Joy Wray Interview Sometime After Nov. 2008

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Well, it's obvious that getting involved with the A's was beneficial to her "mental health diversion" ordered by the court! :rolleyes:
So this "incident" happened in May of 2008. It looks like she was still dealing with the court issues on these charges when she started mingling with the A's. I'd say the A's have been really therapeutic for her fragile mental state...sarcasm intended. :rolleyes:
So this "incident" happened in May of 2008. It looks like she was still dealing with the court issues on these charges when she started mingling with the A's. I'd say the A's have been really therapeutic for her fragile mental state...sarcasm intended. :rolleyes:

I think the whole d@mn lot of them need a "mental health diversion"!:bang:
There is something very strange about this. All interviews begin with introductions and the time and date. That is missing here. They all end with a swearing in and ending time. This is also missing with the end seeming to stop mid sentence or thought. The pages are hand numbered so I don't see how part could be missing unless it was left out on purpose. The signature is right tight to the last interview line. Notice how all the other interviews end with 1-3 blank lines between the end of the interview and the normal signature.

Regardless of her mental health, the pics couldn't be unclear. There would be a date for processing and the content and sequence can date it further. I sure hope the defense deposes her.

Re my bold-- Why do you hope for that?

Personally, I hope the defense puts her on the witness stand!!!

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Re my bold-- Why do you hope for that?

Personally, I hope the defense puts her on the witness stand!!!

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I thought I'd already explained this at least in part. They obviously left something out of the transcript and she obviously seems to have been on that land 1 or more time before Caylee was found. I would want my attorney to question all of these people that stepped foot on that land before Dec. 11, for the obvious reason of trying to establish when she was or wasn't there. Also, the defense can't know who he wants to call as a witness without asking them questions first. I think that is at least part of the purpose for a deposition.

Dam---I'd like to see my rap sheet. Wow---I had 30 cops in my yard. Two cop cars got stuck at the end of my drive and had to get pulled out. Took 3 cops to get me in the cop car---after I drove off my property. Spent the night in jail fore they hauled me to the State nut house. Stayed there a mo fore they sent me to a private one for another mo. Had no drugs but had downed a fifth of Southern Comfort. My memory of all that was fun-fun-fun. Not that I would like to go thru it again---I just have fun in most situations.
Dam---I'd like to see my rap sheet. Wow---I had 30 cops in my yard. Two cop cars got stuck at the end of my drive and had to get pulled out. Took 3 cops to get me in the cop car---after I drove off my property. Spent the night in jail fore they hauled me to the State nut house. Stayed there a mo for they sent me to a private one for another mo. Had no drugs but had downed a fifth of Southern Comfort. My memory of all that was fun-fun-fun. Not that I would like to go thru it again---I just have fun in most situations.

:floorlaugh: HILARIOUS!!!
I think this interview only goes to prove that LE is VERY on top of all aspects of this case. EVen the things we think only we know about- such as JW.
I am waiting on the interview with a certain man in a van and a video camera..... (leaving out his name cuz I like it here!)
Dam---I'd like to see my rap sheet. Wow---I had 30 cops in my yard. Two cop cars got stuck at the end of my drive and had to get pulled out. Took 3 cops to get me in the cop car---after I drove off my property. Spent the night in jail fore they hauled me to the State nut house. Stayed there a mo fore they sent me to a private one for another mo. Had no drugs but had downed a fifth of Southern Comfort. My memory of all that was fun-fun-fun. Not that I would like to go thru it again---I just have fun in most situations.

This woman reminds me of another person who Loves to Lounge around this case and keeps Letting us know she is still Looking into it and Last week was ever present once again. I am Leaving out the name.

SLeuther, I'm nOt sure whether I underStood. Did I?
I thought I'd already explained this at least in part. They obviously left something out of the transcript and she obviously seems to have been on that land 1 or more time before Caylee was found. I would want my attorney to question all of these people that stepped foot on that land before Dec. 11, for the obvious reason of trying to establish when she was or wasn't there. Also, the defense can't know who he wants to call as a witness without asking them questions first. I think that is at least part of the purpose for a deposition.

