Jr's custody issue arising from Ron's arrest

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I don't think they will take him. I think they will give her one more shot and if she is dirty on the next one then they will take him. jmo

ETA- Stay strong, Crystal!
Very well stated. Everyone wishes for a fairy-tale ending, that Crystal will discard her addition, become responsible, get a job, and take great care of her children. I hope this happens like everyone else, but don't have rose colored glasses that it's a guarantee.
I think TJ softened this article. Reading between the lines, it implies that Crystal took a narcotic pill for which she did not have a prescription, and this was caught by a drug test. DCF has not removed the child from the home based upon this one lapse and she is continuing with her required counseling. Marie has basically confirmed this, emphasizes that Crystal is going to counseling as required, and attempts to deflect this attention by impling something negative about other family members. So, we will have to wait to see what happens and to see if Crystal will have any other lapses. With other children and family members around, I feel that Jr is probably in a safe environment. But, I'm sure he is under stress having been separated from his Dad, Gma, and GGMS even if he is happy with his mom's family.
yeah, & people need to realize that this is gonna be a daily struggle for this family-on all sides. Here's to hoping it all works out.
(Respectfully Snipped)

Originally Posted by MADJGNLAW;
Posted: Saturday, 06 February 2010 7:17AM

"Snip" TJ Hart http://www.thesky973.com/pages/6301020.php

Rumors have been swirling all week that hearing was held early this week regarding the custody status of Ronald Cummings Jr., the young brother of missing Haleigh Cummings. He is the son of Ronald Cummings Sr, who is now in jail on drug trafficking charges, and Crystal Sheffield of Baker County.

According to the rumors, Crystal Sheffield allegedly failed a drug test yet the young boy remains with her in her Baker County home.

Since WSKY has had no luck in locating the records of this DCF hearing, I contacted Crystal's mother Marie Griffis for confirmation.

I told Marie that there is talk that Butterbean remains at home, but that Crystal may have failed a drug test due to the ingestion of a Loritab pill.

I have one question - WHERE were TJ and/or AH (whoever/whichever...) for the past 11 + months while Ronald was involved in using/trafficking in drugs!!! Really, where were these so called "jounalists/reporters" then? Talk about slanted/biased reporting! Makes me :furious:! Don't get me wrong - IF any of Butterbeans caretakers are involved with drugs, it should be addressed and/or exposed - KEY WORD being "ANY" which includes ALL. NOT ONLY HIS MOTHER'S. I have no use whatsoever for this type of reporting; Reporting that is baised, slanted, polarizing, and IMO, agenda driven and directed - and that is my humble opinion on the matter.

I wonder if this was a pop quiz taken just after dad was arrested and she went to court to get custody? If so, it was unexpected and she could have taken a pill days earlier for some reason, not expected to be tested.

Not making excuses at all, just saying this probably wasn't all done after she got full custody. But actually I have no idea what the truth is. It does go to show that it's best to stay clean all the time because you never know. I wouldn't want it to cost her the opportunity to raise her son.

Your avatar is amazing
O/T: Gracenote, although heartbreaking, that is a beautiful picture of Marie and Crystal in your avatar. They almost look like sisters.

OT-Thank you, it was in my folders and I don't remember where it came from. I like it, too. Makes me miss my Mom.

Back on topic-It's important that both parents get their lives in order because Jr. and the other little ones will possibly copy what they see. Too many people care about that little boy (i.e. us) to let anything bad happen to him. The world is watching now LOL.

Sure wish Haleigh could be found alive and she could have another chance, too.
(Respectfully Snipped)

Originally Posted by MADJGNLAW;

I have one question - WHERE were TJ and/or AH (whoever/whichever...) for the past 11 + months while Ronald was involved in using/trafficking in drugs!!! Really, where were these so called "jounalists/reporters" then? Talk about slanted/biased reporting! Makes me :furious:! Don't get me wrong - IF any of Butterbeans caretakers are involved with drugs, it should be addressed and/or exposed - KEY WORD being "ANY" which includes ALL. NOT ONLY HIS MOTHER'S. I have no use whatsoever for this type of reporting; Reporting that is baised, slanted, polarizing, and IMO, agenda driven and directed - and that is my humble opinion on the matter.

