Just one more day, mom...

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I think she didn't leave town sooner because she was pretty much focused on being with Tony (plus, of course, her "back-up men" who she kept in touch with just in case things didn't work out with Tony). But as others have mentioned, by this point she's pretty close to the end of the hallway. Amy's about to figure out that she's been robbed, she's been cut off from other sources of funding like her grandfather's bank account, and I can see her figuring this is the time to cut and run - probably to another man. Once in California she could find a new circle of friends who wouldn't even know she'd had a baby. She could tell Mark the baby was with the grandparents, she could tell Cindy and George the baby was with her and Mark.


You hit the nail on the head. I think that's exactly what she had planned, but CA showed up. If CA had given her another day she would have been long gone by any means possible, probably ask MH to pay her way there and never contact GA/CA again...
I don't think it ever occurred to Casey that Amy would ever figure out about the money. Not because she thought she was some great manipulator, or that she was smart enough to carry out the theft, but because it simply ... did... not... occur to her. There's no way that somebody who writes a stolen check over to themselves (remember she wrote out a check payable to Casey Anthony), thinks beyond that ten minute period. Or let's go forty second period. She was thinking "cash the check", not what happens when Amy sees her check returned to her with that evidence on it.

When she cashed her grandmother's check to pay her phone bill, it obviously never occurred to her that that could be traced. Again, not because she thought she's so clever and old people don't notice things, but rather because the end result is it simply ... did...not...occur to her. She simply couldn't see it.

"I just hope the end justifies the means" wasn't something that she was truly thinking. It was something she read somewhere. She clearly has no concept of what that phrase really implies.

See, there was no leaving town. There was no trip to California. There was no bus ticket. She might have wanted to do those things, but there was never a moment's action put toward those things. There might have been a fleeting moment of renting an RV and driving around Chile, but that went as quickly as it came. And it only came in the first place because she heard somebody say it once, probably, or saw it in a movie, or heard it in a song.

Nothing I have heard her say, and nothing I have read in her letters, has even the slightest tinge of originality in it.

Strike that... adopting an Irish baby with an accent... that's a new one on me.

I guess my thought is, the answer to the question - what would she have done with one more day - is truly, simply, and absolutely... nothing.
We are talking about Casey ten-minutes-at-a-time Anthony. She wouldn't have done very much with an extra day except make up yet another lie. She traveled within a relatively small area in Orlando. She rarely went outside the bounds of that area. I don't think she would have left town at all.

She would do what she has always done - make up another tale. I think she would have told Cindy that Zanny had taken Caylee on vacation with her and her sister's kids to get Caylee away from all the family drama and to give Casey a break (you know, with all the long hours she worked). Cindy might have balked a bit, but ultimately as always, she would give in to Casey. Heck, look at Cindy now and she KNOWS what Casey did to Caylee. She still tries to win Casey's approval to this day!

:clap: love this post!
Casey said this to Cindy at the time of the 911 calls. I'm just curious - what do you think Casey planned to do if she had that extra day, if Cindy had agreed to wait a day?

One thought I had was that she'd tell Cindy that she was going to get Caylee, but then she'd head out to California to her friend Mark, telling Cindy that she'd taken Caylee with her.

I just wonder what she thought she could do in a day that would solve the problem.


Tink, I have always thought the same thing. She could have taken someones CC. or cash, went to Ca. "taking Caylee" with her. She could have sooner or later dropped out of sight. Caylee would be gone and no one would know it.A perfect job of it. Yes she had plans for that day but Mommy called her on it! Oh yes she had big plans. She could have become lost in the crowd..IMO.:seeya:
I don't think it ever occurred to Casey that Amy would ever figure out about the money. Not because she thought she was some great manipulator, or that she was smart enough to carry out the theft, but because it simply ... did... not... occur to her. There's no way that somebody who writes a stolen check over to themselves (remember she wrote out a check payable to Casey Anthony), thinks beyond that ten minute period. Or let's go forty second period. She was thinking "cash the check", not what happens when Amy sees her check returned to her with that evidence on it.

