Just one more day, mom...

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I think she wanted to get back over to TonE's so she could explain the problems she was facing, he was obviously her priority at that time. I don't know that she would have fled, because I believe she was looking forward to the torture she was going to inflict on her mother and father, everyone else was just a bonus. I think she relished the idea of sticking around and watching the action. I do think she thought LE would believe her and she'd be seen as that victim she liked to remind everyone of. jmo
No it doesn't and just the same sort of thing she does in one of the jail visits "What am I supposed to learn" or something like that. mo Plus if she still doesn't get these facts when the verdict is read she will imo when she goes to prison. mo

You can "rephrase" the question.
"What am I "GOING" to learn?"
Answer: That you can't get away with murdering your child.
Casey had 31 days to get out of town.

That's right - and she had all Amy's money. Instead of spending it to get away, she went shopping for clothes and food.

I don't understand why people say she's intelligent . I don't think she's smart - just cleverly manipulative by instinct.

She wanted to be with TL at that moment, and got rid of what was preventing it. She obviously never thought about the future. If she did, she'd have realized that she couldn't hold CA off forever.

Now she walks into court everyday like she's going to her birthday party.
She's an enigma to me.

That's right - and she had all Amy's money. Instead of spending it to get away, she went shopping for clothes and food.

I don't understand why people say she's intelligent . I don't think she's smart - just cleverly manipulative by instinct.

She wanted to be with TL at that moment, and got rid of what was preventing it. She obviously never thought about the future. If she did, she'd have realized that she couldn't hold CA off forever.

Now she walks into court everyday like she's going to her birthday party.
She's an enigma to me.


I think that Casey's world ended at the Orlando city limits. Casey leaving and headed to another city was as likely as Casey going to another planet. She might have gone to New York, but only if Tony took her.

I think her dream world was Tony's apartment, as witnessed by what she did with Amy's money. She put it into stuff for that apartment, her dream world. When Tony left for New York, she just puttered around Orlando awaiting his return, so he could let her back into the apartment.

Given another day, she wouldn't have done anything productive. IMO
I really think she would have skipped town and I am surprised she did not leave after she killed her baby girl.
I really think she would have skipped town and I am surprised she did not leave after she killed her baby girl.

Maybe, but a big hurdle to overcome was her lack of transportation. She'd dumped her car and was taken home by Cindy - no way was CA letting her take off with a friend in order to get anywhere. Plus, she had $200 of Amy's money, but no where to go except MAYBE Calif. She didn't even have her phone with her. She was pretty much trapped. I believe she thought she could talk CA into taking her back to TL's.

What troubles me - a I posted about it on another thread - is why she had a weak moment and told them Caylee was gone. With what she's come up with before and after, I don't understand it.

You know, I thought this was a bunch of BS for the longest time. But I've been rethinking. I really do wonder if she had planned on reporting Caylee missing the next day. Freaking out about how this is three days in a row she can't get ahold of Zani or something, wondering if something happened.

I say this because she had no source of money anymore. She had been able to get by without a car through the coincidence of having first TonE's and then Amy's available, but now Amy was back and she was stuck.

I think she already saw how it would play out in her mind....TonE would be there for her....like a knight in shining armor. People would be coming out of the woodwork to help her, food, money, whatever she needed. She might even get on TV. And if GA and CA gave her any grief about "losing" Caylee or the car, TonE would defend her. La Bella Vita indeed.

I agree with the bolded. I think that is just what ICA would have done,only the idea was probably just occurring to her. She would have asked to borrow the family car and upon the "no" had CA or GA take her to Zannys. When somebody else lived there or the apt was empty. OMG call the police she took my baby. "Thats why Zanny kept wanting to take her out of town she was planning to kidnap her".
I don't understand why people say she's intelligent . I don't think she's smart - just cleverly manipulative by instinct.

I have been thinking about this question of KC's intelligence since opening statements. I am annoyed by commentators who say she has greater than average intelligence. I believe above average intelligence is yet another characteristic she wishes she possessed and builds elaborate lies to support.

She does not have a brilliant criminal mind. She is merely selfish to the point of ignoring many social mores to get her way. Just because most people will not push these limits does not make one who does brilliant, only difficult for the rest of us to understand. KC is vindictive, also beyond the average person's limits. This does not make her a mastermind, nor her actions in any way special, only astonishing to those of us who cannot imagine letting our petty angers get away from our better selves.

