Katie Holmes gives Suri "adult" candy

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You and me both, sister! :blowkiss:

Oh_gal, I really have gotten a lot out your thoughts in this discussion - Kimberly's too. I hope my posts haven't come across as unduly snarky - sometimes it's hard to convey light-hearted disagreement on message boards, you know? It's a different medium than a friendly chat over a cup of coffee.

I have a good deal of hypervigilance in my personality too. It can be both a blessing and a curse. For me, it's actually been really good to work on NOT being so hypervigilance because that road leads me to a super controlling place where I pay more attention to everyone else's needs and issues at the neglect of focusing on the only person I can ever truly change - me!

Parenting is the hardest thing I have ever done. Since you are a mom of 3, I know you get what I'm saying. As you say, we have to pick our battles or we will lose our minds! And different Moms have different lines in the sand. FWIW, I don't think it's "prudish" to not want your young child playing with sex toys.

I am a better parent when I am gentle with myself and give myself a break. Because I am gentle with myself in that way, I am also gentle with others - especially when I don't have much info to go on.

For example (as has been touched on in this thread), I would NEVER have a child Suri's age up and out at a restaurant at 11 p.m. That doesn't suit me or my family. But other parents I know have much less regimented schedules and would see nothing odd about this and that attitude works for them. Neither parenting stance is right or wrong - just different strokes!

Absolutely no offense taken by me from your posts, or anyone else's whose opinion differs from mine [Likewise, I do not wish to be offensive in my "exuberance" in the matter!]! Like you, it's been elightening for me reading the "other side." Hasn't changed my mind on the matter, but it has been enlightening! :grouphug:
I have to say, in that bottom picture, she looks like she's trying not to burst out laughing, while her eyes seem to say, "Look! Just look at what she's got!", while Suri seems very intent on the box. I'm just sayin....

Yeah, she does look like she is holding back a laugh, though she is looking away from her child as she does it. I remember when my son was young he couldn't say truck very well and would say F^ck instead, bad word, no no for a kid but he had no idea what he was saying.. no matter how many times I tried to correct him he'd still say the f word. His dad and I would laugh to one another.. couldn't help it.. not because we thought it was OK for him to say it but because here's this child, so innocent, has no idea what he's doing but in the adult world it means so much. "look- a F^ck, momma" *GaSp* but still funny. Like when babies fart in church.
I've seen this kind of candy many times. They do sell them here, right alongside the other candy...gummy worm, gummy ring, gummy fish, gummy penis.

Let me put it this way, I don't take my kids into the stores that sell them, however, I am not perfect, and with more stores picking them up daily as a "novelty item", it's within the realm of possibility that one of my kids will end up grabbing a box at some point. What sticks in a kids head more, gently removing something without a lot of ado, and saying, "No, honey, not right now." OR grabbing them from her hands, throwing them across the store and screaming, "NO, THOSE ARE BAD!!!" If my kids grab a box, I certainly won't flip, I'll just take them and say no, as soon as I notice, which if I am talking to two other people while holdig my child who is holding the box, might be as long as a full minute. Paparazzi play games, and that might be what happened here, right shot, right angle, right moment, just before Katie gently removed them and placed them back on the shelf, so as not to cause MORE questions that she might not want to answer at this in point in time.
If having the opinion that a 5 year old should not be around smut is being a prude, I'll gladly wear that title.

I see it as having common sense.

If this were a picture of a person involved in one of the cases here at WS, a lot of people would be screaming what a bad parent they are.

But since this is a celebrity, she gets a free pass and those who find it inappropriate are prudes.