When she cashed her grandmother's check to pay her phone bill, it obviously never occurred to her that that could be traced. Again, not because she thought she's so clever and old people don't notice things, but rather because the end result is it simply ... did...not...occur to her. She simply couldn't see it.

"I just hope the end justifies the means" wasn't something that she was truly thinking. It was something she read somewhere. She clearly has no concept of what that phrase really implies.

See, there was no leaving town. There was no trip to California. There was no bus ticket. She might have wanted to do those things, but there was never a moment's action put toward those things. There might have been a fleeting moment of renting an RV and driving around Chile, but that went as quickly as it came. And it only came in the first place because she heard somebody say it once, probably, or saw it in a movie, or heard it in a song.

Nothing I have heard her say, and nothing I have read in her letters, has even the slightest tinge of originality in it.

Strike that... adopting an Irish baby with an accent... that's a new one on me.

I guess my thought is, the answer to the question - what would she have done with one more day - is truly, simply, and absolutely... nothing.

.. love this one too lol
We are talking about Casey ten-minutes-at-a-time Anthony. She wouldn't have done very much with an extra day except make up yet another lie. She traveled within a relatively small area in Orlando. She rarely went outside the bounds of that area. I don't think she would have left town at all.

She would do what she has always done - make up another tale. I think she would have told Cindy that Zanny had taken Caylee on vacation with her and her sister's kids to get Caylee away from all the family drama and to give Casey a break (you know, with all the long hours she worked). Cindy might have balked a bit, but ultimately as always, she would give in to Casey. Heck, look at Cindy now and she KNOWS what Casey did to Caylee. She still tries to win Casey's approval to this day!

That might have worked, but for one thing... the smell in the car. CA was not going to be put off one day longer, she wanted Caylee and she wanted her today, and no more lies. We don't know what all the previous 911 calls to Hopespring drive were about but it wasn't something that CA did everytime ICA lied or stole,this had to be something very important for her to pick up the phone and ask for ICA to be arrested... she was not going to take any more delays or lies.
Casey said this to Cindy at the time of the 911 calls. I'm just curious - what do you think Casey planned to do if she had that extra day, if Cindy had agreed to wait a day?

One thought I had was that she'd tell Cindy that she was going to get Caylee, but then she'd head out to California to her friend Mark, telling Cindy that she'd taken Caylee with her.

I just wonder what she thought she could do in a day that would solve the problem.


I'm not so sure she really actually needed 'one more day'. I do not know why I think this way, but feel most of the lies and such were pre planned by all those calls between ica and Cindy, I'm just very skepitcal of this family. It could have been done just 'for show' because the 'audience' was on the other end of the line. I keep thinking about those 3 calls alone and can't understand for the life of me why Cindy would have to make up a 'stolen car' story and lay it out there first, before concern of her grand daughter. 31 days without seeing Caylee would be much more important that a stolen car that wasn't stolen at all. Of course in those 31 days would have been a good time to call LE anyway, I mean, when does one say enough excuses, where's Caylee?
Whatever Cindy said about this and those calls was just more misinformation. Nobody really does know what those conversations were about, it's just her word and I think we know about her words by now. :banghead:
If Casey had been successful in getting "just one more day", she may have tried to hide by going to one of her friends, or leaving town with what little money she had. She might continue with calling Cindy and saying all was okay and that Caylee was with her and they were at Zanny's.

But, George and Cindy had Casey's car and that car smelled of decomposition. That stinky car was reason enough for LE to investigate.

