Judges double Oscar Pistorius' sentence to 13 years, 5 months - 24. Nov. 2017

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DNA Solves
I always thought that there had been influence. ;)
I cannot come up with a better explanation , either!.... influence from the uncle, the general influence of the inequality of Pistorius's generally squeaky clean high livin,world admired sportsmanshite, the usual story. As opposed to the general run of the population... Reeva herself had clout, and influence, but up against the male sports star, it proved to be a handicap.

The dolus eventualis angle rested more in the bullets than the gun , I thought. Oscar purchased a particular kind of bullet to load up with, ammo that shot to not only kill, but to destroy, mangle, to mutilate .... killing was not enough. He loaded that gun with those bullets for a particular purpose, and while he can claim he forgot he had those in the chamber, he fired them four times into Reeva. Maybe something to do with his own perceived mangling from birth, and his long desire to punish someone with perfect limbs..Someone was going to pay. Just a late Sunday arvo thought.
A parole hearing has been set for March 31, when he could be freed. The Steenkamps have previously stated that they want him to serve out his full sentence but they have no power to block his early release as criminals are automatically eligible for parole after serving half of their sentence. The Supreme Court of Appeal doubled his sentence to 13 years and 5 months.

The announcement of the parole hearing comes after it was revealed he will be given 24-hour police protection upon his release, due to fears of retaliation attacks.

A police source said, “Pistorius killed a young woman and that in itself is a major no-no as far as Johannesburg's criminal fraternity is concerned”. “He had also threatened Batchelor who still has many friends in the city and who have a huge distaste for Oscar Pistorius”.

You’ll recall that Bachelor was gunned down outside his home in a suspected hit and no arrests were ever made. OP may always have to be vigilant once he's released if he stays in SA.
What has he done to deserve police protection?
The announcement of the parole hearing comes after it was revealed he will be given 24-hour police protection upon his release, due to fears of retaliation attacks.

A police source said, “Pistorius killed a young woman and that in itself is a major no-no as far as Johannesburg's criminal fraternity is concerned”. “He had also threatened Batchelor who still has many friends in the city and who have a huge distaste for Oscar Pistorius”.

But police in Johannesburg have received information that he will become a target for gangsters out to avenge the slaying of a young woman.

But police in Johannesburg have received information that he will become a target for gangsters out to avenge the slaying of a young woman.
I missed that earlier DM article saying he'll be given 24-hour police protection if he's freed.

Once again he's being accorded special privileges. I wouldn't be surprised if Uncle Arnie had something to do with this. How long can the police to do it - forever, and at what cost?

SA has one of the highest murder rates in the world. President Ramaphosa said a total of 33 police officers were killed in the line of their duties between April 1, 2021 and March 31, 2022.

33 police officers die on duty in a year in South Africa
I missed that earlier DM article saying he'll be given 24-hour police protection if he's freed.

Once again he's being accorded special privileges. I wouldn't be surprised if Uncle Arnie had something to do with this. How long can the police to do it - forever, and at what cost?

SA has one of the highest murder rates in the world. President Ramaphosa said a total of 33 police officers were killed in the line of their duties between April 1, 2021 and March 31, 2022.

33 police officers die on duty in a year in South Africa

Consider the source.

I think only DM is reporting this in the affirmative whereas SA news reporting that based on threats that have come into the police, it's likely he could be appointed 24-hour police protection.

IMO, it's just as likely the family may not trust LE and provide OP with private security.


From the link:

The board considered his conduct and disciplinary record in prison, his participation in educational or other training courses during the last decade of incarceration, and his mental and physical state to assess whether Pistorius, now 36, would still pose a threat to public safety.

He will be able to reapply for parole in another year.
From the link:

The board considered his conduct and disciplinary record in prison, his participation in educational or other training courses during the last decade of incarceration, and his mental and physical state to assess whether Pistorius, now 36, would still pose a threat to public safety.

He will be able to reapply for parole in another year.
"" still pose a threat to public safety'....... That is a conclusion that would be very hard to call in the positive at any time, really. Today, 10 years ahead, etc.. . uncle Arnie's tentacles apparently only reach so far. And no further. A reasonable decision, although I do not comprehend at which point Oscar would not pose such a threat, to any woman, anywhere, black,white, brown, brindle. If not now, then change seems unlikely.

