KC's last night with RM - Where did she bring Caylee? *REVISIT*

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Oct 12, 2008
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I don't know where to post this so I will do it here. It's been almost a year since Caylee died but one thing still haunts me. Maybe someone can direct me to an answer (if anyone of us knows).

I just re-read RM's interview in September 2008 with the detectives and I cannot get over this. He says that sometimes in April or so KC and Caylee came to spend the night with him. He awoke and Caylee was gone. I cannot get over this. The thing that makes no sense is that at first I thought KC put Caylee away because she needed to get intimate with RM but according to RM he "feel asleep" and then woke up and Caylee was gone. So, I'm reading this to mean that they were not intimate at that point or maybe they were but Caylee was asleep.

Where in the world did KC bring her and why? If they were not having sex then why did she need to get rid of Caylee on that night? Is RM mistaken or did this happen? It doesn't add up.
i've never been able to imagine a plausible scenario to explain this event either and i'd love to hear other people's views on it. who knows, maybe someone has the answer.
IIRC, he asked where Caylee was. KC advised that her mother had called and demanded that she bring Caylee home. Cindy denied ever saying this, and every asking her to bring Caylee home. Where was she? Most likely in the trunk, unfortunately.
IIRC, he asked where Caylee was. KC advised that her mother had called and demanded that she bring Caylee home. Cindy denied ever saying this, and every asking her to bring Caylee home. Where was she? Most likely in the trunk, unfortunately.

I'm guessing we can assume that she was doing a practice run for her big day.
How long was Caylee out of the bedroom? If the guy was asleep, he has no idea, right? It is not clear to me if he is saying that she was not in his house/ apartment at all in the AM, or if he awoke during the night and she was gone for a time.

If she was not seen during the night for a time vs. gone in the AM,Caylee could walk, and from what I've seen, could probably get out of a bed by herself.
Casey probably let her go whereever she was wandering in the strange apartment, kind of like one of us would let our dogs walk around in the dark unattended. Of Casey might have taken her to the family room for a snack and TV to keep her quiet. I don't know what R. meant from what has been posted here and I can't dig through all of the interviews to try to find this statement. I've never read it before.

If she wasn't there in the AM, surely Casey had some explanation. I just don't understand this.
How long was Caylee out of the bedroom? If the guy was asleep, he has no idea, right? It is not clear to me if he is saying that she was not in his house/ apartment at all in the AM, or if he awoke during the night and she was gone for a time.

If she was not seen during the night for a time vs. gone in the AM,Caylee could walk, and from what I've seen, could probably get out of a bed by herself.
Casey probably let her go whereever she was wandering in the strange apartment, kind of like one of us would let our dogs walk around in the dark unattended. Of Casey might have taken her to the family room for a snack and TV to keep her quiet. I don't know what R. meant from what has been posted here and I can't dig through all of the interviews to try to find this statement. I've never read it before.

If she wasn't there in the AM, surely Casey had some explanation. I just don't understand this.

I didn't get the impression that she was just in another room - my reading was that Caylee was gone from the apartment. Otherwise why the story that CA had called and demanded that Casey bring Caylee home?

But where was she? I agree that this is disturbing to contemplate, and is one of the many reasons Casey will never be able to take the witness stand in her own defense.

There is just nothing plausible she could say to explain this unless CA flat out lied and said, "Oh yeah! I totally forgot about that. She DID bring her home that night. I remember now because I had terrible insomnia and I was up watching my favorite cooking show. She had on pink pajamas and white slippers."
How long was Caylee out of the bedroom? If the guy was asleep, he has no idea, right? It is not clear to me if he is saying that she was not in his house/ apartment at all in the AM, of if he awoke during the night and she was gone for a time.

If she was not seen during the night for a time vs. gone in the AM,Caylee could walk, and from what I've seen, could probably get out of a bed by herself.
Casey probably let her go whereever she was wandering in the strange apartment, kind of like one of us would let our dogs walk around in the dark unattended. Of Casey might have taken her to the family room for a snack and TV to keep her quiet. I don't know what R. meant from what has been posted here and I am not digging through the interviews to try to find this statement. I've never read it before.

If she wasn't there in the AM, surely Casey had some explanation. I just don't understand this.

LE asked RM about this a few times and he was adamant that she was gone and KC even had an explanation for it. According to her CA told her to bring Caylee home. But, when CA was later interviewed she said this never happened.. that she would never pull Caylee out of bed in the middle of the night. This is so disturbing to me.. Out of all the info that has come out, I cannot seem to make sense of where Caylee went that night. Unless RM is wrong...
LE asked RM about this a few times and he was adamant that she was gone and KC even had an explanation for it. According to her CA told her to bring Caylee home. But, when CA was later interviewed she said this never happened.. that she would never pull Caylee out of bed in the middle of the night. This is so disturbing to me.. Out of all the info that has come out, I cannot seem to make sense of where Caylee went that night. Unless RM is wrong...

French Vixen, I take it from this that you are saying that Caylee disappeared sometime during the night and was not there in the AM?

One of the two is lying. Gee, I wonder who?
If she was putting Caylee in the trunk in the middle of the night, which just makes me sick to think about, wouldn't the child be extremely afraid of the dark at home and wouldnt Cindy have noticed?
I felt like Cindy was untruthful about this answer in her interview, why I'm not sure. Maybe she just wanted to give the impression this kind of thing never happened with Casey. She was at that point already denying much of their skeletons in the closet, fight on the 15th, etc...
I felt like Cindy was untruthful about this answer in her interview, why I'm not sure. Maybe she just wanted to give the impression this kind of thing never happened with Casey. She was at that point already denying much of their skeletons in the closet, fight on the 15th, etc...