& was where was CPS then? If they had tested Ron & required him to take classes, Haleigh would probably still be here.
as i sit here reading all the posts about whether or not CS is taking illegal medications, the drug problems RC and MC are facing and all the other hosts of dysfunctionalities going on in these families, i can't help but think that the people on this board (for the most part) just dont' get it. hold on, before you all jump on me. *snipped for brevity*

I hear you, Shufly, but I will take Marie at her word when she says Crystal IS (along with the members of the family) in therapy to overcome this whole ordeal. As we know, she fought and won the right to get counseling for her son after being thwarted by Ronald in order to do so.

I'm sure the little guy misses his dad. But his dad made some pretty bad choices, and now Crystal has to make even more strides in her life to make things good for her family.

As Marie states, Crystal lost her kids in 2005, and lost Haleigh a year ago, and will do whatever it takes to make sure she doesn't lose Jr. I believe in her, and I will accept a stumble, and I will be in line to remind her that a stumble leads to a fall which leads to the destruction of everything she dreams. I will continue to encourage her to make those hard changes and become the parent she must be for her children.

I prefer to build her up instead of tear her down. No one is perfect, and she has the unenviable position to have the whole world looking at every fault. She'll have to bear that and, while understanding she can't change it, she CAN do what has been called for her to do.
Iirc Ron had taken a parenting class before Haleigh's disappearance and after she went missing they required he and Misty attend one again.
This needs more then a thanks!!:clap::clap::clap:

I hear you, Shufly, but I will take Marie at her word when she says Crystal IS (along with the members of the family) in therapy to overcome this whole ordeal. As we know, she fought and won the right to get counseling for her son after being thwarted by Ronald in order to do so.

I'm sure the little guy misses his dad. But his dad made some pretty bad choices, and now Crystal has to make even more strides in her life to make things good for her family.

As Marie states, Crystal lost her kids in 2005, and lost Haleigh a year ago, and will do whatever it takes to make sure she doesn't lose Jr. I believe in her, and I will accept a stumble, and I will be in line to remind her that a stumble leads to a fall which leads to the destruction of everything she dreams. I will continue to encourage her to make those hard changes and become the parent she must be for her children.

I prefer to build her up instead of tear her down. No one is perfect, and she has the unenviable position to have the whole world looking at every fault. She'll have to bear that and, while understanding she can't change it, she CAN do what has been called for her to do.
Posted: Saturday, 06 February 2010 7:17AM

"Snip" TJ Hart http://www.thesky973.com/pages/6301020.php

Rumors have been swirling all week that hearing was held early this week regarding the custody status of Ronald Cummings Jr., the young brother of missing Haleigh Cummings. He is the son of Ronald Cummings Sr, who is now in jail on drug trafficking charges, and Crystal Sheffield of Baker County.

According to the rumors, Crystal Sheffield allegedly failed a drug test yet the young boy remains with her in her Baker County home.

Since WSKY has had no luck in locating the records of this DCF hearing, I contacted Crystal's mother Marie Griffis for confirmation.

I told Marie that there is talk that Butterbean remains at home, but that Crystal may have failed a drug test due to the ingestion of a Loritab pill.

Marie Griffis responded:

"I will say yes that is true, all the other stuff on the internet came from the ones scorned (that is all I will say about them). Please let everyone know that Crystal is doing what DCF wants her too, Crystal has needed these therapies that they are offering she has dealt with a lot losing a child a second time and maybe this time peemanently and on top of that, everyone in the home will receive some type of therapy. Chad's children have been affected by HaLeigh's disappearance, they are all like brothers and sisters. Update on Butterbean he is doing great he is very happy and loving being with his Mommy he gets very upset when she has to be away from him from 3hrs to go to her classes but he understands why. We have explained everything to him that we feel he understands, he just simply wants to be with his Mommy."

