Judge's Order re: OP's Mental Health Eval Thread #42

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rbbm - Wouldn't think so when one looks at this:

View attachment 43849

It can only be subconscious at this early age , that's what interests me , a lot.


What are you saying? What does a left to right disengaged expression have to do with a man killing his girlfriend? Do you have a link that documents this in criminology?

Forgive me, but I saw a short story today about a little girl that had lost both of her lower legs and had the same heel grafts that OP has on the distal ends of his stumps, she also had lost her left lower arm. This is in Brazil. She played with her friends, helped her mother with the housework and the dishes, all on her knees while wearing knee pads for protection. She was given prosthetic legs and was walking at the end of the story. I saw nothing evil in her, but to be honest I did not try to look for anything evil in such a beautiful child. And I was so happy to see her finally walking!

Are you saying that you can see something evil in OPs face, as a child? Something that would carry on throughout his life and be part of his deciding to murder his girlfriend?

I have skipped over much of this part of the conversation thus far, but perhaps I should have been reading along...
2. Anyone else find the blood pooling on the toilet floor in front of the toilet odd? I know that experts stated she was slumped on the toilet seat itself, but to me for so much blood to pool on the floor (and no disturbance of the magazine rack), surely it is more plausible that she fell to the floor and lay there bleeding. OP himself said:“I sat over Reeva and I cried" as well as "When I picked her up my hand touched her head" ... Crying over someone, means they are lower than you.
? Only OP gives the version she was sitting on the magazine rack, slumped with her head on her arm resting on the toilet seat (possibly to make out like she went to the toilet as usual). To me it just seems a very odd position to fall into. Also, in my suspicions of the door being unlocked at the time of the shooting, he would surely have gone in and checked if she was breathing, and if she had managed to call the police... so if she was slumped against the toilet seat in a sitting position, checking her vitals would have tipped her head back, causing blood into the back area of the toilet on the right hand side, and into the bowl. not so much in the front on the floor? (I may be stretching too far on this). Input welcome.


BIB - OP's version is she was sitting in the floor and her head was resting on her shoulder. (He accused the police of moving the magazine rack.)

Forensic evidence shows she was sitting on the magazine rack and her head was resting on the toilet.

I think the large pool of blood in front of the toilet came from her hip when he dragged her out of the toilet into the doorway.
rbbm - Wouldn't think so when one looks at this:

View attachment 43849

It can only be subconscious at this early age , that's what interests me , a lot.

He looks just like a regular toddler in that photo, imo.

I would have thought any psychological issues he had would have come much much later in his life.
I agree he came over quite well. However I think he is very emotionally unstable. All the time his life is going smoothly he copes but we have seen how brittle his temper is when he shot through the sunroof after being stopped by the police. We have read about his anger on losing to a fellow athlete and the constant shouting at people on the phone, enough for his friend to request another room. What made him flip enough to take a gun to Reeva I cannot imagine. I think undoubtedly there was a fierce argument. I don't doubt Van Der Merwe's testimony with respect to the loud argument but IMO we shall never know what it was about.

The blood tests showed no alcohol or drugs but I have read on the forum that the blood tests were not done until the second day after the murder in which case alcohol, if taken, would probably be normal. I have no idea if he took recreational drugs but nothing was found in his blood.

bbm - I also just recently read in this article that his urine test had "gone missing" as well. It's no wonder he was upset on the stand, apparently it was never supposed to have gone that far.
Nothing is being neglected for want of money. His team is expected to emphasise the mistakes made at the crime scene by the first investigating officer, Hilton Botha.

The litany of alleged police incompetence included letting Pistorius’s lawyers remove a memory stick containing details of offshore bank accounts, allowing them to walk off with unlicensed ammunition, failing to see a projectile in the toilet bowl, entering the crime scene without plastic feet covers and mislaying Pistorius’s urine sample.

BIB - OP's version is she was sitting in the floor and her head was resting on her shoulder. (He accused the police of moving the magazine rack.)

Forensic evidence shows she was sitting on the magazine rack and her head was resting on the toilet.

I think the large pool of blood in front of the toilet came from her hip when he dragged her out of the toilet into the doorway.

