Joyce S & Nola C Put Money on Casey's Books

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Sep 17, 2008
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First time starting a new thread not sure if this is what I needed to do???

Who is Joyce S and Nola C? They deposited money in Casey's jail account. Joyce deposited $100. and Nola deposited $50. never seen these two people mentioned anywhere.
This will undoubtedly be interesting...

Yes, very interesting, because Casey was calling someone from AZ and they would call her like every other day. Not to sure who Nola is and Not sure if this is the same person she was calling in AZ.
Well, after last night's NG show, it's obvious that whoever donates money to Casey will be broadcast on the news.
whatev,.. its bad enough that she stole money but now that she is in jail people are giving her money! Now Miss Casey can buy whatever she wants in jail,... what about Caylee?! What does she get? NOTHING! They should have donated the money to TES so Caylee can be found sooner. What is wrong with people?! I guess they think Casey is getting "railroaded" as well,... :rolleyes:
What kind of sicko would donate money to a murderer ? maybe they just want thier names on the news.

Maybe fans, groupies, or sympathizers. They all have them!

Wait til KC starts getting the marriage proposals.
Didn't the news report on NG last night say that $50 was from GA and the other $50 was from the bond company?

Do either of these people perhaps work for the bond company?
I will reopen this thread shortly.
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People are for some reason, attracted to high profile criminals - known murderers get all kinds of gifts, letters and money in prison - look at Scott Peterson, he has all kinds of admirers - people like this definately have some disconnect in their brains

Complete strangers who feel sorry for Casey Anthony are depositing money into her jail account. On Monday, Eyewitness News reported how Casey was lonely in jail with no visitors except her attorney and no money to spend.

Just two days later, she has more than $250. Fifty dollars came from Nola C of ***. She's been following Casey's story nationally and, on the phone, she told Eyewitness News she's a good Christian who knows what jail is like and she wanted to make sure Casey could buy the basics like deodorant.

A second woman from Ap**ka sent Casey $100, but she didn't return calls.

Casey's father and her bail bondsman deposited just over $100 over the last few days.

The jail says inmate accounts cannot hold more than $500. If Casey's account goes above that, the money will be returned to the donor.

It is nice to know people do care about another human being and do show compassion. Just wish it was shown to the forgotten soles in jail currently suffering......
People are for some reason, attracted to high profile criminals - known murderers get all kinds of gifts, letters and money in prison - look at Scott P, he has all kinds of admirers - people like this definately have some disconnect in their brains

It is the thrill of being associated with these dangerous people. Most likely they would never approach them in real life, but because they are behind bars with no likelihood of ever getting out it is a way to get the thrill but be safe.

The ones that really surprise me are the women who date Drew P. Are they so hard up they can't find a date anywhere else?
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Complete strangers who feel sorry for Casey Anthony are depositing money into her jail account. On Monday, Eyewitness News reported how Casey was lonely in jail with no visitors except her attorney and no money to spend.

Just two days later, she has more than $250. Fifty dollars came from Nola C of ***. She's been following Casey's story nationally and, on the phone, she told Eyewitness News she's a good Christian who knows what jail is like and she wanted to make sure Casey could buy the basics like deodorant.

A second woman from Ap**ka sent Casey $100, but she didn't return calls.

Casey's father and her bail bondsman deposited just over $100 over the last few days.

The jail says inmate accounts cannot hold more than $500. If Casey's account goes above that, the money will be returned to the donor.

It is nice to know people do care about another human being and do show compassion. Just wish it was shown to the forgotten soles in jail currently suffering......

There are people in there which more than likely are not guilty, what do they get? Good wishes?

All I figure is some people have more money than they have sense.
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Are there posts missing here? I don't see anything which remotely even suggests that.
This from the article is almost funny.........

Miami criminal defense attorney Terence Lenamon has joined the Casey Anthony defense team. Two of the three high-profile murderers Eyewitness News knows he's defended are on death row. The other is serving five consecutive life sentences.
Are there posts missing here? I don't see anything which remotely even suggests that.
Um yeah there are posts missing. It has been locked all day. Just trying to open it up for discussion.
I am really not crazy. Well maybe just a little.
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