Thanks, Marie


A reminder that vigil for missing Haleigh Cummings is taking place today, Saturday, February 6, 2010 set for 5:30 p.m. at Celebration Park, in Glen St. Mary.

Why is TJ Hart allowed to publish rumors? It seems everytime Ron gets his butt into trouble where comes the Crystal squad. I think the attention needs to be focused on Ron and Misty and the rest of the jailbird gang. JMO.
Iirc Ron had taken a parenting class before Haleigh's disappearance and after she went missing they required he and Misty attend one again.

It was recommended that he take one, not required to take one. I have not heard that he ever attempted to take one.
(Respectfully Snipped)

Originally Posted by MADJGNLAW;

I have one question - WHERE were TJ and/or AH (whoever/whichever...) for the past 11 + months while Ronald was involved in using/trafficking in drugs!!! Really, where were these so called "jounalists/reporters" then? Talk about slanted/biased reporting! Makes me :furious:! Don't get me wrong - IF any of Butterbeans caretakers are involved with drugs, it should be addressed and/or exposed - KEY WORD being "ANY" which includes ALL. NOT ONLY HIS MOTHER'S. I have no use whatsoever for this type of reporting; Reporting that is baised, slanted, polarizing, and IMO, agenda driven and directed - and that is my humble opinion on the matter.

This is just my very own strong opinion here but I think of TJ and AH as working for whatever publicity they can get and they will do anything, and I do mean anything to get it. IMO, their ethics and scruples have gone to the wayside. I do not put anything into their reporting on this case, it is so lopsided and bias it gives me a bad taste. They should be ashamed to even claim to be journalists.
Re recent awarding of Junior's custody to CS... THIS is not a mere "twist of fate."


It is the 1-20-10 charges for Junior's father. We know it wasn't the last (more followed on 2-3-10) and we know this was definitely far from the first time--and all those are just the times Jr's father was caught. There was a reason behind the court's recent decision to award custody now to CS. And until I have some circumstances clarified, and some facts substantiated, the only thing I'll be applauding is her decision to seek therapy for her family, her humility, and consistent willingingness to at least be truthful.

Prayers for HALEIGH to be found, Junior to be safe. :prayer:

Crystal needs pain meds because of the knife that keeps getting twisted in her back..

I have great fear for Crystal and Marie for I have a very good idea of how vengeful the paternal side can be. I am glad rc is not able to get to her and jr, but there are many more to worry about.

May God protect Crystal, Marie and RJ.
Why is TJ Hart allowed to publish rumors? It seems everytime Ron gets his butt into trouble where comes the Crystal squad. I think the attention needs to be focused on Ron and Misty and the rest of the jailbird gang. JMO.

Can anyone take a guess on who started the rumors about Crystal and who called AH?
& was where was CPS then? If they had tested Ron & required him to take classes, Haleigh would probably still be here.

Just wanted to clarify, I didn't post the following, but was quoted on it.

Originally Posted by nomoresorrow
(Respectfully Snipped)

Originally Posted by MADJGNLAW;

Posted by nomoresorrow? I have one question - WHERE were TJ and/or AH (whoever/whichever...) for the past 11 + months while Ronald was involved in using/trafficking in drugs!!! Really, where were these so called "jounalists/reporters" then? Talk about slanted/biased reporting! Makes me ! Don't get me wrong - IF any of Butterbeans caretakers are involved with drugs, it should be addressed and/or exposed - KEY WORD being "ANY" which includes ALL. NOT ONLY HIS MOTHER'S. I have no use whatsoever for this type of reporting; Reporting that is baised, slanted, polarizing, and IMO, agenda driven and directed - and that is my humble opinion on the matter.