In the end, I don't think "one more day" would have changed the outcome. Casey would have been found within a short period of time (police would use her cell phone to find her), and Casey would have to explain where Caylee was.
Thing is ica never ventured very far from home in those 31 days, actually returning in a 13-16 day timeframe for the gas and then to bring the cans back, and she went home again somewhere along the line for the foodstuffs she donated to TL. She had stolen money she could have used for some form of travel to someplace other than FL.
Still don't understand leaving a car like that and not calling LE a.s.a.p. This family just isn't that stupid. A reason for everything that has transpired.
I don't think it ever occurred to Casey that Amy would ever figure out about the money. Not because she thought she was some great manipulator, or that she was smart enough to carry out the theft, but because it simply ... did... not... occur to her. There's no way that somebody who writes a stolen check over to themselves (remember she wrote out a check payable to Casey Anthony), thinks beyond that ten minute period. Or let's go forty second period. She was thinking "cash the check", not what happens when Amy sees her check returned to her with that evidence on it.

When she cashed her grandmother's check to pay her phone bill, it obviously never occurred to her that that could be traced. Again, not because she thought she's so clever and old people don't notice things, but rather because the end result is it simply ... did...not...occur to her. She simply couldn't see it.

"I just hope the end justifies the means" wasn't something that she was truly thinking. It was something she read somewhere. She clearly has no concept of what that phrase really implies.

See, there was no leaving town. There was no trip to California. There was no bus ticket. She might have wanted to do those things, but there was never a moment's action put toward those things. There might have been a fleeting moment of renting an RV and driving around Chile, but that went as quickly as it came. And it only came in the first place because she heard somebody say it once, probably, or saw it in a movie, or heard it in a song.

Nothing I have heard her say, and nothing I have read in her letters, has even the slightest tinge of originality in it.

Strike that... adopting an Irish baby with an accent... that's a new one on me.

I guess my thought is, the answer to the question - what would she have done with one more day - is truly, simply, and absolutely... nothing.

I am right there with ya on this one, Gnatcatcher! She may have had a thought about how she was going to deal with something, but then something else would get in her way! Like, "Gee, this car smells! Maybe I should dump it like in that one movie I saw that time! Yes! No one will ever know, and then.....Ooooh! Tropical Skittles! Two for a dollar! SCORE!" Or, perhaps, something like, "Damn! I can't keep saying that Caylee is with the Nanny forever! Someone is going to catch on pretty soon. I gotta come up with something better so.....SWEET! Party at Fusion tonight! Better start texting EVERYONE to come!" I have heard JB say, in a mocking tone, that everyone thinks that KC is a criminal mastermind. No, JB, we don't think that at all. We think she is a lazy criminal who did just enough to get away with it for the moment. She couldn't be bothered with what she did long enough to do any real good planning, because she simply didn't care enough about it. She had places to go and people to see! How's that working for you now, KC? :floorlaugh:
My first impression was that she would run.
Now, after reading the posts..not so sure..
I can see her easily blending into a Gentlemens Club,
looking for money to tide her over till Plan B 4.3 ... Ala Anna Nicole..
Mom could have given her 12 hours..
In that time she would have rescued her daughter from the bad nanny.
ICA and Caylee Marie would be in hiding for their own saftey.
Cindy would not call LE, per Casey's instructions, for fear of their lives..
problem solved..
Casey does poof forever, while CA is tormented by the vanishment.
Casey, I think, would have enjoyed inflicting that type of revenge..
IMHO, of course.

Back from Vacation,
Ecstatic to be back at my monitor!
Interesting to read everyone's thoughts here. I have wondered since I first heard Caylee was missing why KC didn't run away during that 31 days. Obviously it is not possible to make "sense" of either her thoughts or actions, but here are my thoughts about it...

KC had distanced herself from her family and her friends in such a way during the first few weeks after Caylee's death that no one knew where to find her - so she didn't feel compelled to run because no one really knew where to find her anyway. If CA went to KC's old friends to find out where she might be, they couldn't help - they didn't know the TL & Fusion crowd. Same thing had CA gone to RM or AH and friends - or even JG - they had met TL but even AH didn't know where he lived until 7/15.

