Justin Billings

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LE spends a lot of time asking Justin if he told someone the safe was stolen and verifying that he couldn't have known it was stolen.

It seems like the police learned that Justin told someone the safe was stolen earlier than Justin should have learned about it from LE.

We must be missing something in another person's statement or a police report.

from the doc release:

Gail Lee Cambre (waiting for her date w/Justin) was called by Justin on the night of the murders at 8:13pm:
"He told me that his Dad was shot in the head 6 times and then his Mom was shot in the back 23 times and that the safe was taken"
And the fact that he was in military school...could he have made contact with the military guy that was arrested? Or aquaintences they both knew?

And WTH was with the gang member from Colorado? Oh...ummm...let me just out of the blue call this guy up to see if he might know if there is a contract out for somebody in Pensacola....WTH???? Something smells with that kid
I know exactly the road (shortcut rd used by locals to miss red light on Blue Angel & Mobile Rd) Justin says he seen a red vehicle.

From the Billings house to that shortcut it would take around 5 minutes driving normally...well normal for me, maybe 6-7 minutes for a really slow driver.
Someone who had committed murder could get there in a much shorter time, if they wanted to risk it.

Justin went home after dinner with Clear? when he had a girl waiting on him for a DATE? then calls her about 8:30-9 pm and says parents are dead???
And the fact that he was in military school...could he have made contact with the military guy that was arrested? Or aquaintences they both knew?
I think that's a stretch. Justin went to a military high school for grades 10-12. IMO it's more like a place parents send troubled teenagers.
On post #98 in Media Links, Solomisskitty posted this link:

"Blogger on Rick Outzen column today says she is Billings 2nd wife.


cindy poster #19 says:
August 18, 2009 at 10:45 pm
I am the second wife speaking for the 1st time to any one except one comment by them"

If this poster really is Billing's second wife, Cindy, (and we DON"T know for sure yet) she maintains that the Billings took Justin away from her after she had him for 7 years. I think we saw court documents that showed they also took children from their adult son, Michael.

Was it Justin that the Billings got court ordered counseling for? Because a child taken from his mother after 7 years would be traumatic? Questions, no answers here???

I'm just wondering what Justin knew about all this if it is true? I, too, think his statement is very strange.

ETA:passion Flower we were thinking the same thing at the same time!
Justin went home after dinner with Clear?
He was with Clear (supposedly having dinner at Clear's grandmother's house) at the time he heard about the murders, and Clear went with him to the Billings' property. Clear was helping take care of the children while Justin was being questioned by the police on the property.

I was questioning Justin seeing a red vehicle on his way to the Billings' house after he was notified of the murders. It seemed unlikely to me that there would still be a get-away-vehicle in the area after such a long time after the murders. I thought it was strange Justin would mention seeing a red vehicle because he probably passed quite a few vehicles during the 15-20 minute drive. And I really doubted it was possible for a get-a-way vehicle to still be in the area at that time.

when he had a girl waiting on him for a DATE? then calls her about 8:30-9 pm and says parents are dead???
I've said before that I don't think it's a big deal for a guy to stand up a girlfriend, especially an ex-girlfriend.
I think he was just "following the script" so to speak.

Hadn't he already seen the red van in the surveillance video that he had helped the police go over? He probably went back in his mind to see if he remembered a red van that he passed and thought he would mention it. He seems pretty vague about it, but maybe is trying to be "helpful"
I find it interesting the the statements from Clear nor his grandparents have not been released. I think LE knows more than they are releasing and holding these back as it may implicate JB and they are trying to pressure him? IMO it would make sense why all the other statements and not theirs?
Hadn't he already seen the red van in the surveillance video that he had helped the police go over? He probably went back in his mind to see if he remembered a red van that he passed and thought he would mention it. He seems pretty vague about it, but maybe is trying to be "helpful"


Like when he was asked if he had talked to his ex-girlfriend, he said no.
Later, they pinned him down that they texted.

"Why didn't you tell me that when I asked you?"
"You asked if I talked to her. I didn't talk to her."
Interesting that the Billings were shot in their bedroom... I wonder who all knew that that room was the only room without a camera.

Maybe Justin wasn't supposed to shut off the cameras, but instead gave out info that would prevent them from being detected. Hence the ninja garb - they wouldn't have needed it if they thought the cameras would be off.
Interesting that the Billings were shot in their bedroom... I wonder who all knew that that room was the only room without a camera.

Maybe Justin wasn't supposed to shut off the cameras, but instead gave out info that would prevent them from being detected. Hence the ninja garb - they wouldn't have needed it if they thought the cameras would be off.

They would if most of them thought this was just a robbery, not murder.
Hadn't he already seen the red van in the surveillance video that he had helped the police go over? He probably went back in his mind to see if he remembered a red van that he passed and thought he would mention it. He seems pretty vague about it, but maybe is trying to be "helpful"
The fact he was vague is strange too. In another part of an interview when he is discussing a different vehicle with LE, he brags about knowing vehicles because his father is in the car business. If he knows vehicles so well, why was he so vague about the red vehicle. He couldnt' say anything about it except that it was red. Even if he hadn't really noticed the vehicle, he would know remembered it vividly after seeing it on the surveillance videos if that's what sparked his memory. He'd be like "I SAW THAT VAN!!!!" but it didnt' go down like that.

Like when he was asked if he had talked to his ex-girlfriend, he said no.
Later, they pinned him down that they texted.

"Why didn't you tell me that when I asked you?"
"You asked if I talked to her. I didn't talk to her."

The way JB responds to LE makes me wonder if he seriously knows more or if he is just a seriously immature and disrespectful 20 yr. old!!
Interesting that the Billings were shot in their bedroom... I wonder who all knew that that room was the only room without a camera.

Maybe Justin wasn't supposed to shut off the cameras, but instead gave out info that would prevent them from being detected. Hence the ninja garb - they wouldn't have needed it if they thought the cameras would be off.

I was thinking the same thing, but I remembered a news report that said the suspects were surprised to hear the video wasnt' turned off.

Maybe the ninja garb was for the benefit of the suspects who thought they were there only for a robbery.

Even without a camera, they wouldnt' have wanted to be identified. They were thinking the Billingses would be alive afterwards.

Like when he was asked if he had talked to his ex-girlfriend, he said no.
Later, they pinned him down that they texted.

"Why didn't you tell me that when I asked you?"
"You asked if I talked to her. I didn't talk to her."

The way JB responds to LE makes me wonder if he seriously knows more or if he is just a seriously immature and disrespectful 20 yr. old!!
The family gets a lawyer from the start. The lawyer was present for the opening of the remaining safe. But Justin doesnt' ask for a lawyer when he clearly is being questioned as a suspect. I think Justin is very immature 20 year old.

I can't hold it against him when he said he didnt' talk to her when he texted her. LE did say to be honest. He very well could have been trying to be as honest as possible. Even the Colorado crap could be true. He could have honestly been asking around, trying to solve the murders himself, and someone told him that.

Dont' know. All I know is that it's not looking good for Justin.

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