Jeez give me a break! If Crystal is taking precribed medication by her doctor what is the problem. Crystal is not a drug dealing/user monster like RC or MC.

Exactly, have TJ Hart or Art Harris ever reported on Ron Cummings drug use and the drug dealing? Ever? Did they question whether or not GGMS or TN needed to be drug screened in order to take care of Jr.? Even once? I would guess that Haleigh and Jr. have probably never been in a drug free environment. Don't get me wrong, Crystal needs to get clean and give her children a good life with lots of love. It just really bothers me when the so called "reporting" neglected to find the drug use and dealing for the last year and yet now, they feel the need to make sure everyone is aware of Crystal's problem.........yeah right.
This is just my very own strong opinion here but I think of TJ and AH as working for whatever publicity they can get and they will do anything, and I do mean anything to get it. IMO, their ethics and scruples have gone to the wayside. I do not put anything into their reporting on this case, it is so lopsided and bias it gives me a bad taste. They should be ashamed to even claim to be journalists.

So essentially AH & TJ stories are centered around capturing and appealing to specific audiences (anti-Crystal, etc,.) rather than equally and inclusively reporting the facts, as they come, ralated to ALL players involved in this case. I agree lone, IMO, their ethics have gone to the wayside...

I hear you, Shufly, but I will take Marie at her word when she says Crystal IS (along with the members of the family) in therapy to overcome this whole ordeal. As we know, she fought and won the right to get counseling for her son after being thwarted by Ronald in order to do so.

I'm sure the little guy misses his dad. But his dad made some pretty bad choices, and now Crystal has to make even more strides in her life to make things good for her family.

As Marie states, Crystal lost her kids in 2005, and lost Haleigh a year ago, and will do whatever it takes to make sure she doesn't lose Jr. I believe in her, and I will accept a stumble, and I will be in line to remind her that a stumble leads to a fall which leads to the destruction of everything she dreams. I will continue to encourage her to make those hard changes and become the parent she must be for her children.

I prefer to build her up instead of tear her down. No one is perfect, and she has the unenviable position to have the whole world looking at every fault. She'll have to bear that and, while understanding she can't change it, she CAN do what has been called for her to do.

I see and understand where you are coming from. Don't get me wrong, if I knew CS, I would also do everything I could to build her up and give her the encouragement to struggle through and eventually come out a winner. I'm not trying to tear her down even if she does read here. I'm just saying that all the players in this case are some of the most dysfunctional people I've ever ran across and believe me, I've seen some dysfunctional, drama seeking families. I hope as much as anybody else that CS turns her life around and wakes up one day saying "WTH was I thinking?" I'm just not overly optimistic that it will happen unless she is surrounded by people like you who want nothing more than to build her up and remove all negativity from her life. She is going to need a strong support group and I hope she finds that. It is almost impossible to improve any situation when that is all you're surrounded by everyday. Just think, if MC or RC had chosen a different way of life, they would have had no reason to stay in contact with each other. However, they chose to be surrounded by the same old, same old and now look at them. Misty could be in MI starting her life all over but instead she is sitting in jail awaiting a prison sentence because she had no one to pull her up and give her hope and encouragement. Let's hope CS does.

I guess the thing that gets me about all of them and maybe especially CS as a mother is her being able to go on telelvision and talk about the situation without having a nervous breakdown. My daughter, son-in-law and grandbaby just moved to KY a month ago due to him being in the army and I have cried at least twice every single day since they've been gone. I talk to them everyday, know they are fine and happy and enjoying new experiences but I still break down because I miss them so much. I just don't get how any parent could have the stamina to discuss a situation such as Haleigh's without needing hospitalization. I dont' believe there is a pill out there strong enough to give me the strength to avoid a complete and total emotional breakdown if something like that happened to me. Maybe it's true that everybody handles things differently and I"m being too harsh and judgmental here. I can only pray that I never have the opportunity to find out first hand.
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