This was done differently than some other witness interviews.It appears that JW came to the site where Caylee was found ,with her pictures.LE was actively working on recovering all of Caylee's remains and any evidence at the scene.JA ,after talking to JW probably decided to get the bulk of the discussion on tape. Since you see a copy of a past report from JW attached to the picture report ,JA obviously,at some point became aware of JW's history with the case and with LE.I'm guessing that's why he opted to get it on tape right then.She has been unstable in the recent past.
He wasn't exactly set up to do interviews at that time.It could be the tape ran out,the batteries ran down or something was taped over by accident.
Again,JA was in the middle of the most critical part of the Caylee investigation when JW pops up.I think he was smart to get what he could on tape,but I don't fault him for not getting a pristine interview on the side of the road.That's not what he was at the scene for.
LE and the SA are going to be under the microscope by local and national media and the public.I really don't think they would try anything underhanded that could blow this case for them.They don't need to.There's plenty of evidence.
The real story of how long Caylee's body was there will come from the botonists and entomologists reports.
This was done differently than some other witness interviews.It appears that JW came to the site where Caylee was found ,with her pictures.LE was actively working on recovering all of Caylee's remains and any evidence at the scene.JA ,after talking to JW probably decided to get the bulk of the discussion on tape. Since you see a copy of a past report from JW attached to the picture report ,JA obviously,at some point became aware of JW's history with the case and with LE.I'm guessing that's why he opted to get it on tape right then.She has been unstable in the recent past.
He wasn't exactly set up to do interviews at that time.It could be the tape ran out,the batteries ran down or something was taped over by accident.
Again,JA was in the middle of the most critical part of the Caylee investigation when JW pops up.I think he was smart to get what he could on tape,but I don't fault him for not getting a pristine interview on the side of the road.That's not what he was at the scene for.
LE and the SA are going to be under the microscope by local and national media and the public.I really don't think they would try anything underhanded that could blow this case for them.They don't need to.There's plenty of evidence.
The real story of how long Caylee's body was there will come from the botonists and entomologists reports.

This isn't the only interview they did on location. Two others that come to mind are Kronk and Cain. Compare to theirs and see if you don't see a more complete and tidy job. Others were done out of the office too, TL, for one and a few others come to mind. All of them state the date, time, location, who is present, the body ending with the same info, swearing in, time, etc. Hers is the only one I've seen like this.
This isn't the only interview they did on location. Two others that come to mind are Kronk and Cain. Compare to theirs and see if you don't see a more complete and tidy job. Others were done out of the office too, TL, for one and a few others come to mind. All of them state the date, time, location, who is present, the body ending with the same info, swearing in, time, etc. Hers is the only one I've seen like this.
But they may have been better prepared at those interviews . I guess the difference in our take on this interview is that I trust the team from LE working on this case.I am just not suspicious of LE. That's my own personal opinion.They have had a lot to deal with and sort through in this case.The defendent is not cooperating and the defendents family is not cooperating.Oh,make that:The victim's mother is not cooperating and the victim's grandparents are not cooperating. I have not seen anything that gives me reason not to think highly of them[the team from LE investigating].
JW has a history that does not make her highly credible. She was also on the" A's side" at the time and placed herself with the search teams looking for a body,while she was claiming Caylee was alive! If JB deposes her and even considers using her testimony at trial he is a fool. It would prove just how desperate he is.
Dam---I'd like to see my rap sheet. Wow---I had 30 cops in my yard. Two cop cars got stuck at the end of my drive and had to get pulled out. Took 3 cops to get me in the cop car---after I drove off my property. Spent the night in jail fore they hauled me to the State nut house. Stayed there a mo fore they sent me to a private one for another mo. Had no drugs but had downed a fifth of Southern Comfort. My memory of all that was fun-fun-fun. Not that I would like to go thru it again---I just have fun in most situations.
Mama Bear you been holding back on us ?
I thought I'd already explained this at least in part. They obviously left something out of the transcript and she obviously seems to have been on that land 1 or more time before Caylee was found. I would want my attorney to question all of these people that stepped foot on that land before Dec. 11, for the obvious reason of trying to establish when she was or wasn't there. Also, the defense can't know who he wants to call as a witness without asking them questions first. I think that is at least part of the purpose for a deposition.

OK---let me know if I'm wrong---sometimes I read stuff into post---but your last several post makes me feel that you would trust JB with your records. Please---I'm not being snarky---I promise---just nosy. Would you hand yours over?
This isn't the only interview they did on location. Two others that come to mind are Kronk and Cain. Compare to theirs and see if you don't see a more complete and tidy job. Others were done out of the office too, TL, for one and a few others come to mind. All of them state the date, time, location, who is present, the body ending with the same info, swearing in, time, etc. Hers is the only one I've seen like this.
All I can say is that this person is very well many...including the media. She and her testimony will not hold much weight, IMO.
This isn't the only interview they did on location. Two others that come to mind are Kronk and Cain. Compare to theirs and see if you don't see a more complete and tidy job. Others were done out of the office too, TL, for one and a few others come to mind. All of them state the date, time, location, who is present, the body ending with the same info, swearing in, time, etc. Hers is the only one I've seen like this.
You should have caught her on tape coming to the scene. If you had important evidence, wouldn't you bring it to the Sheriff's office...instead of making a da*n spectacle of yourself at a crime scene? No doubt, there's a very good reason why her interview could be "different" from the others, SHE had NO business being there.
Snipped for brevity:
...He wasn't exactly set up to do interviews at that time.It could be the tape ran out,the batteries ran down or something was taped over by accident....I really don't think they would try anything underhanded that could blow this case for them.They don't need to.There's plenty of evidence...The real story of how long Caylee's body was there will come from the botonists and entomologists reports.

