KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

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I agree... it's like peeking at somebody's diary with permission :) I get excited to check in to see what else she has to say. By being so raw and so real, it creates a place that feels safe to spend time in. Because at the end of the day, we all have our own truths. We can deny them or we can have courage and embrace them. Thank you, KCL, for providing this space. One of my favorites was "Seed". I saved it to my desktop and read it often. The words are like little gifts with pretty bows that I can open any time I want. :seeya:
Everyone has written such lovely things and I always find myself full of feelings but lacking the words. "It feels safe to spend time in." Those are the words I've been searching for. But more too. It feels like you're part of a loving and supportive family when you're with KCL and her thoughts. As if you could reach out and touch her with your thoughts and she'd know so many of us are holding her in our hearts. That somehow that would make her feel better. So sorry to tag onto you without asking, lisasalinger. It felt safe :blushing:
Hey everyone :) I've been reading here off and on for about a month now. I've been mostly stuck in bed, had blood clots in my left leg. What a pain!!!!! MY comfort food has been, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes with gravy, and biscuits from KFC. I'm able to stay up now and I am so ready to start reading KCL blog. My question is, do I just click on register, and then just go from there. I don't want to click on the wrong thing :/ Thanks for your help :)

Hi grammieto5 :seeya:
If I remember correctly the "register" is for a worldcom account which you don't have to have. You should be able to read without being registered. I am pretty sure if you click on a "Reply" you can sign up then to post. You will need a username (I used the same as here, but many use their name), email address, and url or the website you came from (I put Websleuths). After any post, it has to be approved by our KCL before we can read it.

Good luck. Hope this has helped.
Everyone has written such lovely things and I always find myself full of feelings but lacking the words. "It feels safe to spend time in." Those are the words I've been searching for. But more too. It feels like you're part of a loving and supportive family when you're with KCL and her thoughts. As if you could reach out and touch her with your thoughts and she'd know so many of us are holding her in our hearts. That somehow that would make her feel better. So sorry to tag onto you without asking, lisasalinger. It felt safe :blushing:

Don't be silly, tag away. :seeya: Everybody's thoughts here are valuable.
:( for Alfonse. I'm praying he gets stabilized and finds a doctor who is interested in finding the right med or combo for him.

P.S. FLOWERS!!!! I love getting flowers!!! Secret Admirer perhaps? :loveyou:
Thanks everyone...I really appreciate all your thoughts.

Busy day working and working on my cat sitter situation...I think I have it pretty well covered now. Just need to do a few more things. Just a complication I wasn't anticipating this week and lost a whole day yesterday.

I'm pretty exhausted (well, I'm really exhausted, shaking in fact). But still working and hanging in there to get to Thurs where I can focus on packing and getting organized for my trip. I think I may spend the first two days sleeping.

I just changed my casita there to a different one with two window seats.

Last time I was there I spent a lot of time curled up in that window seat reading and napping. I think one night I even slept in it it's that big.

Funny how something like a window seat is so critical, like a womb to curl up in.

In fact, I might write a blog post on it right now. ;)

Alfonse is the same they tell me. I'm kind of astounded they didn't hit him with big guns meds yesterday. I spoke with his (annoyed and apathetic) nurse on the phone this afternoon and after she told me she couldn't tell me much of anything over the phone (um I'm on the LIST she can talk to) I asked if they'd given him a Haldol shot.

"Oh, would that help?"

Me wanting to say "Duh, what in the hell do you think will help? That's a no brainer. The meds he's ON got him in this state".

What I really said "Yes, a haldol shot will pull him quickly out of this as it has many times in the past".

Shaking my head as having working 7 years inpatient Psych, if we got someone in in that state the very FIRST thing we did was get a quick and aggressive medication intervention to turn it around. The longer this state prolongs, the harder it is to pull them out. this is WHY people go in the hospital...heavy guns meds like that where they can be monitored around the clock. DUH

Clearly she was seeking some intervention as she said he's not improved which means he's actively hallucinating, delusional and likely yelling and disruptive.

So she quickly got off the phone, thanking me, to call the Dr. to get him a shot.

I wonder what people go through who don't have someone fiercely advocating for them.

I didn't go see him tonite, I will tomorrow. I need a break from his psychosis and I had to meet with a cat sitter during visiting hours.

But getting everything ready to get the hell out of here and check out of society for 7 days of bliss.

Ok I'm gonna go obsess about a window seat now.

Oh and you don't need to register for anything to comment on my blog, just put your name and any email address (not made public). I know some people commenting, meaning I know who they are, but not everyone. But we are forming a nice little community over there which makes me very happy. :)
Awww Katie I feel for you. You are a wonderful advocate for your Brother. Thankfully he has you.
Thanks everyone...I really appreciate all your thoughts.

Busy day working and working on my cat sitter situation...I think I have it pretty well covered now. Just need to do a few more things. Just a complication I wasn't anticipating this week and lost a whole day yesterday.

