Karr admits infront of camera

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Peter Hamilton said:
This guy is such a wimp--He looks and sounds gay--Still waiting for actual evidence--This could be a false confession--but he is definitely a pervert
thats not a fair comment-gays are not wimps-there is no relatioship between gays and wimps..and what does gay look and act like?? Rock Hudson was gay..was he a wimp?
thats not a fair statement to make-describe his behaviour and lose the gay bashing in its worst form-as if it doesnt even register to u that what you are saying is inaccurate.
He killed a girl not a boy..pedophiles are not gay only-some are gay most are straight men.
Does Colorado have the death penalty? What kind of sentence might he get if he's found to be guilty?
It's been said he had 3 children, any idea how old they are now, how terrible for them, I hope they have a good support system for the nightmare they'll find themselves in.

newtv said:
this just blows me away-it really does..he was with her when she died? I mean what is there to discuss. He is saying he is guilty.
My 83 year old mother recently flew out on her own to Canada for a holiday from Scotland. She phoned me when she arrived and I said "I was with you every minute of the way".

It's an expression which isn't necessarily literal.

I'd like to know what this guy meant. He didn't say he killed her. He said he was "with her when she died". That is such a weird thing to say IMO. His whole interview was weird.

If he's been in e-mail contact with Michael Tracey - who claims to have information about previously unknown evidence and was going to write about it in his book ... who knows what will come out of this.

Tracey has been so desperate to solve this case that he made a fraudulent documentary fingering an innocent man as the perp. I have a sinking feeling about this - it's like that guy DOuglas someone in the van Dam case who was desperate to have Damon vanDam convicted of Danielle's murder and he just happened to find "evidence" in the desert.
Jayelles said:
My 83 year old mother recently flew out on her own to Canada for a holiday from Scotland. She phoned me when she arrived and I said "I was with you every minute of the way".

It's an expression which isn't necessarily literal.

I'd like to know what this guy meant. He didn't say he killed her. He said he was "with her when she died". That is such a weird thing to say IMO. His whole interview was weird.

If he's been in e-mail contact with Michael Tracey - who claims to have information about previously unknown evidence and was going to write about it in his book ... who knows what will come out of this.

Tracey has been so desperate to solve this case that he made a fraudulent documentary fingering an innocent man as the perp. I have a sinking feeling about this - it's like that guy DOuglas someone in the van Dam case who was desperate to have Damon vanDam convicted of Danielle's murder and he just happened to find "evidence" in the desert.
he did not say he didnt kill her?? where do u get that-he was with her in the basement when she died-it was an accident - I am not innocent..what is there to guess about.


Thank you for your posts....you say exactly what I have been trying to say. You say exactly how I feel about this. It is terrible that the Ramseys have been tried and found guilty in the court of public opinion! They have been scrutinized to the max and never one bit of damning evidence has ever been tied to them in this case. And, yet, here is a pedophile confessing to this sadistic crime and people are still hung up on accusing Patsy! Ick !!!

Being a child *advertiser censored* freak, in my opinion, is akin to being a pedophile! If one gets aroused on the sight of naked little babies and children, to me, that's a pedophile!

If it smells like a pig, looks like a pig and acts like a pig.....it's not a duck just because people want to think it is!!
Yes,Colorado does have the death penalty--If this is indeed the guy who killed her,it would be appropiate for him to be executed--but if he pleads guilty,he'll more likely spend the rest of his life in prison
julianne said:


Thank you for your posts....you say exactly what I have been trying to say. You say exactly how I feel about this. It is terrible that the Ramseys have been tried and found guilty in the court of public opinion! They have been scrutinized to the max and never one bit of damning evidence has ever been tied to them in this case. And, yet, here is a pedophile confessing to this sadistic crime and people are still hung up on accusing Patsy! Ick !!!

Being a child *advertiser censored* freak, in my opinion, is akin to being a pedophile! If one gets aroused on the sight of naked little babies and children, to me, that's a pedophile!

If it smells like a pig, looks like a pig and acts like a pig.....it's not a duck just because people want to think it is!!
i agree..i mean how insane is that-u have a confessed pervert and parents who have never allowed themselves to be fingered in all this time-not one slip-nothing and they are still the real perps..give me a break.
This guy is a criminal in the eyes of the law-thats a fact..he is running from a charge..and now he confesses and people are laying awake thinking up reasons its still patsy?? I shake my weary head.
The "famous musician" who was caught was Pete Townshend of theBritish rock group The Who--He paid with his credit card to watch child *advertiser censored*--but like Karr,he said he was doing research,because Townshend said he was molested himself as a kid--Townshend got off with a warning--he was very lucky
Peter Hamilton said:
The "famous musician" who was caught was Pete Townshend of theBritish rock group The Who--He paid with his credit card to watch child *advertiser censored*--but like Karr,he said he was doing research,because Townshend said he was molested himself as a kid--Townshend got off with a warning--he was very lucky
Karr said he had the child *advertiser censored* because he was doing research??? I haven't read or heard that at all. Please provide a link that says Karr used the *advertiser censored* for research purposes---because I don't think that has been reported AT ALL.

