say he was going to kill the kids?
Was that the only sign they would accept?
Thanks, Kimster for posting the interview. It was kind of Kirk G. to grant an interview so soon after.
Everything that I could say --or think of saying-- has been said by others on this forum thread.
My feeling now is that the possible death and concealment of Susan was planned and premeditated by J., just as was todays' horror. Seeing what was left of the rental house made me think there was great amounts of accelerant used ; and that J. didn't just 'snap'. It would seem that very few murders are commited by people who just 'lose it'; every murder has some sort of thought preceding it, even if just a few moments --long enough to stop commiting it.
This is a terrible day for the Coxes' ,and for everyone who cared for Susan, Charlie and Braden. My condolences to Susans' parents.
RIP, Susan, your babies are safe with you now !
I was on another thread today and didn't see the headlines on the home page until 2 1/2 hours ago. By then, there were too many pages to read so I've skipped around.

When I saw the story, I couldn't believe it. I thought it must be some sort of cruel hoax. It's so hard to absorb. Many of my thoughts have already been expressed here, like:
Why didn't the court delay a ruling on visitation rights until after JP's psych exam (apparently, he knew he would fail it)?
Why wasn't the visitation arranged at a neutral location where two police officers could monitor and even search JP beforehand?

This was the ultimate act of a man who was absolute evil.
This just rocks me to my core. Shakes my faith in humankind.
G-d bless those babies.
was this the same house his father owned in a gated community or another one?
I was listening to the news and heard that neighbors did not know Josh lived there???
I just woke up, decided to check Google News real fast as I grab a cup of coffee and get ready for work. I screamed when I saw this headline. I knew without reading the names who it was.

Oh my God, I am horrified. Those poor kids, Susan's parents, just everything.;,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

Official: Missing woman's husband blows up house to kill himself, 2 sons
OMG!!!! F*&^%ing *advertiser censored*!!!!!!!!!! I'm hysterically crying right now. Just opened my browser to CNN and it just said Utah man kills self and 2 sons and I immediately knew it was him. Poor babies, Susan and her family. So sorry for this post but I am in shock.
I pushed my chair away from the desk...saying No, No, NOOOOOO the whole time. My husband was saying what what what....the same instance...and I could not speak...I was trying to explain but the reality was setting in at the same tme. And I couldn't. I want to vomit. It would spew the hate I feel for Josh and his father out. I can't believe he did this. I can't believe the horror the Coxes have had to live only to experience this now.
was this the same house his father owned in a gated community or another one?
I was listening to the news and heard that neighbors did not know Josh lived there???

This week in court Josh had told the judge he had his own residence for him and the boys. He was new to the neighborhood per some neighbors. A reporter said he was standing with neighbors today and no one mentioned that it was Josh's house then one did finally. So unexpected to all of them for a moment.
was this the same house his father owned in a gated community or another one?
I was listening to the news and heard that neighbors did not know Josh lived there???

Not his father's house. Seems to be a rental, although I am not 100% sure on the rental part. But it wasn't Josh's father's house. (I almost typed home. These people don't know what the word home means. sorry for the rant.)
Sorry but this just takes the cake! SP is going to get far far more protection and care from the state than those two little children got. Beyond words how ironic and sick that is.

Your words express exactly how I'm feeling right now.

SP is on suicide watch.

Who was watching out for little Charlie and Braden when they were put at grave risk by allowing visits at Josh's home?
Was the State of Washington looking out for them? Was the Pierce County Court looking out for them? Hell no!
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