Everyone has their own opinion. We can only agree to disagree. I have a 21 yr old unmarried and no college and living with my mom sister pregnant with her second child. I use that argument with my own 18yr old daughter who is entering college in the fall. Sex is not something to be embarrassed about nor prude about. My son is 14. I am a single mom and he is not embarrassed to ask me about the changes in his body. <<<<< I am proud of that. It is all around us and unless your children are locked in a closet and homeschooled, they are hearing it and seeing it.....daily. As for the padded bikini's, I would probably not buy one for my 8yr old because I do think it's inappropriate. However, I would not make a scene and protest.
Everyone has their own opinion. We can only agree to disagree. I have a 21 yr old unmarried and no college and living with my mom sister pregnant with her second child. I use that argument with my own 18yr old daughter who is entering college in the fall. Sex is not something to be embarrassed about nor prude about. My son is 14. I am a single mom and he is not embarrassed to ask me about the changes in his body. <<<<< I am proud of that. It is all around us and unless your children are locked in a closet and homeschooled, they are hearing it and seeing it.....daily. As for the padded bikini's, I would probably not buy one for my 8yr old because I do think it's inappropriate. However, I would not make a scene and protest.

I'm not sure where the "making a scene and protesting" part came into play here, but it's been mentioned several times. I would never make a scene, either. Neither would I stand there, though, hoping to ride it out. I don't recall anyone else saying they would make a scene, but I'm over 40...perhaps I zoned out and missed it!

I'm not sure where the "making a scene and protesting" part came into play here, but it's been mentioned several times. I would never make a scene, either. Neither would I stand there, though, hoping to ride it out.

like i said, we can only agree to disagree. opinions are exactly that. I did not imply you were making a scene or protesting. I was commenting on the "bikini" articles and uproar i've been reading in the news.
My favorite part of this is that Ellen says even SHE knows what that shape is.

Also, how both Katie and Ellen spell p-e-n-i-s instead of saying the word.

I know - so funny!

Sounds like Katie was shocked to find the naughty gummies in Serendipity (and then in her daughter's hands)! It also sounds like she handled it the way most moms would by taking them away.

The main difference between her and most moms is that she is plagued by paparazzi and strangers who pay too much attention to her every move!

Long live anonymity....it's the only way to live!
If you look really close at this picture, I'm not so sure you can use "good mom"!

There are several items on the shelf that are sexual in nature.
WHY are they standing at it????

ETA: At 5 I'm sure she can read. At least read basic words. That white box hanging down has the "other word for rooster" written on it in big red letters!

She's still 4 and I would be very surprised if a child that age knew that the other word for rooster is a euphemism for male genitalia. Anyhow, I'm always surprised at how panicked some of my fellow Americans get over things like this. I studied child development and child psychology. Seeing something that has to do with s.e.x. is not going to traumatize a child, IMO. They either don't recognize it or don't care. Unless the parents freak out: "Oh my God, NO!!!! Billy!!!! What do have in your hands! Oh BILLY!!! PUT THAT DOWN NOW!!" People really need to relax a bit.

I think what traumatizes kids are scenes of violence and witnessing really explicit *advertiser censored*-style sex acts or depictions thereof. (IMO, normal sex has nothing to do with the *advertiser censored* world which is gross and demeaning). But, if a kid sees something mildly sexual, they either don't recognize it or laugh it off.

Maybe having European parents is part of why I have a relaxed attitude about it. Mom is from Holland, (yes, Holland, that oh so nasty country where prostitution occurs basically only in one tiny neighborhood in the entire country, and is highly regulated) Dad from Spain. Children are not so shielded in those countries from the fact of sexuality, or the naked body, etc. Both countries have very low teen pregnancy rates. Holland is among the lowest in the western world, I believe. And they both have low rates of teen sex. Comparing America to Holland, our teens begin having sex much earlier than theirs and they have fewer teens having abortions. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epidemiology_of_teenage_pregnancy#Netherlands
Thus, Holland has a rate of five births for every 1000 teens, Spain has a rate of six births and we have a rate of 53, one of the highest in the world. And Holland has a rate of 3.9 abortions per 1000 teens where we have a rate of 30.2 abortions. Spain's numbers are similar to Holland's, very close.