If KC had kept it that way then she might have continued to elude CA for much longer. Who knows how long she would have continued her lies to CA if it hadn't been for her car getting towed? She wasn't expecting that. She thought she would take AH's gas can to get gas without anyone with her in case the car still smelled but she waited too long and the car was gone. This may have been the first time that KC realized she couldn't keep her secrets indefinitely.

Within a few days of the car being towed, KC gets the tatoo, composes Diary of Days doc (which she later posts on my space), steals AH's $400, eludes LA at clubs, lets CA go to Universal expecting to pick up Caylee, parties with WW, and deletes My Space comments. I have long thought that those deletions were the beginnings of an attempt to hide potential clues of how to find her or contact people who might know how to reach her. I do not think she had a "plan" but had begun to feel the walls closing in on her "beautiful life".

In the days that followed, KC cleared out AH's checking account, tells MH she wants to visit him in CA, posts "diary of days" doc, creates "why do people kill people who kill" graphics file, and the one about "leaving the pieces on the floor", and wakes up from "nightmares" at TL's. (I don't think they were nightmares about Caylee - but about the walls closing in on her.)

Once AH returns home from PR, KC knows it is only a matter of time before AH figures out who cleared her checking account. The walls are closing in and she even posts a message to AH about hoping she stays off facebook or something - she's probably hoping AH stays off the computer completely because she doesn't want her seeing her checking account balance quite yet.

I'm pretty sure that AH said when she dropped KC off at TL's on the 15th it was the first time she'd been there. So now, AH will know where to find her if and when she does figure out that she is the one who wiped out her checking account. Was she getting ready to flee so it didn't matter that she had now shown AH the way to her boyfriend's home? Was the "blue screen" LA reported finding on the laptop when he picked it up another step in the attempt to coverup where she might be going or who she might be with? I'm really puzzled by that because if she was going to flee I would have expected the laptop to go with her so why try to wipe it out? (if she did???)

But is that why she wanted "one more day" from CA? And would she have headed to see MH in CA? If CA had given her one more day but likely insisted that she stay at the A's home and they go get Caylee first thing in the morning - would CA have awoken to find her daughter, her car, and her money gone?

Yep, I think she would have......
snipped from post 40 aafromaa
But is that why she wanted "one more day" from CA? And would she have headed to see MH in CA? If CA had given her one more day but likely insisted that she stay at the A's home and they go get Caylee first thing in the morning - would CA have awoken to find her daughter, her car, and her money gone? Most likely if CA woke up at all.
A question related to the 'one more day' comment from KC. I just listened to that first call again and KC says something else after Cindy tells her I am not giving you one more day. I have spent the last half hour trying to find out what KC said AFTER the one more day comment and can't find any transcript that has it in there. Does anyone know what that second comment from KC said?
A question related to the 'one more day' comment from KC. I just listened to that first call again and KC says something else after Cindy tells her I am not giving you one more day. I have spent the last half hour trying to find out what KC said AFTER the one more day comment and can't find any transcript that has it in there. Does anyone know what that second comment from KC said?

Macushla...can you link the call?

I'll try to deciper it...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Macushla...can you link the call?

I'll try to deciper it...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

here are all three calls. I can hear KC say something after Cindy tells her no more, but I can't make out what it is. It is the in the first call on this video.


Thanks LLL, appreciate it.
Those 911 calls just break my heart. When the jury hears Cindy's panic and her growing horror at the realization that Caylee is gone, it will be powerful testimony. There is no way the defense or CA will be able to explain away the raw emotion and TRUTH in those calls. It smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car. :(
Sorry, Macushula...can't make it out either...:maddening:

You have now piqued my interest....I did hear I can....and then it just is too softly said...


Justice for Caylee
i just relistened to the 911 tapes and while i didnt hear casey say anything at that moment you are speaking of I did notice something else. When she gives the 911 operator the name of the "nanny" She says the name zenaida perfectly. The way a hispanic would say it, with a softer d. I found it interesting.
KC had held out $200 which CA found in KC's wallet. So KC had a backup plan. jmo

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