If you add in the "grain of truth" that most good liars use to make their lies believable, then it's quite possible that he'd already dragged her out of the toilet room and was sitting on the edge of the tub "over her"(checking her cell, making his calls), which also explains the pooling of blood in the bathroom since we know he was more than capable of lifting/carrying her.
bbm - I also just recently read in this article that his urine test had "gone missing" as well. It's no wonder he was upset on the stand, apparently it was never supposed to have gone that far.
No testing for alcohol after the boat crash either. Seems like he's been very "fortunate" up to now. And no. It was never supposed to get this far. He "failed" to see how he could be charged with murder (indignant, much?) and then he had to put his whole life on "hold" for 13 months to come and defend himself at his own murder trial. First time he's ever been truly held to account, and he doesn't like it one bit. The intruder story was supposed to have been taken as gospel.
Hi IB...what I remember is that he went to the hospital for blood tests after being detained at the police station for hours. Someone else, many threads ago, said he went to the hospital first, but I don't think so. In any case, he was tested several or many hours since his last drink.

I have always thought that many of his rages are alcohol fueled, but that doesn't explain his constantly yelling at people on the phone so badly that his Olympics roommate had to switch rooms.

bbm - It was OP that said that.... check from 28:45 on, specifically at 30:05-30:15.

During OP's testimony he threw a lot of people under the bus.

Reeva (during her texts) was either lying or exaggerating, was also at fault for not coming out of the toilet or speaking to him.
Dr. Stipp acted as if he didn't know what to do.
Sam and that other fellow was lying about the sunroof incident.
Roux and/or other defense team members lied and was irresponsible several times.
LE did not do their job properly, stole from him, moved things around to frame him.
Owner of Tashas lied.
Guys with OP at Tashas lied.
Construction guys were irresponsible leaving ladder outside overnight.
Painters were irresponsible when they removed the sensors from the outside walls.
Compound security was irresponsible.
The safe was accountable for being in possession of illegal ammunition.
OP's mother was responsible for his "anxiety".
Sam lied about other things when on the stand.

How many instances of anyone and everyone else being the blame does it take before one sees that the real problem, the only common denominator, in the life of OP is OP himself?


OP and Jodi Arias would be a match made in heaven ... or maybe hell.
He looks just like a regular toddler in that photo, imo.

I would have thought any psychological issues he had would have come much much later in his life.

Is this toddler's smile left to right, or right to left? I can't tell... :smile:


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"In Oscar’s 2009 biography, co-authored by Gianni Merlo..."


That was an interesting article which also said:

“McHugh described ‘Slaloming along the N1 freeway between Pretoria and Johannesburg at about 125 percent of the speed limit … ’ The Daily Mail’s Jonathan McEvoy visited Oscar in his home in August 2011. Oscar was driving a blue 3-series BMW ‘ … fitted with all manner of go-faster gadgets. (He changed cars on a regular basis.)’ After the visit, Oscar drove the journalist to the airport ‘ … at breakneck pace … tyres screeching as he rounded corners like a man possessed.’

Three months later in December 2011, Michael Sokolove of The New York Times, was treated to a 250km/h (155mph) spin on wet roads in ‘the white monster’, a Nissan GT-R. The athlete’s most recent automobile acquisition is a R3, 5 million McLaren MP4-12C Spider with a top speed of 204mph (328kph).”

And when asked by Roux about a 2009 boat crash when he suffered serious facial injuries, said that “the accident had a massive impact, causing him to become fearful, withdrawn, more vigilant about personal safety and more focused on his sporting career.

What are you saying? What does a left to right disengaged expression have to do with a man killing his girlfriend? Do you have a link that documents this in criminology?

Forgive me, but I saw a short story today about a little girl that had lost both of her lower legs and had the same heel grafts that OP has on the distal ends of his stumps, she also had lost her left lower arm. This is in Brazil. She played with her friends, helped her mother with the housework and the dishes, all on her knees while wearing knee pads for protection. She was given prosthetic legs and was walking at the end of the story. I saw nothing evil in her, but to be honest I did not try to look for anything evil in such a beautiful child. And I was so happy to see her finally walking!

Are you saying that you can see something evil in OPs face, as a child? Something that would carry on throughout his life and be part of his deciding to murder his girlfriend?