So, I come from a background that understands that relaxing a little bit about sex, sexuality and the naked body doesn't harm kids, it actually results in less sex for teens, fewer pregnancies, etc. I know first hand that in both of my parents' countries, kids are exposed to things many of us would consider way too adult. And yet, I see the attitude children have and parents have in those places and that is that sex is okay for adults, it's not nasty or dirty or bad. When kids see something we in America would consider "sexual" in nature, it's laughed off there, sort of by, the parents. Kids kind of joke about it or ignore it.

On the other hand, here we are panicked at the thought of our children seeing a depiction of a penis, for example, or catching their parents having sex or seeing a "dirty" magazine. So we transmit this message to our kids, whether consciously or not, that sex is dirty, bad, taboo, and hence our kids cannot wait to find out more!

IMO, we need to calm down a bit. The kids will be okay. Katie Holmes doesn't seem like a bad mom to me for having her kid in a shop where there may be a few sexual party favors. It won't kill the kid. Frankly, I'm more worried about this baby being up late so often!
I'm calm! Lol
I just see it as inappropriate to say the least.

BTW- I also studied child development. But, I'm a mother. Been studying that for 13 years. And I can tell you, I'm not a prude and my daughter is perfectly comfortable talking to me about ANYTHING.

But that does not change the fact that a 5 year old child being held in front of shelves of sexually themed items is inappropriate.

It's our job to protect our babies from smut. Why items like that are sold in an ice cream shop baffles me. That's a great example of what this world is coming to.
If having the opinion that a 5 year old should not be around smut is being a prude, I'll gladly wear that title.

I see it as having common sense.

If this were a picture of a person involved in one of the cases here at WS, a lot of people would be screaming what a bad parent they are.

But since this is a celebrity, she gets a free pass and those who find it inappropriate are prudes.

I don't think any of us here are awed by this woman's celebrity. Yeah, we'd probably be more critical in general of a murder suspect's parenting skills but I know for a fact that many of the posters defending this tiny moment in time are not star struck at all. I actually feel irritated by Tom and Katie. Celebs in general seem narcissistic and overindulged. But I also think they are overly scrutinized. I think most of us are responding to an incident that could actually happen to any one of us. In a celebs life, though, they are photographed relentlessly so a second or two is captured forever. Really, the paparazzi is out of control. I think they should be forced to stay back from the children of these people. The kids never asked for this kind of attention. It's horrid.

P.S., I don't find silly candy to be "smut". Dirty *advertiser censored* magazines or movies, yes, but this is just silly, IMO.

Some would argue that we need more prudes in the world today to combat push up and padded bikini tops for 7 year olds, the growing trend of sexual activity in grade school and bullying. If keeping my daughters from growing up too soon makes me a prude, sign me up!

What people don't seem to understand is that this is not just something to laugh off. It's a statement of our society that we would even THINK to laugh something like this off. This would never have happened 40 years ago. Look how far we've fallen. :(

It's a slippery slope, and some have slid off the radar.

I'm going to compare back to Europe which would cause some here to faint dead away if they saw what kids there sometimes see. Let me give you some examples. In the early 90's, when I was 21, my uncle drove me to a seedy street in Seville, with his two little girls (eight and six) in the back seat, so I could see something he thought was funny - transsexual prostitutes on the street, topless, with their *advertiser censored* showing, calling out to the passing cars. I'm amazed, never saw anything like that but being solidly American in culture when compared to my relations, I was shocked that he allowed the girls to come. He thought the whole thing was hilarious and said, "They don't understand and they don't really pay attention." Sure enough, they didn't seem to really be paying attention or to be impressed. It's just a completely different attitude over there. I also remember this children's program (at least that's what I thought it was), in Spain. It had kids on it and kids characters and stuff. Anyhow, the theme song seemed to be "Oye mama mis chichis!" At least that's what I heard. And a bunch of people would be singing the song and coming onto the set including Vegas showgirl type women with pasties! Again, I was somewhat startled, a kid's show? What the heck? I really didn't get it.