But...I could be wrong!:p

Please post your source for that info...
julianne said:
Karr said he had the child *advertiser censored* because he was doing research??? I haven't read or heard that at all. Please provide a link that says Karr used the *advertiser censored*---because I don't think that has been reported AT ALL.

But...I could be wrong!:p

Please post your source for that info...
this is what his family said-and thats a convenient way of living in denial..
Even though I finally got to see the clip of Karr admitting to the media, thank you so much for transcribing it, Jayelles! :) Appreciate it!
newtv said:
he did not say he didnt kill her?? where do u get that-he was with ehr in the basement when she dies-it was an accident - I am not innocent..what is there to guess about.
Have you ever been with someone when they died? Does that mean you killed that person?
Jayelles said:
Have you ever been with someone when they died? Does that mean you killed that person?
It only means I killed that person if that person was murdered and I was the only person who was there when that person was murdered.

He said he was in the basement with her! He said no one else was there! She was murdered, he said he was the only person with her, was with her when she died, and said he was in the basement with her.

IMO, doesn't get much more open & shut than that!

We should be happy about this arrest, it's evidence that the DA has been working hard to bring closure to this case.
I am just getting a horrible sinking feeling that this guy maybe just a 'nutcase'. I hope this is not going to be a false confession.Sorry to pour water on it all. Have just seen Dr baden on fox and he has really cooled it all down. Mr Scary has family alibi's for that period over Xmas.. Law enforcement will have to prove beyond reason that he was in Boulder. Hope this is not going to be a false alarm. Would love to see justice for dear Jon Benet.This poor little girl did not deserve to be killed in such a manner, no child should ever suffer. Makes my flesh crawl to think of Mr scary's other crimes.:mad: :banghead:
julianne,yes its been widely reported that Karr was doing research for a book--maybe his nervous brother said it--lol
Jayelles said:
Have you ever been with someone when they died? Does that mean you killed that person?
are u serious?
If i was the last person with someone who was murdered and i said her death was an accident (which noone else said), then if I didnt murder her i watched her be murdered..but that doesnt even make sense-he said he was with her and it was an accident..and he is not innocent..he didnt choose the question the reporter did- if the reporter had said - are u guilty he may well have said yes. It was a stupid way to ask the question and a missed opportunity-why ask in a negative-give him the question in a form where he can confirm it.
kazzbar said:
I am just getting a horrible sinking feeling that this guy maybe just a 'nutcase'. I hope this is not going to be a false confession.Sorry to pour water on it all. Have just seen Dr baden on fox and he has really cooled it all down. Mr Scary has family alibi's for that period over Xmas.. Law enforcement will have to prove beyond reason that he was in Boulder. Hope this is not going to be a false alarm. Would love to see justice for dear Jon Benet.This poor little girl did not deserve to be killed in such a manner, no child should ever suffer. Makes my flesh crawl to think of Mr scary's other crimes.:mad: :banghead:
just because the brother said it doesnt make it so..they will have to prove that and i would think they have already checked it out because they are not going to run with a false confession if its that easily botched..they would have asked him about his wherabouts and I am sure they are confident its him
newtv said:
and what really fries me is ther he is saying he did it-and people are still doubting him-I mean why would anyone set that up?
He isnt winning a peace prize..he is admitting to killing someone who became a natinal treasure..what would he ever make it up for.
May Patsy rest in peace with her child now......

I heard on MSNBC that this guy was sending Patsy e-mails.....weirdo!!!!!!!:confused:
newtv said:
you know what gets to me..people would rather believe that 2 non-violent-non perverted parents did this to her than to embrace the probabilty that a pedophile did it who has confessed to parts of the crime and who has prior charges that he ran from..he also knows jon benet and was in love with her..but people would rather continue accusing upstanding people even when the evidence has pointed away from them for years.

it makes no sense to doubt and that a pedophile did it in favor of 2 adults with no background of violence or abuse..over bed wetting non the less.

its incredulous to me - it really is.
this is extraordinary news and if it were anyone else people would just be thankful there has been an arrest-but not here-instead lets trash the whole process in favor of the parents.
newtv, you are so very wrong.

Many of us have followed the evidence, along with the F.B.I. C.B.I. other high profile professionals and the evidence led us to someone in the house that night.

Someday I might record a DVD that shows all the evidence backed up by the facts.

This isn't the guy. Michael Tracey is involved. Wherever Tracey is slim is sure to follow.

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