Ref: 172: Darlie Routier verdict referenced:
There are many people today, who believe Darlie Routier is innocent on Death Row. A video of questionable behavior (and for many on the jury who didn't see Darlier's bruises , cuts and serious injuries) only saw a clip of her on the sons birthday commemeration, with the silly string celebration her family all say, they always did to remember the boys).......does not then prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Darlie killed her children.
People often frown upon other's behaviors. That does not prove however, they killed their children.
It's true per the jury that Darlie "got the needle" i.e. Death Row the jury they disapproved of this video clip.
But it's also true that they had very little evidence to prove that Darlie actually killed her boys if any.
There is serious questionable doubt because there was a man in the neighborhood who was breaking into homes and knifing people and dropping socks in the alleyways.
Darlie's sock was found in the alleyway.
Bad behavior such as CA is very damning, but not evidence of a murder, nor is bad behavior when a man runs around on his wife, as their lawyers ALWAYS remind a jury, evidence of a murder either.
This is also one practical reason, why I disapprove of the Death Penalty, there have been quite a few innocent people put to death in the past based on jurys who couldn't get beyond "bad behaviors".