KC standing by kidnap story per Lawyers

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I dont think they could possibly say this after saying KC handed Caylee off to the baby sitter. KC has already changed her story from dropping Caylee off at the apartment to dropping her off at JB park.

Does anybody out there know for sure that Casey changed her story? Do you have recording or video about that are is that simply words from LP's mouth? Can you trust hime to tell the truth about another story? Unless someone shows me where CA said that by means of video or recording or statements documented in the records by LE, I am going to presume what LP says is not credible. He talks way too much from where I sit. He is just a busy body looking out for himself by bailing her out, gaining access to the family and property and then dumping her. It smells.
I've said elsewhere that, in my mind, driving around with a dead body in a car for 11 days (2.6 days would serve just as well) would indicate the lack of a plan.

To me that also indicates lack of a plan --to dispose of body.

It doesn't indicate lack of intent and plan to kill.

I believe those are 2 seperate issues.

Just my humble opinion.
TB issued a statement that was on Fox website that the story was JBP. The person who took the child and her sister who was in the car.....

I remember reading where she backed her vehicle in the driveway twice, but did not see the "and close[sic] the garage door".

Can you tell me where that is stated please?

Sorry, that was me asking, Did she close the garage door or did she just back it in and left the door open? If the door was open then she actions would have been visible.
This has probably come up already on this thread, but as I recall, Casey has explained the lack of information/lies concerning the kidnapping by suggesting she`s protecting Caylee. Well now that explanation is gone and she has to tell the truth. The truth is there`s no Zannie or kidnapping, I don`t see how the defence can come up with a crebible story about a kidnapping.

I am interested in whether the defense is REALLY going to stick with "the nanny did it". And the "everything will be made clear at trial" BS.
How will they explain that, if KC is sooooo innocent and vying for the mother of the year award, that she has not immediately asked for LE to talk with her, even with JB present, to give her "story" now, so LE can track down these horrible babysitting kidnapping thugs? Nothing to lose now, since the perps have done the ultimate and killed her child. Her precious baby is gone.....she should be insane with vengence......"get the bast*rds that did this to my baby, I don't care what happens to me now!" How will the defense explain this? The jury will only need to hear that she's withheld info for 6 long monthes and when the body of OUR precious Caylee was found, she still withheld info......oh, and if her family were still in danger from these deranged killer nannies, they could go into protective custody while LE found the killers.
The defense ST has nothing but smoke and mirrors, trying to confuse the jury on forensics isn't going to change the stigma of KC behavior...JMO
I am interested in whether the defense is REALLY going to stick with "the nanny did it". And the "everything will be made clear at trial" BS.
How will they explain that, if KC is sooooo innocent and vying for the mother of the year award, that she has not immediately asked for LE to talk with her, even with JB present, to give her "story" now, so LE can track down these horrible babysitting kidnapping thugs? Nothing to lose now, since the perps have done the ultimate and killed her child. Her precious baby is gone.....she should be insane with vengence......"get the bast*rds that did this to my baby, I don't care what happens to me now!" How will the defense explain this? The jury will only need to hear that she's withheld info for 6 long monthes and when the body of OUR precious Caylee was found, she still withheld info......oh, and if her family were still in danger from these deranged killer nannies, they could go into protective custody while LE found the killers.
The defense ST has nothing but smoke and mirrors, trying to confuse the jury on forensics isn't going to change the stigma of KC behavior...JMO

It will be interesting to see if they stick with this *story*. If they do, it's because it's the only story they've got - but their story is all hearsay. There is not one single witness, phone number, address, nothing to prove this nanny exists. No one, not even the grandparents ever layed eyes or her or spoke to her. I think it'll be quite entertaining if they choose to go this route.
Didn't Cindy give Casey money to pay the sitter? I believe Cindy told LE that she paid for Caylees care such as diapers, food, medical, sitter, etc. Meaning she gave Casey money to give to the sitter - which we know Casey would have pocketed those funds

OH wow! That's an excellent point! I know at the bond hearing Cindy said that she paid for everything, that all Casey needed from her own paycheck was spending money.

It would be VERY interesting to hear Cindy's explanation of how she paid the babysitter (cash, money order, check, to Casey or to babysitter?) and her explanation of her own lack of records (my own assumption) of these payments.
The big revelation, not yet out is: Was Casey making money for her family in the dark world of Orlando prostitution? That's the big question...

If she was, the rest of it: missing nannies, kidnapped children, duct tape wrapped all the way around the head not just over her mouth, bodies appearing out of nowhere is typical behavior, for them.

Why hasn't the press reported this connection, if it's true?

