KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

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A bit off topic here, but if any of u watched the first Phil Spector trial, it was the jury foreman that hung that jury. I remember he said that when his mother-in-law came over she would go thru their drawers and so he transferred that to Lana Clarkson went thru Phil Spectors drawer and found a gun and decided to commit suicide...huh? Anyway he was supposed to be an engineer and took copious notes. So you really can't tell from them just sitting in the jury chairs.
A bit off topic here, but if any of u watched the first Phil Spector trial, it was the jury foreman that hung that jury. I remember he said that when his mother-in-law came over she would go thru their drawers and so he transferred that to Lana Clarkson went thru Phil Spectors drawer and found a gun and decided to commit suicide...huh? Anyway he was supposed to be an engineer and took copious notes. So you really can't tell from them just sitting in the jury chairs.

I watched that one too. They could have had a video tape of spector doing it and confessing and that juror would have found a reason to hang the jury.
kind of depressed over the Foreman's words and it's cold & rainy here in MA and my husband has an old college friend here so I'm just mucking about and I woke up to our Ponytail girl! Just what I needed.

And, she reached out to the family! And she's tweeting with Chris Hughes...awwww....I feel so much better. It was such a disconnect between Murder 1 and this ^&%&%^ foreman's words. Finally, words that fit, that should be said, that NEED to be said. I really hope the others will speak out too. Figures the Foreman broke the pact. I know liars always lie but I guess they always stick together too.

I'm catching up, was out foraging for food. You guys DID catch our Ponytail is gonna be on Dr. Drew Tuesday? She's tweeting it so I can share it now too! YES!
BBM: Maybe that "something" is a narcissistic desire for fame and control -- sound familiar? And haven't I seen that this guy actually has headshots (professional photos) of himself? Who has those just lying around, ready and waiting to be distributed? I think he's motivated by a desire for his 15 minutes. Who wants to take bets that this guy tries to parlay this into fame?

I must admit that I have only seen a snippet of an interview with him, I could not watch him any longer and was able to read about his interviews from all of you. Bolded by me...headshots? Seriously? :floorlaugh: In the interview that I viewed I could not even listen to him...I was too disturbed by only seeing his mandible (bottom) teeth! I have worked as a clinical and administrative dental assistant and I swear he had no maxillary (top) teeth! Please forgive me if any of you do not have your teeth, I am well aware how expensive dentures, implants, crowns and even a filling cost (it is truly a crime to anyone without dental insurance and even those with insurance only covers aproximately one thousand dollars...which may get you a root canal but not the 'necessary' crown to protect it)! I am not making 'fun' of anyone without their teeth, in fact I empathize...but to have headshots, go on camera and say such horrendous/hurtful things, break a pact made with fellow jurors only to break it a day later and not even have teeth in your mouth :facepalm:!!??!! What an azz...may karma be working on his mandible as we speak!!!!
In all seriousness though, I do not post much but I sure do read plenty...in fact I have caught myself falling asleep at my laptop many of nights because I just cannot drag myself away from what you all have to say!
KCL you have truly warmed my heart and touched my soul! With all the horror you have been through in your life you somehow found the ability/strength to turn your pain into a positive by reaching out and caressing the souls of others that have also had a loved one taken from them. I have so much admiration, respect and love for you...thank you for being a beacon of light through all of the grim darkness surrounding Travis's case! There are many that have restored my faith in humanity during this trial but it is you that stood out to me...your painful truth, your love of family and friends (and those you had not met but knew you had to connect with and help them through their tragedy), your sense of humor, your love of dance, music, vino, chocolate, Brit sitcoms, justice, etc... You are a beautiful person and a very strong woman that if I knew you I would be so very proud to call you my friend. Thank you for bringing comfort to so many of us... my hope is that you find comfort and peace in all you do for others. I also hope that you find someone worthy of all the love you deserve (soon) and that you never settle for less! Thank you for inspiring me to get back to what truly matters in this life and stop wasting my time worrying about things I do not have or have not done...if I am able to do it, I will and if it is out of my reach I will learn to move on. You have been a true inspiration and more uplifting to me than any self-help book I have ever read! Trust me when I say I could start a small library with all that I have read over the years! Again, I thank you and hope it gives you a skip in your step, a twinkle in your eyes and a smile to know that you have enhanced many of our lives and proven that there are Angels Among Us!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh just OOOOOOhhhh . . .
He should be censored.gif. Matter of fact I refuse to read or watch anything featuring him [/ATTACH]