I think the first interview done on scene was by YM on Dec. 11, at 11:23 am. I could be wrong though. I haven't reviewed everything. Obviously they are always prepared to do what ever is required while on the job, or should be. I would assume blank forms, pen, tape recorder, along with what ever is required to power it is part of their normal supply. I wouldn't expect anything less of them. If they ran out of tape or power, or accidentally taped over part of it, I'm sure a good detective would make note of that. I am not implying he did anything underhanded, and certainly didn't say that. I don't know what any of their motivation is for how they handled each thing. Yes, I too am waiting for the missing test reports. To date I don't see any strong evidence to connect the mother to the murder.

OK---let me know if I'm wrong---sometimes I read stuff into post---but your last several post makes me feel that you would trust JB with your records. Please---I'm not being snarky---I promise---just nosy. Would you hand yours over?

MamaBear, regardless of whether I trusted him or not, I would hand over my phone records, for Caylee. But yes, I would hand them over to him. I have no doubt there could be nothing that would hurt me, although, I've seen people get torn to shreds via cyber space. I would be much more afraid of people here and elsewhere that I've read horribly mean words. But that can't hurt the real person and hurts the one making those attacks more, in the long run.

You should have caught her on tape coming to the scene. If you had important evidence, wouldn't you bring it to the Sheriff's office...instead of making a da*n spectacle of yourself at a crime scene? No doubt, there's a very good reason why her interview could be "different" from the others, SHE had NO business being there.

I couldn't begin to judge her or the value of her word with what has been revealed thus far. We have no details of exactly what was going on when she had the Baker act used for/against her. Who knows, it could have been dusk and she hadn't yet realized she needed to turn on her head lights, or maybe it started to rain. I've done the same thing. I've also not heard a siren or seen lights. Now if it was very dark it would be more difficult not to see them reflecting on the mirror or windows but I don't know the details. Do you?

Now, she said she had just come from the Anthony's house with those pics. (The pics don't lie and can't have psychological issues) It seems quite natural that she would stop there, which is on her way to anywhere else she could go, and give them to the people she knows is involved with the investigation. She went right to the source rather than trusting a receptionist, etc.

I know of a case where on the day of trial, the eyewitness (there was a subpoena issued) didn't show up. The attorney, rather than do a little work for his money, failed to object to moving forward with trial, using the excuse he wasn't the most credible witness. That was the only witness and I would want my attorney to do what ever he could to show the truth. He didn't do that, the person was convicted.

Many here seem to think I am on a side. There are no sides in true justice. If our legal system didn't encourage division, adversarial competition, there would be a whole lot less money wasted and a whole lot less innocent people incarcerated and even killed. No matter what the case or who the accused is, I would want to see no mistakes, no stone unturned, no witness ignored. People are smart enough to measure the actual words spoken, the physical evidence presented and judge appropriately, if given the opportunity.

I've watched at least as many videos, interviews, read at least as many docs as anyone here. I have no doubt that the Anthony's attitude changed mid way in the investigation when they saw that LE developed tunnel vision. Yes, I see some of evidence of that. And we can't say LE there is spotless. They've already had to fire two officers. JW isn't the only one from the search team that says they've been there multiple times. Why hasn't that person been interviewed? If she has, why haven't they released it? My questions aren't with the intention of accusing or casting doubt. They are honest, normal questions that deserve understanding and answers. They shouldn't be considered threatening unless there is something to hide or a wrong that has been done.

Would you like to know when I began looking more closely at was was being released? When a news article stated as early as August, that "a source close to the investigation" told them that the hair found in the trunk had post mortem banding, then when it was finally released the end of November to the defense, it said no such thing. There have been other false leaks coming from these "sources" also. If the case is so sure and ironclad these kinds of lies aren't necessary. Yes, that was at least one direct lie. Perhaps it is the media making it all up. But I have no way of knowing, one way or the other. So, I keep my eyes and ears open to the real truth, what ever that may be. I may be convinced in the end she is guilty, but at this point, I can't yet make that decision.
If Baez is stupid enough to try to put JW on the stand, the State will make mincemeat of her in a heartbeat. All they have to do is show a few days worth of text from her website where she tells one outrageous lie after another. She is the epitome of unreliability.
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