I'm pretty exhausted (well, I'm really exhausted, shaking in fact). But still working and hanging in there to get to Thurs where I can focus on packing and getting organized for my trip. I think I may spend the first two days sleeping.

I just changed my casita there to a different one with two window seats.

Last time I was there I spent a lot of time curled up in that window seat reading and napping. I think one night I even slept in it it's that big.

Funny how something like a window seat is so critical, like a womb to curl up in.

In fact, I might write a blog post on it right now. ;)

Alfonse is the same they tell me. I'm kind of astounded they didn't hit him with big guns meds yesterday. I spoke with his (annoyed and apathetic) nurse on the phone this afternoon and after she told me she couldn't tell me much of anything over the phone (um I'm on the LIST she can talk to) I asked if they'd given him a Haldol shot.

"Oh, would that help?"

Me wanting to say "Duh, what in the hell do you think will help? That's a no brainer. The meds he's ON got him in this state".

What I really said "Yes, a haldol shot will pull him quickly out of this as it has many times in the past".

Shaking my head as having working 7 years inpatient Psych, if we got someone in in that state the very FIRST thing we did was get a quick and aggressive medication intervention to turn it around. The longer this state prolongs, the harder it is to pull them out. this is WHY people go in the hospital...heavy guns meds like that where they can be monitored around the clock. DUH

Clearly she was seeking some intervention as she said he's not improved which means he's actively hallucinating, delusional and likely yelling and disruptive.

So she quickly got off the phone, thanking me, to call the Dr. to get him a shot.

I wonder what people go through who don't have someone fiercely advocating for them.

They languish along until some doc finally figures something out. :what:
I hate dealing with workers like what you mentioned. They need to get out with their sense of humanity intact, not wait until they are so apathetic they can't use their brains at work

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Thought I'd share this picture - hopefully, Katie and you all in Arizona aren't driving around like this??


  • SummerInArizona.png
    144.3 KB · Views: 82
Seriously KCL!! I used to think the exact same thing about my Dad. Sometimes he was totally faking it just so that he didn't have to be alone and could get some company to alleviate his fear and anxiety...other times it was clear that he was having auditory and visual hallucinations. There were times that I was standing in the middle of the nursing station literally screaming for someone to get me a freaking doctor who has some damn authority to give him some meds!

I had 15 years of intense caregiving and my heart goes out to you because it is so emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausting. Just when you think that it may be the best thing for them to be in the hospital, for themselves as well as some personal sense of relief and respite from worry...one has to agonize about the incompetence of the medical staff. It's really such a sucky situation to be in when you care so much and are knowledgable and it's in your DNA to be a fierce advocate.

I'm now going through the same thing with my Mother. I am going to force her to demand an MRI if it's the last thing I do. If she refuses again, I am following her to the doctor and demanding it myself even if she gives me the stink eye.

I can't wait for you to get some peace and relaxation. I do hope that you start writing your book. You don't need to worry about arrangement, where to start, what to start with....just let it flow and the order can come later. Namaste my dear one. Breathe into the belly....
Thanks everyone...I really appreciate all your thoughts.

Busy day working and working on my cat sitter situation...I think I have it pretty well covered now. Just need to do a few more things. Just a complication I wasn't anticipating this week and lost a whole day yesterday.

I'm pretty exhausted (well, I'm really exhausted, shaking in fact). But still working and hanging in there to get to Thurs where I can focus on packing and getting organized for my trip. I think I may spend the first two days sleeping.

I just changed my casita there to a different one with two window seats.

Last time I was there I spent a lot of time curled up in that window seat reading and napping. I think one night I even slept in it it's that big.

Funny how something like a window seat is so critical, like a womb to curl up in.

In fact, I might write a blog post on it right now. ;)

Alfonse is the same they tell me. I'm kind of astounded they didn't hit him with big guns meds yesterday. I spoke with his (annoyed and apathetic) nurse on the phone this afternoon and after she told me she couldn't tell me much of anything over the phone (um I'm on the LIST she can talk to) I asked if they'd given him a Haldol shot.

"Oh, would that help?"

Me wanting to say "Duh, what in the hell do you think will help? That's a no brainer. The meds he's ON got him in this state".

What I really said "Yes, a haldol shot will pull him quickly out of this as it has many times in the past".

Shaking my head as having working 7 years inpatient Psych, if we got someone in in that state the very FIRST thing we did was get a quick and aggressive medication intervention to turn it around. The longer this state prolongs, the harder it is to pull them out. this is WHY people go in the hospital...heavy guns meds like that where they can be monitored around the clock. DUH

Clearly she was seeking some intervention as she said he's not improved which means he's actively hallucinating, delusional and likely yelling and disruptive.

So she quickly got off the phone, thanking me, to call the Dr. to get him a shot.

I wonder what people go through who don't have someone fiercely advocating for them.

I didn't go see him tonite, I will tomorrow. I need a break from his psychosis and I had to meet with a cat sitter during visiting hours.