It would be easy to discover.
For now, the defense will huff around while waiting to see what forensics comes up with. The defense will continue to do some major public chest thumping, get puffed up on TV and try to look all big and scary with LKB as the frontwoman for that while hoping and praying that LE is still willing to deal behind the scenes at some level, probably for a confession in exchange for 30 or so years. If that doesn't happen, because either KC or LE won't play, they'll have to come up with something, and I'm sure they're workin' on it, but as vocally as they're bound to play the 'poor us, mean ole le won't less us have access to their stuff, it's so unfair game,' a defense that is based on tainted forensics, badmouthing cops and the old canard of 'rush to judgement' isn't really going to help them much in the end. In the light of day, after all the posturing and accusing of LE, they are still stuck with their client. And she's pip, a woman thieving, partying, cooking and sexin' it up who never reported her child missing. No matter how many autopsies the state keeps the Scheme Team away from, there is still the reality of 31 days, of the enourmous pack of lies she told, of her obstructing the police when the safety and life of her 3-yr-old "kidnapped" child was, according to her, at stake. Being kept out of 20 crime scenes still leaves the defenseless with a kidnapping babysitter who no one has ever seen or interacted with in Orlando, who has never worked, lived or hung out in one verifiable Orlando location. They do have all those 'clues' Cindy was hoping to discern, but good luck with that.

It would be suicide to go with the Zanni farse. They may have to. They may try to go with Cindy's plan that Zanni is someone else, except the most likely candidate who hasn't taken a polygraph and passed is KC. I think it's more likely they'll throw the Ants under the bus and go with the "she's mental, look at her horrible childhood, how can anyone expect her to turn out normal and not to snap when she's been living at the Ant Farm with Cindy for 22 years, you'd snap too" defense. They have people who can testify that KC told them that she'd been the 'victim' of various Ant abuse. Though not legally insance, KC is definitely mental. If she lets 'em, I think they just about have to go there. Otherwise, they're just going to have convince the jury that Giraldo is Zanni.
I am interested in whether the defense is REALLY going to stick with "the nanny did it". And the "everything will be made clear at trial" BS.
How will they explain that, if KC is sooooo innocent and vying for the mother of the year award, that she has not immediately asked for LE to talk with her, even with JB present, to give her "story" now, so LE can track down these horrible babysitting kidnapping thugs? Nothing to lose now, since the perps have done the ultimate and killed her child. Her precious baby is gone.....she should be insane with vengence......"get the bast*rds that did this to my baby, I don't care what happens to me now!" How will the defense explain this? The jury will only need to hear that she's withheld info for 6 long monthes and when the body of OUR precious Caylee was found, she still withheld info......oh, and if her family were still in danger from these deranged killer nannies, they could go into protective custody while LE found the killers.
The defense ST has nothing but smoke and mirrors
, trying to confuse the jury on forensics isn't going to change the stigma of KC behavior...JMO

(bold mine) EXACTLY ITA w bolded. A full disclosure by KC, implicating the "real killers," should have been forthcoming (were any of her preposterous claims true!) This reveals KC's one and only motive is SELF-preservation. Even now, she would rather continue allowing her own parents to be tortured by imagining their precious granddaughter's final hours in sheer terror at the hands of abductors rather than to admit responsibility and confess what she knows. If she had one shred of decency or compassion KC would alleviate their anguish and acknowledge her role. The truth is always better than deception, and fearing the worst. JMO
I'm almost feeling sorry for Casey's attorneys. If she sticks with this story, they have to go with it. They can't possibly believe it. Can you imagine what it must be like, having to go into court and try to convince a jury of a story you don't believe yourself, knowing that the story is so outrageous that the jury will be laughing in your face?
The nanny story is the most absurd defense I've ever heard, but I am not sure it matters what their defense is because they've been dealt a losing hand. I imagine they will be focusing more on the forensics and trying to poke holes in the evidence more than the outrageous nanny story, but even then the best they can hope for is a hung jury. They better start praying for a Falconer-style idiot.
The nanny story is the most absurd defense I've ever heard, but I am not sure it matters what their defense is because they've been dealt a losing hand. I imagine they will be focusing more on the forensics and trying to poke holes in the evidence more than the outrageous nanny story, but even then the best they can hope for is a hung jury. They better start praying for a Falconer-style idiot.

I think they should sentence her to life until the nanny is located.
KC said, in a recent press conference, "Susan Smith and Diane Downs will vouch for me. They told me they'd trust me with their children any time!"
That's rich!
It doesn't matter if Baez wants to stick to the Nanny story, he has no choice because the SA is going to shove this down KC's throat and she will have to eat her words over and over again. She made the report to LE and she can not change that fact.

