KC Could Get A College Degree In Prison For Free - Thoughts Please

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No worries -

KC most likely will be LWOP - they will make a nice notation on her headstone
Hi Shannon. Know what makes me sick? There was a time when one of my best friends didn't qualify for WIC (food program) b/c she made over the amount for 3 people (her kids were 4 & 7). She made $29000 and had 2 kids! She only needed it b/c her ex failed to pay child support and she was worried about her bills & mortgage payments falling behind, so she thought since she'd worked since she was 16 that it would be a true go ahead for a few months. Well, it really burns me up that, if I use FSU as an example, this perp can get to go to college for free when I had to bust my rump to go there! All I'm saying is that maybe there should be certain limitations, and definitely a payback program including reimbursement at in-state rates and community service for a very long time. How can we put a price on govt supplied food for our children but we can pay for prisoners to get their degrees. Something's not right here. I tend to agree with the basic educational needs to help prisoners, but there should be a line drawn...especially when our country is in the shape it's in right now.

Check it out: Tuition at FSU is $3,175 (in-state) and $16,306 (out-of-state) per term.

Full Year (in-state): $12,700
Full Year (out-of-state): $65,224

Note: This does not include room & board, books, or other living expenses.

I guess the question would be. How much does it cost to house a prisoner per year?

Is it cheaper to educate them so that the likelyhood of them returning is lower.

At the end of the day perhaps studies show it's cheaper to give them an education then have them come back to prison.

~shrugs~ I'd think whatever keeps your tax dollars in your pocket would be the best solution
Hi Shannon. Know what makes me sick? There was a time when one of my best friends didn't qualify for WIC (food program) b/c she made over the amount for 3 people (her kids were 4 & 7). She made $29000 and had 2 kids! She only needed it b/c her ex failed to pay child support and she was worried about her bills & mortgage payments falling behind, so she thought since she'd worked since she was 16 that it would be a true go ahead for a few months. Well, it really burns me up that, if I use FSU as an example, this perp can get to go to college for free when I had to bust my rump to go there! All I'm saying is that maybe there should be certain limitations, and definitely a payback program including reimbursement at in-state rates and community service for a very long time. How can we put a price on govt supplied food for our children but we can pay for prisoners to get their degrees. Something's not right here. I tend to agree with the basic educational needs to help prisoners, but there should be a line drawn...especially when our country is in the shape it's in right now.

Check it out: Tuition at FSU is $3,175 (in-state) and $16,306 (out-of-state) per term.

Full Year (in-state): $12,700
Full Year (out-of-state): $65,224

Note: This does not include room & board, books, or other living expenses.

I guess the question would be. How much does it cost to house a prisoner per year?

Is it cheaper to educate them so that the likelyhood of them returning is lower.

At the end of the day perhaps studies show it's cheaper to give them an education then have them come back to prison.

~shrugs~ I'd think whatever keeps your tax dollars in your pocket would be the best solution

Don't get me wrong. Prisoners with LWOP probably don't receive any kind of education. But for those serving several years, I'm not sure it's such a bad idea. If you look at the whole picture.
Sore subject in my eyes.

I do not agree with Casey getting an education, or any other inmate for that matter. Maybe I am bitter, maybe I am selfish, however, I know that the only way my children will go to college is either their continuing to work their rears off in high school, or for me to work 2 or 3 jobs to send them, (which I will do, whatever it takes). For someone to commit a crime, then sit under tax payers expense and get an education that most DESERVING kids cannot get, it is ridiculous!
I look at it this way..for every 1 inmate who broke the law who gets a degree, 5 more kids in this world are turned down for college, whom have made straight A's in school, and never broke the law.. As a taxpayer, I would prefer that my tax money goes to those kids who have no hope of getting the much deserved education they need, than to pay for one single inmate to learn to write their name. Maybe that is cruel of me to say so, however, I didn't create their problems, and neither did all those kids who will be turned down because of financial reasons to go to college.
Our judicial systems needs a make over. When a person chooses to break the law, then they have no right to take away from those who don't.
What is it going to take? Is it going to take every kid who gets turned down to go to college to break the law so that they can have a free education? It is all unfair to the good citizens of America. Look at all the soldiers who are dying each and everyday protecting our country! Do you know what most of them are there for? They are there to earn the money for college.. how fair is that to them who are now 6ft under? Its not, and no one can convince me otherwise..
Sorry for the rant..told you its a sore subject..
That's not new for Casey. A lot of prisoners get a degree. Personally I dont really care.

Besides, she isn't that smart. She'd flake out and not finish it.

While this is true - many prisoners get a degree while incarcerated...it doesn't upset you that YOU as a taxpayer would help foot the bill? Personally, I don't want my tax dollars going to such programs, - especially in THIS economy, but that's just me. I think there are more worthy causes my money could go towards.

I also went to the University of Florida for 2 years and then transfered to Florida State where I earned a BS degree. I made MANY sacrifices in order to go to both universities. I did not receive any grant money, nor did I apply for it. My broken family was not in the position to afford college tuition to the universities I chose to go, so I worked 2 jobs in order to pay for my education. While I do understand that inmates need to be rehabilatated so that they can intrigate back into society once they are released, I feel that there are other ways this can be done. If they are going to be allowed to earn a college degree, I feel they should have to make the same sacrifices as we on the outside do - AND pay the SAME tuition we here on the outside pay. They should not be given much of a break on tuition or college text books (which can sometimes be as high as tuition)! They're housing is already basically FREE - because we as tax payers are paying for the majority of it.