But getting everything ready to get the hell out of here and check out of society for 7 days of bliss.

Ok I'm gonna go obsess about a window seat now.

Oh and you don't need to register for anything to comment on my blog, just put your name and any email address (not made public). I know some people commenting, meaning I know who they are, but not everyone. But we are forming a nice little community over there which makes me very happy. :)
Thank you for the update as we are all praying for you and Alfonse. Hope you have a nice rest.
Seriously KCL!! I used to think the exact same thing about my Dad. Sometimes he was totally faking it just so that he didn't have to be alone and could get some company to alleviate his fear and anxiety...other times it was clear that he was having auditory and visual hallucinations. There were times that I was standing in the middle of the nursing station literally screaming for someone to get me a freaking doctor who has some damn authority to give him some meds!

I had 15 years of intense caregiving and my heart goes out to you because it is so emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausting. Just when you think that it may be the best thing for them to be in the hospital, for themselves as well as some personal sense of relief and respite from worry...one has to agonize about the incompetence of the medical staff. It's really such a sucky situation to be in when you care so much and are knowledgable and it's in your DNA to be a fierce advocate.

I'm now going through the same thing with my Mother. I am going to force her to demand an MRI if it's the last thing I do. If she refuses again, I am following her to the doctor and demanding it myself even if she gives me the stink eye.

I can't wait for you to get some peace and relaxation. I do hope that you start writing your book. You don't need to worry about arrangement, where to start, what to start with....just let it flow and the order can come later. Namaste my dear one. Breathe into the belly....

Ok you know what I'm up against.

John had one loading dose of this monthly med last wed and the second shot was to be given today in order for it to be effective at all. Meanwhile he has this monthly med coursing through his body which either needs to be dealt with with other meds and discontinued or he needs the second shot TODAY in order to continue with it.

I just call the hospital to tell them this and get a nurse who first starts arguing with me about it "no it's every 28 days". Yes it is AFTER the shot today! She's kind of annoyed with me then asking ME the dose like I"m the Dr. when she really needs to call the clinic who ordered it and gave it to him where I have the appt. card for today. I know the protocol as I was with him at every appt. for this and was prepared to take him today.

Finally she says "I'll call the Dr" which she may or may not.

So now I'm telling anyone who will listen to me that he needs that shot today or all meds need to be adjusted with that in his system.

I swear....I'm still managing him and his meds even though he's in the hospital.

It's maddening. :scared:
KCL....I don't spend much time on this forum nowadays but I just wanted to say that your dear brother is in my prayers. Lots of heartfelt prayers....
Girl, I feel ya. I had the cell phone numbers of the doctor's in my phone and there were a lot of them. One month I was on the phone so much with them and I forgot that I had a limit and ended up with a $600 phone bill! I was so pissed off because it simply added insult to injury. On the plus side, I immediately upgraded to a new data plan and pled for some mercy. They reduced it to $400.

I had Medical Power of Attorney and even then they would forget, so I plastered in every chart and brought my own red felt pen to write on the outside of his chart and would put it on the flipchart too. I'm relentless. I could usually find one good nurse that would see my distress especially when my anger would reach it's tipping point and I surrendered to utter helplessness and despair...then they would finally take me seriously. Why does it have to come to that? Why can't they just take the time to listen to you? You know more about his history and care than they do. Instead of viewing you as a valuable resource to provide optimal care, they act like you are an intrusion. I'm getting all worked up on your behalf.

I know he will get that shot today...because I know you. Your brother is so lucky to have you. I'm sending you huge amounts of magic healing dust and energy....
I bet you felt just like I did when I watched "Love Actually". I even had the same ring tone as Laura Linney's character...and it would go off constantly and off I would go. I wish I was there with you, I'd buy your drink after you get the news that he's stabilizing. I wish you were vacationing in San Diego. :)
While you're gone, we'll build a comfy window seat in your thread!
Surrounded by an electric fence, to keep out the rabid weasles!!
What happened to A_News_Junkie? I haven't seen her for awhile and she seems to have retired, is she OK?
I bet you felt just like I did when I watched "Love Actually". I even had the same ring tone as Laura Linney's character...and it would go off constantly and off I would go. I wish I was there with you, I'd buy your drink after you get the news that he's stabilizing. I wish you were vacationing in San Diego. :)

Funny you should say that as I just watched that movie last weekend. Yes the similarities are uncanny- wrote a whole blogpost on it! Lol

I'm flying in and out of San Diego!!
While you're gone, we'll build a comfy window seat in your thread!
Surrounded by an electric fence, to keep out the rabid weasles!!

Omg that made me lol. All of you in a window seat together- yeah! Sure it's not a honey badger? ;)
While you're gone, we'll build a comfy window seat in your thread!
Surrounded by an electric fence, to keep out the rabid weasles!!

What happened to A_News_Junkie? I haven't seen her for awhile and she seems to have retired, is she OK?

I talked to her right after she retired after the trial- lots going on and needing to refocus. But she was ok :)
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