There have been political upheavals in South Africa, and in Pretoria particularly, which have had no effect on the outlook of Pistorius, so someone somewhere in the vortex of SA politics has their hands on the Pistorius file at all times.. ...

""" (From the ABC news site )
Ms Steenkamp's family opposed his bid, their lawyer Tania Koen told Reuters.

"I can confirm that parole has been denied, they will reconvene in a year to reconsider him again and we don't know the reasons yet (for the denial)," Ms Koen said.

"I've just received a call from the parole board … It is a huge sense of relief for June [Steenkamp].

Ms Steenkamp's mother, June Steenkamp, said before the decision that she planned to address the hearing.

"It is very hard to be in the same room as him," June Steenkamp said on Friday morning local time. "I don't believe it, I don't believe his story."

Parents sit in court saddened.

June and Barry Steenkamp, seen here during court proceedings in 2014. (Pool via AP: Antione de Ras)
According to the BBC report, it's because he hasn't yet served half his sentence. There's been a mistake. So nothing to do with whether he poses a threat to the public.

Oscar Pistorius's bid for parole collapsed in South Africa after it was revealed he had not yet served enough time to qualify for early release ....
.... embarrassed officials admitted their timings had been wrong.

Earlier this week, they had received, but ignored, a letter from South Africa's top appeals court, which explained that Pistorius needed to spend another year and a half in prison before he could be considered for parole.

The hearing at Atteridgeville prison, a low-security facility in rolling fields just outside the city of Pretoria, should never have happened.
According to the BBC report, it's because he hasn't yet served half his sentence. There's been a mistake. So nothing to do with whether he poses a threat to the public.

I dunno. Losing confidence in the makers and shakers here: I recall a similar error years earlier and more recently, it was reported that Pistorius was up for parole in 2021, but that request was denied on technical grounds as he had not met with Steenkamp's family as required under South Africa's parole rules. JMO
This was on KBTX News (CBS - Bryan, TX) - published on 3/31/23.

I don't know where to post it. Maybe a MOD will see it and post it on the appropriate thread.

Oscar Pistorius stays in prison after his parole is denied​

I dunno. Losing confidence in the makers and shakers here: I recall a similar error years earlier and more recently, it was reported that Pistorius was up for parole in 2021, but that request was denied on technical grounds as he had not met with Steenkamp's family as required under South Africa's parole rules. JMO
Once upon a time I would have taken on the BBC as invincible but no more. Not since Boris directs it. None of the South African papers, the Sowetan, the Times, the Daily Sun, the various Broeder papers, ( which I cannot read properly) make the point that a mistake was made. Pistorious has, in fact served more than half his sentence, he is quite within his rights, so to speak,,to apply for parole.. He didn't get it, according to all the South African news because he didn't meet the criteria.. the criteria of serving half and more of his sentence was met, but something else was considered not quite right at this time.

The business about Oscar not meeting the elements required for re entry into public life appears, according to local newspapers is the area in which the parole board found unable to grant it. Which, all round, is a fair conclusion to reach , all things considered. I don't know what psych care is proffered in any South African prison, but at a rough guess I would say not a lot, and not for years, and no indication has been given that Oscar in any way seeks any sort of treatment of that sort...

I think that all the stories of Oscar's chances and appearances at parole board stuff comes out from the family, and various hangers on, as a way of perhaps clouding the issue of what he has to do or has done in regard to the matter. Not any reports from the family of Oscar about his not getting parole, as yet. SIgnificant lapse, I would say.
Speaking prior to the last hearing, Uncle Arnie told Netwerk24, an Afrikaans news website, that he had an “Oscar room” in a luxury mansion ready for him to live in should he be released from jail after serving only half his sentence. He said the room was waiting for his nephew on his large property in SA’s capital, Pretoria that has sweeping terraces, landscaped gardens and a swimming pool.

He also said that Aimee was expected home from London to help him adjust to freedom and that he’s been offered a job but declined to say by whom.

He’ll be returning to luxury once he's released

Of course. Doesn't every "special" person, albeit a coldblooded killer, deserve nothing but the best? I'm looking forward to seeing whether he'll be accepted back into SA society and which of his friends will resume their friendship.

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