Good morning all! Well I feel like my own "roving reporter" moments in the hall the day before the verdict may have stirred up some Inquiry esp w the public information officer who lets just say indicated to me there were some similar perceptions and concerns going on there. There was another media person who said "I'm glad to finally have someone to talk to about this- he's out of his mind" (well what this person called him over and over saying "I'm sorry it's just the best word "was a name Nancy Grace uses to refer to Dr. ****Samuels) and since Kiefer has some status as a local reporter for many yrs (he worked at New Times for many yrs before leaving disgruntled and going to the Republic) I think people sort of dont cross him. I sure felt that way. My friend Joi stepped in as he was spewing spitting fire about how this was never a death case to begin with, there was no pre med blah blah she tried to,say "but there is so much premeditation" and his bullying style of aggressiveness caused her to grab my hand and squeeze it in front of him. This was all IN the courtroom on a break spurred by me asking him if the jury would deliberate over the weekend. He was like a boiling volcano who once it popped all the brimstone came flying out. I am NOT the only person this occurred with. People were like wtf on this dude but you tend to back away from a pot boiling over.

But let me say this out loud. Of any person in that courtroom including the Alexanders who spewed THE MOST venom and vitriol against anyone , it was Michael Kiefer. And most of it directed at Juan Martinez. He had gotten so far off the rails he was trying to convince me that the gas can purchase and borrowing issue was perfectly normal for someone to do, "women dye their hair all the time on vacation", but the tone was like someone losing it talking about an ex they wanted to turn you against. He was clearly spewing this in the media section and the other reporter who I talked to for a LONG time that day about all this was saying how they always hoped Kiefer was sitting elsewhere so he wouldn't start up this crazy BS on them again. I'm gonna break confidentiality now and tell you he said to me on more than one occasion, "when this murder 2 conviction comes in I'm gonna walk right up to Juan Martinez and tell him to,shove it up his a$$". Verbatim.

I think the fact "his" M2 prediction wasn't satisfied he went rabid and we saw the staged DB interview, the leaked juror question which was later edited out (not before seen, recorded and discussed all over the net). What defense attorney wouldn't want a reporter on the outside to do their bidding? He went too far, his cockiness got out of control and I think there will be consequences. I think by the fact he's editing important stuff out he's being monitored. And people of influence are still watching.

It will be interesting to see what shenanigans he pulls between now and the re mitigation hearing. I do know but can't say more that we will be hearing from an alternate soon. I'd like to hear from ALL of them and of course more from my CEO.

Edited to add when I say roving reporter I mean I asked several media people what they thought about that leaked question being published. I just kept asking questions like "should we know the foreperson at this stage?"


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I don't post much, but I've been reading and trying to keep up on everything involving Travis and his family. First, I'd like to say I think you are wonderful and I love how you turned around your sister's tragic death into a blessing for the Alexander family and others. You are awesome.
I was wondering if you ever get a chance, would you please tell the Alexander family that his death was not in vain and that Travis's words have inspired me more than they will ever know. Without going into my rather miniscule problems compared to many of you, I have been pretty depressed and would just wake up and do the bare minimum to get through the day. Travis inspired me to really stop and appreciate what I have and to try to make each day better than the last. I am feeling so much more productive - I'm a better Mom and a better person because of Travis Alexander's words. I want them to know that Travis has personally changed my life and I pray for the family every day.
Thanks Katiecoolady !
CowWave (2).gif