Her lies, current and past, are neither particularly intelligent nor brilliant, just excessive and far beyond what many of the rest of us can fathom producing. With that one more day, I think she was working her imagination as hard as she possibly could at the moment she spoke, and given that time might have come up with a number of scenarios -- including running away to California or even somehow "taking care" of her own parents.
Who ever said she was smart?
If she was smart, she would have disposed of Caylee on the 16th, thus avoiding the entire decomp issue altogether, and this case could be in a very different place. And if she was smart, she would not have used the heart sticker. Or disposed of Caylee in a place that Zanny or an imaginary kidnapper never would have used.
That asking for one more day...just kind of adds to my feelings that she doesn't plan ahead...she acts and reacts on spur of the moment. She killed Caylee in whatever way, and then had no plan whatsoever. Who drives around, continuing their life, with the body of their child in their trunk? Not someone who had a plan.
IMO, if KC had been given "one more day", she would have attended one more Fusion party, one more romp in the sack with TonE, or some other guy if TonE had been scared off by CA's words, one more chance to steal from someone, and one more lie to tell anyone and everyone who asked her a question. She would not have fled. That would require too much effort on her part. moo
About ICA and planning, I heard or read a profiler say once that most killers don't think very far past the actual act....that's why they get tripped up by the little things. Like Scott Peterson buying the boat, researching the tides, obviously premeditating, but he seemed to have forgot to plan an alibi as he told some people he was boating and others he was golfing. Or how the police noticed he hadn't bought Laci any Christmas presents....

I definitely agree ICA lives moment to moment and doesn't plan life far in advance. That's why she had all those crazy new excuses for Cindy every other day about being in Tampa, Jacksonville, etc. She sticks to her story until her back is against the wall, and then invents a new one....like when Lee was questioning her on the 15th or in the hallway near her "office" at Universal. I think she knew that her back was against the wall even before Cindy found her. TonE would only buy the "my car is in the shop" story for so long and Amy was bound to figure out any minute that her account was wiped out. Amy would totally have known it was Casey once she talked to the bank. Her only play was "I had to steal that money to find my missing daughter."
I think she would have bolted in that 1 more day. I think she would have bolted long before that, within that 31 days, but she got sidetracked with TL & figured her mom would not be able to find her at his apartment so she felt "safe". As Linask pointed out in post #28, she only needed $137 to make it to San Diego & she had that in her wallet. Once there she figured she had MH to mooch off of for awhile.

I think she honestly believed that everyone fell for her lies because no one ever called her out on them.....they just ignored them, which led her to think they believed her. So on her way to California she would have time to make up yet another lie for her family to buy.

I also do not discard the idea that she may have had plans to set up an "accident" for her parents.....using household weapons of course.

BBM: I wonder how long it would have taken CA to find ICA had CA not found the piece of paper in ICA's car with Amy's cellphone number on it? I think ICA needed another day to come up with a story to tell her mother. I think ICA was taken totally off guard when Amy and CA showed up at TL's.
If she was a true criminal mind, ICA would have gotten rid of the body immediately and headed out of town. She could have either contacted her parents afterwards that she'd left with Caylee or she could have remained silent.

But ICA wasn't going anywhere. She didn't really go anywhere the weeks she was hiding out from her parents and lying about the Nanny. She was still in Orlando!

Look, she had a car she needed to get around in and she leaves it in a parking lot, smelling like a dead body at a place where there were signs posted cars left would be towed. She didn't have a plan it seems for that car afterwards.
She had no idea just when her parents would be notified and would go to retrieve that car.

It wasn't until her parents discoverd the car and got a whiff that the hammer fell on ICA. She had no plan for that either.

One more day was just a phrase or excuse that was a habit for her. And she must have believed her parents would go along. That's what she was trying for - an instant relief at that time.

However, it is my belief that George and Cindy, after smelling the car and finding Casey's car seat and her backpack in the car had a strong idea something was up. Where ever Caylee was, she should have had her car seat and backpack with her.

I don't think Cindy went after Amy for help find ICA because of the car being abanded and towed, or over any money ICA may have taken, she went on a search, with Amy leading the way, for one reason - to find out why they hadn't seen their granddaughter for so long. Same reason Cindy sent Lee out to search and find ICA earlier.