I have skipped over much of this part of the conversation thus far, but perhaps I should have been reading along...

I see a happy little boy in the pic of OP as a tot, but maybe we're going into the 'nature vs nurture' territory, which is highly controversial and usually never gets anywhere, everyone has their opinion and nothing has been proven without a doubt. I don't know your opinion on the subject, but mine has changed over the years, the more I read and listen to views of others.

I googled criminology and reading facial expressions/body language and it does play a big part in detectives interviewing suspects, even down to speech patterns. Now, this isn't brought into trial evidence but the police interviewing have little to go on, most suspects will lie, so they need to use every tool available to them to get to the truth.

Reading facial expressions is quite a gift not many can do, I'm not good at it, haha. I value crilondon's input into this field because it is a recognized science and adopted by LE and Intelligence etc.

IMO, it's of benefit to have access to all areas as is done in the real world while investigating crime, that's what we are here for, to discuss and mull over theories, ideas and basically sleuthing as amateurs but who knows, cases can be cracked by sleuths. jmo :)

People often get emotional when they lie, especially when the stakes are high. These emotions can occur because of the fear of getting caught, guilt or shame about the event lied about, or even because one likes the thought of successfully lying to others, especially those in positions of authority. Facial expressions, especially microexpressions, can be signs of these emotions and the ability to detect them may be important for individuals working in law enforcement, national security, intelligence, or the legal system.



Note: What a lovely story about the little girl from Brazil, she must have been so happy to be walking on her new legs, I'm sure OP felt the same, he certainly looks happy in his tot photo. :)
That was an interesting article which also said:

“McHugh described ‘Slaloming along the N1 freeway between Pretoria and Johannesburg at about 125 percent of the speed limit … ’ The Daily Mail’s Jonathan McEvoy visited Oscar in his home in August 2011. Oscar was driving a blue 3-series BMW ‘ … fitted with all manner of go-faster gadgets. (He changed cars on a regular basis.)’ After the visit, Oscar drove the journalist to the airport ‘ … at breakneck pace … tyres screeching as he rounded corners like a man possessed.’

Three months later in December 2011, Michael Sokolove of The New York Times, was treated to a 250km/h (155mph) spin on wet roads in ‘the white monster’, a Nissan GT-R. The athlete’s most recent automobile acquisition is a R3, 5 million McLaren MP4-12C Spider with a top speed of 204mph (328kph).”

And when asked by Roux about a 2009 boat crash when he suffered serious facial injuries, said that “the accident had a massive impact, causing him to become fearful, withdrawn, more vigilant about personal safety and more focused on his sporting career.



Interesting way to put it when the actual speed would have sufficed. If the speed limit was 80 mph, for example, the actual speed would have been 100 mph. And it's highly unlikely that the limit was as high as 80. But if it was, there's good reason. pfft jmo
OP and Jodi Arias would be a match made in heaven ... or maybe hell.

That is what I've been saying since day one! "Jail" match.com....my money would be on Jodi to survive the relationship. She can use a gun and knife. They both have the same condescending attitude...not my fault.

IF he so nuts, why wasn't he committed while be tested? What a bogus delay. OJ trial all over again, hopefully NOT the same ignorant outcome.
American pastor Robert Tillman Kendall posted a photograph of himself and Pistorius on Twitter and tweeted: “Oscar Pistorius gave me lunch in his home today in Pretoria, S Africa. Please, please do pray for him.”


View the picture on this link:


While this has led to rumours that OP was not in hospital on Monday in the media which the family and PR Burgess denied, it appears that the pastor made a mistake and said "today" instead of "yesterday" which implies he was at Uncle Arnold's home last Sunday for lunch.

On May 27, this headline appeared: "London Minister Urges People to Pray for Oscar Pistorius"

Robert Tillman Kendall, who was once minister at the famous Westminster Chapel in London, tweeted a picture of himself with Pistorius, whom he met at the athlete’s Pretoria home for lunch.

According to the Mirror, the 78-year-old Kendall, who has written about 50 books, said that Pistorius gave him lunch at his Pretoria home, before begging people to pray for the Blade Runner.