Honestly my impressions are it has nothing to do with fame or fortune. In my own personal analysis based on many conversations with the same tenor, knowing one of his best friends is a DP appellate attorney and his strange over the top yet sneaky behavior during this trial is it primarily stems from a seething hatred of Juan Martinez and his methods as a prosecutor (which believe me he will tell you right off the tip of his tongue a catalog of horrible things JM has done throughout his career).
jurior manicurist will be doing a twitter interview wed.@wild about trial ...she thinks nickname is funny because she has no nails. she is twittering answering ques.() I don't have a twitter acct.)someone asked her about jodis bent finger and she answered what bent finger. also juriors made a pact not to talk till Tuesday and are upset foreman when and gave interviews .her and other juriors don't feel the way he does. and 1 of them will be on dr. drew tuseday.
I don't post much, but I've been reading and trying to keep up on everything involving Travis and his family. First, I'd like to say I think you are wonderful and I love how you turned around your sister's tragic death into a blessing for the Alexander family and others. You are awesome.
I was wondering if you ever get a chance, would you please tell the Alexander family that his death was not in vain and that Travis's words have inspired me more than they will ever know. Without going into my rather miniscule problems compared to many of you, I have been pretty depressed and would just wake up and do the bare minimum to get through the day. Travis inspired me to really stop and appreciate what I have and to try to make each day better than the last. I am feeling so much more productive - I'm a better Mom and a better person because of Travis Alexander's words. I want them to know that Travis has personally changed my life and I pray for the family every day.

Beautiful. Thank you.
Guys I've been sitting here for the last couple of hours initiating a blog. I got an informal note from an editor encouraging me to start writing about these things (victim advocacy, etc.) So.......she suggested I start a blog first and I'm doing it. I have my name (after consulting with my creative genius jayarohh) and I'm designing it. Stay tuned. First post will be about the day this verdict came in..this last one.
Guys I've been sitting here for the last couple of hours initiating a blog. I got an informal note from an editor encouraging me to start writing about these things (victim advocacy, etc.) So.......she suggested I start a blog first and I'm doing it. I have my name (after consulting with my creative genius jayarohh) and I'm designing it. Stay tuned. First post will be about the day this verdict came in..this last one.

I certainly will be waiting to hear when we can go read. Will we be able to post on it, or will it be read only? I meant to say comment, not post like on here.
I'm confused.. she confessed so how could she have been innocent?

She didn't confess to the crime she was convicted of. She was convicted of first degree murder. She confessed to killing in self defense.
For some reason I can't edit my post, I meant to say will we be able to comment, not post like on here at websleuths.
I certainly will be waiting to hear when we can go read. Will we be able to post on it, or will it be read only?

It's me we're talking about here. ;) Of course we can chat there w/ comments, which I will moderate as I do tend to be a lightning rod for trolls and snark sometimes. But yes, comments will be allowed. And conversation. I'm just finding my way around this system.
It's me we're talking about here. ;) Of course we can chat there w/ comments, which I will moderate as I do tend to be a lightning rod for trolls and snark sometimes. But yes, comments will be allowed. And conversation. I'm just finding my way around this system.
Which obviously was not believed, hence the m1 conviction.

Soooo how would that apply in the penalty phase?

It wouldn't. Nor, it should not have!

This is exactly right. That's what people have a problem with.

She was innocent of M1 until she was proven guilty. After she was proven guilty, the foreman shouldn't have said it played into his decision regarding the death penalty.
and u will be the most cool & popular blogger evah! and will meet the man of yr dreams at huge blogger convention after you accept the "blogger of the Year award". That's my story & I'm stickin to it.

On another note, channeling my inner KCL, perhaps the last jury had done all it could toward justice. The Foreman ended deliberations believing he had SAVED Jodi! He was so wrong. It's so right that he was so wrong.

Juan & family want DP and they need a different jury to get that. But they get a break and recharge and know that Jodi is 4ever & always convicted of Murder 1 & she will never walk free on this earth anywhere again.

And now other jurors will come out and Jodi will get to know and hear about how many of them wanted to kill her. She has those thoughts to "comfort" her during her 23 hr/day isolation. Whatever comfort it is to know that the "good news" is only 8 (+the 3 alternates) wanted her to die-she had 4 whole people who just wanted her to rot in prison. The important thing is decided-her life is being taken-one way or another.

Guys I've been sitting here for the last couple of hours initiating a blog. I got an informal note from an editor encouraging me to start writing about these things (victim advocacy, etc.) So.......she suggested I start a blog first and I'm doing it. I have my name (after consulting with my creative genius jayarohh) and I'm designing it. Stay tuned. First post will be about the day this verdict came in..this last one.
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