JP's keys

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When you send a text from a BlackJack, it does not have anything below the text like the BlackBerry does.

All of those type phones go through the blackberry server. The name blackjack is just an AT&T phone, not the carrier. I looked that up last week.
All of those type phones go through the blackberry server. The name blackjack is just an AT&T phone, not the carrier. I looked that up last week.

Oh really. O.k. I asked someone who has a BlackJack, and he told me it does not say anything. Well, that is interesting.
Oh really. O.k. I asked someone who has a BlackJack, and he told me it does not say anything. Well, that is interesting.

You can turn that off, but most people don't know how. Some companies turn it off before the phone goes out so it appears the phone is using their network.
Is there any mention of JP's lost keys anywhere other than in the text messages discussed? I would love to read JP's take on all of this.
You can turn that off, but most people don't know how. Some companies turn it off before the phone goes out so it appears the phone is using their network.

Really? Thanks for this info. This makes me think more than ever there is a BlackJack.
could this have anything to do with the logged evidence key? I cannot remember what this was all about.
could this have anything to do with the logged evidence key? I cannot remember what this was all about.

I don't feel it does, only because early on Cindy had asked Casey if she had given anyone a key to the house? I wish I had link, it was from one of the first jail visits. Then I had read somewhere else here about Lee taking care of the key for her-Casey? I can't find that thread either. I have been looking for it for days. Sorry..I hate to start a thread without the right information to back it up.
Pretty much everyone has stated that JP had little use for KC, but nobody has said why. Then JP's keys go missing and in traditional KC fashion she is concerned enough to text an inquiry to their status. (she seems to insert herself into recovery of things that go missing at her hand, ie Amy's trip cash/sleepwalking). I wonder if the keys were ever found and what they unlocked. Wasn't JP the guy that had other properties? Or am I thinking of someone else? I wonder how long he's known KC.

Really only Amy said that JP had little use for KC. Maybe it was a slight bit of jealousy over JP and KC apparently linking up briefly, referred to in the text or email mssgs. (Amy always sounded a little miffed too describing how when she went off working on that cruiseline or whatever, when she came back KC had started dating RM and was at the guys' apartment a lot and so on, she said she just had to get used to this new person being in her friend crowd.) I always wondered about JP's missing keys and how they related to that date (whatever date that was when AH asked KC how she was and KC responded, "JP and I are fine", and AH said, "What? You're kidding me, you two?" or something along those lines.)
Yes, JP's relative's name (I think his father, JosephR IIRC) appeared on the Glenwood property back at the beginning of the case, also a condo or house somewhere, I think maybe a house in Oviedo, too? (Also two or three properties in PR I remember finding early in the case, and the business there.) Who knows what the key was for, did they ever say? The townhouse or his car or what?
I always wondered why in the world JP had been so under the radar, not even questioned by LE, since his home was one of the last places Caylee spent time, but I believe he was interviewed after all right, and his interview hasn't been released?
Has LE said anything about the key they found at dump site?
House key? Car key? Whose key?
I did always think Caylee looked most like JP, (though I don't think KC and JP met until later, right?)
I do wonder about that key.

IIRC I think Troy B's grandparents owned the Oviedo house, he lived there with AH until someone made the grandparents an offer on the house.
I too would like to know how and why JP had KC's number from the beginning. Remember he texted AH saying that if KC and TL were coming to his house, they were not allowed in the bedrooms? Maybe more than money and keys has come up missing from JP's place. I could see KC stealing his keys before the PR trip so that she would continue to have access to his home. Maybe the dislike was mutual and KC had plans to set him up.:eek:
I hope we find out more about him. Seems like KC stealing AH's money could have presented a problem for RM, JPC and AH as roommates. How would you like to be the new roommate who had $400 disappear in the middle of the night...seems like you might be looking at your other roommates with suspicion as well.

I never saw this text, can you tell me where to look or do you have a link? Thanks!

Wonder if the down times on KC's cell phone were when she was using JPC's stolen blackjack? There are two days of pings that indicate she was very near Blanchard Park, June 17 or 18 and June 27. If she were using someone else's phone, that would explain why she had no activity on her own cell phone. I remember someone questioning earlier whether he and AH had to go to the mall to buy a new phone because his was gone, but I don't recall anyone ever coming to a conclusion.

I never thought of him actually needing a new phone, good question. I just always thought he went to get the newly released Iphone or whatever as soon as they got back from PR just because he wanted one. But I never heard for sure!
Also, I forgot to add that JP for some reason didn't like Jesse. He sent a text to Amy saying that Jesse could not meet them at his house to go to the Anthonys for the TimeLine meeting; for her to tell them to meet them where they were going.

I have no idea why he didn't like Casey or Jesse. Although I feel like for some reason he could see through Casey; dunno why, but that's the feeling I have about it.


where are all these texts by JP that I never saw back in Dec? Gee whiz, point me to these everyone please :)
where are all these texts by JP that I never saw back in Dec? Gee whiz, point me to these everyone please :)

Me, too, please. I must have missed a batch of documents along the way; I suspected that I had.

But I noticed that when she was texting with Tony early AM on July 16th, all her text messages to him had on the bottom "Sent via Blackberry", as did his to her. She still had the BlackJack the morning of July 16th.

A Blackjack (made by Samsung) and a Blackberry (made by RIM) are two different brands of phones.

(ETA a few more facts since people were confusing the two phones) In January 2007 Research In Motion, creators of the BlackBerry handhelds, filed suit in United States federal court claiming the BlackJack trademark was too similar to the BlackBerry mark.[6] They allege Samsung has named their smartphone with a word beginning with "Black" just to mislead the customers that would come to the cellphone stores with the intention to purchase a BlackBerry. A month later the two parties settled out of court.[7]

The successor to the Blackjack is the Samsung BlackJack II. It is available in the U.S. for AT&T and in Canada for Rogers.

Universal Studios uses Blackberry phones not Blackjack.
Me, too, please. I must have missed a batch of documents along the way; I suspected that I had.

Especially him, ever since the beginning I could never understand how he was being allowed to fly so completely under the radar, I would have noticed if I'd seen any texts to/from him. I need to go search the documents and see if I can find these pages I missed :confused:
Here is my thought on why JP may not like KC or JG---KC is sleeping with JP at the time she gets pregnant with Caylee..IIRC JG and KC were on a break at this time...So when JP finds out that KC is pregnant he knows that he may be the father.

KC then proceedes to rail road JG into thinking he is the father and JG then treats Caylee as his daughter until the DNA comes back and proves he is not.

Therefore JP is not at all happy with either of them

I have always wondered, too about when they actually met. The resemblance between JPC and Caylee is just so uncanny. I am a graphic designer and do photo restorations and retouching. I mapped Caylee's face to JPC's a while back, and their bone structure and eyes (especially the eyes!) match up to a "T". But then again, it could just be a striking coincidence. I have the pics posted on my Photobucket account but I'm not sure if it's ok to link that here? I don't want to get into trouble.

Haven't read the whole thread but I will fergit. LOL
I have been reading sooooooo much about JP not liking KC. I know 99.9% of think JP is her dad. maybe he is and maybe something happened to make him hate her. Say, gave him something soap wouldn't wash off. Maybe one of her personalities popped up and it scared him. LOL KWIM?

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