Sure, Baez will attack every bit of evidence from every angle imaginable, but as another poster stated earlier, he can never, ever get passed the fact that KC did not report the baby missing and would not have if CA hadn't dragged her home. He can not explain the post-disappearance photos and behavior and will never be able to convince the jury that since "all people grieve differently" one can not judge KC's behavior.

She thought she would go to trial without a body and convince just one juror that the child could still be, potentially, possibly, maybe, definitely possibly, alive.
Didn't CA at one time claim that KC had admitted to selling Caylee to someone from Puerto Rico..That prompted a trip down there to appeal to one of their local media channels...Then, just last week on LKL, CA says they finally released a sketch of the nanny and they had gotten three or four tips off of it so far! These different stories cannot be good for the defense!
There's also no one saying "I know Gloria, she used to be a neighbor" or " I used to work/rent to/socialize with Zanny" or, "I know a Gloria who has daughters named Sam and Zenaida".

Yeah, the defense has NOTHING. Not only does none of KC's friends ever heard, saw, talked to, or heard/saw KC talking to a nanny, there isn't ANYONE in Orlando who knows anyone in the alleged ZG family, and ZG kids must not have ever gone to school anywhere either. There is nobody the defense can call to the stand to back up the KC story/lies. If she goes to trial, she's just plain stupid. If she pleads to LWOP, allocution had better be part of the deal, and ALL of her explanation had better be verifiable. Period. However, KC being as narcissistic as she is, she'll probably go to trial. By then, the DP will likely be back on the table. If anyone ever on the face of the planet deserves the DP, it's this woman.
Does anybody out there know for sure that Casey changed her story? Do you have recording or video about that are is that simply words from LP's mouth? Can you trust hime to tell the truth about another story? Unless someone shows me where CA said that by means of video or recording or statements documented in the records by LE, I am going to presume what LP says is not credible.

Up until KC's own attorney stated the "Zanni knocked her down in the park and took the kid" story as fact, (never mind that KC's SWORN statement to LE states that Caylee was left at Sawgrass Apts at the bottom of the stairs), we'd only heard about the Zanni/park/Samantha & 2 kids/script story on NG via LP that KC told Rob Dick- that was NEVER, to my knowledge, a sworn statement or accepted as "fact" (however squishy "facts" are in this case...).

It's either highly incompetent of KC's defense team to not know the "facts" on KC's sworn statement, or it's so totally unbelievable that they don't even want to deal with it, so they're diverting to the next, more easily fought, version. But right there, her own defense team has given credence to LP, at least in this instance (and boy it's a doozy!).
I almost wonder if her defense team isn't sure she did it, and are just gonna subtly or not so subtly, "throw" the case. When the star QB misses the ball on a crucial play cuz somebody paid him off, nobody can prove he didn't just miss it, you know... they can puff and blow and send up smoke signals and act all indignant and busy, but when it all comes down to trial, well, not so much. Go JB!
Plus- hey it's me again!- I'd love to be in on the intricate dance going on between JB and KC right now. She's GOT to wrap him around her little finger, bind him to her with those silken threads that cannot be broken, but alas for her, she can't use any of the tactics she's used to date (the prison guards will not allow it), and she's never practiced anything else in her entire life. She's no courtesan. She's no geisha. She can't sing and dance and recite poetry, or whatever he'd need to fill the empty space in his heart. So now she's really got nothing to offer to make him love her enough to fight for her. Just my opinion, but a lifetime of watching interactions between men and women, ... he ain't in it for the money. Maybe he's in it for the fame, but he appears to be a buffoon; fame is not going well for him. What else is there?
Does anybody out there know for sure that Casey changed her story? Do you have recording or video about that are is that simply words from LP's mouth? Can you trust hime to tell the truth about another story? Unless someone shows me where CA said that by means of video or recording or statements documented in the records by LE, I am going to presume what LP says is not credible. He talks way too much from where I sit. He is just a busy body looking out for himself by bailing her out, gaining access to the family and property and then dumping her. It smells.

Lawyers For Caylee's Mother Stand By Her Story In Planning Defense Strategy, Fox News 12-13.
"Casey Anthony handed her daughter off to a woman in a park who was with another woman in a car," (Todd)Black told FOXNews.com. "Her position and the position of the law firm has been that she handed her child off. ... It would be difficult for a prosecution to absolutely tell a jury that Ms. Anthony is the one who injured the child."

Thank goodness for Todd Black...

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