Her parents knew something wasn't right when it came to Caylee.
When the A's got ICA's car back home and CA texted ICA something about 'big problem', does anyone remember if she got any response back from ICA?
I think it was to have all started out as an abduction from the park, but something went wrong, she chickened out, and the odor got into the vehicle. If the odor hadn't gotten into the vehicle, Casey could have pulled an abduction after the first week and made up a different babysitter. After the odor was apparent she knew she was screwed because police would check it out. Then, she was probably going to burn the car, especially the trunk with the gasoline, but knew that wouldn't work either, because Caylee hadn't been seen in a couple of weeks, and she could produce no nanny. She didn't have enough money to really go anywhere, and Cindy was threatening to turn the car in as stolen. After the car started smelling she knew she couldn't claim adbuction, and after 31 days she knew the nanny story wouldn't work either. She was cornered, and the only hope was to convince Cindy to NOT call cops just yet. That was her only hope, but it didn't work either, so she told Cindy the 2 year old successful Zanni lie, and had to keep it up with the cops. If it weren't for the smell she could have said she'd allowed a nice lady she'd befriended at the park to watch Caylee for a few nights because she was homeless, and admitted all the lies about working.
Casey told the cops herself that her biggest mistake was not calling them first thing, and she's right. Also, someone did look up missing kids on the computer.
Who ever said she was smart?
If she was smart, she would have disposed of Caylee on the 16th, thus avoiding the entire decomp issue altogether, and this case could be in a very different place. And if she was smart, she would not have used the heart sticker. Or disposed of Caylee in a place that Zanny or an imaginary kidnapper never would have used.
That asking for one more day...just kind of adds to my feelings that she doesn't plan ahead...she acts and reacts on spur of the moment. She killed Caylee in whatever way, and then had no plan whatsoever. Who drives around, continuing their life, with the body of their child in their trunk? Not someone who had a plan.

I agree, she had no plan. This was impulsive and possibly accidental. But definitely not well planned.

I have always wondered why Casey waited to move Caylee's body... and it is one of the reasons I don't think it was planned days in advance.

I don't think she knew what to do with a body once she killed someone.

Killers often go where they are comfortable, Caylee's body was left somewhere that Casey was comfortable.

I have always wondered why Casey did not put the body where it would never be found.

Honestly, during those first 5 months my thought process was "this is Florida... this girl grew up there... I could get rid of a body in Florida so that it would be destroyed... there is no hope they will find Caylee's body."

Why wouldn't she put a body in a swamp... lake... other body of water?

Because she hadn't thought for weeks "where is the best place to put a body?"

If she HAD planned it more in advance we wouldn't be sitting here... because there would have been no smell in that car, no probable cause for a murder charge and that little girl would have never been found.
The nanny thing too, shows that she doesn't see beyond the tip of her nose IMO.

It worked to stall Cindy for a while but there was not a chance that she wouldn't call the police eventually if Casey continued saying Caylee was constantly with the nanny, and there was even less of a chance that the police would fall for a kidnapper who doesn't exist.
I agree, she had no plan. This was impulsive and possibly accidental. But definitely not well planned.

I have always wondered why Casey waited to move Caylee's body... and it is one of the reasons I don't think it was planned days in advance.

I don't think she knew what to do with a body once she killed someone.

Killers often go where they are comfortable, Caylee's body was left somewhere that Casey was comfortable.

I have always wondered why Casey did not put the body where it would never be found.

Honestly, during those first 5 months my thought process was "this is Florida... this girl grew up there... I could get rid of a body in Florida so that it would be destroyed... there is no hope they will find Caylee's body."

Why wouldn't she put a body in a swamp... lake... other body of water?

Because she hadn't thought for weeks "where is the best place to put a body?"

If she HAD planned it more in advance we wouldn't be sitting here... because there would have been no smell in that car, no probable cause for a murder charge and that little girl would have never been found.

WOW your last paragraph really struck me. VERY TRUE!
All of Casey's lies are very elaborate and aimed at making herself either look like a victim or convincing someone that she is better than she really is. She may have spent so much time figuring out how to make herself a victim and how to get out of the recent thefts that she forgot about the other details, plus made a mistake with allowing the odor. If the case hadn't gone so public, no one would ever have thorougly searched the area. They'd all have said it was already searched when it really wasn't, which is what happened. Maybe she was thinking mostly of how to get out of something instead of how to get away with murder.

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