Here's the funny thing. I notice that in most parts of Europe, especially Spain, children dress like children. Not mini adults. I love the clothes there for babies and toddlers. Almost old fashioned - lots of knitted outfits, lace collars, just sweet. You would never see a child in a thong or sexy outfit in Spain. People would be horrified. Now, a kid naked at the beach? No problem. Most kids don't wear bathing suits until they are about six or so. Topless women on the beach? No problem and no one gets fussed except Muslim immigrants. But one of the first questions I was asked when I went to live there for a year at age 20, by ALL of my aunts was, "Are you a virgin?" I mean, that was a big deal. You don't *advertiser censored* around. It's not acceptable. I saw one teen mom and everyone in the neighborhood was appalled and said what a bad person and parent she was. I came home once very late (4:00 a.m.) after hanging with some people from the U.S. including Spaniards who were visiting and exchange students, who my dad told to look me up. I thought my dad facilitated the connection so it should be okay to hang out. Now, bars and clubs stay open there til' 6:00 a.m.. So, I didn't think it was bad to stay out that late. Oh Lordy! I came home and my aunt was standing there tapping her foot and telling me that only putas stay out til' four in the morning! She was furious!
It was okay to stay out late if I had family with me but if not, no way. And I was 21 by this point!

Spain is also one of the most religious countries I've been to. Holy Week is the biggest celebration of the year and incredible. It is like a religious Woodstock. Yet people aren't fussed about their kids seeing a naked woman or a "normal" (i.e. not *advertiser censored* film-style) sex act on t.v. or in a movie.

And what of my cousins whose dad so casually drove them by the street where the half-naked tranny hookers were yelling out at cars? One got married two years ago to an engineer. She is a sign-language interpreter for Parliament. They just had their first baby. She is 29. The second is finishing her master's in graphic arts. She is a Flamenco dancer, part of a women's drum core, an excellent professional photographer and has a nice boyfriend. Neither had teen sex and both are very well adjusted. And most of that is due to their dad, my crazy uncle, who is one of the funniest people I know. I call him the Spanish Chevy Chase. He doted on his girls and since he worked nights playing guitar (Flamenco), and my aunt was teaching during the day, he raised those girls and was a kind of Mr. Mom. He was so gentle and sweet with them - one of the best dad's I have met.

I think it's just perspective. We tend to view sex and the body as dirty and bad and to be absolutely hidden from kids. They tend to view it as normal and while children should not be exposed to anything too graphic, they laugh if off if kids see things we would avoid. They don't push their kids noses in it but don't go too crazy avoiding it. And yet, we tend to have a lot of perverts and molesters. They tend to have lower rates of sex crimes and less teen sex. We have little girls dressing in too mature clothing, trying to be like Brittany Spears, wearing thongs at age 8. They don't. I think there is a connection. When sexuality and the body are considered taboo, it causes problems. And that is where we are culturally in our country due to a definite Puritan influence that lasts to this day. :twocents:
I'm just glad my Mom and Dad raised me to have the "prudish" morals and values I have.
I'm praying my DD follows in my "prudish" footsteps. LOL

Moving on.
I don't think any of us here are awed by this woman's celebrity. Yeah, we'd probably be more critical in general of a murder suspect's parenting skills but I know for a fact that many of the posters defending this tiny moment in time are not star struck at all. I actually feel irritated by Tom and Katie. Celebs in general seem narcissistic and overindulged. But I also think they are overly scrutinized. I think most of us are responding to an incident that could actually happen to any one of us. In a celebs life, though, they are photographed relentlessly so a second or two is captured forever. Really, the paparazzi is out of control. I think they should be forced to stay back from the children of these people. The kids never asked for this kind of attention. It's horrid.

P.S., I don't find silly candy to be "smut". Dirty *advertiser censored* magazines or movies, yes, but this is just silly, IMO.

