Josh Powell's House in WA blows up

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So - am I completely off base to think that JP's father might just feel free to rat out his son now - just because all the attention would feed his narcissitic supply? Or because he'd yap to cut a deal for himself?

We can hope, I suppose...
Follow the link and you'll be able to see what was said on the public safety scanner at the time of the fire.

I am heartsick...what was said? Do you know who the Judge was for the custody?
The first time I saw Josh on tv after Susan disappeared I didn't like him for some' reason. I felt he most likely harmed Susan.
Now the bas****** killed Susan's children too!
Prayers for the Cox family who are going through unimaginable pain.
Rest in peace sweet boys.
I just can't believe this!!
I am heartsick...what was said? Do you know who the Judge was for the custody?

The scanner information is only allowed in the private forum, so you'll need to follow the link.

I have no idea what the judge said, other than what has been reported in the media.
When I saw pictures of him at the custody hearing, I thought he looked like hell and seemed like a desperate man. I can't believe no one who was in that courtroom was concerned.

Snipped and BBM: Yes he did ... and he looked VERY despearate -- I am no expert :innocent: and I could see it ! !

What happened to those two young, innocent boys today is TRAGIC !!!

And as far as Josh ... he is C O W A R D !

And because of this tragedy with respect to Susan's boys, the laws need to be re-evaluated in this country : what happened to those young boys should NEVER EVER have happened !

I think it is high time that LE start naming people a SUSPECT or a POI when a mother goes missing ! And then if the person is named a "suspect" or "poi" -- NO visitation whatsoever [and NOT even supervised visitation -- look at what that social worker endured today] -- until the missing mother is FOUND and the suspect and poi is completely cleared.

So sorry for the rant ... :innocent: time to catch up on my reading here...

In the Seattle Times, the DFS seems totally clueless! They say there were no signs of any problems and offered as evidence that he'd had custody until SP was arrested. These people really cannot reason.

The FACT that he had them living in a home with a guy obsessed with child *advertiser censored* - wasn't THAT a warning sign? Shouldn't THAT have raised DFS eyebrows that this "supervised visitation Lite" wasn't a good idea?

The fact that he wouldn't cooperate with Utah investigators?
That he didn't seem to be able to hold a job?
That he had refused to complete the counseling the court had requested?
That three years later, he had still to take a lie detector test?
That his endless list of allegations against the Coxes was consistently found to be lies?
That he appeared visibly disheveled in court?

Did they need him to call up and say he was going to kill the kids?
Was that the only sign they would accept?
The blindness of supposed justice saddens me deeply. Those innocent boys ought not to have been allowed "supervised" time with their father in his own environment. There was more than enough information available for anyone who was so inclined to read it to suspect foul play in his wife's disappearance. For the sake of "fairness" two innocent children were ruthlessly murdered by their "non suspicious" (not) biological father. Shame on the powers that be who allowed the murderous pathological monster the latitude to complete such an evil deed.
Follow the link and you'll be able to see what was said on the public safety scanner at the time of the fire.

I am guessing the neighbors called the fire in first.
I have refrained from posting all evening, I am so sad and broken hearted. God bless the Cox family and rest in peace: Susan, Charlie and Braden.

JP I hope you enjoy your destiny, I am certain it is the pure agony that you so justly deserve.
:banghead:The blindness of supposed justice saddens me deeply. Those innocent boys ought not to have been allowed "supervised" time with their father in his own environment. There was more than enough information available for anyone who was so inclined to read it to suspect foul play in his wife's disappearance. For the sake of "fairness" two innocent children were ruthlessly murdered by their "non suspicious" (not) biological father. Shame on the powers that be who allowed the murderous pathological monster the latitude to complete such an evil deed.
Do we know how he ignited the explosion? God, could that social worker see the kids and Josh in the house as she was desperately beating on the windows? I understood that the boys had run ahead of her as soon as they got out of the car and that Josh, obviously waiting, quickly let them in and them shut and locked the door obviously keeping the social worker out.. she immediately smelled strong gas and was calling for help(not sure to who at that point) and continued to beat on the door.. then moving to the windows beating on them.. it stated that as she was beating on the windows that the fire was quickly spreading room to room.. My dear God what she may have seen..

But this is also why im curious to know exactly how Josh ignited it? There were 3 explosions that were reported to have occurred that were of such force that neighbors said that it rattled their homes to the foundation.. how in the world could the social worker have been beating on the windows while the fire was already ignited and according to the report the fire was quickly spreading from room to room as she was beating on the windows?. Im not trying to question her account just trying to get a better idea of how it transpired and how Josh was able to successfully pull it off.. i know it sounds super easy to do but i have seen where others have miserably failed at pulling off completely burning the house down by using the gas plus flame method... and how was this social worker not completely blown to smitherenes?.

It may still be too early for my questions and will just have to wait as more info comes to light..

It is just so very shocking and a real drop kick to the gut that takes your breath away.. The precious Cox family will continue to be in my prayers for a long time to come.. God bless them..
It disturbs me to think he may have spent time reading here.
True, but at least we'd have the satisfaction of him reading what we really thought of him! We know for a fact that Cindy Anthony reads WS, and most likely Casey does too...
I didn't really want to say it out loud, but ... one of the first things that crossed my mind was that this choice of his - a massive fire - to burn his family in - may have been part of his confession.

His arrogant, calculated confession.
The L.A. Times said that Detective Troyer in WA seems to think so...
Thinking back on the "camping trip" with the boys, makes me wonder if Josh was being sarcastic when he said they were "making s'mores". Could it be he burned Susan's body that night??
That's when I started following the story, it's as bizarre as not reporting your child missing for 31 days! Who in their right mind takes anyone, let alone little boys snow camping at midnight???

Oh that's right! Weren't there suspicions about some charred items in the hills that were investigated?

yes, they tried to get DNA from it, wondering if it was Susan's remains.
Criminals often have a preferred M.O., his may have been burning.
I don't believe that one twit that claims case worker was beating on the walls after the fire has already started. It's not reported anywhere else as far as I can tell. Everybody else is reporting she was at her car calling her supervisor.
How am I suppose to sleep tonight? I have been thinking about this non stop for almost 12 hours. Then I saw pictures of the stretchers being put in the truck. I am so so saddened. Anyone else not able to sleep tonight?
I don't know if anyone has posted this, I was looking at pics of the fireman putting out the fire, and suddenly I saw a face, not in 1 picture, but 4 , look at pics 5, 6, 9, and 14 , in #5 look right below where the fireman is spraying the hose, you'll see a face, the same face in all 4 pics. The face looks eerily similar to someone we know.
I guess I am just naive. I have followed all kinds of horrible cases...I didn't think it would go there. He appears to be a family annihilator. I hope his parents will feel the pain. What kind of judge would allow visitation? Biology is not a parent. It is not. I will never understand why a court or people think it is. It is a sperm and an egg. Period. That is, imo the problem with society. If we just figure out who are parents are it will all work out...not really. Who is this Judge? Little Bitty wants to take his law license away.
I don't know if anyone has posted this, I was looking at pics of the fireman putting out the fire, and suddenly I saw a face, not in 1 picture, but 4 , look at pics 5, 6, 9, and 14 , in #5 look right below where the fireman is spraying the hose, you'll see a face, the same face in all 4 pics. The face looks eerily similar to someone we know.

?? have the pic #'s been changed since you posted this? I'm confused ...
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