NAPDSouthAfrica (Disabled Sport SA) whose aim is to create public awareness and interest regarding various sporting codes for the physically disabled responded that they were "thrilled that you met with Oscar and prayed for him, he needs all the emotional and spiritual support necessary."


IMO OP does not need prayers. Reeva's family need prayers hoping that OP will go to jail for 25 years! I pray for justice! All the prayers in the world will not save Oscar Pistorius from his fate now.

What do you think about suspected criminals hiding behind and using religion? What hypocrites they are. I guess this was a PR stunt organised by Uncle Arnie.
Productivity with white collar workers has decreased drastically in offices in South Africa since the Pistorius trial began.

BrandsEye, an online monitoring and insights tool, reports that the trial has had more than 2.5million mentions on Twitter and Facebook. Many of the mentions, said Brands-Eye CEO JP Kloppers, were made in real time.

This means people have been watching and tweeting during work hours, with the trial usually taking place between 9.30am and 3pm on weekdays.


During the O. J. Simpson trial, Alan Dershowitz reported in his book that water consumption in the US dropped dramatically when the verdict was delivered, with viewers unable to tear themselves away from their television sets for a comfort break!

"Getting to know another Oscar Pistorius"

Oscar is "lots of fun and has lots of energy" says Samantha Taylor in better times.

Is he hyperactive? I used to wonder if he might have also have ADHD as many famous athletes do such as Michael Phelps, the US swimmer!

But come 2014, Samantha tweeted:
‘Last lies you get to tell… You better make it worth your while,’ Samantha Taylor, 20, tweeted to her 3,500 followers while he was giving evidence. From The Sydney Morning Herald's live blog of the events, it seems he has just been talking about how he had reluctantly let her go to a 'sexiest man' event.

The tweet has since been deleted, but it's not exactly as if she hadn't made her view on Pistorius clear when she herself gave evidence in court yesterday. When asked why her and the paralympian athlete split up, she replied, tearfully: ‘Because he cheated on me with Reeva.’

She also explained that Oscar, who she dated when she was 17, had cheated on her with ‘a lady from New York called Anastasia’, reports The Mirror. The court hearing had to be stalled at various moments as Samantha broke down in tears as she gave evidence, and she told that Oscar had frequently lost his temper with her and her family: ‘He has screamed at me, my sister, my best friend, another friend and his best friend.’

American pastor Robert Tillman Kendall posted a photograph of himself and Pistorius on Twitter and tweeted: “Oscar Pistorius gave me lunch in his home today in Pretoria, S Africa. Please, please do pray for him.”


View the picture on this link:


While this has led to rumours that OP was not in hospital on Monday in the media which the family and PR Burgess denied, it appears that the pastor made a mistake and said "today" instead of "yesterday" which implies he was at Uncle Arnold's home last Sunday for lunch.

On May 27, this headline appeared: "London Minister Urges People to Pray for Oscar Pistorius"


NAPDSouthAfrica (Disabled Sport SA) whose aim is to create public awareness and interest regarding various sporting codes for the physically disabled responded that they were "thrilled that you met with Oscar and prayed for him, he needs all the emotional and spiritual support necessary."


IMO OP does not need prayers. Reeva's family need prayers hoping that OP will go to jail for 25 years! I pray for justice! All the prayers in the world will not save Oscar Pistorius from his fate now.

What do you think about suspected criminals hiding behind and using religion? What hypocrites they are. I guess this was a PR stunt organised by Uncle Arnie.

I put this up yesterday but it got deleted by the Mods. Maybe now its in the news it won't. Oscar looks happy as a sand boy doesn't he. The minister got a lot of negative responses on twitter.
I put this up yesterday but it got deleted by the Mods. Maybe now its in the news it won't. Oscar looks happy as a sand boy doesn't he. The minister got a lot of negative responses on twitter.


And he should. Where are the prayers for Reeva and her family?
Hard to believe a Man of God would do such a despicable thing. Guess anyone can be bought these days. Just sickening.
SMDH :what:
I put this up yesterday but it got deleted by the Mods. Maybe now its in the news it won't. Oscar looks happy as a sand boy doesn't he. The minister got a lot of negative responses on twitter.

I checked first to see if it had been posted and was surprised it had not been.
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