Not that I think CA would never lie (HA!), but it doesn't even make sense. She could have easily told LE that she didn't demand to see Caylee, but that Casey had brought Caylee home one night in the middle of the night. There could have been a million reasons given - Casey had to go to work early and wanted Caylee to be at home, Caylee was at the Nanny's and got scared and asked to come home...I could make up ten lies that make more sense than "that never happened."

By claiming that it never happened, her credibility is put up against RM's (who we haven't caught in a lie yet, IIRC - at least not any big ones that I can think of). She's going to lose that battle and leave everyone wondering just what Casey did with Caylee that night.

It bothers me a LOT!
THAT has always puzzled me? She claimed that her mother called and wanted Caylee at home. Cindy denies it ever happened. Maybe Cindy had a blackout or Casey took Caylee somewhere else to be with someone else.. but who. Very strange. I wonder if anyone ever really investigated RM.
I think it's really unlikely that Cindy or RM was lying..do you think Casey would get her lazy *advertiser censored** up in the middle of the night to take Caylee home just b/c Cindy wanted her to?! Let me remind you Cindy wanted Casey to let her talk to or see Caylee for A MONTH before she finally realized Caylee was missing. Cindy walked on eggshells with Casey, she would believe anything Casey said to avoid pissing her off. There is no way she would randomly demand that Caylee be home in the middle of the night and Casey complying. Actually, the chance of anyone calling Casey and having a conversation with her and then both her and Caylee leaving THEN Casey coming back alone (alll without RM hearing) seem pretty far fetched to me. Unless Casey is a stealth ninja, I think Caylee was the only one that left the bed that night. I think Casey sent Caylee off with her d..I mean RM's roommate that happens to look identical to Caylee. Of course his interviews are still mysteriously missing so we don't know what he has to say about that. I don't want to get on that topic again but jmo here.
THAT has always puzzled me? She claimed that her mother called and wanted Caylee at home. Cindy denies it ever happened. Maybe Cindy had a blackout or Casey took Caylee somewhere else to be with someone else.. but who. Very strange. I wonder if anyone ever really investigated RM.
I actually think Casey might be (for once) telling the truth on this one! :eek: Only because it makes more sense that CA called and demanded she bring Caylee home, than for Casey to mysteriously get up in the middle of the night for no reason to put Caylee in the car trunk since it seems RM didn't have a problem with Caylee being there. MOO
Didn't CA also say in one of her interviews that KC NEVER slept at any boys house with Caylee? That KC would never do that. I remember something along those lines (please correct me if I am mistaken, I will try to find the interview), which is what made me think that whole thing about Caylee being gone sometime during the night seemed real suspicious. I don't think RM was mistaken about Caylee being there when he fell asleep and being gone when he woke. And I also believed that CA really didn't think KC slept out anywhere other than the babysitters with Caylee. Which makes KC the one with the pants on fire.

Since Cindy would have had to call KC to ask/insist that Caylee be returned, a simple check of phone records would confirm or deny whether any such call/text existed.

I can *almost* believe Cindy on this one, but that is simply because KC has told so many lies, but since even a broken clock is right twice a day, this could be KC's rare truth.
It is also possible that all 3 are telling the truth.

RM really did wake to find Caylee gone.

Cindy did call KC - who failed to mention she was at RMs house, instead saying they were out shopping/driving.

KC did take the child home as insisted upon by Cindy - the insistance being the result of KC having the child 'out' at such a late hour, and Cindy not being aware that Caylee was already tucked up in bed at RM's.
I don't remember that Cindy denied that, but then I may have missed it. And I thought that other friends had verified that Cindy had a habit of calling KC and demanding that she bring Caylee home. ???
This whole thing just doesn't add up. Single mom with little child go to sleep at boyfriend's house. SM wakes up and takes little child "home" to grandparents, where she also resides. Instead of just climbing into her own little bed, SM gets back into her car and drives back across town (however close or far that may be) and climbs back into bed with boyfriend. When BF next wakes up, little child is gone and SM says her mother called and wanted the baby home...

Once you're woken up enough to drive hither and thither, wouldn't you think she'd just stay home?

There's so much that just doesn't make sense...
Since Cindy would have had to call KC to ask/insist that Caylee be returned, a simple check of phone records would confirm or deny whether any such call/text existed.

I can *almost* believe Cindy on this one, but that is simply because KC has told so many lies, but since even a broken clock is right twice a day, this could be KC's rare truth.

Bold---That would be the answer to this puzzle, but I can't member what date that was or the name of the dude. Not to good wid initials.
I felt like Cindy was untruthful about this answer in her interview, why I'm not sure. Maybe she just wanted to give the impression this kind of thing never happened with Casey. She was at that point already denying much of their skeletons in the closet, fight on the 15th, etc...

I think at this point Cindy was starting to going into "image" mode. Cindy has said to that Casey did not have Caylee over at BF's houses.

Cindy knew durn good and well that Casey had Caylee over there and called her to come home. Casey probably snuck Caylee home and showed back up at RM's.

The title of this thread.. says "the last night at RM's" however the first comment has to do with a stay there in April.

First, pin down the day this occured, then if it was in June, look at the cell records for that day.

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