Also, think how easy it would be to earn a degree while being in prison. While I was in college, I worked 2 jobs, maintained a household - which included responsibilities most all of us have - such as cleaning, cooking, general housing and yard maintenance, and many other "duties". At times it was difficult and VERY stressful trying to juggle life AND college all while maintaing my GPA. Prisoners basically have all the FREE time in the world to study and work on class projects. What outside responsibilities do they have? They don't have to cook their own meals, clean their homes, work a real life job, worry about paying bills or keeping their heads above water, or take care of other family members etc. KC already "sits in her room" :rolleyes:, as she calls it, and READS and SLEEPS most of the day. I sure WISH I had that luxury while attending college. I was lucky if I got any sleep some nights, and I wasn't a party animal while at school. I was an older student (not the average kid fresh out of high school) and getting my education was VERY important to me.

It would INFLAME me if KC earned a college degree while in prison without having to make sacrifices for it. If this is an opportunity for her, than she should have to PAY for the tuition and her text books. Nothing should be handed to her for free.
I AM bothered by prisoners being able to obtain FREE college degrees and here's why.

1. I've spent my life OBEYING THE LAW. Why am I not rewarded for being a good citizen?

2. Where is the incentive for people to STAY law abiding citizens? If I can go to college and come out with a Bachelor's and ZERO student loans it doesn't make sense.

3. I support rehabilitating inmates but when are the rest of us going to get a little too?

I'm so sick of this crap along with the bailout. Its about time good honest Americans start getting their fair share. Instead we're forced with loaning our entire lives away to get a college degree when you could have just robbed a store and gotten that degree for free. Makes no sense.
Anyone can and do get a college degree anywhere they are; even from home & on the internet ! It's a great opportunity for us all.
Anyone can and do get a college degree anywhere they are; even from home & on the internet ! It's a great opportunity for us all.
Anyone can and do get a college degree anywhere they are; even from home & on the internet ! It's a great opportunity for us all.
Anyone can and do get a college degree anywhere they are; even from home & on the internet ! It's a great opportunity for us all.
I dont care if she gets a degree, it wont do her any good. She ruined her life in other ways.
I dont care if she gets a degree, it wont do her any good. She ruined her life in other ways.
When she graduates from High School, I'll worry about then.

She already has. She just did not graduate with her class due to her pregnancy at the time.
I bet we won't have to spend a dime on Casey's education because she didn't even bother to get the half-credit she needed to get her HS diploma and still hasn't gotten it.

Casey is too lazy to study.
She *did* graduate from high school. She *did* get her diploma. It's on record.
See this link:


There's a link to the document that shows it.

THat said: Law offenders seem to have way more rights than us common peons who follow the law.

Hi Marlap - Please see link above.:)

I bet we won't have to spend a dime on Casey's education because she didn't even bother to get the half-credit she needed to get her HS diploma and still hasn't gotten it.

Casey is too lazy to study.
I would rather see her lose some of her commissary benefits before I would eliminate the education she might take advantage of. At least she would have to work and make an effort if she wanted to earn a degree. She does NOTHING and is allowed to purchase all kinds of things she has no business having. Perhaps the policy will change when she goes to prison.

As far as education goes - I really don't have an issue with it because I think it is better than allowing these prisoners to sit around and get into more trouble. Even IF she were to get out some day...she will find it very difficult, if not impossible - to find anyone who will hire her. Any degree she gets will not be as good or carry as much weight as one from a regular accredited university or college which is earned by someone outside of prison. And don't forget that by being convicted of a felony, she has already severely limited the occupations that she can choose. Many are eliminated because of the felony record.

But again, before getting mad at her having the benefit of an education she has to earn with hard work....how about some more outrage for those room service orders of pork rinds and cocoa butter?
MANY prisoners get a degree in prison,most become"lawyers",do I agree with this NO!-I think that they should have to work their fingers to the bone and have to donate all of their "earnings" to an at risk child,for their college degree,before that child becomes a prisoner themselves.I think that many of our prisoners have it better than many people in the general population."Rehab for anyone sentenced to "life" is just a mis-use of our tax dollars!!!

But can they become members of the Bar? I don't think most,if not all, Bar Associations allow convicted felons to be members, and membership is required to actually practice law.
I haven't read the whole thread, but I don't think you have to worry about KC getting her degree, in jail or otherwise. She doesn't have the perseverance to stick with it, long term. More fun to just eat twinkies and spend the $$ others are putting in her jail account.
Anyone can and do get a college degree anywhere they are; even from home & on the internet ! It's a great opportunity for us all.

IF you can afford it, and barring that, if you can get a grant or a loan. Some cannot, and with the economy the way it is, it's getting harder and harder.

Big if's there. So I guess I should go rob a bank, make sure I get a 10 year sentence, go to college on the taxpayers, and come out a lawyer, or whatever.
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