I'm going to compare back to Europe which would cause some here to faint dead away if they saw what kids there sometimes see. Let me give you some examples. In the early 90's, when I was 21, my uncle drove me to a seedy street in Seville, with his two little girls (eight and six) in the back seat, so I could see something he thought was funny - transsexual prostitutes on the street, topless, with their *advertiser censored* showing, calling out to the passing cars. I'm amazed, never saw anything like that but being solidly American in culture when compared to my relations, I was shocked that he allowed the girls to come. He thought the whole thing was hilarious and said, "They don't understand and they don't really pay attention." Sure enough, they didn't seem to really be paying attention or to be impressed. It's just a completely different attitude over there. I also remember this children's program (at least that's what I thought it was), in Spain. It had kids on it and kids characters and stuff. Anyhow, the theme song seemed to be "Oye mama mis chichis!" At least that's what I heard. And a bunch of people would be singing the song and coming onto the set including Vegas showgirl type women with pasties! Again, I was somewhat startled, a kid's show? What the heck? I really didn't get it.

Here's the funny thing. I notice that in most parts of Europe, especially Spain, children dress like children. Not mini adults. I love the clothes there for babies and toddlers. Almost old fashioned - lots of knitted outfits, lace collars, just sweet. You would never see a child in a thong or sexy outfit in Spain. People would be horrified. Now, a kid naked at the beach? No problem. Most kids don't wear bathing suits until they are about six or so. Topless women on the beach? No problem and no one gets fussed except Muslim immigrants. But one of the first questions I was asked when I went to live there for a year at age 20, by ALL of my aunts was, "Are you a virgin?" I mean, that was a big deal. You don't *advertiser censored* around. It's not acceptable. I saw one teen mom and everyone in the neighborhood was appalled and said what a bad person and parent she was. I came home once very late (4:00 a.m.) after hanging with some people from the U.S. including Spaniards who were visiting and exchange students, who my dad told to look me up. I thought my dad facilitated the connection so it should be okay to hang out. Now, bars and clubs stay open there til' 6:00 a.m.. So, I didn't think it was bad to stay out that late. Oh Lordy! I came home and my aunt was standing there tapping her foot and telling me that only putas stay out til' four in the morning! She was furious!
It was okay to stay out late if I had family with me but if not, no way. And I was 21 by this point!

Spain is also one of the most religious countries I've been to. Holy Week is the biggest celebration of the year and incredible. It is like a religious Woodstock. Yet people aren't fussed about their kids seeing a naked woman or a "normal" (i.e. not *advertiser censored* film-style) sex act on t.v. or in a movie.

And what of my cousins whose dad so casually drove them by the street where the half-naked tranny hookers were yelling out at cars? One got married two years ago to an engineer. She is a sign-language interpreter for Parliament. They just had their first baby. She is 29. The second is finishing her master's in graphic arts. She is a Flamenco dancer, part of a women's drum core, an excellent professional photographer and has a nice boyfriend. Neither had teen sex and both are very well adjusted. And most of that is due to their dad, my crazy uncle, who is one of the funniest people I know. I call him the Spanish Chevy Chase. He doted on his girls and since he worked nights playing guitar (Flamenco), and my aunt was teaching during the day, he raised those girls and was a kind of Mr. Mom. He was so gentle and sweet with them - one of the best dad's I have met.

I think it's just perspective. We tend to view sex and the body as dirty and bad and to be absolutely hidden from kids. They tend to view it as normal and while children should not be exposed to anything too graphic, they laugh if off if kids see things we would avoid. They don't push their kids noses in it but don't go too crazy avoiding it. And yet, we tend to have a lot of perverts and molesters. They tend to have lower rates of sex crimes and less teen sex. We have little girls dressing in too mature clothing, trying to be like Brittany Spears, wearing thongs at age 8. They don't. I think there is a connection. When sexuality and the body are considered taboo, it causes problems. And that is where we are culturally in our country due to a definite Puritan influence that lasts to this day. :twocents:

(underline mine)
I'm commenting on this only becuase it was my post that was referenced above. I don't consider sex or sexuality to be "taboo" or "dirty." In my opinon, sex is a beautiful thing, created by God for the enjoyment of His children. Why were penis gummies invented, anyway? To make fun of a penis? Who's calling attention to it? The candymaker, certainly not me.

When I was a child (around 7-8) there was a family who lived down the street from us. We lived in a predominately Polish, old-fashioned neighborhood. As a child, I played with the kids in this house. I don't recall if their mom was married to the man who was there, or even if he was their father. What I do recall, to this day, is that on the back of the bathroom door, for all to see, was tacked up a picture of a man's penis, with a pair of those fuzzy glasses on it (As if the penis were a nose). I guess someone in that family thought it was cute, or funny, to hang that up. Did that "looser" attitude have an effect on the kids? Well, let me tell you, one day when we were playing over there, one of the boys told one of the girls to lay down. He had a name for what he wanted to do to her, but I can't recall what it was. Anyway, when she lay down, he laid on top of her and simulated intercourse. Gee...I wonder where he saw that at? Another time, he and his friends had some of the girls pull down their pants and run around in the garage in circles. None of my other friends had funny penis pictures in their homes for all to see, and none of them ever did things like these kids, whose parents obviously had a much more relaxed view of sex and sexuality.

We will never see eye to eye on this subject. We don't have to.
We all have stories..
When growing up I had friends who had a picture of a penis on the wall behind the toilet.. under the picture there was this "Please step a closer, it's not as long as you think".
It was funny to them i suppose. None of those children ever did anything bad and we're still friends on Facebook.

Everyone has a right to raise their children how they want (within the confines of the law anyway). None are wrong or right just different.
Just because I run into spencers with my kids in tow to grab a gag gift doesn't mean that my children are going to molest others.
And just because another parent chooses to not take their kids into spencers and freaks over any exposure to sex, doesn't mean your kids are going to turn my kids into sexually stunted adults

This would be a good discussion for the tots to teens forum :)

ETA: "You" is meant as a general reference not speaking to anyone in particular :)
We all have stories..
When growing up I had friends who had a picture of a penis on the wall behind the toilet.. under the picture there was this "Please step a closer, it's not as long as you think".
It was funny to them i suppose. None of those children ever did anything bad and we're still friends on Facebook.

Everyone has a right to raise their children how they want (within the confines of the law anyway). None are wrong or right just different.
Just because I run into spencers with my kids in tow to grab a gag gift doesn't mean that my children are going to molest others.
And just because another parent chooses to not take their kids into spencers and freaks over any exposure to sex, doesn't mean your kids are going to turn my kids into sexually stunted adults

This would be a good discussion for the tots to teens forum :)

ETA: "You" is meant as a general reference not speaking to anyone in particular :)

Strong views do not equate to freaking out. If that were the case, then everyone, on both sides of this issue would be freaking out. Why is it ok for one side to express strong views (and, to the best of my knowlege, none of the "pro-gummie" supporters have been accused of freaking out, yet their views are just as strong) but not the other?

Until I see some chairs sailing across the room, or someone foaming at the mouth, I don't consider anyone here to be "freaking out." Frankly, I find it offensive that people with a more moderate stance are being viewed here as "freaking out, as if they are lacking, somehow, in common sense.
i think making candy like that is useless and stupid .. wtf do ppl need to eat penis gummies for i mean come on .. yuck .. ppl wonder why kids turn out like they do .. well look at all the trash they "create" now adays ..kids are being subjected to this all because adults want more "excitement" i will stand by my opinion too .. making that type of candy is just stupid and if its gotta be made so bad it should only be sold in an adult store .. blah.. yes im grumpy about it i cant beleive what this world is coming to.. things werent like this when i was a kid

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